Why did Christian stay on ECW?


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If Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, Finlay, Mark Henry, and the Hart Dynasty got traded to RAW and Smackdown, then why in the hell did Christian stay there? He gets bigger reactions then any of those guys. I was at WrestleMania 25, and people went CRAZY when he came out. If he is getting pops, then why did Vince have him stay? Do yall really think its because he went to TNA.

We all know he could go to Raw or Smackdown and be a big superstar. Main Event or Semi-Main Event.

What do yall think?
If Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, Finlay, Mark Henry, and the Hart Dynasty got traded to RAW and Smackdown, then why in the hell did Christian stay there? He gets bigger reactions then any of those guys. I was at WrestleMania 25, and people went CRAZY when he came out. If he is getting pops, then why did Vince have him stay? Do yall really think its because he went to TNA.

We all know he could go to Raw or Smackdown and be a big superstar. Main Event or Semi-Main Event.

What do yall think?

He is staying on ECW because he is one of the prime faces for that show. I don't think Dreamer is going to be champion for too much longer, and they need someone else in the top Face position for that broadcast.

That poses a problem to people who want to see Christian get more mainstream exposure on Raw or Smackdown, though. Essentially, what WWE is saying is that "We don't have anyone to take his place".

Realistically though, they could have probably substituted Christian for Evan Bourne and sent Christian to Raw instead, and the show would have still done the same ratings. I would have personally preferred that myself, given my vision of how I would like ECW to be a Cruiserweight brand, and I think Bourne leading that type of Brand would have been great.
I agree man, poor christian stuck on a developmental show with dudes from fcw. He deserves a lot better. The only thing i can think is they needed his star power on ecw to keep the ratings from falling below a 1 but even with him i still don't know if they can. Its such a slap in the face to even name that show ecw still because there is nothing extreme about it at all.
they should just call it wcw if they're going for a "we're the best company ever and we own the other promotions". wcw would sound better then ecw because like you said, its not extreme in the slightest bit.

but i do wish christian was on smackdown because he would wrestle. if on raw, just in storylines and even though he entertaining on the mic, he's awesome in ring.
Yeah, it absolutely sucks that Christian is basically being given free reign of a brand all his own. It's so awful that the young guys get to benefit from association with someone as revered by the fans as Christian. It's a real travesty. :rolleyes:

Christian is a good promo man and good wrestler, but they need someone to play his role on ECW as the top face. If it wasn't him, it would be another major midcarder and people would complain about the WWE burying that guy. Christian will get his shot to move off the brand in time. It has nothing to do with him being in TNA. He simply serves an important purpose on the brand at the moment. I mean for heaven's sake, he wouldn't have taken the belt off of Swagger (one of the new golden boys) if he was being punished for jumping ship. The Christian fans really need to get over themselves.

I like Christian but I will lose no sleep over his current position in the company.
Vince doesnt think christian is really a main event player at all, and after all he was the first to jump ship to TNA, so it could be some sort of punishment ?
A mean i no WWE is saying that christian is the top guy on ECW but come on its the C show.

Christian should have went to smackdown IMO, though i have a sneek feeling hes going to have somthing to do with Edge and Jerichos storyline, somewere along the lines.
well the way i see it if christian were to stay with the WWE and not jump over to TNA then he would have ended up on ECW anyway, so maybe vince is just trying to show his vision that christian is in the ranks of william regal, and the other rejects sent down to ECW to let there careers wither away. however right now ECW needs someone like christian or else they will just have bad TV. maybe they have him on there to keep ECW afloat until someone else can handle the load
I just think they coulda left Bourne instead and make him the top babyface on the brand. He never really feuded for the ECW title, and he should have. And they coulda let Christian move on to bigger things like he deserves.
I believe Christian should of been the assailant instead of Matt Hardy or at least have CM Punk's spot as the MITB winner and feud with Jeff Hardy. I believe Christian is a killer heel and would get way more heat then CM Punk ever could. But that's my opinion I could be wrong. Probably not though.
It has been no big secret that Christian and Vince McMahon don't really get along. It is also no big secret that Vince signed Christian to a big contract just to get him out of TNA where he was developing a character that was more respected than liked (Sort of an anti-hero that had friends).

Vince wants every wrestler in every company that could be a threat to him. He wanted Angle back, he clammored for years to get Sting to jump ship, there is word that they want AJ Styles. Vince could deny there is any threat to him all he wants but his actions in resigning people and signing away stars from other companies contradicts that.

Because of all of these factors Vince is going to simply bury Christian until there is an outcry from the fans to move him. Don't think there isn't resentment from Vince to all of those who jump to TNA because I guarantee that there is.
I am so tired of all of these "Christian iz b-ing uzed rong!" threads. What more do you want for the guy? He was brought back to the same place, if not a little higher, on the card as where he was when he left. He didn't have to start from scratch like R-Truth did. He's been the top champion and is now one of two top faces on his brand.

