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Why do people like Ryback?


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I don't get it tonight on discus i mentioned how bad Ryback was tonight on the mic talking with Foley and to my surprise all the Ryback fans came to his defense. My question is where do they come from ? Who would like this guy? Is it because im older than most in my mid 30's that cause me to be out of touch with this new generation?

To me Ryback is just a bad copy of Goldberg. Being a Goldberg fan myself back in the day i think ryback gimmick is just insulting to Goldberg a legend who was the main guy that helped slay the dragon that was Wwe by putting WCW ahead of the "E". Even though eventually later on the "E" killed WCW.

Ryback on the other hand was just a unproven NXT wrestler who got an incredible push that he simply does not deserve with this Ryback gimmick. Other wrestlers have stated in the past that they don't want to wrestle with his because he was unsafe and has hurt wrestlers. A unsafe wrestler is a bad wrestler imo.

Tonight on Raw Ryback spoke alot to Mick Foley, he spoke too much in my opinion. He was horrible on the mic and i saw him ending his own career with every other word he spoke. It seems to me that he is just bad on mic.

So if he is a bad unsafe wrestler and bad on mic what does that leave him? And what does he have left for people to like? I guess its purely the Goldberg image that attracts people or am i wrong?

I think we all have been waiting for the next big thing in wrestling or perhaps Goldberg's himself to return, and i think Ryback is just not it, he isn't the next big thing, he isn't Goldberg,he's not even a good wrestler. So why does he have fans? Do these young kids these days just have no idea what a good wrestler is? Don't get confused i am not saying Goldberg was a great technical wrestler i'm saying that he was great because of his gimmick and what he did with it.
I thought he was actually decent on the mic last night, he didn't sound like a ******. He still sounds a lot like John Laurinaitis though.
Because he's the only younger guy on the roster to match Cena and the part timers power. No other options!

Also his promo's aren't that bad.
I don't get it tonight on discus i mentioned how bad Ryback was tonight on the mic talking with Foley and to my surprise all the Ryback fans came to his defense. My question is where do they come from ? Who would like this guy? Is it because im older than most in my mid 30's that cause me to be out of touch with this new generation?

To me Ryback is just a bad copy of Goldberg. Being a Goldberg fan myself back in the day i think ryback gimmick is just insulting to Goldberg a legend who was the main guy that helped slay the dragon that was Wwe by putting WCW ahead of the "E". Even though eventually later on the "E" killed WCW.

Ryback on the other hand was just a unproven NXT wrestler who got an incredible push that he simply does not deserve with this Ryback gimmick. Other wrestlers have stated in the past that they don't want to wrestle with his because he was unsafe and has hurt wrestlers. A unsafe wrestler is a bad wrestler imo.

Tonight on Raw Ryback spoke alot to Mick Foley, he spoke too much in my opinion. He was horrible on the mic and i saw him ending his own career with every other word he spoke. It seems to me that he is just bad on mic.

So if he is a bad unsafe wrestler and bad on mic what does that leave him? And what does he have left for people to like? I guess its purely the Goldberg image that attracts people or am i wrong?

I think we all have been waiting for the next big thing in wrestling or perhaps Goldberg's himself to return, and i think Ryback is just not it, he isn't the next big thing, he isn't Goldberg,he's not even a good wrestler. So why does he have fans? Do these young kids these days just have no idea what a good wrestler is? Don't get confused i am not saying Goldberg was a great technical wrestler i'm saying that he was great because of his gimmick and what he did with it.

1. He cut the exact opposite of a bad promo tonight. It was the best heel promo WWE has had outside of CM Punk in quite some time.

2. He looks like a monster.

3. He made fun of Mick Foley, which was hilarious.
To me Ryback is just a bad copy of Goldberg.

I don't think he's even a copy of Goldberg, let alone a bad one.

Being a Goldberg fan myself back in the day i think ryback gimmick is just insulting to Goldberg

Only assuming it is referencing Goldberg. And besides, why would it be insulting. Isn't a homage or a kind, a nod to say that what Goldberg was worked, let's try to do that again.

a legend who was the main guy that helped slay the dragon that was Wwe by putting WCW ahead of the "E". Even though eventually later on the "E" killed WCW.

