Why Bring Daniel Back?


I'm about to DROP A PIPE BOMB!
So for those of us who watched the rumble tonight, we saw a Roman Reigns victory. We saw a brutal Philly crowd boo the hell out of Reigns, someone who has worked hard to get to the point he is at right now...

If wwe wants him to be the face of the future, here is my question, why would they bring back D-Bry at the Rumble, why not wait until Fast Lane? I just don't understand it... I think anyone with a brain would understand these crowds are relentless and will not quit until D-Bry wins. They booed like crazy and ultimately ruined Regins moment and I feel terrible for him, you could tell he was pissed, her didn't deserve that treatment. So my question is... Why bring back D-Bry if there would obvs be backlash if he didn't win? I just don't get it....
I get your point. I think that WWE has continuously underrated Daniel Bryan's popularity. It's not the 'IWC' fanboyism with him, he is really popular. IMO, all they were trying to do is get more network subscription and PPV buys by putting him on the card while not really giving him a prominent role. Even though Daniel Bryan has a ready storyline, they just want to give it to Reigns without any smart thinking.

WWE is going all wrong in their booking of Reigns. The Rumble was all booked weirdly. Hopefully, they'll do something to rectify it.
I think anyone with a brain would understand these crowds are relentless and will not quit until D-Bry wins.

So what is WWE supposed to do for the next few years? Continue putting Bryan in the WrestleMania main event? We saw the improbable story last year. He beat all odds, wrestled twice at WM against top caliber competition and won the strap. I didn't want to see him headlining WM again and I'm glad he's not. If WWE only reacts to audience reaction, Bryan would be the champ for the next 5 years and everyone else could just pack it in until someone smaller and even more unlikely came along.
So what is WWE supposed to do for the next few years? Continue putting Bryan in the WrestleMania main event? We saw the improbable story last year. He beat all odds, wrestled twice at WM against top caliber competition and won the strap. I didn't want to see him headlining WM again and I'm glad he's not. If WWE only reacts to audience reaction, Bryan would be the champ for the next 5 years and everyone else could just pack it in until someone smaller and even more unlikely came along.

I first would like to preface this by saying that I have no issue with Reigns winning the Rumble. It is clear that he is Vince's guy and is making a hard push at getting him to Cena's level.

That being said Bryan should have won the Rumble and main evented Wrestlemania. Everyone knows Lesnar is going to lose at the event so their is no suspension of disbelief. Bryan beating Lesnar at Mania would set him up for either 2 scenarios: 1) Getting cashed in on immediately or the following night so that he has to chase the title again or 2) Giving Bryan a lengthy run he was robbed of because of his injury last year. No one wants Bryan to be champion forever but most people are sure as hell sick of Cena being the guy.
If they didn't bring him back before the Rumble everyone would assume that he would be a surprise entrant in the Rumble and when he didn't show up they would shit all over the match anyways.

So what is WWE supposed to do for the next few years? Continue putting Bryan in the WrestleMania main event?

Hulk Hogan headlined like 10 WrestleManias, Austin headlined 4. You book your top guy in the main event. Bryan has connected with the audience and gotten more over than anyone is years. Why bother fighting it, just run with it.

We saw the improbable story last year. He beat all odds, wrestled twice at WM against top caliber competition and won the strap.
At WrestleMania 14, Austin was the challenger and he won the strap, it was a huge Mania moment. Then guess what? Next year at Mania 15 he was the challenger yet again, and he overcame the odds to win the strap. Then going into Mania 17 he was the challenger again, and he won the strap. They tried turning him heel and it was fucking terrible because the crowd STILL loved him.

The point is, Austin was the top babyface, and the crowd ate that shit up. When somebody is that over you ride the wave, there's nothing wrong with having your top face chase the belt year after year. If the crowd is into it, do it. Listen to the audience.
Either way, coming in at #10 and getting eliminated after 6 additional entrants is just flat out insulting to DB.
Daniel Bryan didn't have to win the Rumble to get a shot at the title. He should have an automatic rematch for it considering that he was stripped of the title, and didn't lose it.

The reason why the crowd shit all over the winner, was because that is the Philly crowd and the WWE knew full well this might happen. They have known for weeks now that Reigns hasn't been getting the reaction that he should be, and there was even reports that said they were rethinking the winner. The thread is on here a couple of pages back.

Tonight's Rumble was a disaster, and whoever booked it should be kicked soundly up the ass. Reigns is not ready to headline Mania, he is not ready to take on Lesnar and he is not ready to handle the pressure that comes with being champion. It showed on his face tonight, and even when the Rock can't get the crowd to cheer for you there is a problem.
So what is WWE supposed to do for the next few years? Continue putting Bryan in the WrestleMania main event? We saw the improbable story last year. He beat all odds, wrestled twice at WM against top caliber competition and won the strap. I didn't want to see him headlining WM again and I'm glad he's not. If WWE only reacts to audience reaction, Bryan would be the champ for the next 5 years and everyone else could just pack it in until someone smaller and even more unlikely came along.

