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Why Do So Many Wrestlers & Wrestling Writers Sling So Much Mud?


Pre-Show Stalwart
This is going to be a long thread and I apologize for that. this is not a thread for TNA haters. Please

I am a TNA enthusiest. I believe TNA has the best roster, and even as of late have the better meaningful story lines. Or at least they are trying harder than any other company right now.

So Jake Roberts who I have loved to watch through his whole carreer, jump's on the band wagon to bash TNA. I don't understand it. He say's that TNA is always saying that TNA will be bigger than WWE one day. Where are the facts in that statement. I follow TNA pretty closely, and I read just about everything they publicly state. I have never once heard them say they will be bigger than WWE one day. They basically just want to be the alternative to WWE which there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. They need to have bigger goals in life or what's the sense.

But all to many times we have wrestler's that publicly bash TNA, and alot of these guys have never even been in TNA. Some have, but you rarely ever hear them talk bad about WWE when they get their asses canned with no notice.

Kevin Nash bashes TNA every chance he get's in interviews. But where was WWE for 6-7 years or so when TNA was willing to pay him for his services. They wanted nothing to do with him. TNA deserves a little more repspect from these wrestlers than what they do get.

Even on this site the 95% of the writers (from what I ever read) never have anything positive to say about TNA. MIKE KILLAM is the only one that consistantly tries to encourage people to support TNA. The rest of them rarely say anything good about TNA, and I think that's really sad honestly.

So my question is.

Why do you think that even though TNA put's them on their payroll and gives them jobs, and the ability to make a living that they still feel the need to demean TNA? Is it because they feel if VINCE MCMAHON hears about them trashing TNA that he may want to bring them in again as a reward for doing so. I guess I just don't understand the deep negativity against TNA wanting to succeed.
First off, Hogan was the one who said that TNA would be the number one wrestling company in the world, and was the one (at least vocally) who "took it to 'em" when TNA shot for the Monday Night Wars II.

That said, I can't speak to exactly why ex-TNA stars tend to bury the company (Foley, Nash, among others), but I can say with at least some level of certainty that TNA is suffering from what is, for the most part, a burned brand. I think it's part of what went into pseudo-changing the name of the company to IMPACT Wrestling (though that whole business is still incredibly unclear). When you read your ever day, run of the mill, generic "TNA hate" comment, it's generally the same complaint re-written and re-worked ever so slightly, regardless of the name authoring it.

"TNA is WCW 2.0"
"Too much Hogan"
"Where the old guys go"
"WWE rejects"
"Second rate"
"Low production"
"Vince Russo"

Mix and match as you see fit. I don't at all think that all these complaints are valid (especially together), but they were at one point (individually), and when you factor that in with this brainwashed new generation who think wrestling begins and ends with WWE, you have a perfect recipe for the ultra brand-loyal mud slinging you see going on (at least amongst fans).

I'm not as sold on the idea that fans/writers/ex-wrestlers don't want TNA to succeed as much as they are just looking to take a shot at a company that isn't likely to make them pay for it the way WWE would. Those that burn their bridges with McMahon rarely return, and seeing as WWE is the global representation of pro-wrestling, performers are going to be much more reluctant to throw him, or his company under the bus as a result. TNA doesn't have the legacy and bank roll to compete with them on that level (yet).
The experiences I've had in wrestling.. listening to people talk about other promoters, wrestlers, etc.. even if they don't know the person, people will form opinions on reputation alone. There are a lot of people I have never met, that I have a feeling towards one way or another because of the experiences people close to me have. That's just how it works in wrestling. Hell that's how it works in life. When you don't know someone, you only judge them on what you hear. In this case, I think it has to do with the upper echelon of TNA. Specifically.. Dixie Carter, Hulk Hogan, and Eric Bischoff. I feel there is a huge lack of respect for those individuals.

Dixie has no experience what so ever in the wrestling biz. At the end of the day, she's a money mark. There's no arguing it. 8 years ago or whatever, Jarrett found a chick willing to shell out more money then she'd be making back, just because she liked it. There's no real benefit for her, besides that she's a part of it all, and that.. is a money mark. Everyone knows this, so they don't take her seriously.

Hogan and Bischoff have burned more bridges than Bane himself. That's about it. Before them it was Vince Russo. No need to explain that one.

If someone like Paul Heyman or Jim Ross or someone else that the majority of people like.. I'm sure there would be more positive things said about TNA, because the people accept that those men KNOW what they're doing. But when TNA does something bad, or isn't reaching their own expectations.. it's easy for people to say "Well because Dixie is an idiot" or "The show is all about Hogan" or whatever.

TNA will always be seen as the reject inferior company, because WWE has been established for so long. The only reason WCW/NWA was able to compete is because they had a long standing tradition that started before WWE, and was able to use WWE's rise to mainstream to expand themselves. WWE bought everyone up, became THE super power in sports entertainment.. and any one that follows is "just kidding themselves".

