Why did Nexus attack Undertaker?


Getting Noticed By Management
I didn't see a thread on this and it's surprising because this was the most intriguing thing at Bragging Rights to me. Why do you think Nexus attacked the Undertaker?

Perhaps they were doing someone's bidding. Brock Lesner? John Cena, to set up the supposed Wrestlemania match?

Or was it just some random run-in like they've done in the past, with no intention of ever explaining it? I don't think this is likely because Otunga hinted that he would tell the world why they did it.

Honestly, I have no idea why. At this point, Brock Lesner seems like the most realistic option, since he came in with such a big push when he first came into the WWE, and maybe Nexus looks up to him or something.

Anyone have a better idea?
From Bragging Rights, It looks like WWE is possibly setting up a match between the Undertaker and Wade Barrett. Barrett is very high on Vince McMahon's list but is not ready to main event, however this match would really push Barrett to the top. Barrett would be the 19th victim to the Undertaker before setting up what I believe to be his final Wrestlemania match with John Cena next year.
I would agree c.ochoa312 for this upcoming Wrestlemania, but with Undertaker needing major shoulder surgery, Nexus attacking Undertaker looks like an easy way to write off the Deadman until he gets back from his rehab. I'm not too high on Wade Barrett as an in-ring performer, but he does give good promos. If Taker can get back a few weeks before Wrestlemania, and if they decide to go this route, we might see a Nexus vs. Brothers of Destruction handicap match at Wrestlemania...
Nexus prolly attacked Undertaker to send a message to the WWE that they still mean buisness and are still a serious threat aswell. Plus can make for good future storyline between Barrert/Taker.
The first thing I thought when I heard Nexus attacked Taker (again) was that it was done to plant the seeds for Barrett/Taker at WM, I see Taker returning at either Survivor Series or the Rumble, though I think the Rumble would work out better, and cost Barrett his match or to get eliminated, then Barrett, surrounded by Nexus calls the Deadman out to challenge him to a match at WM, thinking that with the help of Nexus there is no way he could lose, then the lights go out, and the mind games begin, slowly Taker takes out each member of Nexus one by one in the weeks leading up WM where he finally get his hands on Barrett
I would agree c.ochoa312 for this upcoming Wrestlemania, but with Undertaker needing major shoulder surgery, Nexus attacking Undertaker looks like an easy way to write off the Deadman until he gets back from his rehab. I'm not too high on Wade Barrett as an in-ring performer, but he does give good promos. If Taker can get back a few weeks before Wrestlemania, and if they decide to go this route, we might see a Nexus vs. Brothers of Destruction handicap match at Wrestlemania...

i like that idea. i think a brothers of destruction match at wrestlemania would be a great way to go. there would be the risk of kane being pinned to end the streak!
Again, Brock isn't coming back. Onto the actual thing, this isn't the first time they've done it. They attacked him before, maybe during the debut on SyFy or sometime around there. I don't fully remember but I remember them hitting the ring. I think at Series, Cena completes his heel turn and messes up Orton and reveals this whole thing has been his idea. That would be a great lead up to a Cena/Taker Wrestlemania match.
I think it's definately to set up a Barret/Taker feud and maybe even a Cena heel turn. About the Cena heel turn; Barret and Taker could be feuding with Barret still with the Nexus, they have a match at a PPV and Cena attacks Taker for Barret to get the win. I think Cena attacking Taker would get him completely over as a heel and this could also lead to a match at WM between the two. For the Barret/Taker feud; Vince is high on Barret and that means he wants him to be a true main eventer and this could make Barret a true main eventer feuding with Taker.
At this point in time, I have no idea why Nexus attacked Taker..and I like it.

Let's start off by saying we have no idea if Taker can even wrestle at Mania this year. All reports in regards to his health say he might not even be there, so I'm not sure where this is going.

