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Why did you become a wrestling fan?


Championship Contender
I have watched it as long as I can remember. I had a bunch in my family who watched. My dad always had it on so it stuck out to me. I loved the action and the entertainment. As a young child, it turned into something I loved with a passion and if it was taken away from me today, I would literally ball my eyes out. As I got older, my dad became less interested and I became the big wrestling fan in the family.
As a young boy I was really into anything involving "action", be it cartoons, action man, motor racing, sports, Power Rangers, martial arts, action films with guns and explosions-anything that was athletic, exciting or action packed.

I loved Gladiators on TV, and their larger-than-life characters and also the athletic side of it. When I saw wrestling with the high-flying, violence, athletic moves and the pageantry, loud rock music entrances and the pyro, sexy women and blood I thought

I had never watched wrestling before, but I loved the video games. In ninth or tenth grade, I learned via a stage combat course in my Drama class that wrestling was staged, and that made me want to check it out. My first episode was an episode of Smackdown where The Undertaker returned to face Mark Henry. It was also the episode where the Cruiserweight Championship was retired. I was enjoying it enough to keep watching but not enough to get into it...until Deuce N Domino came out. These were two guys playing a greaser gimmick with a car, a valet, and great entrance music, and I loved it. Then Taker returned with those awesome vignettes ("They buried him alive. They set him on fire. And he keeps coming...back.") and I was totally hooked.

I was in Italy at the time, so my diet consisted of ECW and Smackdown. They came on one right after the other on Saturday afternoons on AFN. It was great. I could never watch RAW since it was always on Tuesdays when I was at school, but I never missed an episode of SD or ECW. Sometimes we got PPVs, but they came on when RAW did. I got my mom to record the 2009 Royal Rumble on VHS, and watched it as soon as I got home, marking out the whole way through.

When I moved to Ohio I got to finally watch RAW live. I think my first RAW here was the one when Kennedy returned as the mystery man on the time and I marked and marked hard. So sad when I learned he got released.

My first live TV taping was the one where Bret Hart returned.
I remember seeing Deuce and Domino in my town when they were in OVW and I loved them. I can't believe WWE split them up.
I had never watched wrestling before, but I loved the video games. In ninth or tenth grade, I learned via a stage combat course in my Drama class that wrestling was staged, and that made me want to check it out. My first episode was an episode of Smackdown where The Undertaker returned to face Mark Henry. It was also the episode where the Cruiserweight Championship was retired. I was enjoying it enough to keep watching but not enough to get into it...until Deuce N Domino came out. These were two guys playing a greaser gimmick with a car, a valet, and great entrance music, and I loved it. Then Taker returned with those awesome vignettes ("They buried him alive. They set him on fire. And he keeps coming...back.") and I was totally hooked.

I was in Italy at the time, so my diet consisted of ECW and Smackdown. They came on one right after the other on Saturday afternoons on AFN. It was great. I could never watch RAW since it was always on Tuesdays when I was at school, but I never missed an episode of SD or ECW. Sometimes we got PPVs, but they came on when RAW did. I got my mom to record the 2009 Royal Rumble on VHS, and watched it as soon as I got home, marking out the whole way through.

When I moved to Ohio I got to finally watch RAW live. I think my first RAW here was the one when Kennedy returned as the mystery man on the time and I marked and marked hard. So sad when I learned he got released.

My first live TV taping was the one where Bret Hart returned.

Wow that's pretty cool. At least Deuce and Domino served some kind of purpose after all.

My Grandpa has been watching forever and he showed me an old match between Warrior and Hulk when I was a kid. The rest is history.
My uncle was a big fan, and literally had hundreds of VHS tapes. TV shows, closed circuit, PPV, whatever the hell they were called back then. He definitely turned me onto wrestling, which wasn't hard, seeing I was like 4 years old.

I didn't watch cartoons as a kid, I watched old wrestling tapes. WWF, WCW, NWA, AWA, etc. First show I watched live on PPV was WrestleMania VI (five years old), and leading up to that, I watched every WWF PPV made prior. Stuck to it ever since.
I still to this day remember my first wrestling moment.

It was the Montreal Screwjob.