Not really even true. The NWO and arguably Sting were the people that put WCW ahead of WWF in the ratings, by the time Goldberg got to be a top guy or THE top guy, WWF was getting the better part of them again. His short run was significant, as was his brief time in WWF, but he's not the sort of guy the word legend is reserved for.

Ryback on the other hand was just a unproven NXT wrestler who got an incredible push that he simply does not deserve with this Ryback gimmick.

I'm sure Goldberg deserved his push that he got from the very first appearance he had on TV up until his career finished, being a complete novice at that time. Ryback has been wrestling for years now and for the WWE in many capacities, he's hardly unproven or undeserving of a push.

Other wrestlers have stated in the past that they don't want to wrestle with his because he was unsafe and has hurt wrestlers. A unsafe wrestler is a bad wrestler imo.


Could've sworn you said you were a big fan of Goldberg??

Tonight on Raw Ryback spoke alot to Mick Foley, he spoke too much in my opinion.

He doesn't get any choice in how long his promos run for.

He was horrible on the mic and i saw him ending his own career with every other word he spoke. It seems to me that he is just bad on mic.

Which is fine and it's your opinion, just understand few people agree with you. Ryback hasn't set the world ablaze, but he's at least adequate in all respects. He's not a terrible mic worker by any stretch.

So if he is a bad unsafe wrestler and bad on mic what does that leave him?

Assuming either of these things is true, which there is not much evidence or support to suggest is the case.

And what does he have left for people to like? I guess its purely the Goldberg image that attracts people or am i wrong?

Basically. Maybe you just can't see it guy. It happens. I don't think I'll ever like or be entertained by Cena, but I can acknowledge lots of people are. That doesn't mean there's something wrong with him or me, just that the two of us together doesn't click. C'est la vie.
I presume it has something to do with personal preference? I have it on good authority that there are even Matt Hardy fans. Ya know, some wrestlers appeal to certain fans.
1) The It Factor. Currently the best guy to take John Cena's spot whenever it's time for him to wind down.

2) On a roster where everyone feels the same Ryback is something different.

3) Catchphrases

4) Moveset that works for his character

5) Good on the mic. What he says makes sense and goes with his character

6) He has made the most as a heel so far.
I thought this was going to be a real question. Not just complaints with question marks.

I like Ryback because he picks guys up, and puts them down. Simple. Its impressive. He picks up things that I can not. Everything else he does suits his character and he does it as well as anyone else.

And yeah, Goldberg was a bad unsafe wrestler who was bad on the mic, but I dont think thats what Ryback is going for. God forbid he's bald and strong.
I was under the impression that apart from children and Big Nick Dudley nobody really did.

And until your thread praising Ziggler I thought everyone shared the opinion hes an average talent with little charisma that needs a top talent to carry his overselling mind-set to a good match.
And until your thread praising Ziggler I thought everyone shared the opinion hes an average talent with little charisma that needs a top talent to carry his overselling mind-set to a good match.

I see what you did here. But this is an exaggeration. If there's one thing we know, it's that there's plenty of Ziggler marks around here.
And until your thread praising Ziggler I thought everyone shared the opinion hes an average talent with little charisma that needs a top talent to carry his overselling mind-set to a good match.

Really? I thought the internet loved a bit of Mr Ziggles? And if anyone needs carrying to a good match isn't it... Ryback?
I've actually enjoyed most Ryback matches I've seen which weren't his hell in a cell match with Punk.

To address the question at hand, the only thing I would have changed about the segment would be to not have Cena hit the AA at the end. It totally immasculated Ryback, who was being sold as a terrifying beast just minutes earlier. Otherwise, good job all round.
Everyone needs carrying to a good match.

Find me a good match with only one wrestler in it and I'll buy you a stetson.


Would you like my address, or...?

Because they lasted less than two minutes? Or because they were a tag match against the Shield?

I was actually thinking of his TLC match with Punk and his WrestleMania match with Henry more than his regular squashes, which were pleasant and short - like a swift wank.

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