I've heard a few people mention Brock Lesnar. If I were a betting man, I would say this isn't even possible. Dana White has said several times Brock isn't wrestling for WWE while under contract to the UFC. Brock isn't even healthy enough to compete in the UFC for the next six months! Do you honestly think Dana White is going to allow Brock to wrestle when he can't fight for UFC? I don't. But, I'm also in the shrinking-by-the-hour minority of fans who believe the Taker/Lesnar confrontation was completely legitimate (due to, ya know, facts and not just a hope).

My point is we have no clue where this is going. It could be Brock, hell I don't know for sure. It could be Vince, Shane or HHH. It could be Stephanie. Or, it could just be Wade Barrett wanting to end Taker's streak. All things seem to be on the table, and I think that's pretty damn sweet.
It's because 'Taker wasn't with them. Remember:

"You're Either Nexus or Against Us"

Anyways on to the question. I think that they did it to make an impact. Remember the 900th episode of RAW where they attacked the Undertaker just to gain more credibility, I certainly do.

Man im excited about this and especially how otunga wanted to tell why they attacked taker they could make this storyline great y? A like a few of you said barrett/taker feud, cena heel turn or make it look like it was him while the whole time it was HHH.. Now hes in the front office and we all know he can pull some strings!
I wouldn't put it past creative to reveal The Nexus' entire purpose was to assist Kane in his "12 year master plan" to end The Undertaker. it would be very cheesy and very anti-climatic.

While I would enjoy Nexus vs Undertaker, that just proves Barrett is gonna continue in a limbo as far being in the main event. I really doubt he'll be champion all the way to Wrestlemania because that would mean Undertaker would win Raw's WWE title. Meaning Barrett's run will be short and probably unsatisfying. I just hope it was just circumstance and not a big long story.
It has been highly rumoured and suggested that Nexus have a higher power or meaning. In my eyes, there are only two reasons Nexus would attack the deadman. Either:

A) Undertaker got in the way of the higher meaning - but I don't see how
B) Undertaker pissed of Nexus' higher power - the more likely option.

Now, to solve the issue of why Nexus attacked the Undertaker, we have to look at potential leaders of the Nexus who Undertaker has pissed off:

Shawn Michaels
Even though he has a motive to burry the Undertaker, there would be no big payoff in revealing he's the leader, considering he can't wrestle. Michales is ruled out.

Triple H

Hunter could possibly be acting out of revenge for Michaels, and there have been many rumours that he's the Nexus higher power.

Brock Lesnar
'Taker was seen at a UFC event not long ago where he seemingly challenged Lesnar, and there have been lots of rumours abotu Lesnar vs. Taker at Wrestlemania: this could be where it starts. Also, Lesnar has a valid reason to lead Nexus: he's a MMA guy who want's to kill WWE. Simple and effective.

After thinking through this, i think the most likely explanation is Triple H is the leader of the Nexus, and he's pissed of at 'Taker for ending Shawn's career. I would LOVE it if Lesnar was involved, but it's doutful (despite the timing of his confrontation with 'Taker and the Buried alive match)
I think we're looking at establishing Barrett V Undertaker at WM27. I mean logically speaking what other high profile superstars are there to face undertaker at mania that would result in a fresh match? With Nexus still seeking domination within the WWE I could see ending the streak being there next objective, with that being said however the same can go for Cena...
The reason they attcked him was to write Taker off TV without having him job clean to Kane.THat said, they'll have to explain somehow why it happened & what to build from it. Barret vs Taker would have been an obvious match to book at Mania...5yrs ago.As Taker approaches the end of his career, he's matches at WM having been bigger affairs.Barret vs Taker would be buried in the middle of the card(ala Sheamus vs HHH @WM26) and as "good" as Barret is, noone is going to believe that he can end the streak, unless of course the Nexus isnt banned from ringside.The TAker/Nexus fued will probably play out after WM27 or Taker/Barret may simply be a one-match program at Elimination Chamber(No Way Out) PPV.
If this was just another random attack by Nexus, I think Barrett would've said something by now. If they are setting up Barrett to face Undertaker, then he needs to say it soon to at least get a spark going just in case The Deadman is healed up enough to go at Mania. As for why, well outside of a random attack, I'd say Nexus did it to remind everyone that they are not to be messed with and possibly the group will crash Smackdown a little more often now.
I think the first time they attacked the undertaker was to make an impact. Taker happened to be on raw that night and they just decided to take advantage of that fact. I think this time it was far more methodical. They deliberately went out of their way to interefere in THIS match aginst THAT man. And I think it is a way of keeping their options open with regards to nexus, I think WWE is intending to keep nexus going til just after mania and this is a back-door is current storylines with them start going slow.