You have to give the fans more credit than that. The fans did not want to see Reigns get this push because he is not ready. Pushing Reigns towards the title is a bad booking decision. The guy isn't ready. This should be Bryan's time to get a real run with the belt. He's never gotten a real run with the belt, the first time Orton cashed in on him and the second time he got hurt. The fans want to see Bryan in the top spot, however the WWE is constantly fighting against it. And it's annoying. Had Bryan gotten a real run then the fans would ease up.
Either way, coming in at #10 and getting eliminated after 6 additional entrants is just flat out insulting to DB.

They did that to get him out the way early in hopes that the fans would be over Bryan getting eliminated by the time Roman was in there at the end.
So what is WWE supposed to do for the next few years? Continue putting Bryan in the WrestleMania main event? We saw the improbable story last year. He beat all odds, wrestled twice at WM against top caliber competition and won the strap. I didn't want to see him headlining WM again and I'm glad he's not. If WWE only reacts to audience reaction, Bryan would be the champ for the next 5 years and everyone else could just pack it in until someone smaller and even more unlikely came along.

And what would be the problem with WWE putting Bryan in the main event every year? That's what pro wrestling does with it's top stars and most over wrestlers. Hogan was champ for four years and was in the main event of the first 9 Wrestlemanis. Stone Cold and the Rock were in the main event constantly during their runs. Cena's been a constant main eventer for the last 10 years.

Wrestling shouldn't have two new main eventers every year. The idea is that when someone is over enough and popular enough you put them in the main events to draw crowds. Daniel Bryan has been the most over guy in the company for the last two years. So yes, WWE should absolutely put Daniel Bryan in the main event for as long as he's over as he is. If that's two years, five years, or 20 years, then if WWE was smart they would go with it.

Whether you like him or not, no one is more over with the crowd on a wide-spread basis (not just internet geek boys) than Daniel Bryan. So logically speaking, yes WWE would go with Bryan and put him in the main event until he either loses popularity or winds his career down.
So for those of us who watched the rumble tonight, we saw a Roman Reigns victory. We saw a brutal Philly crowd boo the hell out of Reigns, someone who has worked hard to get to the point he is at right now...

If wwe wants him to be the face of the future, here is my question, why would they bring back D-Bry at the Rumble, why not wait until Fast Lane? I just don't understand it... I think anyone with a brain would understand these crowds are relentless and will not quit until D-Bry wins. They booed like crazy and ultimately ruined Regins moment and I feel terrible for him, you could tell he was pissed, her didn't deserve that treatment. So my question is... Why bring back D-Bry if there would obvs be backlash if he didn't win? I just don't get it....

$$$. I assume people paid money to see Bryan. I feel Reigns' reaction would have been ruined regardless. People still chanted for CM Punk and he's in UFC. I could imagine they would have did Daniel Bryan chants and booed if Bryan never came out.
I'm not a Daniel Bryan hater. But I see some of these posts comparing him potentially to Austin and Hogan in terms of popularity and I shake my head. If he's this popular, guess what? He can hang around for a cycle or two without the title and he'll still be the man in fan's eyes. Like him or not Cena is still the face of WWE and he doesn't need the title to carry that distinction. If Bryan is on this path, he shouldn't need the title either.

It's funny to see some of these posts about Bryan being so over. You do realize if you booked Bryan to be the man year after year you'd have Super-Daniel Bryan, the guy who overcomes all the odds and always wins. But wait people complain about that with Super Cena...
They did that to get him out the way early in hopes that the fans would be over Bryan getting eliminated by the time Roman was in there at the end.

Isn't it incredible how when booking Reigns to win they have to account for how Bryan is way too over, and make adjustments to try and ensure it doesn't wreck their plans.

If a guy is THAT over, maybe just make him win.
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I honestly think Ziggler was ready. They should've given it to him. If Benoit gets to have a WrestleMania main event win despite being a career midcarder, Ziggler should have one too.
They did that to get him out the way early in hopes that the fans would be over Bryan getting eliminated by the time Roman was in there at the end.

Not good enough of a reason and it obviously didn't work. Shit, everyone was cheering for Rusev at the end of the match. Reigns isn't ready, I'm sorry. I think the potential to be a top guy is there, but he just hasn't gained my confidence yet and I'm clearly not alone in that. His promos are really sub-par and he doesn't even impress me in the ring all that much either. Here's to hoping that Rollins cashes in at Wrestlemania after Reigns beats Brock. Became a big fan of Seth tonight, he put on a hell of a match.
Yeah, I don't know what they were thinking. It would seem they thought Roman Reigns was more over than he is...or at least he would get there with Rock's help. It was pretty easy to see this coming, I've been saying for months(since before he got hurt) that Roman Reigns was not and would not be ready. I kept cautioning that he would be exposed without Rollins and Ambrose to protect him, and unfortunately that's exactly what has happened. Now they have to figure out how to fix this...unlike last year, when the triple threat was clearly the plan all along(and it was evident even before the Royal Rumble, but especially so immediately after), it would seem that right now they plan on doing a 1-on-1 match with Lesnar and Reigns. And clearly that's going to have to change, and DB will have to be inserted once again.

