Why Do You Go To See Films?

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Might be a stupid question. The two options I'll give you is entertainment and art. Of course, the two aren't necessarily separate and I doubt you'll find a person that goes to see films for one or the other. It'll be a mix, mostly. I mean, even Becca said she loved the "detail" in 300. Try and word it better than I can.

I go and see it, yep, for a mix. Like everyone will say. I'll say I appreciate good film-making better than most people though. At least most people I talk to about films. Call me arrogant; I think it's justified. When people go and see Eagle Eye instead of Burn After Reading it makes me want to tear out my soul and beat them to death with it.

That said, films need to have some entertainment value. I'm entertained by "moar intelligint fings" than other people though. I thought 300's slo-mo battles were shit, for example. But show me a Quentin Tarantino monologue and I'm fapping all the way home.

I'm just talking nonsene, aren't I? Oh well, there's pus coming out of my arm. You try it if it's so easy.
I go mainly see a film because I think it seems entertaining and because it appeals to me. I can see the art and extrodinary film making of movies like No Country for Old Men, Lord of The Rings, Cold Mountain, ect but I am personally not entertained by them, so I wouldn't choose to watch them. Some of my favorite movies most would say are complete shit(Saw, I know what you did last Summer, Juno)but I was entertained and enjoyed watching them which is more than I can say about Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or Spiderman.
I do go for entertainment value (or am dragged there by friends/sisters) but I definitely prefer the good films - especially Tarantino films - cannot get enough of them personally! Ones that have a fair amount of action but also make you think.
I will not go see a 'chick flick' but save that for when I am feeling brain dead and in the mood to watch for the heck of watching back in the comfort of my own home.
I go for entertainment. I only go to the theater a couple times a year, so if I go I want to make sure I am entertained first & foremost, since it costs $8 (or more) to see the movie, plus food & a beverage. This year I have seen Dark Knight (2x) & Pineapple Express, enjoyed them both.

I do plan on going to see Role Models and Zach & Miri Make a Porno.

I go and see it, yep, for a mix. Like everyone will say. I'll say I appreciate good film-making better than most people though. At least most people I talk to about films. Call me arrogant; I think it's justified. When people go and see Eagle Eye instead of Burn After Reading it makes me want to tear out my soul and beat them to death with it.

Lighten up. Both films are aimed at two different audiences. This is the old cliche of apples to oranges. Most people who enjoy Eagle Eye probably won't enjoy Burn After Reading. And this is what I don't like about the people who go for "art" because they don't reallize not everyone has the same taste, and most people just want to escape from reallity and be entertained for a few hours and a movie like Eagle Eye does just that, or so I have heard from several people. That's why movies like Burn After Reading don't do huge numbers in theaters, as they are aimed at small select group of people.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the art aspect as well, but I don't go to the theater to see those movies. I'll wait for the DVD or until they are on TV.
Mine should be the only post not solely based on "to be entertained" since any other answer doesnt make a whole ton of sense. why would someone pay money to not be entertained?? well...people do buy TNA ppvs I guess...I digress...

Not only for entertainment, but I go to have popcorn and soda. no seriously. I go for the entire experience. I live a pretty disciplined hectic (miserable?) existance, so to be able to break my diet, relax with friends with a BIG ASS bag of popcorn and a big soda, and just enjoy myself for a night is a fine departure for me.
Lighten up. Both films are aimed at two different audiences. This is the old cliche of apples to oranges. Most people who enjoy Eagle Eye probably won't enjoy Burn After Reading. And this is what I don't like about the people who go for "art" because they don't reallize not everyone has the same taste, and most people just want to escape from reallity and be entertained for a few hours and a movie like Eagle Eye does just that, or so I have heard from several people. That's why movies like Burn After Reading don't do huge numbers in theaters, as they are aimed at small select group of people.

I'd actually say there's massive overlap between the two audiences. Two very different genres, yes. I see your point though. To be fair to me, the point of this thread was precisely to address such issues, to see exactly why one person goes to see a certain movie over the other. Personally, I think Shia La Beefy (not a mock name, can't be bothered to look up the proper spelling) is an appalling actor and ruined Transformers with his Even Stevens brand of comedy. I try not to be elitist but let's be honest, I already am in my head. I think it's justified in many cases.

And we'll see how well Burn After Reading does in cinemas.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the art aspect as well, but I don't go to the theater to see those movies. I'll wait for the DVD or until they are on TV.

But this is my point. "Art" and "entertainment" aren't separate at all, people just think they are. It's like "sports entertainment" (or should that just be "entertainment" now?) and "wrestling". The reason The Dark Knight is considered so good is that it covers both elements fantastically (though still leaves some to be desired, as most movies that aren't absolutely perfect do).
I go see films for the entertainment value. I won't go and see something unless I think it sounds good, no matter how hyped it is. I'm a fan of comdies, so i'll see most comedies that come out, and occasionally there's a film that comes along that I can't miss, like The Dark Knight or Die Hard 4.0, and will go see Terminator when it comes out. I think most people will go and see films to be entertained.

I also go for the experience, like NorCal said. After a stressful week, it's good just to get some friends together, get some popcorn, go and have a good laugh at a movie, and spend the night at Knox. It's good to go and do something where you don't actually have to do anything, and just relax with a few friends.
I go to the movies quite often, especially in the school holidays where most of the good movies are released. But I go for the entire experience. I love going with my friends as we always have a good laugh. I go to be entertained, whether it be an action movie or a good comedy film. But I also go just to enjoy sitting peacefully watching a movie on a large screen with amazing sound effects. Popcorn and the little to no amount of lighting in the cinema itself adds to the effect.

I appreciate a good movie that entertains me. Tropic Thunder and The Dark Knight are some of the recent ones that I've seen. I haven't been for a few months actually, because there hasn't been any films that have interested me lately. As Tim said, it's a time where you can relax and just forget about work, school etc. When me and my friends walk out of the cinema, we usually discuss the film before walking around in the city or going to a restaurant, as well as perving on all the hot chicks of course.

But I still prefer going to the cinemas to watch a film rather than watching it illegally by means of a burnt DVD. Sometimes if my friends ask me to go see a movie that I may not like, I will most likely go anyway mainly for the experience. For about $15, you can have a great time especially with company.
I go for both the art and entertainment. I'm a Film Studies major so it's hard for me to watch a movie and not care about the acting, the plot, the camera angles, the imagery, dialouge and etc. But while I'm looking at those things, I have to be one the edge of my seat, on the verge of tears, or laughing my ass off. For me to thoroughly be entertained by a movie, it has to get some emotional response out of me. There has only been one movie where I got up during the middle of it, left, and have no plans of watching it again which is "The Holiday" Starring Jack Black, Jude Law, Cameron Diaz, and Kate Winslet. Me going to see that movie was just a freak accident anyways. I was planning out watching a different movie but showed up at the mall way to early so I decided to pass time by watching one that came on before it. Unfortunately it just had to be that one.

That said, films need to have some entertainment value. I'm entertained by "moar intelligint fings" than other people though. I thought 300's slo-mo battles were shit, for example. But show me a Quentin Tarantino monologue and I'm fapping all the way home.

Are we related? :D
I go to see a movie for one thing. To get a release. I dont do it for any other reason. Hell I rarely ever go to the movie theater. It's just too much money for me to spend on one movie. But when I do go, it;s usually just treating myself after somehard work. Other than that I have no other reasons to go see a film. Unless its one that I really cant wait to see until it comes out.

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