So I like to think of things in a sherlock holmes approach, them you have eliminated all else, whatever left no matter how improbably is the answer. Unfortunately that is difficult to do in a business where storylines are designed to make the most unexpected events come into fruition. For instance it would be hard to say that HBK wasn't behind it if you think far out enough because he has a motive and plausability (ie possibilty of being the raw GM) and although I think it is very unlikely, it is not impossible to rule out.

In that case let us be rid of all the impossibilities. It isnt darren young, evan bourne, jack swagger, and basically low-carders and mid-carders tied up in feuds are not behind it, it wouldn't make any sense. So lets rule out ziggler,bryan,morrison,ted dibiase,cody,drew mcintyre,goldust,zeke,swagger and those guys. Now lets exclude other mid-carders who would make no sense but arent involved in storylines such as kofi, mvp, christian etc. then we'll rule out other people in the top tier who are feud involved and wouldnt make sense, so now we remove miz, sheamus, alberto del rio, rey and others.

OK now were left with Kane, barrett, otunga, cena, raw GM, Edge, HBK, HHH, Chris Jericho, CM punk, someone from taker's past? and anyone else I can't think of atm, has to be a major heel with control over nexus and this is what I can currently narrow it down to.

1) On the following weeks smackdown, Kane seemed very proud of the fact that taker was buried but he didnt seem to know anything of this plan to bury him, concluded bu the fact he was talking about how he was the only man left standing when taker was buried, and that he scared away nexus after they intervened, I'm eliminating Kane

2) HBK retired from wrestling this year. I personally believe that over his years in the business, HBK matured as man. So I concluded that he's is the type of guy who is now totally honest. I dont think he would ever have worked anyweher than WWE and I dont think he will return to wrestling if he gave his word not to, I dont believe he would do that after his very honest speech, so I'm ruling out him because I trust his word.

3) I'm going eliminate jericho seen as WWE arent sure yet when he'll return so to base a story around him being there at a given time would be irresponsible plus nexus seemed very much physically in control of jericho not the other way round. I'm ruling him out.

And I think thats all the guys I can eliminate for certain....

So Raw GM, you can lump HHH into this category as well as michael cole and other prospective people. The Raw GM would do this surely to show what he could do and the control he had on nexus and the things they can do under his control, a very possible choice. I know you probably think CM punk is a wild card, but he is a top heel and could very well have his motives but he has only just moved to raw so it would be odd bringing him to smackdown by default as a result, plus what power could punk have over nexus, theyre not straight edge?, so I think it is possible to rule him out.

Right it cant be otunga ive just realised because wade was there when the whole thing went down and he wouldnt have done it under the rouse of otunga's orders and if it had been done without his say so, he would have brought it up on raw so it isnt otunga although otherwise plausable. So we are left now with wade barrett, john cena of the mystery Raw GM, just as everybody called initially. And what this means is depending on what they decide to do with nexus it could be any of these three, so you see what I mean about leaving options open? All three make as much sense as each other and it really is anyones call which one it will be, there is no sure way of knowing its ours to wait and see.