My favorite part of this thread is seeing all of his "haters"(I hate that word, but it is apt here) trying to argue against it. Like he couldn't or shouldn't main event two WMs in a row. What? Several superstars have done that, several have done much more than two. It's not a big deal. Especially when he's been injured the whole year, it's not like he was on top the entire time. Why are you talking this nonsense about him doing 5 in a row? If he does two in a row, that means he has to do five in a row? Great strawman argument there, buddy. Not to mention, obviously, if he is over enough to main event five then yes he could or should...but, again, that has nothing to do with this. Why are you trying to deny that he's over? The crowd tonight booed mercilessly for an hour after he was eliminated, only The Great One could temporarily stop them. Say what you want about him not being Hogan or Austin or Cena, but the fact is the crowd reactions say otherwise right now. Why are you bringing up the perils of giving the fans what they want? Yes, we all realize you can't ALWAYS give the fans what they want. So that means they should NEVER give the fans what they want? That's infinitely more stupid. Especially at WrestleMania. If there's one event where you do give the fans what they want, that's it.

I can't be bothered to quote each individual post, but I think that covers it. If you said something stupid, you know who you are.
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DANIEL BRYANS going to wrestlemania for a title shot...... oh wait lol.
Get it up you all you DB fanboys hahahahahahahahahaha
I honestly think Ziggler was ready. They should've given it to him. If Benoit gets to have a WrestleMania main event win despite being a career midcarder, Ziggler should have one too.

I believe he's ready too but he wasn't booked very well these past few months so Ziggler wouldn't have made sense. At least when Benoit won it he had been built up for months prior.
That was the worst piece of crap since ummm...last year's Rumble. I mean what a complete joke. DB and Ziggler were just treated like bitches. When the last 3 men standing are big slow, jobber Kane, and Bootiista 2.0 Reigns that is just time to turn the tv off and leave. Extremely disappointed. This shit has hit rock bottom, no pun intended. The triple threat match was awesome obviously but Daniel Bryan going out like that just what the hell is WWE thinking. He didn't need to win but come on WWE I mean seriously.
If you said something stupid, you know who you are.

Didn't realize people couldn't debate and have differing opinions without being called names. Oh well there are 62 nights until WM, many opportunities for you to dream about your guy main eventing the big show...
WWE are damn idiots, from Paul Lavesque to Vince McMahon, to every spineless creative member for reasons already stated above over and over. Bryan is easily the most over wrestler in the world, not just in Philadelphia, but they refuse to ride that wave, and it's not because they're afraid of another injury, it's an ego thing. Triple H and Vince don't want an indy guy being the man in their multi-billion dollar company. Too bad for them, it'll bite them in the ass when fans all around, including the women and children see through Roman's green 2-dimensional character and start booing him out of arenas.

Even John Cena was heavily cheered leading up to his match at Wrestlemania with JBL! Roman isn't even a month away from the title and he's already receiving lukewarm reactions or outright getting jeered like he's been shoved down our throats for the last 10 years! The only difference is, despite being tired of Cena's character, Cena wasn't even green at Wrestlemania 21! He was already a great talker and decent performer, having wrestled the likes of Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, Chris Benoit, and many others leading up to JBL.

What the hell has Roman Reigns done? He's The Rock's cousin and he was the least interesting piece of a great faction carried by two men superior to him (Dean on the mic and Seth in the ring.)

What I would have done was have Bryan win the Rumble, and face Lesnar while the authority was busy with Sting, Ziggler, and Ryback, and Roman could have turned heel and faced Ambrose at Wrestlemania. Now we have a crap-tacular Wrestlemania season to look forward to! I get to listen to two months of Triple H snorting threats at Sting and Roman Reigns stumble through the English language.

And WWE wonders why they can't even break 1 million subscribers.
The crowd was really into the match until Ambrose was not eliminated. When Ambrose was eliminated they knew who was going to win the Rumble. Either Ziggler or Ambrose should have won the match because this is what everyone wants. Okay,some also wanted DB to win but he got his Wrestlemania moment last year. Now, IF Lesnar shows up at Fast Lane and Cena gets the win over him then, I will be interested. I don't want Reigns vs Lesnar. I am okay with Reigns vs Cena.
They apparantly want Bryan vs Bray at Mania because Taker wouldnt be there. That combining with the fact that somehow WWE thought its smart that Bryan gets eliminated early because people might cheer Reigns later was apparently their plan tonight...

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