Why Do People Think Christopher Daniels isn't a Main Eventer?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
I don't get it.

Does he lack the ability to captivate the audience? Is he incapable of conveying a story on the mic? Does his character lack the proper depth? Does he not have a personality?

The answer to all three is a resounding 'no' IMO, a 'hell no' even, so what's the deal with all the hate I see for this guy? Why do I consistently read about how people think he's not a main-event caliber wrestler? What more does the guy need to do to prove he's worthy of the spot he's in?

I'm sorry, but if you honestly believe all that, or even some of it, you're dead wrong. Period.

Daniels is a phenomenal talent who's IMO one of the most underutilized in the history of TNA. If guys like AJ Styles can be World Champion, there's no reason Christopher Daniels can't either.
In all honesty, I can't picture him as a main event level talent. If you can, awesome. I'm happy for you, but I can't. That's not to say that I couldn't see him as a top guy, but in his current form, he looks ridiculous. He's siding with guys like Fortune, yet he looks like he should lead a stable of guys like Shannon Moore and Jeff Hardy. The man is 40 years old wearing eye shadow and black fingernail polish. The fuck is this, 1997? I know it may seem a bit nitpicky, but I can't buy into a guy when he looks like he's just desperately trying to cling to his youth.

I'm not going to deny that the guy has skills. He's an exceptional in ring talent and from hearing the promo he cut last night, he's actually quite decent on the stick. But the character and appearance he has is something I just can't buy into as a main event level guy.
So the nail polish and eye-liner kills his potential? Really? Two things that marginal kill everything else about the guy that screams "I can main event"? That's pathetic, man, honestly. That is such a pedantic reason to knock the guy.

He works, man. Absolutely works. He captivates the audience. He's more than capable of carrying a feud on a mic, he's in shape and he's got a personality. You're really that concerned over the fact that he just so happens to wear black nail polish and a little eye-liner despite being a "dark" character who's nick-name is the Fallen Angel? Come on...
Daniels is an amazing wrestler, no doubt. But tonight he seemed a bit .. off. I think he was kind of startled by the presence of Flair, Hogan and all of those guys, looked like he was a bit rusty on the mic at times, but in the end - Christopher Daniels should be as big to TNA as Sting is, in my opinion.

Daniels has an age advantage (and yes, age IS an advantage in his case), he's a veteran, he's got a look, he's got the mic work, he's got the ring work - Christopher Daniels has everything that you'd want in a wrestler. No negatives. Period.

As some posters already stated, this whole Daniels comes to help his bud deal smells fishy to me. Wouldn't it be ideal of Daniels turned on Fourtune at Lockdown, becoming Immortal's new top heel? Taking Hardy's place? That's an automatic rocket up the ass.

Just imagine the feuds we'd get out of this. Daniels vs Roode, Daniels vs Storm, Daniels vs Kaz and finally - Daniels vs AJ Styles. These guys already have a similar feud, actually it's the first TNA feud I was interested, and they had awesome chemistry.

Daniels needs to turn heel and possibly get a World Title run down the line.

P.S: For the guy who knocks Daniels for wearing black nail polish and guyliner ... screw you, you're just looking for crap to say, as always. Shawn Michaels was dressed like a member of The Village People and he made it. What does his look have to do with his ability? Did your mother hit the B.M.E on you when you were a kid?
I agree with you 100% IDR. I think that Daniels has all the tools to be a consistent main eventer and world champion. He's very good in the ring and he is also good on the mic and he has a personality, I personally believe the Daniels could be a very good world champion and I would to love to see him get a chance to be Wold Champion, like you said If a guy like AJ could get the belt I see no reason why Daniels can't either.
It's not that he wears the nail polish and mascara, it's the fact that he's a 40 year old man wearing eye liner and mascara. I'm not trying to shit on the man as if he's nothing, but as a consistent main event level talent? I can't see that being realistic.