Thanks sherlock.....no shit....
im not totally sure but could it be the rock as a heel as the leader of nexus think theres been reports that the rock would come back to the wwe and we havent seen him could be him i have no clue but my honest opinion is prolly trips
I'm sure it was mentionned a while back that the way that WWE writes storyline these days (with the exception of large PPV's like summerslam and WM) is basically very short term into the future. They have a show and based on how the crowd reacted to everything that went down, they write next weeks show accordingly. I personally dont like this way of writing as I think it istoo short sighted and if you plan a story long term you can make alterations and tone it up if you have to.

I CAN in fact see why WWE do this. It helps account for any sudden injuries and you can plot your route in a storyline depending on how the crowd reacts, but nevertheless I dont really like this style.

So basically this means that when WWE make a big move like the one at bragging rights, it is designed as a multi-functional route, it allows you to carve your path when the time is right. And so I believe that making any guesses as to why nexus may have attacked the undertaker at this stage is purely guess-work. We cant start to make a guess until close to when we will actually know because they lay-put of things will be different then. So you can make a guess but just know not to base it upon anything you have seen because it likiely is pure speculation.

So if I was to make a guess about what was the reason behind the nexus attack. I'd say it was ordered either by the Raw GM or by a heel John Cena, but thats just blind guessing on my part.
I didn't know whether to put this in the RAW section or SmackDown! section, so I put it here.

There have been rumours (hope the spelling is right) that Triple H is the mastermind behind Nexus. Now, this is just a rumour because he is not. But, I have a feeling that he is linked to the Nexus. Now this is what happened:

1. Undertaker retired Shawn at WM 26
2. Triple H got injured
3. Nexus debuted
4. Kane looked to (and to an extent did) take out Taker
5. Cena joined Nexus
6. Nexus buried Taker alive

And remember, Hunter wanted to say something at Shawn's retirement RAW, but Sheamus attacked him and then he got injured. So, he didn't have time to actually say what he wanted to.

So here's what he might have wanted to say: "Shawn, my friend, you have been instrumental in me being one of the best there is today. But now, a guy called Undertaker retires you. I can't tolerate this. I knew you needed to go one day, but not like this. Laying your honour down for a valueless streak. I will take revenge!! I will!!"

Then, he got injured. But, Nexus debuted and Kane had a plan to put the Undertaker out. So, Triple H decided to unite Nexus and Kane when Nexus got stronger, that is, when Cena was added to it. So, he not only got rid of Undertaker, but also, no one would have a doubt on him. Plus, Kane also became the "Devil's favorite demon".

What say?? Is this Triple H's master plan or my rubbish and foolish idea? Guys, reply with whatever you've got. Curse me or bless me, I don't mind. So, your thoughts??
I like your attitude. You seem like a very respectable person. But this subject has been brought up loads of times in the past. It even started as early as HHH's absense itself. It would be nice to have such a complex storyline though, wouldn't it? One that was actually in full rotation and had to take a full year to culminate? Sounds awesome to me.

Now with that said, the only person pulling Nexus's strings is Wade Barret himself. He isn't taking orders from someone else or there would be segments depicting the questionable nature. No; the only person Wade has taken orders from is the General Manager computer that annoyingly makes itself known every week. Now if it turns out that the GM is in fact Triple H, then I would say spot on. It's perfectly plausible as a heel (because let's face it; whoever is behind that laptop is generating more and more heat than praise).

But the odds of the manager himself being The Game himself wouldn't make sense as a whole. He was taken out by Sheamus. Wouldn't Nexus have staged an attack of some kind on The Celtic Warrior if the man behind the curtains was HHH? WWE hasn't been that complex as of late; we all knew deep down it was Kane that put Taker in a coma but we didn't want to believe it because that was too easy. Same thing here.

Sometimes the people online are the better writers. But it's an interesting concept don't get me wrong. I'm just not feeling it.
Nexus attacked The Undertaker because Wade Barret might be facing UT at the Wrestlemania 27 ;) I wish WWE builds this storyline as the Undertaker vs Nexus, a no-disqualification Handicap match. But I doubt can Undertaker's body stand to this :confused:

If Barret wins, streak is over

If Undertaker wins, Nexus is dissolved

Then Barret brags that none can destroy Nexus.. Orton, Cena, Vince everyone lost and now its going to be Undertaker.

