Why Batman And Robin Was A Great Movie


Getting Noticed By Management
Of all the Batman movies that have been released over the years, few have received the as much negative feedback as Batman and Robin, starring George Clooney, Chris O'Donnell, Alicia Silverstone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Uma Thurman.

Right off the bat, no pun intended, one must recognize that this film had a star studded cast that does rival all the others or at least stand up well next to them. There was no shortage of star power here leading up to this film. There was some great anticipation for Arnold as Mr. Freeze and Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy, these two new villains were greatly anticipated and due to the casting there was optimism about them. People weren't in upheaval yet over Clooney as Batman although there was some skepticism, a game Alicia Silverstone was coming in to play Bat Girl which caused quite a buzz since we were going to finally get the 4th piece of the team (counting Alfred), it's also worth noting that Michael Gogh reprised the role of Alfred, as did Pat Hingle as Commissioner Gordon, and Chris O'Donnell was returning after a solid performance in Batman Forever so there were a few familiar faces to carry this film as well.

The story and plot of this film was actually pretty solid as well. There wasn't anything overtly bad about the plots for each individual character, each had their own back story which was covered or already well known, each had a clear cut goal and motivation, each went through developments through the movie, and we got some insight to each character on a personal level. Put it all together and what you had was a solid screenplay. There wasn't anything really horrible about the plot overall, Freeze is trying to find a cure for the disease that was going to kill his wife, Poison Ivy is an extreme environmentalist who wants to see plant life take back the planet, Batman is struggling with his love life as usual, there's a rift between him and Robin, and Alfred is dying which poses a big problem since he's the only family of any kind he has left. Meanwhile Robin is jealous of living in the shadow of Batman while dealing with the fact that he does need Batman to protect him as much as Batman needs him at times, and Barbara must deal with the change in her life and trying to continue her night time wandering ways. Poison Ivy and Freeze work together to take control of Gotham, The Caped Crusaders fight to stop them, it's a pretty simple story really, with it's own complexities as well. Overall though it's not what is wrong with the movie.

What really hurt this movie was the visuals, the dialogue, and the personalities as they were portrayed of the different characters. I think people expected this movie to be a bit more serious and travel to a bit darker place in the way that Batman Forever did with Riddler, Bruce Wayne delving deeper into dealing with his parents death, and Dick Grayson with the death of his parents as well, and the general concept of the Riddlers plot to take over Gotham. Instead the very things that people knocked this movie for, I felt, made it that much better. It went the completely different direction and didn't take itself as seriously overall, and tried to be a bit more surreal and fun in a way. What I think people failed to realize was that this movie was basically a modern day interpretation of the campy Adam West/ Burt Ward TV show Batman, and the shock of that with expectations of otherwise left people stunned and confused.

Look at it, George Clooney is the Adam West Batman, all the over the top stuff, the exaggerated Gotham, the one liners, the campy-ness of the whole thing, all of it points to the original TV show. For that reason I think this movie is actually very good, because they captured all of that very well. It was a fun movie that didn't take it self too seriously even though it dealt with some serious issues, it was full of some great action and special effects for the time, the stories and plot were actually pretty good, and it did give us something completely unique and original. Face it guys, Batman and Robin was a great movie.
I didn't read all that. Too long, man. Too long!

Batman & Robin is rubbish. There's no getting away from it. The casting wasn't bad in theory but it wasn't some super ensemble. Schwarzenegger's career was on the slide, Clooney was still a TV actor and Uma Thurman was never a massive star despite people thinking she was because of Quentin Tarantino films. And also they didn't end up working. In fact, only Thurman ended up looking the part.

The film is basically a Batman film that has been retooled to feature what should be lots of trademark Schwarzenegger zingers. Only they're not zingers like in Commando, Total Recall or even Eraser, they're lame puns.

However, if you can't find some perverse enjoyment out of Batman & Robin there is something wrong with you. It is so incredibly awful that Batman Forever has basically been given a free pass. Both are lame comedies but B&R is actually amusing on some level.
Bat-Nipples! Batman had bat-nipples on the suit! Mr Freeze was just one lame ass pun after another. Bane was worse than Zeus in No Holds Barred (contrast with how effective the character has been done in TDKR and you see that massive fail) and it had Chris O'Donnell. Granted, he's no Ben Affleck in the annoying stakes but, fuck me, he's close.

Also Joel Schumacher apologised for making the film, the very film that resulted in (Blade apart and, do we count him? Not really, it was an adult film) Hollywood questioning if Superhero movies were a viable option anymore. This was the Superman 4 of the Batman films and to defend it is flat out strange..Still, each to their own.
I would imagine I'm in the majority here when I say this film was crap. Maybe, like you say, the star power was huge going into the movie but it's like they didn't even try to cast it. They just brought in some big names and then threw costumes at them and asked which they liked the best.