But I'll play along here and act is if I can see what you do. If he is a main event level guy, then the path he's on really doesn't suit him. This character that you speak of, the "Fallen Angel." If he is suppose to be some darker character, wouldn't he be better suited to be a heel? He doesn't fit in with the guys in Fortune at all. But if he were to side with the guys in Immortal, sure. I could see him as a replacement for Jeff Hardy. They don't really have an answer to Sting as a credible opponent who could challenge for the World Title, Daniels could work I guess. But at the moment where there is like 10 main event faces, he's pretty low in the chain when it comes to overall talent. If he turned heel, maybe I'd change my tone.
It's not that he wears the nail polish and mascara, it's the fact that he's a 40 year old man wearing eye liner and mascara. I'm not trying to shit on the man as if he's nothing, but as a consistent main event level talent? I can't see that being realistic.

But I'll play along here and act is if I can see what you do. If he is a main event level guy, then the path he's on really doesn't suit him. This character that you speak of, the "Fallen Angel." If he is suppose to be some darker character, wouldn't he be better suited to be a heel? He doesn't fit in with the guys in Fortune at all. But if he were to side with the guys in Immortal, sure. I could see him as a replacement for Jeff Hardy. They don't really have an answer to Sting as a credible opponent who could challenge for the World Title, Daniels could work I guess. But at the moment where there is like 10 main event faces, he's pretty low in the chain when it comes to overall talent. If he turned heel, maybe I'd change my tone.

Okay, you seriously don't know squat about Daniels if you're trying to figure out what his character's like by looking at his moniker.

Daniels isn't "some dark character". The Fallen Angel is just a nick name. Yeah he's a bit creepy but he doesn't talk about drinking out of the fountain of Hulkamania and all that mumbo-jumbo.

And yes, he's better off as a heel. He doesn't look like a face, he doesn't belong as a face. Daniels isn't flashy at all, despite his high-flying moves, so that works. He's the perfect mix between an old school technical wrestler and a high-flyer.
Christopher Daniels is great to watch in the ring, can talk on the mic and stay on pace with main event level talent, and has a loyal fan base that loves to watch the Fallen Angel get it done in the ring. So what's holding him back? Plain and simple, he needs to be put over. He needs that big win over someone like RVD, Sting, Anderson, Kurt Angle, someone who's an established main event player. He needs to be built up so when the victory happens, you can believe it. At this point, would you really believe Christopher Daniels beating RVD or Mr. Anderson out of the blue with no buildup?

Christopher Daniels has a lot of potential. He has had many matches in TNA that the fans love to watch over and over...maybe except as Curry Man. This recent return to TNA could just be setting up Daniels to finally reach the main event. We'll see as time goes on. If not, Daniels should be proud of all he's accomplished in TNA and the great matches he's given the fans, even if he never reaches the top of the mountain.

On a side note (and not really relating to this forum), really looking forward to my first TNA house show tonight in Cleveland! Hope to see the Fallen Angel in action!
Daniels truly has the total package but his look is his main flaw - it limits him to only having a chance to be a top guy (in everyone's eyes) when the gimmick he uses is a bit dark, heelish and mysterious. As of now with this gimmick he looks a bit misplaced and the only reason it is working is because he's great in ring on the mic and is VERY over.

In the future he should turn heel (then he'd literally have everything) but I hope it doesn't from the get go involve Immortal straight away.
i agree with u the fallen angel is a amazing talent and im perfectly fine with him replacing aj styles in lethal lockdown....i mean dont get me wrong daniels is not as good as aj styles but daniels is a great talent! i like his finisher the BME is cool and i think he can do cool shit its a shame TNA never really gave the guy a chance i think he had 1 or 2 title matches against aj styles but thts it.....most of the time he has been stuck in the mid card or been turned into a lame new person (Curry Man :banghead:) i would say him being suicide was bad but i like the suicide gimmick although its gotten old and needs 2 end....now. id love to see daniels go main event tho
the fact that people think this guy is a "total package" says a lot about who should and should NOT be working in the business. there is NOTHING special about Chris Daniels. i love seeing the "if he goes to WWE he'll be a huge contender for the title and will make them millions" crap in other threads.

if he went to WWE... he would be a jobber... just like he was in WWE before he was in TNA. the guy has NO charisma outside of the TNA asylum. NO CHARISMA. and before I get the... "you obviously haven't seen TNA" comments... I watch TNA regularly. and i've seen all of his contributions. there is nothing impressive about him. i'm not even saying that he doesn't have the "it" factor to be a big star... i'm saying that he doesn't even have the "it" factor to be a star even in his own league of TNA.

