Why do ROH fans hate TNA so much?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I always think it's interesting that many of TNA's biggest critics are ROH people.

From people in the company like Jim Cornette, and Kevin Kelly
to their tiny fanbase that has a real hatred for TNA.

So what is it? Do you hate how they steal your talent? Are you mad that TNA programming averages over 2 million a week in the United States, while your "better" product is lucky to have 10 percent of the following? ROH People always scoff at TNA, yet TNA is on during prime time for one of the top networks on cable, especially for the male demo, while ROH is stuck on a channel that nobody gets.

ROH fans will tell you they have the best product, but nobody watches, why is that?
ROH has the best product for the hardcore wrestling fan, the fan that likes strong style japanese stuff, lucha stuff and american indie style. Its great and i love it. But....most of the ROH fans are just pissed that, that style is not the mainstream style. Sports entertainment is the most popular style of wrestling in the US & Europe and therefore they get the investment and the tv time.

Its sucks, and i'd rather see ROH on TV than WWE, but i think ROH fans get so angry with TNA, because they see it as a chance for a new national company with exposure to push "their" style of wrestling, but they arent, they have opted for the mainstream style and the fans resent that a little.

Just my opinion of course :)
I find it interesting that TNA fans always cry when their product receives criticism and try to shut it down with a lot of raging.

You know, despite it's small size RoH still gets a decent amount of people that go to see it or watch it, and it has a lot of great talent. TNA has taken what, not that many people from RoH? And a majority of them aren't even that great. If you forgot, TNA was just where RoH is right now and only got to where it is because it was bought out by Panda Energy. With a bigger roll of money in their back pocket, TNA then began to buy out names such as Kurt Angle to try and make TNA a big name (credit to TNA, they got more attention especially after securing a deal with Spike TV).

RoH CAN be successful, it just doesn't have that kind of money or attention...yet.

But anyways, again RoH has a great stack of talent right now. The RoH fans are probably just down that the better wrestling is overshadowed by Sports Entertainment. To be honest, I'd like both better wrestling and Sports Entertainment to be prime time.
ROH has the best product for the hardcore wrestling fan, the fan that likes strong style japanese stuff, lucha stuff and american indie style. Its great and i love it. But....most of the ROH fans are just pissed that, that style is not the mainstream style. Sports entertainment is the most popular style of wrestling in the US & Europe and therefore they get the investment and the tv time.

Its sucks, and i'd rather see ROH on TV than WWE, but i think ROH fans get so angry with TNA, because they see it as a chance for a new national company with exposure to push "their" style of wrestling, but they arent, they have opted for the mainstream style and the fans resent that a little.

Just my opinion of course :)

I don't watch ROH but I absolutely love that style of wrestling they have. I've seen a few shows on the web and liked it, I totally understand why they're frustrated. If it were up to me, Sports Entertainment would be dead tomorrow. I like to be entertained through wrestling.

Hating on TNA is as new as shitting on Cena. Everyone does it, we have to cope with it. I'm sure if ROH was mainstream they'd get the same ( if not even worse reaction ). Which is a pity, 'cause I think TNA and ROH are producing the product that SHOULD be produced, and Vince is fucking wrestling in the mouth again, just like he did when he bought WCW.
I can't speak for anyone but myself but the reason i hate TNA is because i used to love it. I loved how the first few years they really were the alternative to WWE and i remember thinking in 2006 or 2007 when they had the whole L.A.X stuff and everything that one day they could compete with Vince.

But since then it has just hit rock bottom in my view and if anybody has read the Death Of WCW book you will be amazed how many mistakes are happening all over again in TNA. (I've actually thought about buying another copy of the book out of my own money and sending it to Dixie) TNA isn't a product for people who have loved wrestling for 10+ years, my opinion ROH is. As a long term wrestling fan here are some of the reasons i can't watch TNA anymore but love ROH:
1.The World Title means something! It doesn't change hands out of the blue just you can have a storyline. It changes hands almost as a way to pass the torch, and i love that. Its truly special when it happens.
2. They don't go on about how great they are. (The ROH fans might but the company don't)
3. Storylines that make sense (Too many TNA ones to mention)
4. Someone isn't turning on someone else every week. A swerve is when you don't expect it but now you do expect it so its not a swerve.
5. A great mainevent with out some ref bump or run in.
Thats just to name a few but with that i'm not saying ROH is perfect by any means but they sure try there best to give the fans what they want to see instead of telling fans what they want to see.