I'd imagine when I first saw this movie I probably liked it but I was 10 so any kind of approval from myself at that time is null. I was just happy to see Batman (any Batman would have done). I never really bought Chris O'Donnell as Robin either. And do I really have to say anything about Schwarzenegger? Well I'll say one thing anyways, "Ice to see you." Lame.
Nah its wank, not really a fan of the Batman franchise so I dont find it painfull like the fans do, but it is so crap that it is oddly enjoyable. Arnie was worth watching at least, I love bad puns delivered with genuine enthusiasm.
I decide I'm gonna explain this with math:

Batman + Joel Schumacher = Absolute shit!

Not a knock against Schumacher, I did enjoy St. Elmo's Fire and The Lost Boys but he had no idea what to do with Batman (Batman Forever also sucks BTW). Not even Arnold (the greatest actor in the history of the universe) could save this abomination of a movie and considering the one liners he was given I can't blame them. Seriously how do you go from classic lines like:

"You cold hearted bastard, I'll tell you what I think of it! I'll live to see you eat that contract but I hope you leave enough room for my fist because I'm gonna ram it into your stomach and break your god-damn SPINE!"

To shitty puns such as:

"Lets kick some ICE!"

The casting wasn't bad, the execution though was brutal. The whole atmosphere of the movie felt a little too childish for Batman and felt more campy than the 60's Batman movie (which BTW is awesome). Batman saying stuff like "This is why Superman works alone" just doesn't work. Batman is supposed to be dark and brooding and if they are gonna make sequels to the Tim Burton Batman's at least have the smarts to keep the mood and atmosphere the same, not to mention don't make Batman all light hearted and cute to make money off toys.

Robin comes off more as a jackass than anything in the movie and frankly the movies have more to do with Batman and Robin trying to establish their relationship than it does with them trying to defeat the bad guys. Also I don't think Chris O' Donnell as Robin really worked well with Val Kilmer or George Clooney, he just didn't have chemistry with the actor's playing Batman which doesn't work. They basically turned Batman movies from mostly serious with some humor to a buddy, action comedy where the buddies don't have any chemistry together. If you are gonna make a buddy film where the 2 main guys have no chemistry than you are automatically screwed.
Batman & Robin was the first Batman film I ever saw, so because of that I probably cut it some slack.

If we take it as a film on its own with nothing related to the previous flims then its actually not that bad. Think about it, would you really give this film as much hate as you do if it wasn't related to Tim Burton's previous Batman films, probably not.

I'm not saying its a good movie, but it should be seen as more of a so bad its good film than it being completely shit.

I can't explain it as well as this guy but he makes very good points about why Batman & Robin isn't as bad as it's made out to be.

I unfortunately paid to watch this steaming pile of cinematic horseshit in the theater. I was like 15 or so, but even then I thought it was shit.

Star-studded cast, yes, but it doesn't matter.

Good writing can fix about anything to an extent, but nothing can fix poor writing.

The dialogue was piss-poor in this movie and the acting was uninspired. I read somewhere that Clooney played the role imagining Bruce Wayne was gay. Arnold's constant barrage of shitty ice-related puns are enough to make even the staunchest Batman devotee cringe.

No, this movie is shit.
Awful, awful film. Schumacher tried to makie it a 'comic' book film, literally. And everything about it; the look of the film, the script, the directing, the characters, it was all just wrong. Bane was ruined by that film, and thank god that Christopher Nolan knew what he was doing. The story (as has been mentioned) wasn't actually that bad, but everything around it just let it down. The cast they had should have produced a brilliant film, and it didn't.

What it did produce, was a brilliant guilty pleasure. I love Batman and Robin because of its awfulness. My friends and I still regularly quote Mr Freeze, because even though those quotes were awful, they're hilarious.

Not only that, but take out the nipples, and the costumes weren't terrible. Robins had a Nightwing look about it which I loved, and Freeze looked like a monster for the most part.

Also, it produced this song:


What's not to like?
I'll give you points here for trying. But I doubt you'll have much success convincing anyone of that, to the point where I really hope you are just trolling with this. You might be able to convince someone that the film is not quite as bad its perceived to be. But a great film? I'd honestly like to see you back that assessment up by comparing to other films which are universally regarded as great films - the Godfather, Shawshank Redemption, American Beauty, Braveheart, Fight Club, etc.

A strong cast really isn't an argument for a film being great. A cast is only as good as the individual performances and none here were memorable or notable. This film is regarded as an example of a strong, ensemble cast failing to deliver and for good reason.

B&R may have been trying to capture the "campy" nature of the Adam West TV show, but it failed quite miserably. One of the fundamental problems is that they put those elements in - whether it was intentionally trying to ensconce the TV series esthetic or not - but didn't commit to it. They tried to mix those elements in with an attempt at making things "epic". The ideals of campy and grandiose are not mutually exclusive but they don't really mix naturally. And they certainly were not well mixed here. The end result is something feels muddled and unfocused.

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