TNA obviously doesn't see it either. otherwise he WOULD be pushed to the moon. maybe it's his age... maybe it's his guyliner... perhaps it's his oddly disproportionate head/neck/body ratio making him look like a tall midget. it could even be his "i wish The Brood was still around" character that is holding him back. whatever it is... it's keeping him from being anything more than a midcarder in wrestling company #2.

put him anywhere near WWE and his career is over. to the point where... if WWECW were still around... he'd be jobbing there.

All this being said... i don't hate the guy...but he is NOTHING special. i'm glad he has his devoted cult of fans. i hope he saves every penny of t-shirt money he gets. cause after that... it's Walmart security for you.
I don't get it.

Does he lack the ability to captivate the audience? Is he incapable of conveying a story on the mic? Does his character lack the proper depth? Does he not have a personality?

The answer to all three is a resounding 'no' IMO, a 'hell no' even, so what's the deal with all the hate I see for this guy?

Actually you asked 4 questions. LOL!! Just messing with you. Lighten the mood some. :)

I don't see Daniels as any more than a mid-carder. More of someone like the Brooklyn Brawler. He does not captivate my attention. He does not convey on the mic very well. His character is.....well what is his character? Personality, kind of dry. If Daniels stands next to top talent like Triple H, Undertaker, Cena, etc., he just doesn't fit in. I respect your opinion that you feel he is a main eventer. I just don't see it myself. Hate the guy? No. Don't hate him. I just don't see where he fits in any higher than mid-card and that IMO is being generous.
I can tell you, but you're not going to like the answer. Too short, too skinny, too old to get famous.

First, look at the champions that TNA is crowning currently. Sting- 52 years old, but with probably the longest history of any active wrestler. (You can't really watch Ric Flair wrestle and call that 'active'.) Classic medium build. Jeff Hardy, made famous in the WWE- classic medium build. RVD, see Jeff Hardy. AJ Styles is the lone exception on size, and he was made champion before the current team came aboard. He's been kept away from the World title scene ever since.

Christopher Daniels has a lot of cult cred, but much of TNA's fan base has changed over the past year and a half. There are slightly more people watching (finally), but they're different people. They aren't familiar with much of Daniels' work, and he hasn't been given that giant push to make him resonate with the audience anew. Bear in mind he was released from TNA shortly after the current team took over; how much faith do you think they ultimately have in him?

Christopher Daniels is a fine practitioner of the art of professional wrestling. But no matter your talent, some people just aren't World Champion material. (Hi, Chavo!) It's not his fault- he's as good as he can be, and it's beautiful to watch. It's a matter of being around the right people in the right place at the right time.
nail polish and eye liner, maybe he should be teaming with Orlando Jordan.

IMO "a look" also has a major factor in what makes a wrestler. I don't see him having "the look". also his size. he looks too small. I think he reminds me of Rey Mysterio. someone who at times could do main event matches, but someone who would not be there very often.
if he went to WWE... he would be a jobber... just like he was in WWE before he was in TNA.
So, simply because the man doesn't make it in the WWE, he doesn't have potential to be a main-event player in another company? Chris Jericho never made it past the mid-card in WCW, neither did Eddie Guerrero, but both became main eventers in the WWE. When WWE broke the Dudleys apart, neither Dudley did anything remotely respectable on their own. In TNA, Bully Ray is easily believable as a solo mid-carder, more than the machine ever did for him. So just because a person doesn't make it in the WWE doesn't mean they can't make it elsewhere.

TNA obviously doesn't see it either. otherwise he WOULD be pushed to the moon. maybe it's his age... maybe it's his guyliner... perhaps it's his oddly disproportionate head/neck/body ratio making him look like a tall midget. it could even be his "i wish The Brood was still around" character that is holding him back. whatever it is... it's keeping him from being anything more than a midcarder in wrestling company #2.

