Why are TNA fans so passionate about that promotion?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I just sat down and watched Impact and I am truly baffled at why I did that. I know that this subject has been drilled into the ground, but, I cannot justify to anyone calling what I just watched, entertaining.

So, maybe this shouldnt be a post, but I am just wanting anybody, especially the die hard TNA fans on here, to help me understand what is so great about that promotion? Bad announcing, bad wrestling, horrendous storylines, I just don't get it.

Mick Foley, who have the utmost respect for, was begging Kurt Angle to hit him in the head with a chair. Then, he hit Angle with his cell phone. Then, Foley proceeded to crawl, why he didnt walk, I dont know, over to his locker and grab the sock. Just then, Sting hit him in the back with a chair. Wasnt Sting and Angle just at each other's throats about 2 or 3 weeks ago?

So, please, to the TNA fans out there, please help me to understand why you are so passionate about that promotion?
Well the answer just lies in the prefrences of the viewers .... I mean I'm not a TNA die hard fan but the product is ok and has some differnces that the other product dose not have , like the obvious six sided ring two entrance ramps a couple of old faviorte wrestlers and a couple of up in coming wrestlers . As for you missing out on some of the story lines my guess is you have to watch it faith fully cause i get the same problem with it .... Who cares any ways its entertaing and those die hard tna fans love to watch it just like the die hard wwe fans like to watch raw and smackdown.
Im a wrestling fan in general and TNA does put together a fine product IMO. I totally agree its a preferance, you cant please everyone. As far as why their so passionate, well i think that has to do with the years as a somewhat underground organization. They have garnerd a group of very loyal fans much like the ECW of old.
i enjoy watching tna. to me it's a fun product to watch. sure they have a ways to go, but they're doing a pretty good job of it. you complained that their storylines are horrendous, well some of the wwe's storylines are pretty bad too....ie santino/santina. sure it's funny, but that's about it. might i mention edge/vickie/show storyline? ugh sure.

the simple option for you is to not watch it anymore. the tna bashing gets old real fast when you read about it like 20 times a day. you dont like the product, dont buy into it. that's all you can do. it's pointless to watch and then say how bad it is. stick to what you like and keep the trash talking to yourself
I also saw tonights Impact and I thought about starting a thread about tonights show and about TNA in general. IMHO I fell that TNA has a great foundation. I watch Impact and it feels indy. Which isnt a bad thing. Great matches, a decent tag division, a decent womans division, a heel group, a heel colorman, a face play by play guy, stars we grew up with, young guns that set the bar every night, a masked guy, and The Motor City Machine Guns(im sorry but those dudes kick ass). Whats not to like? It has everything we like in wrestling. I admit, the story could use some tweaking(LOL), but if the wrestlings good who cares about story? Ive been a fan of wrestling since I saw Hogan and Orndorff(sic) in the cage at what used to be the Capital Centre in Landover, Maryland. Ive suspended belief for over 20 years. And tonight was no exception. I believe TNA is on the right track. WWF(E) didnt get big in 7 years. Give TNA a few more years. Give em time to branch out, slowly.
I think there are two types of TNA fans. The first is just people who simply enjoy the product and love having an alternative to the WWE out there. It's easy to bash TNA. There is a lot to bash there. But they really do have a lot of bright spots. Their female wrestlers are more interesting. Their tag team division is deep. Their smaller wrestlers are given more chances to shine. I wouldn't say the wrestling is bad. It can be hit or miss sometimes but TNA's in ring action (when it actually happens) usually delivers. Yeah, it has some pretty stupid storylines and old guys like Foley, Steiner and Nash are eating up too much airtime. But overall it's a fairly solid product so it's not surprising that it has a good, core fanbase.

The less savory fans are those who don't care what the alternative is as long as they're part of the alternative. Oddly enough, this good has less passion for the actual product but comes off as being the more passionate group. It's the same group of people that loves indie music until it becomes mainstream. Then they say the band sold out. They're posers. They like things that most people don't know about because it makes them feel elitist and cool. This is the group of people who were so crazy hardcore for ECW that they got made fun of with good reason. I don't like these people. You can pick them out at an old skool ECW event or a current TNA event as the people who chant "this is awesome" to a pretty run of the mill match or who chant "you've still got it" to an old timer who is being fairly unimpressive. If TNA ever becomes true competition to the WWE I expect this nitch group of fans to drop TNA like a bad habit. They're definitely the smaller of the two groups of fans but they're incredibly annoying.