I was three years old and I can still remember hearing shouting in the kitchen, walking into the hallway, into the kitchen and looking at my brother and two of his friends reacting badly to what had happened to Bret Hart.

I looked up at the television screen, and I saw this guy in bright pink tights spitting in the face of an old man. And from that point on, every Saturday morning I would watch the tape my brother recoreded Monday Night RAW on from the night before.

As time has moved on, I've became almost a wrestling encylopedia. I love wrestling, some people think it's nerdy, gay or others just point and say it's fake. I always come back with the same things. Every TV show sitcom you watch is as fake as professional wrestling, and most of the time not as entertaining as RAW or Smackdown.

To this day I watch RAW, Smackdown, ROH, PWG, Evolve and I used to watch iMPACT! until it was basterdized.

I became a wrestling fan because simply, I love wrestling from the minute I saw it.
I watched in when I was a kid. Like, 7 or 8. WCW Worldwide and WWF Heat were the only shows we could watch as my damn commie parents refused give money to Rupert Murdoch and pay for Sky. I stopped when those shows were taken off the air in the UK.

Then, in the last few days of 2009, I was looking at wrestling videos on YouTube (for nostalgia, really) and I came across the latest episode of Raw. Watched it, loved it and never looked back.
I still to this day remember my first wrestling moment.

It was the Montreal Screwjob.

I was three years old and I can still remember hearing shouting in the kitchen, walking into the hallway, into the kitchen and looking at my brother and two of his friends reacting badly to what had happened to Bret Hart.

I looked up at the television screen, and I saw this guy in bright pink tights spitting in the face of an old man. And from that point on, every Saturday morning I would watch the tape my brother recoreded Monday Night RAW on from the night before.

As time has moved on, I've became almost a wrestling encylopedia. I love wrestling, some people think it's nerdy, gay or others just point and say it's fake. I always come back with the same things. Every TV show sitcom you watch is as fake as professional wrestling, and most of the time not as entertaining as RAW or Smackdown.

To this day I watch RAW, Smackdown, ROH, PWG, Evolve and I used to watch iMPACT! until it was basterdized.

I became a wrestling fan because simply, I love wrestling from the minute I saw it.

The Montreal Screwjob was my first live PPV as well though I was like 10 or 11. I still didn't know what the hell happened until the next day watching Raw with my uncle and he explained it all to me.
It was August 2001, it was an episode of SmackDown and they were building towards Rock vs. Booker & Austin vs. Angle. My friend was watching it having turned it on and I was confused as hell, but bright shiny lights etc... were very attractive to an eight year old so I watched it. The episode concluded with a mass brawl between Austin & Angle. Both men had that crazy look in their eyes of I'm going to kill you. I was hooked. I wanted to see these two men literally rip each other apart. I watched SummerSlam with that same friend and I then fully fell for it. From the Rock dodging Shawn Stasiak to the opening video to the awesome Austin/Angle match, I loved all of it.
WCW in 1999, the first wrestler I ever saw was Sid Vicious. Back then dude ruled the world. I even loved some of the lower card stuff like Billy Kidman, Vampiro and others. Then I moved onto sunday night heat, I remember how excited I was one time when Kurt Angle came out and had a match with Essa Rios because there were usually no bigger stars on it. I stopped watching in '01 and started again in '08, I missed a shed load but I've mostly caught up now.
I saw Hulk Hogan vs The Shark on a WCW Saturday morning show, I don't remember the name of the show. I think it was the one with the spinning ring. But I was immediately a fan of Hogan after seeing him rip off his shirt and beat up the Shark.