Christopher Daniels puts on great matches and puts himself out there for the fans' entertainment. Mid-carders always have a special place in the hearts of many fans, as are upper-mid carders who never reached that title reign. So you believe just because Christopher Daniels isn't a roided freak of nature, he has no shot of being a main event player? How many people believed Shawn Michaels as a main event player, or Bret Hart, or Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, or Chris Jericho? Some guys have the natural look (like Brock Lesnar and Batista), some guys have to work their asses off to become credible.

Christopher Daniels might have an unusual look, might have had shitty characters given to him in the form of Suicide and Curry Man, but he has plenty of potential. I can agree there's plenty the man has to work on to be credible as a main event player. So hey, we can agree to disagree on this one.
nail polish and eye liner, maybe he should be teaming with Orlando Jordan.

IMO "a look" also has a major factor in what makes a wrestler. I don't see him having "the look". also his size. he looks too small. I think he reminds me of Rey Mysterio. someone who at times could do main event matches, but someone who would not be there very often.

But I bet you thought Michaels had "the look" when he was dancing around like a overly flamboyant homoerotic cowboy with assless chaps (that he wore tights under, granted) and heart-shaped glasses, huh?

Daniels is roughly the same size as Michaels. Both men are fuckin' giants compared to Mysterio who's like 3'6.

Daniels is 6'0, 224. Michaels was 6'1, 225.
I can tell you, but you're not going to like the answer. Too short, too skinny, too old to get famous.

First, look at the champions that TNA is crowning currently. Sting- 52 years old, but with probably the longest history of any active wrestler. (You can't really watch Ric Flair wrestle and call that 'active'.) Classic medium build. Jeff Hardy, made famous in the WWE- classic medium build. RVD, see Jeff Hardy. AJ Styles is the lone exception on size, and he was made champion before the current team came aboard. He's been kept away from the World title scene ever since.

Christopher Daniels has a lot of cult cred, but much of TNA's fan base has changed over the past year and a half. There are slightly more people watching (finally), but they're different people. They aren't familiar with much of Daniels' work, and he hasn't been given that giant push to make him resonate with the audience anew. Bear in mind he was released from TNA shortly after the current team took over; how much faith do you think they ultimately have in him?

Christopher Daniels is a fine practitioner of the art of professional wrestling. But no matter your talent, some people just aren't World Champion material. (Hi, Chavo!) It's not his fault- he's as good as he can be, and it's beautiful to watch. It's a matter of being around the right people in the right place at the right time.

I don't buy that, Rayne. Sorry.

Jeff Hardy is 6'2, 215. Styles is 5'11, 215, RVD is 6'0, 237, Kurt Angle is 6'0, 240, Sting is 6'2, 250.

Why are the two former OK to be in that class despite being nearly 20 pounds lighter and within an inch or two of the majority of the others, but Daniels and his 6'0, 224 frame is too small, skinny and old?
I am a big fan of Christopher Daniels. If his current run in Ring of Honor has shown us anything, it's shown us that he is still one of the best in the world and can go at a high level every night. Just look at his trilogy with Eddie Edwards for proof of that. I think he is more than capable of being a main eventer. He's got the look, the in-ring skills, he can hold his own on the mic and actually has a character. he might be getting up there in age, but until that actually starts hampering his performance I don't see why that should hold him back.

At the end of the day, Daniels is a main event talent and should have stayed in the main event scene after his title matches against Styles from 2009.

Also, for anyone who has said wearing eyeliner and nail polish is sad for a man who is 40 years old, what about someone like Sting who is still rocking the face paint at 52? How is one any worse than the other? Isn't Sting still holding on to his past and trying to look younger?
People don't buy him as a main eventer for the same bullshit reasons people find to not buy anyone as a main eventer---the glass ceiling and stubbornness. People have this silly notion that some guys can only go so far because of their height or weight or build or their mic skills, but it's bullshit. ANYONE can be successful in the pro wrestling business if they work hard enough and, most importantly, if they're booked correctly. Look at someone like Rey Mysterio, if you had told me he'd be a former 2 time WWE champion even as recently as 6-7 years ago, I would have laughed in your face. But because he was booked to hang on the same level as heavyweights and because he worked hard, it worked and he's been as credible a champion as anyone else has. The same logic can be applied to anyone talented enough to connect with the fans and tell a story in the ring, and that certainly includes Christopher Daniels. If they booked Daniels similar to how AJ was booked in the fall of 2009, he could get over again as a main eventer just as quickly as AJ. But again, that requires a serious commitment to pushing the man and booking him correctly, and that is absolutely something I do NOT see the current TNA creative team doing. This is the same creative team that took a Daniels who had just main evented a PPV in a World title match against AJ (a phenomenal match by the way) and then had him jobbing to Sean Morley within a month. SEAN MORLEY. I like Morley, but that's inexcusable. Especially considering they did NOTHING with Morley whatsoever after that, and he was gone from TV within weeks. They buried Daniels in five minutes just to get Sean Morley over for a few weeks, so my faith in them booking him well enough to win over the fans and critics as a main eventer is slim to none.

