Why did Christian stay on ECW?

Yeah, that's why he has been working with Tommy Dreamer so much lately. Cause a young, up-and-coming whippersnapper like Dreamer needs the rub from a veteran like Christian in order to make a name for himself. I find it a lot more plausible that, considering they were already giving up five people, and not getting a whole lot in return, it made a small amount of sense to keep the biggest draw on the show in place for a bit.

I think perhaps you should take Rick, Scott, and the toaster and head on back to the basement...
christian is choosing to stay . get that threw your head . also christian has worked with more then tommy dreamer lately & shows you do not watch ecw or superstars at all. christian has been wrestling swagger & the hart dynasty alot latley. i own my own house & don't live in my moms basment like you
Some people just don't understand. You as fans can't always get you want. If that happens then a show becomes bland and random. Christian stayed because he is a veteran wrestler trying to help out the guys from FCW. All of you say why doesn't WWE push the younger guys but when a veteran wrestlers stays in a brand you scold the company? These thoughts are of hypocrites and ones that are not true wrestling fans. Someone mentioned that ECW is like WCW? Last time I remember ECW pushed the younger guys and not the older guys. If you really want to see WCW then you should put on Spike TV on thursdays and have a snooze fest.

Take ECW as pushing the new superstars of tomorrow. Clearly Finlay and Christian were pushing the Hart Dynasty to become good. Now they're going to SD to be a legit stable. Jack Swagger became champion just months after he came into the company and now he's in Raw and will make a name for himself asap. Tommy Dreamer and Matt Hardy helped accomplish this. Evan Bourne established his awesome ability in ECW and now is in Raw to surely become a contender for the US Title.

Again, someone called this a C show? Guys don't listen to the BS that people say and join bandwagons. Christian is doing his part in the company. He's doing good and he should be commended for it. The reason why he went to TNA in the first place was because during that time he was worn from the hectic schedule that WWE had. He even said it himself in a blog in his myspace that he did not like TNA and liked WWE better. You don't believe me? Then go to the bottom of this page of the blogs he made: http://blogs.myspace.com/jayresotna.

Point is you have to realize what is smart for a company. You guys finally have what you wanted to happen. Young guys are being pushed. Don't whine because not everyone gets moved to a show that you mostly watch.
Christian is where he belongs. I don't know what wrestling most of you are seeing on ECW, but he's nothing special. ECW is where they bring up rising stars, Vince hates Christian, and his star isnt rising, its fading fast. He's on ECW to collect an easy check, and to cash out. I don't see him staying in the WWE for more than another 3 years. The only reason he went back to the WWE was because they could offer him more money than TNA. You can say hes a good worker, and entertaining, but he seems to forced to me. He's like that person you meet who tries to hard to impress you, only to piss you off.
Very disappointed. Wanted him moved in the previous draft but didn`t happened. Now, it`s worse, the best from ECW moved and he stayed. Very very disappointing. :( A move to smack down would have been perfect.
It would have been much more exciting and made more since to have Edge and Christian win the titles instead of Jericho. At somepoint Edge and Christian, must feud or reunite, were'nt they portrayed as "brothers" earlier in their careers?
ECW is the best place for Christian. On Smackdown he would be behind 'Taker, Hardy and Rey as top babyfaces and Edge and Jericho as heels, and behind Punk in whatever he is at the moment. On RAW he would be behind Cena, HHH, Batista, HBK as babyfaces and behind Orton, Show and possibly now Swagger as a heel. On ECW he's top dog. He wouldn't be getting on PPV's in world title matches on the other brands.

I know most people for some reason find him as the best thing going but he just isn't at the top of the company. There's no reason why he would be. When he left the WWE he wasn't main event then he left to TNA and no one is main event when they comeback from there. He is where he belongs for now. Besides, he can feud with Shelton Benjamin now. They're the two wrestlers who seem to get the most love from people on this board, aren't you all creaming your pants at the thought of it? That feud wouldn't get on a PPV on any other brand, now it can be for a title.
Vince has stated repeatedly that he doesn't think that Christian has all of the elements yet to become a major player. I think that He wants Christian there, in ECW, to see if he grows, and to see if the audience react.
Christian and Shelton Benjamin? That would be just classic!

I'd watch that over any other current feud (Hardy/Punk, Cena/Show, HHH/Orton, except Mysterio/Jericho, that's a good one.)
Hey at least he's not on TNA, then he wouldn't be seen AT ALL!

Face it, Christian is not over with VKM very much so it is probably more of a political move than a business move. Youtube Jim Cornette's shoot interview on Christian in ECW, he sheds a lot of knowledge on WWE politics and why Vince made a bad decision by putting Christian on ECW.

On a side note with Matt Hardy on Smackdown, wouldn't it have been nice if the Unified Tag Champs were E&C? A Hardy reunion would've been awesome and a TLC match at Summerslam for the tag belts would've been the best move. How many fucking PPV buys would summerslam get if this was a highlight match? It could close the show it would be so epic.
This will probably be the last time I am going to post in here, because this is pissing me off way too much to keep coming back.

1. ECW is the perfect place for Christian. He gets to be "the guy" on a brand, and is guaranteed a main event spot there. He also is very good in the ring and will help out all of the younger guys coming up from FCW.

2. If there is some kind of head between him and Vince, which I doubt, it wouldn't change a thing. By the reaction he gets, his in-ring talent, and his mic work, Christian is exactly where he should be. This isn't some conspiracy to keep him down. Anyone who believes that is out of their mind.