So yeah, despite the mini rant of mine I must TNA has a lot of unique things to offer. If you're sick of seeing Cena, Hunter and Batista dominate RAW then TNA could be a solid alternative. It has a few major, glaring flaws like how it LOVES gimmick matches and how the announcing is absolutely awful but it's really not garbage. Trust me, a lot of TNA fans sigh when they see stupid crap like that closing Foley/Angle segment.
I prefer TNA because I don't have to give 10 hours of my life watching the shows just to keep up with like WWE. TNA entertains me, and I enjoy it over WWE. If you do't like it, then thats fine.
I don't have to give 10 hours of my life watching the shows just to keep up with like WWE. TNA entertains me, and I enjoy it over WWE. If you do't like it, then thats fine.
I have to respectfully disagree. I don't get USA, and WGN so I can't watch Superstars and Raw. I work the nights and miss Smackdown. ECW, well I always fast forwarded through when I did watch it. But, yeah, I don't watch a bit of WWE programming. But I can tell you every storyline that is going on or might happen soon. So, yeah I guess I "do't" like it, as you said fella.

TNA's loyal fans love their promotion so much because they want something that can compete with the big boys over at WWE. And some fans actually think they are competing right now. But they still dream one day it will happen and I respect that. They are so passionate because they started watching it when they charged ten bucks a week to watch it on PPV, and followed it 'til now.
"Wasnt Sting and Angle just at each other's throats about 2 or 3 weeks ago?"

Yes, but didn't Mick Foley just beat Sting for the World Title a couple weeks ago? So what's more important to Sting? Being disrespected by Angle, or getting his world title back. It actually makes pretty good sense.

These threads make me mad. I don't know how many more, "I just watched one Impact and the storylines aren't in black and white like the shit I'm force fed by WWE week in and week out so I HATE IT!" threads I can take.

I guess I'll tune in next week to find out why Sting did what he did. But I suggest you stay away from the programming. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself trying to understand a wrestling program.

EDIT: Oh and since the mods here nitpick the shit out of things, I bet they'd say the above post was "spamming" so I'll add a bit as to why I like TNA.

I like TNA because I enjoy the wrestling style, I like hardcore wrestling, I like neck bumps, I like colorful language, and I like a lot of their talent (Abyss, Styles, Joe, Daniels, MCMG, LAX just to name a few.). Those are some of my reasons.

Now can we please maybe just sticky one of these threads that get posted 10 times a day, and make it a requirement for WWE Marks to read it before they can post in the TNA section?

Personally I like TNA because it is different from the WWE. For 4 years I had to endure the same stuff week in week out from WWE because there was no alternative (started watching TNA in 2007). All TNA is to me is alternative viewing and I can quite happily dip in and out of TNA and it won't effect my enjoyment, because these days, I'm only watching for the wrestling. I wouldn't say either promotion has the better wrestling, I would just say they are different and entertaining in their own way.

However, if you ever go to a TNA taping (I've been to 2) the atmosphere is so different than any other show, they really do pump the fans up, hence why the fans seem so passionate when you watch.
wow another tna bashing thread? im pretty sure that in the "rules" it states that you should see if there is already a thread posted devoted to your topic, and it is infraction worthy. correct me if im wrong. why are tna fans so passionate? because they like the show! i like tna, i'm not a die hard tho. but even i understand. its the same reason everyone was so pissed that randy abortion didn't go over at wm25. some people like an inferior product. the same reason people love family guy and hate south park. and vice versa. people have different taste in what they find entertaining. nobody forces them to watch it, just like no one forces you to, so change the god damn channel!
"Wasnt Sting and Angle just at each other's throats about 2 or 3 weeks ago?"

Yes, but didn't Mick Foley just beat Sting for the World Title a couple weeks ago? So what's more important to Sting? Being disrespected by Angle, or getting his world title back. It actually makes pretty good sense.

These threads make me mad. I don't know how many more, "I just watched one Impact and the storylines aren't in black and white like the shit I'm force fed by WWE week in and week out so I HATE IT!" threads I can take.

I guess I'll tune in next week to find out why Sting did what he did. But I suggest you stay away from the programming. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself trying to understand a wrestling program.

EDIT: Oh and since the mods here nitpick the shit out of things, I bet they'd say the above post was "spamming" so I'll add a bit as to why I like TNA.