He can do it though, he's perfectly capable. It's all about the booking man.
I am a big fan too.

I want to say that he lacks personality but AJ has been pushed to the moon and they are about the same in that department. I want to say that he isnt great in the ring but he seems to have enough of the tools, as he is versatile as hell.

I think in comparison to guys like AJ, he just isnt quite as good. That's like saying cheddar isnt as good as Red Leicester cheese.

So if I had to say one reason, I think it's because he's older and doesnt quite have a sparkle in his ring work and character compared to some of the guys on the roster.

Oh and he wont get to the main event while Hogan and Bischoff. There is no way he will get above Hardy et al.
1. Daniels is too small - Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle are two of the biggest names in this business, and two of the best WRESTLERS ever. Size doesn't matter when it comes to pro wrestling. It's not 1985 anymore.

2. He wears mascara - So does The Undertaker. So does Jeff Hardy.

3. Too old to get famous - Really? Does age somehow make him invisible? He's not too old to get famous, TNA's too small to make ANYBODY famous.

People need to answer the following questions.

1. Can Christopher Daniels talk/carry a promo - I believe he can.

2. Can Christopher Daniels wrestle - Yes he can, better than a LOT of people these days.

3. Does his age limit him in the ring - Absolutely not. He moves like a guy in his 20's and can do things that guys in their 20's can't.

4. Does he have a look - he does have a look. If you don't like his look, then you'll hate Randy Orton because Daniels reminds me of a skinny, older, paler Orton. He's got a Christopher Daniels look. His look fits his personality, that's all that matters.

So in the end, he's got just about everything covered. What's the problem?
I don't buy that, Rayne. Sorry.

Jeff Hardy is 6'2, 215. Styles is 5'11, 215, RVD is 6'0, 237, Kurt Angle is 6'0, 240, Sting is 6'2, 250.

Why are the two former OK to be in that class despite being nearly 20 pounds lighter and within an inch or two of the majority of the others, but Daniels and his 6'0, 224 frame is too small, skinny and old?
Three were made famous before they came to TNA, one was made champion under different management.

Daniels also just looks skinnier. I don't buy him for one second at 224. (Nor do I buy AJ at 215. Jeff, maybe.) I'd peg Daniels at around 185, comparing him to similar shaped fighters in the UFC.
To me it is simply one thing. He is boring on the mic ...

He cuts an okay promo, but he does not electrify the crowd. He is a solid in-ring worker no doubt, but there is something just missing with him.

He simply looks small and does not have the charisma of a Hardy or Mysterio ... the only guys who really look as small in the ring.

I think he could probably work a Main Event program all right ... but I could definitely see the hesitation by companies to put him on top. I can't quite put my finger on it, but he is just lacking something.
To me it is simply one thing. He is boring on the mic ...

He cuts an okay promo, but he does not electrify the crowd. He is a solid in-ring worker no doubt, but there is something just missing with him.

He simply looks small and does not have the charisma of a Hardy or Mysterio ... the only guys who really look as small in the ring.

I think he could probably work a Main Event program all right ... but I could definitely see the hesitation by companies to put him on top. I can't quite put my finger on it, but he is just lacking something.

Mysterio has charisma? He's got a freaking mask on.

Anyway, I agree that there's something about Daniels that, as great as he is, doesn't make him REAL great, and I think I know what that is ..