If Otunga is kicked out now, we will be left with 5 members- Michael, husky, Wade, Slater, Gabriel

Undertaker eliminates each one with his signature move :lol: :worship:
It's an old idea - Triple H being behind Nexus - but presented in a new way. I wouldn't totally be shocked to see this unfold as you've described it. Remember, a while back Barrett stated on an episode of Raw that "the time hasn't come yet to reveal exactly why they were doing this." I think most people in the IWC fully expect HHH to return as a heel and the mastermind behind Nexus, though whenever this conversation comes up, the good 'ole anti-HHH smarks come out of the woodwork and say how weak it would make Barrett look if it was revealed he was taking orders from The Game all along.

If HHH does return and reveals himself as the Nexus mastermind, then it pretty much eliminates all chance of Cena turning heel. One of them has to, because as it stands right now, either a heel HHH or a heel Cena will face Taker at next year's Wrestlemania. There's much speculation that Cena will finally make a heel turn in the Survivor Series match, which is certainly a possibility. But what really isn't being talked about is HHH making a return at Survivor Series and screwing Orton out of the title. In that scenario, HHH ensures Barrett wins, and since a heel HHH has always been focused on keeping the title, he can force Barrett to hand over the title the following night on raw.
1. Undertaker retired Shawn at WM 26
Yes, he did.

2. Triple H got injured
By Sheamus.

3. Nexus debuted

4. Kane looked to (and to an extent did) take out Taker
Right on.

5. Cena joined Nexus
*Cena was forced to join the Nexus.

6. Nexus buried Taker alive
And then proceeded to attack Kane on Smackdown this past Friday.

And remember, Hunter wanted to say something at Shawn's retirement RAW, but Sheamus attacked him and then he got injured. So, he didn't have time to actually say what he wanted to.

So here's what he might have wanted to say: "Shawn, my friend, you have been instrumental in me being one of the best there is today. But now, a guy called Undertaker retires you. I can't tolerate this. I knew you needed to go one day, but not like this. Laying your honour down for a valueless streak. I will take revenge!! I will!!"

Pretty thin, but ok.

Then, he got injured. But, Nexus debuted and Kane had a plan to put the Undertaker out. So, Triple H decided to unite Nexus and Kane when Nexus got stronger, that is, when Cena was added to it. So, he not only got rid of Undertaker, but also, no one would have a doubt on him. Plus, Kane also became the "Devil's favorite demon".

I doubt WWE creative is booking HHH to do anything besides come back and finish his feud with Sheamus. If HHH comes back to help Nexus, they are basically skipping over the ending of the HHH/Sheamus feud. I doubt that would happen.

Kane isn't "in league" with the Nexus. They just went to Smackdown and had a scuffle with Kane.

Also, as I said earlier, Cena didn't join Nexus. He was added against his will.

I don't think it would be a good idea to reveal HHH as being the "mastermind" behind Nexus. I don't think it's a good idea to reveal him as even being a part of Nexus. He left in the middle of a feud with Sheamus, who put HHH on the shelf. To just ignore that would be a rather large plot hole, and WWE isn't TNA, in that regard.

I just don't see it happening. Does that mean it won't happen? No, but when you look at all the smaller details involved, it wouldn't make much sense.
The purpose of Nexus was to get Wade Barrett over and keeping that in mind I don't think that it makes sense for anyone other than Wade to be the mastermind of the group.

The storyline that the OP mentioned is OK but I think there is an even simpler solution. Nexus' master plan is to hold all the unified belts. Wade wants to become the next Undisputed Champion of WWE after Brock Lesnar. Therefore he took out The Undertaker because he knows that the Phenom is one guy he cannot beat interferences notwithstanding. Thats why they attacked Kane too who is the present World Heavyweight Champion.

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