I like TNA because I enjoy the wrestling style, I like hardcore wrestling, I like neck bumps, I like colorful language, and I like a lot of their talent (Abyss, Styles, Joe, Daniels, MCMG, LAX just to name a few.). Those are some of my reasons.

Now can we please maybe just sticky one of these threads that get posted 10 times a day, and make it a requirement for WWE Marks to read it before they can post in the TNA section?


Hey, listen dude, I am a little newer on here so give me a fucking break. Yes, I did complain about TNA and I have for awhile. Yes, I agree that WWE does throw alot of shit towards me and that makes absolutely no sense. 100% agree. But, maybe I didnt make it quite clear enough in the thread starter. It's not like I want to dislike TNA b/c I am a wrestling fan and I want to like TNA. I am simply wanting someone to help me explain a little better why folks like you get so passionate about a sub-par program that it is.

As far as the wrestling goes, yes, they have some truly solid performers. Daniels, Styles, Angle- It doesnt get much better in the ring than those guys. 100% agree with that as well.

As far as me not wanting to "hurt myself" trying to understand a wrestling program, well, I have watched TNA numerous times, in 3 to 4 week intervals at a time. Guess what, shitty storylines still didnt make sense and run smoothly. It wasnt hard to keep up, there's just too many twist and turn "element of suprise" bullshit that is not enjoyable to watch. Why does Samoa Joe carry around a Jason machete in a supposed sanctioned promotion? Hell, why not give the MCM tag-team, actual machine guns to carry around? That's just nitpicking but true nonetheless.

So, instead of getting your panties in a wad about your precious TNA promotion, why don't you help a fellow wrestling fan out, and try to help me understand and enjoy TNA a little more. As far as threads that talk about this subject often, people like me are definitely sick of the "WWE mark" comments that constantly are thrown around. The difference with the WWE marks on here and TNA worshipers is that a "WWE mark" will actually admit that WWE throws alot of useless shit on tv that nobody cares about. A TNA mark will act like a liberal crybaby who thinks "Oh, TNA can do no wrong. Give them a chance, there young, they are the greatest, it's so cool to like TNA. We are different, we go against the norm, we dont conform," blah, blah, blah!!! The same people who thought Paul Heyman was the smartest man in wrestling and Vince Russo was the reason WWE succeeded in Monday Night Wars!

BTW, I am going to try and make this the last time I post something negative about TNA. The fact is, this subject has been run into the ground, and last night when I posted the starter, I had had a long day yesterday, and after TNA went off, I was just in one of those bitching moods. Hopefully, people will respond to this thread with more of a "here, let me explain why I am so passionate that way I may be able to sway you to watch it more" replys. Instead of "I am so pissed that you "WWE marks," who dont give MY TNA a chance" replys.

Thank you and God bless!!
1)Tag Team Wrestling-I like Tag Team Wrestling and they have by far the best Tag Team product on television right now.
2)Cruiserweights-I like Cruiserweights matches as well.
3)I used to enjoy WCW so seeing guys like Sting, Steiner, Booker, and Jarrett is not a bad thing.
So, instead of getting your panties in a wad about your precious TNA promotion, why don't you help a fellow wrestling fan out, and try to help me understand and enjoy TNA a little more. As far as threads that talk about this subject often, people like me are definitely sick of the "WWE mark" comments that constantly are thrown around. The difference with the WWE marks on here and TNA worshipers is that a "WWE mark" will actually admit that WWE throws alot of useless shit on tv that nobody cares about. A TNA mark will act like a liberal crybaby who thinks "Oh, TNA can do no wrong. Give them a chance, there young, they are the greatest, it's so cool to like TNA. We are different, we go against the norm, we dont conform," blah, blah, blah!!! The same people who thought Paul Heyman was the smartest man in wrestling and Vince Russo was the reason WWE succeeded in Monday Night Wars!

You statement is truly false here. a wwe mark will not come out and say that the wwe product is stale and watered down. get over it. infact any mark for any product wont ever tear it down. they'd react just how you said a tna die hard would act. seriously.

my friend, no one can "make" you like something. sorry. i dont think all the explanation in the world is going to get you to latch on to something you already think so negatively about. it's like getting you to eat something you hate. it's not going to happen. not ever in a million years. you're set in your ways. tna is just good wrestling, it offers what wwe doesnt. i'm not saying it's the best promotion in the world, it could use help....but right now so can the wwe.
these threads are on cue every week now....

some people like TNA....actually a lot of people like TNA....