3. Ask yourself, what would you rather see: Christian in the ECW title picture, or Christian in the Intercontinental/United States title picture? Those are your choices because he isn't a main eventer, and he probably never will be. There are too many guys better than him in WWE and it will be that way for awhile. Face it, this is where Christian belongs, and will remain for the time being.
So it basically seems like everyone thinks Christian should be on ECW to help new stars. I still cant agree with that. Yeah, he's the "top dog" on ECW, but with a roster so small there, he can't feud with anybody great except for Shelton Benjamin and William Regal. Even though he's the "top dog" I rather see him on Smackdown or RAW to where he could feud for the IC/US Titles, possibly the Tag Titles, and even further down the road for the WWE/World Titles.

Am I saying he is the greatest of all time? No. But does he deserve better then ECW to put talent over to the next level? Yes.

What will people be saying if he's there after the next draft still? Yeah, then Im sure more people will start complaining then.
Wow at all of you WWE marks making so many excuses as to why Christian is on ECW.

Christian is not the face of ECW. When I think of the current ECW, besides current ECW champ Tommy Dreamer, I think of Evan Bourne, Mark Henry, and Finlay. Those guys could have easily stayed and are more synonymous with ECW while Christian could have moved on. WWE has had about 5 opportunities to push Christian but they chose not to.

Christian came to WWE to become world champion, not to babysit development guys on a C show. How can anyone not see that the man is being punished for going to TNA.
If Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, Finlay, Mark Henry, and the Hart Dynasty got traded to RAW and Smackdown, then why in the hell did Christian stay there? He gets bigger reactions then any of those guys. I was at WrestleMania 25, and people went CRAZY when he came out. If he is getting pops, then why did Vince have him stay? Do yall really think its because he went to TNA.

We all know he could go to Raw or Smackdown and be a big superstar. Main Event or Semi-Main Event.

What do yall think?

As Lord Sidious said, he's the show's main force. Christian can't go anywhere at the moment. Swagger only jumped to Raw because Christian was there to hold the fort with Dreamer.

Don't be getting all "TNA conspiracy" on us. It's because Christian is carrying ECW right now, honest. That, and Raw needs them some heels. Swagger was the ECW champion. He can jump right on up to that main-event and make someone's life hell.

Christian will get moved up. Just wait a tick. They've gotta get those mid-carders on ECW ready to carry ECW. May take a bit, but oh. Just wait.
besides dreamer, christian is the biggest face on the show. if a heel won the title, who would the champ face besides dreamer?
well the main reason is the fact that there is nobody to take his place as one of the top faces on that show. Also, Vince doesn't think Christian is main event material so he's probably better off on ECW where he's on of the top guys whereas on Raw he would be stuck in the miserable mid card division.
This is what I was thinking.
In a couple of months, Christian will be needed on Smackdown, especially if Jeff Hardy is leaving. They're gonna need a main event face.
Mysterio on his own won't be enough against all the heels. And JoMo isn't ready to be elevated yet. The Edge face turn seems to be getting delayed constantly, so that's not gonna add another face to SD for a while. And now CM Punk, the face that was second only to Hardy is going heel. It would've been perfect for Christian to come to SD.

Sure, ECW needs a big name on there. But they could've taken someone from the crowded upper midcard and main event scene on Raw, surely?
We wanna see Christian vs Punk and of course, Christian vs Edge. So the decision is kinda confusing to me. But like always with WWE, I'm gonna have some blind faith and see how it goes.
Again, lol at all the excuses. They could have continued to build ECW around The Hart Dynasty and could have pushed Evan Bourne for the ECW title. Christian does not belong on ECW anymore. All there doing is lowering his value. He's won the belt. What else? Oh yeah, now he has to wait and job to guys from developmental territories! How silly do you guys sound?
As Lord Sidious said, he's the show's main force. Christian can't go anywhere at the moment. Swagger only jumped to Raw because Christian was there to hold the fort with Dreamer.

Don't be getting all "TNA conspiracy" on us. It's because Christian is carrying ECW right now, honest. That, and Raw needs them some heels. Swagger was the ECW champion. He can jump right on up to that main-event and make someone's life hell.

Christian will get moved up. Just wait a tick. They've gotta get those mid-carders on ECW ready to carry ECW. May take a bit, but oh. Just wait.

Although I do agree that Swagger can jump into a high profile feud on Raw, and ECW was holding him back. I dont agree that he can jump in the Main Event on Raw after holding the ECW Championship. The ECW Title is on the same level as the IC/US title, and Swagger needs to be polished more before he can step up to the level of Cena and Orton.

and as far as Christian goes, hes on in the WWE for the paycheck, so leave him on ECW to help new, exciting, and non-boring younger talent make their way on to the main WWE stage.
I think it's all just Vince and Cripple-H getting back at him for leaving and going to NWA-TNA, and even winning the NWA World Heavyweight Title. And unlike NWA-JCP (who never dogged former WWF Champions) Vince always has to be a jerk to former NWA World Heavyweight Champions and make them look like crap - something his father never did (see: Ric Flair, Harley Race, Ricky Steamboat, Terry Funk, Dusty Rhodes, Barry Windham, etc...).

Before that he was "blowing up" in the WWE, but if we all remember Cripple-H was holfing him back then as well when Christian challenged for the World Heavyweight Title and was "buried" by HHH.

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