P.S This thread made me join wrestlezone just to comment.
Maybe they talk trash because of people like you? The people who think TNA is the only alternate in the world?

Don't get me wrong, I love TNA. I watch a lot of the time, and it's enjoyable. I have however been to multiple RoH events and I love the product and the show. They are really interactive with the fans, put on awesome ass wrestling shows, and have great talent. I don't ever here "just RoH" fans hate on TNA. I mainly hear WWE fans doing it if anything. This is quite obviously a RoH bashing thread, and it really makes no sense. Not bashing RoH because that's your opinion and the way you choose to spam. That's fine.

The reasoning behind RoH not having as big of a base is maybe because they haven't gotten a mainstream TV deal? Trust me, people watch. Just because not everyone knows about it doesn't mean nobody watches. They have a very good beginning fan base and they have really great shows. Maybe open your eyes, stop hating and get off those TNA balls there and you could watch it and see how good it is.
They don't, I am a fan of both, only douchebags pick one and hate the other. Roh bots don't like it, but it doesn't matter those people change what they like and hate every 30 seconds. Inconsequential.
It most likely stems from 3 main issues:

1) As everyone else has already pointed out, Sports Entertainment is far more popular then Pro Wrestling. Some ROH fans have been known to be elitest in there views regarding there own product (ROHbots). Rather than just ignoring WWE and TNA and recognising their respective products as being different, they bash it whenever they get the chance. There is a tinge of jealously from them when it comes to how well WWE and TNA have done over the years.

2) Wrestlers like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, Homicide and Desmond Wolfe (Nigel McGuinness) all came from ROH. The ROH fans feel that TNA have taken far too many of their own wrestlers leaving ROH in the same position they've been in for years, minus their TV deal with HDnet and iPPVs.

3) The Rob Feinstein Incident in 2004 and the incident that happened a day before TNA's Against All Odds 2006 PPV, (both of which resulted in TNA pulling all their contracted wrestlers out of ROH) are but two occasions were TNA have left ROH high and dry. Although many outside of ROH have never really criticized TNA for their response to the Feinstein Incident, a lot of people feel it was a dick move on their part to pull their wrestlers out of a ROH PPV on the day it was being held. I remember CM Punk quiting TNA when he was told he could no longer compete for ROH as he had a contract with TNA at the time.
It's because TNA fans bash them as well, ROH and TNA used to trade stars all the time back in 2005/2006, it was getting very popular with indie fans and soon became a close rival to WWE. Then all of a sudden TNA distanced themselves a bit away from ROH. I'm not really sure but maybe it has something to do with Hogan and Bischoff. I like both companies I just think the hatred is unnecessary, those two grew up together.
As a fan of wrestlers and not a company in particular I believe the reason ROH fans tend to trash TNA is that in reality ROH puts on a better WRESTLING show ....but its the abomination that is TNA we talk about more in these forums. I mean despite the talent and money that TNA has they put out a horrible product right now but ppl still keep talking about it, because one of the few things TNA is doing right is pushing their product harder as far as national exposure. ROH from the business of entertainment standpoint hasnt reached out and grabbed the attention of the younger or newer wrestling fan who may not of heard of the company. Ultimately TNA is making the effort to compete with WWE, although its been a poorly planned effort, they are making the effort; ROH hasnt done that, but i believe their fans feel disrespected by all the attention we give TNA.
It's because TNA fans bash them as well, ROH and TNA used to trade stars all the time back in 2005/2006, it was getting very popular with indie fans and soon became a close rival to WWE. Then all of a sudden TNA distanced themselves a bit away from ROH. I'm not really sure but maybe it has something to do with Hogan and Bischoff. I like both companies I just think the hatred is unnecessary, those two grew up together.