He is in a place where he is cemented in the main event as long as he is there and put on matches with some of the best young guys WWE has to offer. Think about it: Would he be as over if it wasn't for his feud with Jack Swagger? Probably not. Christian is in the perfect place right now, and anyone who says differently is out of their mind.
Well it's not really Christian's choice is it? I mean WWE creative planned this out. And if Christian left ECW wouldn't have a top face! Christian brings major popularity into ECW! Christian is the reason some people even watch ECW! And if he isn't on ECW who can play his role? If Cena or Triple H went to ECW they'd be buried! If some one like John Morrison another high mid-carder babyface went to ECW to take Christian's place, Morrison would lose his main event push and he probably wouldn't do a job as great as Christian has (no offense to Morrison fans).
I am so tired of all of these "Christian iz b-ing uzed rong!" threads. What more do you want for the guy? He was brought back to the same place, if not a little higher, on the card as where he was when he left. He didn't have to start from scratch like R-Truth did. He's been the top champion and is now one of two top faces on his brand.

He is in a place where he is cemented in the main event as long as he is there and put on matches with some of the best young guys WWE has to offer. Think about it: Would he be as over if it wasn't for his feud with Jack Swagger? Probably not. Christian is in the perfect place right now, and anyone who says differently is out of their mind.

I believe your out of your mind if you think Christian isn't over or isn't deserving to be in a program with Edge or Jericho. I mean Jack Swagger? seriously? He's gifted and is on the right show right now but is far away from being main event. I'm glad Christian is elevating the talent on ECW but he should of started out hot with a program with Edge or Jeff Hardy. Just think of the star power and potential an Edge/Christian or Christian/Jeff Hardy feud could bring. Even Jim Ross stated he wished Edge and Christian were a team again. I think the majority of fans want to see Christian shine, and thats all that matters.
I believe your out of your mind if you think Christian isn't over or isn't deserving to be in a program with Edge or Jericho. I mean Jack Swagger? seriously? He's gifted and is on the right show right now but is far away from being main event. I'm glad Christian is elevating the talent on ECW but he should of started out hot with a program with Edge or Jeff Hardy. Just think of the star power and potential an Edge/Christian or Christian/Jeff Hardy feud could bring. Even Jim Ross stated he wished Edge and Christian were a team again. I think the majority of fans want to see Christian shine, and thats all that matters.

I never said Christian wasn't over. I said the feud with Jack Swagger helped that a lot. He doesn't deserve a program with and those guys. How has he earned it anymore than Punk or Morrison? EDGE AND CHRISTIAN WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN. Edge is heel, Christian is face. Edge is one of the top guys in the entire company, Christian is upper midcard where he belongs. It's not going to happen. Christian is in a great spot on ECW and anyone who can't see that must be blind
He's on ECW because they need for him to be. Besides Tommy Dreamer, can you actually name a face on ECW right now? I mean really, try to give me face that is working on ECW? My God, they're so desperate for a face, they're convincing themselves that it'a a good idea to turn Kozlov face. That should give you some semblance of an idea of how many faces the ECW program has. People have their conspiracy theories, but at the end of the day, he's not on ECW because theyc want him there, but mainly because he is needed there. Without him, you'd have Tommy Dreamer taking on the likes of a million heels. And in the short term, that sounds cool, but it really screws them over for the long term. Besides that, Christian can act as one of the few decent promo cutters currently on ECW. What these new kids need is someone to teach them the rights and wrongs of cutting a promo, and someone to play off in front of a live crowd. Simply put, that Abraham Washington was dreadful, but it wasn't Washington's fault. He had no one to work off between The Bella twins, and it was horribly evident. Chrsitian will provide a person to work off of, and will be able to feed off the other character, as the other character will feed off them. Believe it or not, I look forward to a promo between Christian and Washington, and I feel both will be able to play off the other character.

For all of the conspiracy theorists, this isn't The WWE holding down Christian, and it isn't an abuse of power. Simply enough, ECW would have multiple issues without Christian, and to most fans, it'd be pretty unwatchable. Christian attracts fans, and does it so easily. Relax, Peeps.... Christian will eventually get his spot.
Yeah, it absolutely sucks that Christian is basically being given free reign of a brand all his own. It's so awful that the young guys get to benefit from association with someone as revered by the fans as Christian. It's a real travesty. :rolleyes:

Christian is a good promo man and good wrestler, but they need someone to play his role on ECW as the top face. If it wasn't him, it would be another major midcarder and people would complain about the WWE burying that guy. Christian will get his shot to move off the brand in time. It has nothing to do with him being in TNA. He simply serves an important purpose on the brand at the moment. I mean for heaven's sake, he wouldn't have taken the belt off of Swagger (one of the new golden boys) if he was being punished for jumping ship. The Christian fans really need to get over themselves.

I like Christian but I will lose no sleep over his current position in the company.