I was scared to death of the Dungeon of Doom back in the day. I was most scared of Meng for some reason.
I started watching in 00 and I loved the promos moreso than the matches. My favorite were the Rock and Jericho. I am a huge Taker fan too. I stopped watching after the Edge-Cena-RVD feud. I watched WWE during Taker and Michaels at WM 25. I stopped watching for a year and watched it again at WM 26. I stopped then after Jericho retired and I started watching when the Rock came back.
I remember loving the SmackDown! video games when I was little, but ironicly I thought they were just make believe characters(since I never got to watch TV that much I never knew that they were real) and in 06 I went over to see my uncle. He showed me a show called SmackDown! It was it's debut on Friday nights, so if it's schedule never got switched I may never have become a WWE fan. I was hooked, a few weeks later I found RAW, ECW, and a few months later I found iMPACT!(back when it was only an hour long).
I use to play the old ps2 smackdown games with my friend, he was a huge fan...me, not so much. He convinced me to sit down and watch an episode of smackdown with him..It was actually the one with the Big Show/Lesnar ring collapse...quite frankly I was sold after that moment.
I had recently made a friend in school who loved the wrestling games. I always watched him play them and one time he had a a wrestling DVD and the first match I saw was Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar from WM 19. It felt so weird watching it considering I originally thought wrestling was just like the games. :lmao:
I started watching wrestling when i was a kid. Me and my whole family used to watch it every time it came one. I guess i first started to watch it from 1998 or summat. I remember i used to watch WWF religiously because i though HHH was fit. But with every time i watched wrestling, i grew more attached to it. It's the same with me now as i was when i was a kid, even though WWE isn't the best as it was i'm still going to watch it every week regardless if the product is crap because i've been watching the E for many many years and i love to watch WWE.
My uncle played the Smackdown Versus Raw 2007 game and I got into it and he said that guys liek Triple H & taker & angle were real guys I just had to tune in so I watched RAW & SD & ECW for about a month or 2 then I walked in the living room one thursday and he was watching TNA so theres where I got my liking for TNA & wwe.
I still remember the date as it was the March 10, 2003 edition of Raw. It was about an hour in as I was watching Nick at Nite and a commercial aired for Raw and I thought the commercial was cool about how they made the superstars look like real life superheroes, so I ran to the the living room and turned on the New TNN and Booker T was in the ring with Ric Flair and I remember Booker layed out Flair and then Triple H in his bathroom and because of that, I was hooked for life.
first episode of wrestling i remember was Monday Night Nitro starting with Hollywood Hogan/Sting face off when i was 7 or 8.. i was instantly hooked.. and to this day Sting is still my favorite of all time.
Mainly my Dad and Grandmother from my mom's side got me into it. My dad watched every wrestling show on T.V. and I would watch it with him every time, just grew to love it from a young age. Then I got into Puro without even knowing it when I would go to my Grandma's house. She's 100% Japanese, was born and grew up in Japan. She only got basic channels at her house and the only VHSs she had to watch were My Neighbor Totoro, America's Funniest Home Videos episodes she recorded, and All Japan Pro Wrestling Tapes. So it was basically all around me from a young age, basically my whole family is into it from my Mom, my sisters, brothers all the way up to my 70 something year old Grandmother.
I remember my friends trying to get me to watch in elementary school but I never really got hooked.

But in 7th grade. I was at my grandfathers house waiting for my parents to get home and Saturday's Night Main Event came on. There was literally nothing else on so I was like "Sure, why not." I saw Edge and Batista but they didn't really interest me. Then the 6 man tag of Kane, Doink the Clown and Eugene vs. Viscera, Kevin Thorn, and Umaga. I was hooked. These insane characters took my attention and held it for all 10 minutes of the match. I watched Smackdown regularly after that and Londrick were my favorite wrestlers by far. It wasn't until a few months in did I realize there was two other shows.
I had never watched wrestling before, but I loved the video games. In ninth or tenth grade, I learned via a stage combat course in my Drama class that wrestling was staged, and that made me want to check it out. My first episode was an episode of Smackdown where The Undertaker returned to face Mark Henry. It was also the episode where the Cruiserweight Championship was retired. I was enjoying it enough to keep watching but not enough to get into it...until Deuce N Domino came out. These were two guys playing a greaser gimmick with a car, a valet, and great entrance music, and I loved it. Then Taker returned with those awesome vignettes ("They buried him alive. They set him on fire. And he keeps coming...back.") and I was totally hooked.

I was in Italy at the time, so my diet consisted of ECW and Smackdown. They came on one right after the other on Saturday afternoons on AFN. It was great. I could never watch RAW since it was always on Tuesdays when I was at school, but I never missed an episode of SD or ECW.

This basically. Minus the Italy and Drama class parts.

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