Why Do People Still Go To Walmart on Black Friday?


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
It's clearly the most dangerous place on Earth...

Walmart Pepper Spray: Woman Injures 20 Shoppers Waiting For Black Friday Deals At Los Angeles Store
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/25/walmart-pepper-spray-black-friday_n_1112548.html?ref=tw

LOS ANGELES -- A woman shot pepper spray to keep shoppers from merchandise she wanted during a Black Friday sale, and 20 people suffered minor injuries, authorities said.

The incident occurred shortly after 10:20 p.m. Thursday in a crowded Los Angeles-area Walmart as shoppers hungry for deals were let inside the store.

Police said the suspect shot the pepper spray when the coverings over the items she wanted were removed.

"Somehow she was trying to use it to gain an upper hand," police Lt. Abel Parga told The Associated Press early Friday.

He said she was apparently after some electronics and used the pepper spray to keep other shoppers at bay.

Officials said 20 people suffered minor injuries. Fire department spokesman Shawn Lenske said the injuries to least 10 of them were due to " rapid crowd movement."

Parga said police were still looking for the woman.

The store remained open and those not affected by the pepper spray continued shopping.

If you're not getting trampled to death, you have to worry about getting pepper sprayed, or ran over in the parking lot, seriously people it'd be safer shopping in a fucking volcano than going to Walmart on Black Friday.
Walmart's near the hood on Black Friday provide the best people watching platform in the universe.
Because America is largely populated by a bunch of utter fucking morons?

This is probably a horriable thing to say but would it be safe to assume that if a terrorist were to blow up a bunch of Walmarts on Black Friday that the Average IQ nationwide would suddenly increase?
This is probably a horriable thing to say but would it be safe to assume that if a terrorist were to blow up a bunch of Walmarts on Black Friday that the Average IQ nationwide would suddenly increase?

It probably wouldn't hurt.

Ah, but I'm being too misanthropic. It's really just a few colossal idiots who make everyone look bad.
I don't go to Walmart that often. Mostly when I am in the Babies R Us next door and I remember that Walmart has cheap toiletries.

But everytime I drive through their parking lot I am amazed by the number of idiots that just walk blindly through the parking lot.

Because of this I came up with and use the expression, "this place has more idiots than a Walmart parking lot" any time I get pissed about things that are happening around me. I hope it will catch on.
You know what sucks the most.

No matter the hours I work, the conditions I face, or the horrific, traumatic situations I go through...its this day, among others, that make me question what the fuck I do this shit for. My fucking goodness, you pathetic fucks.
Honestly, I wouldn't label it as greed if she's buying stuff for her children. Moms all around America (most of them single, too) are putting up with this shit on one their few precious days off so they can buy their kids something special for the holidays.

There's no need to get violent, though, of course. Obviously the woman in this case has some serious issues to harm that many people.
Off topic, but that picture reminds me, why is everyone getting so shitty about that cop spraying those people?

They were blocking a public walkway, were told to move, and then did not. Then were told, im gonna to spray you with the good stuff if you do not move. they did not move.

So they got fucking sprayed. I dont see the huge crime here. He didnt pump their heads full of bullets, for goodness sake.
Off topic, but that picture reminds me, why is everyone getting so shitty about that cop spraying those people?

They were blocking a public walkway, were told to move, and then did not. Then were told, im gonna to spray you with the good stuff if you do not move. they did not move.

So they got fucking sprayed. I dont see the huge crime here. He didnt pump their heads full of bullets, for goodness sake.

Haven't you heard, the police in this country are FACIST!!!. Get with the program Norcs. Occupy folks have broken no laws, well at least in their own minds.
"you are blocking a public walkway, I am here to serve the public, move or im going to fuck up your day" is pretty simple and straightforward.

I dont get the outrage.
"you are blocking a public walkway, I am here to serve the public, move or im going to fuck up your day" is pretty simple and straightforward.

I dont get the outrage.

You have a job, don't use drugs, and don't live in your parent's basement. That's why you don't understand.

And getting on topic, this Black Friday shit shows everything I hate about Capitalism. I hope Occupy changes some shit (the legit shit), but it's days like today that prove to me that the people in this country could care a less.

I can't wait for all of these soccer mom's in 20 years to bitch about their kids not being able to spend time with their families on the Holidays, but they don't realize they created this damn monster over the last 10 years or so. I do what I can to spend Zero dollars outside of basic groceries over the next 6 weeks. I try not to support this stupidity.
My Facebook feed was blowing up with posts at like 2 AM about how people were excited to shop, then those same people complained about the lines not 15 minutes later.

I hate people.
Off topic, but that picture reminds me, why is everyone getting so shitty about that cop spraying those people?

They were blocking a public walkway, were told to move, and then did not. Then were told, im gonna to spray you with the good stuff if you do not move. they did not move.

So they got fucking sprayed. I dont see the huge crime here. He didnt pump their heads full of bullets, for goodness sake.

I'm of two minds of this. On the one hand, pepper spray does seem to be a little extreme for people who posed no real threat to anyone. They were blocking a walkway, yes, but I feel like pepper spray is a weapon that should be used to subdue violent protesters.

On the other hand, if the cops manhandled the protesters it could be just as ugly. Instead of people complaining about the unnecessary use of pepper spray, we'd be talking about the unnecessary use of force, and instead of having stories about an 80 year old who got pepper sprayed we'd hear stories of an 80 year old who pulled a hip while trying to struggle to get out of the grasp of a police officer. Plus, with the tense situation that already exists, there's no doubt in my mind that someone would have tried to attack an officer, and that could lead to something a lot worse than a little pepper spray. It could lead tazing or physical retaliation from the police's side.

With the Occupy movement, the Tea Party movement, Black Friday, Republicans, Democrats, Fox News... you can say we have a greed problem or an intelligence problem, but I think the problem with our country is that we're just irrational.
They were blocking a walkway, yes,

Pretty much all that needs said.

You break a law, you are crossing into the fun zone. He told them to move, and told them what would happen if they didnt.

annnnndddd then they didnt. if you are warned first, and then continue to do what you are doing, welp, no sympathy there whatsoever.

your basic "do not touch that stove" situation.

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