Hogan didn't sign with them until the end of last year. They ended their relationship with roh because the owner got caught in a sting operation to catch child molesters.
God this is obviously simple. TNA changed it's style from wrestling oriented to sport-entertainment and many fans feel like TNA betrayed what got them so popular. The truth is many ROH fans were massive TNA fans when they were a wrestling company. Of course their is obvious hate by fanboys who hate ANYTHING that is claimed as better than TNA.
ROH is what TNA used to be before Dixie,Hogan and Bischoff. Very good product trying not to be WWE trying to do their own thing their way, giving the fans what they want. 1/7/10 the day TNA believed they had the weapons to take on the big boy on the block and failed, and it's been downhill ever since.
I hear a lot of people saying that ROH Fans hate TNA because they have stolen some of there talent. Well the WWE has stolen just as much talent from ROH, CM Punk, Even Bourne, Daniel Bryan, Tyler Black.

I think the reason is jealousy. They see all the attention that TNA is getting form being on TV, and feel that if they could get the same exposer that TNA dose it could blow TNA out of the water.
This is a great subject. Props to the threadstarter. ROH fans really do hate TNA and the thing that bugs me is that nowadays I see ROH fans giving WWE more credit than TNA which boggles my mind. Although TNA has gone in a different direction with their product to expand their fanbase and grow their business, ROH fans imo should appreciate the opportunity that TNA has given ROH including former ROH talent like Joe, Homocide, Shelley, Sabin, Daniels, Wolfe, etc. To me TNA pushing ROH stars helped validate and cement ROH in the first place. TNA imo helped put ROH on the map with their working relationship. Hell had it not been for TNA pushing Samoa Joe so hard, I and many others would've never heard of ROH back in 05-06. The only reason I started watching ROH is because TNA used to promote ROH stars like Homocide, Aries, Strong, and Joe and on top of that TNA use to promote ROH by name on their tv shows. And when I saw TNA guys in this other company called ROH on youtube, it caught my attention.

Things didn't change until all of a sudden when WWE brought in CM Punk and pushed him to the moon and then gave opportunity to other ROH guys like Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne, it's like ROH fans forgave WWE for their sins and started shitting on TNA because they felt TNA weren't pushing former ROH talent enough like how WWE was/is kind of doing. It's just a bunch of things I don't get about ROH fans. They are smart fans that want TNA to resemble ROH or be a certain way but what they don't realize is that the style that they are looking for which is PURE WRESTLING is for a niche audience alone and won't just draw in fans. Right now ROH has no pressure or nothing to deal with like TNA is on Spiketv but when ROH gets in the position of TNA, which is having to cater to their existing audience, expanding their fanbase, and pleasing their network the true test will begin of how long they will be "pure". I believe ROH will 1 day have to adapt to the mainstream formula 1 day as well to survive yet their fans can't seem to understand that logic about where TNA stands in terms of multitasking and trying to please many masters. But most ROH fans don't get it, most of them would rather bash TNA and support WWE all because TNA isn't how they wanted it to be or become. ROH fans for the most part are selfish fans who don't see a bigger picture at all and are just very shallow.