Daniels has never proven himself as a World Champion, he's never worked a long, solid program in the Main Event. We don't know how he'll do because he's always been a solid mid-carder and a focal point of the X-Division, therefore he's perceived as one of "them". He spent so much time there, it's hard to shake that aura off.

Unlike AJ, Daniels was never a part of the big storylines, he was never utilized like Styles was. Maybe that's because he was often in and out of the company like he said on iMPACT, or maybe management doesn't really see the guy as Main Event material.

You can't really tell if someone's gonna be a great World Champion or at least a Main Eventer until you see him work such a program. He's good, he's well rounded and he has what it takes to make it and stay there, but he's missing that shining moment at the top of the card to really open the door for him.

In the end, the status of "Main Eventer" is nine times out of ten all about perception. Look at The Miz. How is this Miz any different than the US Champion Miz? Aside from the strap, I see no particular change. But he seems important and big because he's in the big feuds, the main events, the storylines.

Think of all the guys who are Main Eventers/World Champions right now. There was a point where nobody thought they had it. Edge is a perfect example. Edge was never perceived as a World Champion/Main Event type of guy until he won the MITB Briefcase and actually got the World Title. Same goes for CM Punk and Sheamus.

It's all about booking. Cena didn't become what he is today because he's great. He became what he is because he was BOOKED like he was great and unstoppable. Book him like a Champ, be sure he has the necessary talents, and people will think of him as a champ.

Perception is also why the WWE is not sinking right at this time. Big arenas, big pyro, lots of fancy promos, flawless production. After that embarrassment called Wrestlemania, it makes you wonder how this company is still in business.

By the way ... with WWE removing "wrestling" from its name, trying to stay away from that and be "sports entertainment", doesn't that mean that TNA is now the N#1 Wrestling Company in the world? Woo hooo!
From a character personality point of view, I just don't see anything at all special about Daniels. I don't think that there's anything especially wrong with his personality either. He's just kind of there. Nothing really bad but nothing really outstanding either.

As far as Daniels' look goes, I've found that "the look" is a factor that often gets brought up by some people whenever the situation suits them. I can't count the number of times I've heard someone say that someone isn't going to be a big deal or shouldn't be due to his look. If you look at a lot of wrestlers over the course of TNA's history, you'll see lots of guys that've been important factors in the company that don't have "the look". Can "the look" affect someone's view of a wrestler? Sure, to a reasonable degree I think. Take Samoa Joe for instance. I have a huge problem taking Samoa Joe seriously as this unstoppable badass guy due in large part to his look. He's a chubby 280 pound guy and, to me, that doesn't scream badass. His character doesn't mesh with his look. When it comes to Daniels, I don't particularly see a big problem with his look. He's not billed as some monster or badass. I think Daniels has a somewhat unique look to him. He's this deeply tanned bald guy that looks like he doesn't have a single hair fiber anywhere on his body that wears eye liner and black nail polish. As far as Daniels' size goes, I have a feeling that TNA exaggerates his size a bit because there does seem to be something of a prejudice against "small" guys among wrestling fans at times. Daniels is billed at being about 220+ pounds and I don't buy into that for a second. At the very most, Daniels looks to be maybe 200 pounds.

I think xfearbefore brought up a good point about how a guy is booked. How a guy is booked can often determine whether or not they're a main eventer. Look at guys like Rey Mysterio and CM Punk in the WWE. Look at guys like AJ Styles in TNA. None of these guys particularly have this "look" some people seem so hung up on, yet these are all wrestlers that've become big stars in their companies.

Could Daniels be someone that could potentially be a main eventer? Sure, I think it could happen. I just don't think it's very likely at this point in time. When Hogan & Bischoff came to TNA, Daniels went from wrestling for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship to jobbing out clean to guys like Sean Morley before eventually being let go from the company. When I was watching iMPACT! last night, TNA didn't convey to me the impression that they consider Daniels to be a big deal. Daniels is a big part of TNA's history, yet Flair's "who are you" type of promo didn't really scream to me that Daniels has reached or is going to reach that next level.

It wouldn't bother me at all to be wrong. As a fan, I always like to see guys that work hard get rewarded for their efforts. The business aspect of wrestling doesn't always realistically jive well with that, however.

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