Like said above, he is in a great position. ECW will be HIS brand, he will be the face of it. Give him more time to be built up, then he'll move over to RAW or Smackdown. At the moment we have some freshish feuds going on (well RAW is trying to rap up its old ones) so there is no need for Christian to enter the fray.
I'm not talking about E&C tag team, that shipped has sailed unfortunatly but there is so much to work with Christian on Smackdown to go agaisnt Edge/ Jericho/CM Punk/ Mysterio/ Taker/Kane/ Mysterio/ and Morrison. I just think if Angle came back and they had him job on ECW which he would do it would be a waste of talent. There is no use talking about it though because apparently Christian isn't leaving ECW for a long time.
Yes, Christian is the face of ECW now, but why should he have to be the one elevating rookies? Finlay coulda done it. Think of this, do yall really wanna see a Christian/Zack Ryder feud? Now how many of yall wanna see a Christian/John Morrison feud? Thats just with Christian being in the mid-card, not feuding more towards the top with like Mysterio, Kane, etc.

I think there are only 3 feuds he has left on ECW after Dreamer, and that is Regal, Kozlov, and Benjamin. Hopefully that gets him to No Way Out to where he can start feuding for MITB for WM26. And then hopefully he goes to Smackdown.
Let me remind you this trade was to change things up they got wrong in the draft, not to trade big name superstars. WWE had no one to replace christan with on ecw that is a face. Heels are easy to come by and they replaced swagger with regal so his character will get some tv time and swagger gets advanced. Moving swagger in the draft would of buried him. This will give him a good push. Christan had nothing to gain from moving, fans dont remeber him enough (well the kids) so they need to establish him as a multi time ecw champ before they can main event him. In a year I expect awesome title fueds with edge and jericho over the world heavyweight championship, but not yet. He could awalys do what hardy did and leave ecw for smackdown. The moves made were to give bourne more tv time, to give hart dnasty competition, to free up mark henery allowing koslov main event status on ecw, and taking swagger away from the title. Christan had nothing to gain from the move and everything to loose. A few more ecw title reigns will do him wonders.
Christian is one of the most talented performers in the business and more skilled than 90% of the guys on the combined WWE roster. There is no reason he isn't feuding with the best of them on one of the two main shows. He is far better than the most of the top guys that are on the main shows. However everyone knows that to be in the main spotlight you have to get along with Vince and to an extent kiss his ass. Christian has never done that, Christian stays buried on ECW.
christian is carrying the show. he is the only reason i watch ecw. if he left who would be the big names there kozlov, dreamer, regal, benjamine get real none of those guys deserve to be maineventers or ecw champion. i would however like to see a christian/shelton feud
If Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, Finlay, Mark Henry, and the Hart Dynasty got traded to RAW and Smackdown, then why in the hell did Christian stay there? He gets bigger reactions then any of those guys. I was at WrestleMania 25, and people went CRAZY when he came out. If he is getting pops, then why did Vince have him stay? Do yall really think its because he went to TNA.

We all know he could go to Raw or Smackdown and be a big superstar. Main Event or Semi-Main Event.

What do yall think?
what most of you are forgetting is why christian went to tna in the first place & that was to help the youngsters . so why don't you guys thing christian chose to stay on ECW & help with the youngsters like he did in tna.
Christan is on ECW to give the young guys a rub. Is it more impressive to do well versus Christan or Finley. The answer should be Christan. He and Dreamer are definate main eventers (though Dreamer's gimmic says he should not be champion).

Also, Dreamer is there to also give the guys a rub. He is ECW. All of the established wrestlers tend to be guys that provide good on the job training. Shelton Benjamin has worked with some of the FCW guys before and Regal has trained wrestlers like Punk and the American Dragon. Christian worked with a bunch of inexperienced guys in TNA and Dreamer knows hardcore wrestling. Christan provides a main event and he knows how to work with the "inexperienced."
I guess i am in the minority, but I have been watching wrestling since the mid 80's and the only reason i started to watch the new ecw again was for the hart dynasty, not christian.
To me christian is sorta bland as a wrestler and whatnot.
I liked him in E&C but i don't see the big deal about why he is so over,
Give me the hart dynasty, koslov, shamus, mvp, and even the miz over christian. since I think all of them are more entertaining to watch then christian
I though I was done watching ecw after the hart dynasty got traded but then I started to watch the one I had taped yesterday and I would still watch it for shamus :) other then him in my opinion there is no reason to watch ecw even though like i said I am probably in the minority here
what most of you are forgetting is why christian went to tna in the first place & that was to help the youngsters . so why don't you guys thing christian chose to stay on ECW & help with the youngsters like he did in tna.

Yeah, that's why he has been working with Tommy Dreamer so much lately. Cause a young, up-and-coming whippersnapper like Dreamer needs the rub from a veteran like Christian in order to make a name for himself. I find it a lot more plausible that, considering they were already giving up five people, and not getting a whole lot in return, it made a small amount of sense to keep the biggest draw on the show in place for a bit.

I think perhaps you should take Rick, Scott, and the toaster and head on back to the basement...

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