My thing is that both ROH & TNA are sort of rivals but I honestly thing ROH fans are a bit jealous on behalf of ROH for TNA's success. Both TNA & ROH started around the same time yet TNA has lapped ROH by far in terms of exposure, success, and revenue. They even have "Fuck TNA" chants at some of their shows yet no "Fuck WWE" chants. I just think it's a bit of TNA jealousy from their fans. It's mostly ROH fans who sit there and wish for TNA to die because they believe if TNA dies, then they can move up to the #2 slot as the #2 promotion in the US and possibly have the spiketv deal. What they don't realize is that if they get on mainstream tv like spiketv it will be a totally different ballgame for them and that they'll have to work with network executives who will give them demands to follow and give them a formula to attract a larger fanbase kind of like how Spiketv has done with TNA. Right now ROH doesn't really have any pressure from any network execs on HDNet so they are able to enjoy their "PURE WRESTLING" on tv for the meantime but if they want to expand, they'll have to get on mainstream tv and on mainstream tv trying to promote "PURE WRESTLING" won't just fly.
While I do believe that sometimes TNA can put good in-ring wrestling on TV, ROH right now is where it's at for great, athletic, intense, and physical wrestling. I became an ROH fan at the beginning of this year so I might not know that much about why ROH fans hate TNA, but being in a few ROH shows this year, I can tell that the pure ROH fans hate TNA because they feel that TNA blew their chance at becoming an alternative to the WWE and their horrible booking.

Another one is that TNA has taken their biggest talents and that TNA ended their relationship with ROH on bad terms. Another one is that TNA relies on former WWE and WCW talent too much, rather than their own talent and ROH fans laugh at that. ROH has the youngest, promising, and the most talented wrestling roster in the world, whereas in TNA, they misuse a lot of their younger stars. You also got Jim Cornette, who works for ROH, working like a spokesman for ROH and the ROH fans listen to him. He speaks the truth about mainstream wrestling and that also adds fuel to the fire in ROH fans. I believe those are the reasons.
Another one is that TNA has taken their biggest talents and that TNA ended their relationship with ROH on bad terms. Another one is that TNA relies on former WWE and WCW talent too much, rather than their own talent and ROH fans laugh at that. ROH has the youngest, promising, and the most talented wrestling roster in the world, whereas in TNA, they misuse a lot of their younger stars. You also got Jim Cornette, who works for ROH, working like a spokesman for ROH and the ROH fans listen to him. He speaks the truth about mainstream wrestling and that also adds fuel to the fire in ROH fans. I believe those are the reasons.

Well ROH has all the right in the world to hate TNA for that, but would they pass up an opportunity to have a world known wrestler on their roster? They can hate TNA all they want but the facts remain -- if you landed a big TV deal you BETTER do anything in your power to make your product have a little something for everybody. That's why ECW failed. They never went to the next level, whereas TNA has. ROH will be forced to sign other names, change their product and turn it into a shell of what it used to be, because while there are a lot of fans like me who enjoy that type of programming, the rest of the wrestling world was never used to it, and as every idiot does -- they ridicule the unknown because they're too used to WWE styles and they pander to the idea that if WWE's not doing it it's automatically shit.

Personally, I'd love it if the two companies worked together in a way. Fuck the hating, it could be beneficial for both. OR at least if ROH got a TV deal. To be honest, we won't have Monday Night Wars - TNA vs WWE style in the next five years. TNA's only 8 years old, NO company gets that big that quickly. But they're still tiny compared to WWE. We won't get Monday Night Wars, but we COULD get Thursday Night Wars. ROH vs TNA. I'm a firm believer that these two companies have the best wrestlers in the world, they have all the tools to "make it". My personal dream is a ROH vs TNA war at any day of the week. It could attract people's attention and competition's always good, even though they have that already with WWE.
Another thing that brings out the hate is the TNA is effectively the middle ground between "Pure Wrestling" (i.e. ROH) and "Sports Entertainment" (i.e. the WWE).

As a Pure Wrestling fan, it's hard to hate on the WWE because it's something completely different. WWE doesn't pretend to be about professional athletic wrestling (in the traditional sense); it's sports entertainment and focuses on the soap opera side of traditional pro-wrestling. So for a Pure Wrestling fan to hate on WWE is like a basketball fan hating on football because it's not basketball. It really doesn't make a lot of sense. It's apples and oranges.

On the other hand, TNA seems to be trying to straddle the line between the Pure Wrestling and Sports Entertainment (which basically means, it does a little of both but not enough of either to satisfy the purist on each side). As a result, Pure Wrestling fans can see aspects of the things they love about pro-wrestling (great matches and athleticism) in TNA but also see the things they hate the most about pro-wrestling (stupid soap opera story lines). So then it's equivalent to a basketball fan hating on Slamball. It's kind of like basketball but made ******ed with the trampoline making it very easy to hate.