If you see commercials for Burger King on TV....and decide to go there.....get some food, eat it....and don't like it.....do you just start screaming and hollering at people who prefer Burger King over McDonalds ????

if you don't like it.....don't watch it and then come in here for attention starting threads....
You statement is truly false here. a wwe mark will not come out and say that the wwe product is stale and watered down. get over it. infact any mark for any product wont ever tear it down. they'd react just how you said a tna die hard would act. seriously.

my friend, no one can "make" you like something. sorry. i dont think all the explanation in the world is going to get you to latch on to something you already think so negatively about. it's like getting you to eat something you hate. it's not going to happen. not ever in a million years. you're set in your ways. tna is just good wrestling, it offers what wwe doesnt. i'm not saying it's the best promotion in the world, it could use help....but right now so can the wwe.

Point taken, CKO. ILike I said, I know this subject has been ran into the ground, I guess, I am trying look at TNA, from a TNA fan's point of view.
just enjoy the show, not get all critical about it. i dont think wrestling is supposed to be like nuclear sceince and stuff. it's meant to be fun...so dont take the fun out of tna. instead, just watch it...not over analyze it. if we would do that all the time with wwe...it would have sunk a long time ago.
I dont mind TNA, I enjoy watching it. It reminds me of a lot like WCW though. Cheesy storylines and the same old (literally) wrestlers. In WCW's final few years, the top guys where Jeff Jarrett, Sting, Scott Steiner, Booker T, Kevin Nash etc. Look who the top guys are in TNA right now....TNA right now is literally where WCW left off 8 years ago. So I guess a part of me enjoys it cause it makes me feel like my youth (I was more of a WCW guy then a WWF guy in the mid 90's).

Their Womans division and Tag division are both way better then WWE's. The women in TNA can actually "wrestle"...they arent a bunch of pin-up catfighting, fake breasted "divas" (I'm still hoping Victoria goes to TNA). So its actually enjoyable to watch.

They actually HAVE a tag division (when was the last time we saw a tag title tourny in the WWE? Heck, when was the last time the Tag Titles where really ever taken serious in WWE?). Some of their tag teams are actually great talent (Beer Money both are great, Machine Guns are good as well). They actually put TIME AND EFFORT into the tag divison, and even though the stoyrlines are cheesy, at least they put something into it, unlike the WWE where the tag titles are completely worthless.

Also, there is something about their music I dont like. I dont know what it is...but their entrance themes, the quality of them, presentation etc all seem extremely "amateur". Anyone else think this as well?

Overall, I enjoy TNA, but they simply just do not know how to manage their talent. They have some extremely young and talented wrestlers, but they opt to give the TV time to the older guys who dont make much of an impact anymore. (Is Scott Steiner and Kevin Nash even a draw anymore? Seriously?) Combnie the face they dont know how to use their talent with the very WCW-ish feel they have going on, and it just seems to fall somewhat short. Either way, its enjoyable and entertains me, so I continue to watch.
TNA is different from wwe...tna doesnt care about bringing things up from the past unlike wwe... such as when christian was leaving angle saying that he maybe going back to wwe....you would never hear someone on wwe programming saying hey rumor is ur going to TNA if someone was leaving WWE. Its also nice to see wrestlers that are released or firedget another chance with TNA...and its awesome to see them debut... TNA wouldnt be anything with the guys they signed from otehr companys yes true but its still a awesome company to watch with the x-division stars and the creative matches they do...i beleive if TNA can get a little bit bigger and make more money they really will give WWE a run for there money
and The Motor City Machine Guns(im sorry but those dudes kick ass). Whats not to like?

Finally, someone makes some sense!

I have been watching WWE for...3 years. I bought in the last 3 Wrestlemanias (yes even 25). 3 years ago, I was 10. I liked John Cena, Batista, Michaels yet I despised Orton and Edge. Now, I'm 13 and I like Orton and Edge.