Oh, and the reason (at least I feel) that a lot of former talents, like Nash, and even people like Jake the Snake bash TNA I think has to do with the changing of the guard in WWE. Triple H is taking over. Nash is loyal to his boy, and knows he always has a job with Triple H signing the checks. So he wants noting to do with TNA. I think people who had damaged relationships with Vince himself, see an opportunity to get back in the good graces of WWE. Triple H has made it clear he respects the history of WWE, and I'm sure guys like Jake and Savage will be in the HOF in no time.

These are just all my opinions.
When you actually take a look at it, some of those general complaints are true. Before you get your jimmies in a bunch I love TNA and I want it to grow as big as possible, some day defeating WWE in ratings. One thing Hogan is a great guy, but I think he needs to limit his TV time. Vince Russo during his time in the company, he wasn't such a great writer. He's a genius when someone is over him, but he doesn't need to be on the top. Until TNA keeps growing like they are now (I really like how the UK tour went off which was a great way to gain more exposure) they'll grow from being the "second rate" show in others eyes.

TNA has some amazing matches that goes on every week, but they need to establish themselves even more.
Honestly I don't care what show is on, I'm not a WWE fan, I'm not a TNA fanboy, I'm a wrestling fan, and I will watch it as long as there a great matches.
When you work in a business where belittling others is how you make your money, it's bound to happen. Bad blood is always going to exist in the world of wrestling. In Jake Roberts' case, it sounds more like he's out of touch more than anything.
First of all I'm pretty sure Jake said this about a year ago, this has just resurfaced for some reason

Why do you think that even though TNA put's them on their payroll and gives them jobs, and the ability to make a living that they still feel the need to demean TNA? Is it because they feel if VINCE MCMAHON hears about them trashing TNA that he may want to bring them in again as a reward for doing so.

That could be it, especially I think for Nash and Flair, but who knows maybe TNA is just a bad place to work in? I hope not, I like to think they all get along :p
Well, first of all, it does happen to WWE as well. Kevin Nash, Matt Hardy, Scott Hall, Kurt Angle, Bully Ray, Taz, etc. have all taken little shots at WWE during their time in TNA. Like TNA, former wrestlers do frequently piss & moan about their time in WWE.

I do think that some of the criticism Dixie gets is justifiable. For instance, she basically said in an interview to PWTorch.com that Lockdown in San Antonio is a test. TNA has had a show in San Antonio before, Lockdown will be the first. Why not have house shows in San Antonio, or maybe a couple of taped episodes of Impact Wrestling, as part of a way to gauge interest rather than experiment with one of your only ppvs of the year? There's gambling and then there's just closing your eyes and hoping that it all turns out okay.

That being said, it does annoy me at times when wrestlers go off the rails at Dixie so frequently. For instance, Ric Flair is the latest to lay into Dixie, joining the likes of Kevin Nash, Matt Hardy, Stevie Richards, Scott Hall, Shane Douglas, etc. Hogan sometimes undermines Dixie during interviews in which he sometimes goes out of his way publicly state whenever he doesn't agree with her and would do things differently if he were ultimately in charge, etc.

To me, it's the base hypocrisy of it that irks me I suppose. TNA is good enough for these wrestlers when nobody else wants them and/or when they're in need of a paycheck. They basically ******e or shit on TNA whenever it's convenient for them.

I know it's to be expected. Wrestlers essentially prostitute themselves to whatever wrestling company is willing to pay them for their services. Still, the hypocrisy leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I just think it'd be refreshing for a wrestler to behave with some class, a little dignity. Just say things didn't work out or I don't agree with choices she's made or whatever, but I see no real need to rake the woman over the coals. As I alluded to earlier, some of the criticism is justified but there are classier ways to go about voicing it in my view.
It goes like this all the time. When times are good there great when there bad all hell breaks loose. Nash for instance has buried WWE when he was in WCW and in TNA. Now that Trips is in charge Nash will get a job from his buddy so he bashes TNA! Jake IMO is speaking the truth he is.

Dixie is indeed a mark. She is a money pit. Dixie knows absolutely zero about the business,how to run it,he has Hogan and Eazy E in her ear telling her what to do. Its true that wrestlers do prostitute themselves,but if they work for a company or former company,the thing that also irks me is,i wish they could be upbeat and positive about them.

Dont ever ever burn your bridges you never know when you are gonna need to cross over back to them. Every company has good points and bad ones! If your gonna voice your opinions find a better way to do that,dont bash the company
Maybe people just don't like tna, and thus don't want to support it. I'm not going to say positives about a show that i generally don't like. Because for every minute you have of a somoa joe , you have 30 mins of hogan. For every segment of bubba ray cutting a great promo, you have 3 segments with aces and eights. You have kurt angle in a competitve match with dvon (which not only sucked, but instead of making dvon look like a main eventer it made angle look like a jebroni.) This is just some things i picked up on when i gave tna like a hundredth chance like 3 months ago (cause all of these tna marks keep telling me how tna has gotten better). And I hear aces and eights is still going on. Dont mistake me for a guy that wants to push so called tna homegrowns, cause i hate bobby roode, kaz, and christopher daniels.

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