At least, that's my perspective.
Another thing that brings out the hate is the TNA is effectively the middle ground between "Pure Wrestling" (i.e. ROH) and "Sports Entertainment" (i.e. the WWE).

As a Pure Wrestling fan, it's hard to hate on the WWE because it's something completely different. WWE doesn't pretend to be about professional athletic wrestling (in the traditional sense); it's sports entertainment and focuses on the soap opera side of traditional pro-wrestling. So for a Pure Wrestling fan to hate on WWE is like a basketball fan hating on football because it's not basketball. It really doesn't make a lot of sense. It's apples and oranges.

On the other hand, TNA seems to be trying to straddle the line between the Pure Wrestling and Sports Entertainment (which basically means, it does a little of both but not enough of either to satisfy the purist on each side). As a result, Pure Wrestling fans can see aspects of the things they love about pro-wrestling (great matches and athleticism) in TNA but also see the things they hate the most about pro-wrestling (stupid soap opera story lines). So then it's equivalent to a basketball fan hating on Slamball. It's kind of like basketball but made ******ed with the trampoline making it very easy to hate.

At least, that's my perspective.

Man this is very good post. TNA is the best of both worlds in terms of traditional/pure and sports entertainment out of the 2 companies. So you're right. They kind of straggle that line while fans of sports entertainment may demand more storylines, flashier settings, and character development but not see it all the way in TNA and kind of hate it. And then at the same time, you have the indy-diehard pure fan that may not want to see those things and may strictly want longer matches, cleaner finishes, no overbooking,etc. I guess TNA not having a true definition and towing the line of both worlds is what turns fans of polar opposite companies against it like ROH & WWE. This was 1 of my perspective but you put it so easily. Nice perspective.
I personally started watching TNA and ROH at the same time in 2002, TNA didn't have truly contracted wrestlers until they moved to FOX Sports Net their first major TV deal. So TNA basically got the majority of their "original stars" from ROH and so has WWE. If you look at the inaugural ROH class most of those men and women have become the top players in the game today; Punk, Danielson, Joe, Low Ki, Daniels, AJ Styles, Homicide, Brian Kendrick (Spanky), and even Amazing Red. It's sort of like ECW fans hating WCW for "stealing" their talent. but, as I digress if something were to go down horribly financially for ROH I guarantee Vince would buy them in a heartbeat cause as it has shown ROH is creating the stars of the future and just like ECW was, Vince and his people are paying attention. Remember Steamboat was apart of ROH, JR who is back in the talent department eyes ROH, and even at one point WWE considered contacting ROH as a possible developmental promotion. If so it works great for all parties involved something TNA couldn't ever offer in terms of marketing, talent exchange, and mainstream attention- heck if WWE does start it's own network the opportunities are endless.
I find it interesting that TNA fans always cry when their product receives criticism and try to shut it down with a lot of raging.

You know, despite it's small size RoH still gets a decent amount of people that go to see it or watch it, and it has a lot of great talent. TNA has taken what, not that many people from RoH? And a majority of them aren't even that great. If you forgot, TNA was just where RoH is right now and only got to where it is because it was bought out by Panda Energy. With a bigger roll of money in their back pocket, TNA then began to buy out names such as Kurt Angle to try and make TNA a big name (credit to TNA, they got more attention especially after securing a deal with Spike TV).

RoH CAN be successful, it just doesn't have that kind of money or attention...yet.

But anyways, again RoH has a great stack of talent right now. The RoH fans are probably just down that the better wrestling is overshadowed by Sports Entertainment. To be honest, I'd like both better wrestling and Sports Entertainment to be prime time.
TNA is a far more successful company, and over the last 5 years it's not even debateable, TNA averages 2 million viewers in the US per week! plus they have a strong international base, especially in the UK.