In those 3 years, i have never really loved WWE. But, for the total of 5 months that I have been watching TNA...I'm freaking obsessed. I get annoyed if I can't watch it on Saturdays (I live in the UK, so we get everything late). I missed the Uk Impact tour (God fucking damn it!!!!!!!!!!!). I'm not sure if that makes me a die hard fan or not. But it took TNA less than a sixth of the time to make me like it more than WWE. It's probably because I'm thirteen and I love the gimmick matches. But comparing TNA to WWE:TNA has better:

Matches- Do not fight me on this

Tag team division- The guns, Lethal consequences, Beer Money, Team 3 fucking D)

Women's divsion- WWE's division is a joke! plus Kong pwns EVERYBODY!!!

PPVs- This is not because the UK gets 'em for free. But Lockdown: Every match in a cage! A cage!

More athletic people- Lockdown, Kong, flip...'nuff said

THE MOTOR CITY MACHINEGUNS!!!- Sorry, but they are my fave wrestlers. They're awesome!
"Wasnt Sting and Angle just at each other's throats about 2 or 3 weeks ago?"

Yes, but didn't Mick Foley just beat Sting for the World Title a couple weeks ago? So what's more important to Sting? Being disrespected by Angle, or getting his world title back. It actually makes pretty good sense.

These threads make me mad. I don't know how many more, "I just watched one Impact and the storylines aren't in black and white like the shit I'm force fed by WWE week in and week out so I HATE IT!" threads I can take.

I guess I'll tune in next week to find out why Sting did what he did. But I suggest you stay away from the programming. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself trying to understand a wrestling program.

EDIT: Oh and since the mods here nitpick the shit out of things, I bet they'd say the above post was "spamming" so I'll add a bit as to why I like TNA.

I like TNA because I enjoy the wrestling style, I like hardcore wrestling, I like neck bumps, I like colorful language, and I like a lot of their talent (Abyss, Styles, Joe, Daniels, MCMG, LAX just to name a few.). Those are some of my reasons.

Now can we please maybe just sticky one of these threads that get posted 10 times a day, and make it a requirement for WWE Marks to read it before they can post in the TNA section?


AHAHAHAHAHA! TNA has some of the worst storylines, commentating and performers I've ever seen. Sharkboy, are you fucking kidding me? TNA is all the WWE rejects compilled into 1 room in a ******ed looking ring. I have also noticed that TNA matches are horribly worked. Tehy make Michael Cole look like a 30 year ring veteran. So in conclusion, I believe one can see that TNA is nothing more then a cheap knock off of the WWE, be it sotrylines, performers or anything. Enjoy watching that hack Bobby Lashley take up all of this shows "amazing" time.
you watch it once and dont watch on a reglar basis and you critizie it? if you dont watch it from week to week you're not going to get it. That goes for wwe or tna. or a movie...if you come in on the middle of a story, it's not going to make sense.

It made sense if you regularly watch tna. kurt wanted revenge for foley hitting him with a chair the week before. foley wanted to get it out of the way so he was going to let him hit him with a chair to get it over with but it was all a trick and foley hit kurt with the phone when he wasnt expecting it. and he is doing his whole crazy thing so thats why he pulled out the sock when we thought it was going to be bobbly lashley or something. and Sting wasnt supposed to be in TNA for a long time after his match at lockdown so that was supposed to be a huge shock that he showed up to save his fellow main event mafia member kurt angle.

again, not going to make much sense unless you regularly watch it. That can go for wwe too.
AHAHAHAHAHA! TNA has some of the worst storylines, commentating and performers I've ever seen. Sharkboy, are you fucking kidding me? TNA is all the WWE rejects compilled into 1 room in a ******ed looking ring. I have also noticed that TNA matches are horribly worked. Tehy make Michael Cole look like a 30 year ring veteran. So in conclusion, I believe one can see that TNA is nothing more then a cheap knock off of the WWE, be it sotrylines, performers or anything. Enjoy watching that hack Bobby Lashley take up all of this shows "amazing" time.

I'll take Sharkboy over Hornswoggle any day. :fuckoff:
There is nothing wrong with the TNA product itself, I personally don't watch it much because I can't stand the announcing. It is just THAT bad. For many die hard wrestling fans who just love the wrestling aspect TNA is great, but you see the crowd and most of the time they don't even care what's going on in the ring. At the end of most WWE programming, the crowds are usually very pumped up, but the crowds in TNA don't care. If the crowd is jacked up, it makes it better IMO.
One aspect of TNA that many people havent touched is that many of us, myself included, go to EVERY Orlando show not just for the wrestling but because we are a community----I have met over 100 people in line that go to almost every show and I am now close friends with.
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