ROH people will always claim they have the best product, yet can't come close to TNA or WWE I just don't get why they are so arrogant
I wasn't aware they did — thought that was exclusively a WWE thing, frankly, but if I had to guess as to why some (or even most [arguable]) hate TNA, it's two pronged:

1. TNA went from an ROH-style program with a cult following to a more WWE-type "sports entertainment" style when they struck their television deal, and as a result the ROH fans (indy fans) felt they sold out.

2. TNA regularly raided the ROH locker room for it's talent and eventually barred their talents (signed to TNA contracts) from working in ROH any further.
I Auto record ROH every week on my DVR and I can Honestly say I rarely watch it! Because there are no interesting storylines and all the matchups becomes stale real quick because of it! And the people who don't think so, why does ring of honor have to change their whole freaking roster! And I'll tell Dave Lagana who bashed last nights Impact that you better become more like Tna /WWE or you won't grow! If that's even the goal? Because changing the whole roster all the time gets to be tiresome!
I always think it's interesting that many of TNA's biggest critics are ROH people.

From people in the company like Jim Cornette, and Kevin Kelly
to their tiny fanbase that has a real hatred for TNA.

So what is it? Do you hate how they steal your talent? Are you mad that TNA programming averages over 2 million a week in the United States, while your "better" product is lucky to have 10 percent of the following? ROH People always scoff at TNA, yet TNA is on during prime time for one of the top networks on cable, especially for the male demo, while ROH is stuck on a channel that nobody gets.

ROH fans will tell you they have the best product, but nobody watches, why is that?

Hardcore ROH fans dont like WWE and TNA for the same reason Hardcore ECW fans didnt like WCW and WWF. They believe that what they are watching is the best product because it is different. Ive been a WWE fan pretty much all my life and even Im at the point where I cant defend it. TNA, its getting to the point where I cant defend it. ROH has an amazing roster and produces great matches all the time. I can tell you that the TV ratings has absolutely nothing to do with it. ECW fans didnt hate WWF because they were on the USA network, and its the same for ROH. Its just the product difference and people wanting/loving something different. When you say nobody watches, you clearly dont know what your talking about. ROH is on a shitty network, but there is plenty of ways to watch.

In terms of hatred of other companies, just look back at ECW fans in the 90's. Its the same thing.

I Auto record ROH every week on my DVR and I can Honestly say I rarely watch it! Because there are no interesting storylines and all the matchups becomes stale real quick because of it! And the people who don't think so, why does ring of honor have to change their whole freaking roster! And I'll tell Dave Lagana who bashed last nights Impact that you better become more like Tna /WWE or you won't grow! If that's even the goal? Because changing the whole roster all the time gets to be tiresome!

No interesting storylines? Then clearly you arent watching as you said. You seriously have to be blind not to spot a storyline within ROH. Did they have to change their whole roster? No, but its called tough financial times and wrestling companies are effected by it too. And since when is bringing in new talent a bad thing? Ok Mark?

TNA is a far more successful company, and over the last 5 years it's not even debateable, TNA averages 2 million viewers in the US per week! plus they have a strong international base, especially in the UK.

ROH people will always claim they have the best product, yet can't come close to TNA or WWE I just don't get why they are so arrogant

Seriously? Look at who ran TNA from the start. People with decades of experience and money they were willing to risk. ROH started from the very bottom with unknown talent. Jarrett with his money was able to bring in names who were already big but looking to take a paycheck while the company lasted (Hall and Hennig are perfect examples). And TNA came so close to dying before Dixie Carter got into the fold as we know. Comparing a company that had a good chance to succeed from the start like TNA, that has constantly had the PPV platform and eye catching talent that they could afford....compared to a company that started as a small local company in Pennsylvania is just asinine. Every fan base brags and talks shit about other companies. ROH, TNA and WWE fans are no different.
I think they're both good companies, I like how ROH does shows without commentators because it reminds me of local shows but TNA has better wrestlers, I think the only wrestler in ROH that would be better in TNA is Necro Butcher.

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