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Whos Your Favorite Intercontinental champion in the last 10 Years?


Getting Noticed By Management
so I just did a similiar thread about the US championship, so its time for the other midcard title....

we all know the great champions of the past, they are the most famous and arguably gave the title its greatest moments, matches , etc. This champions include Mr Perfect, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, Ricky Steamboat, etc.

But this is about your favorite champion and/or reign in the last 10 years. lets say 2002 till today....

was it jericho? whos the current record holder for more title reigns?

was it christian? the first champion after the title was brought back in 2003?

Randy Orton? who really elevated the title back in 04 with feuds with RVD, Mick Foley, Shelton Benjamin and Edge? this culminated in a world title reign a month after he lost it.

Dolph Ziggler? when he took on everybody but he just wouldnt LOSE!.....

In the last 10 years, we´ve got some good ones, some bad ones but tell me your favorite!
orton. he put on solid matches with everyone including the insane hardcore match with foley. the belt really helped elevate him.
I remember when Dolph and Kofi had a feud... It was very good IMO... I remember when, before each PPV, I said to my self - Today is the day that Kofi wins it back... but it just wouldn't happen. I liked it... But not my fav of the last 10 years... That would have to be Jericho.
Definitely Randy Orton, he used the Intercontinental as it should be used. The belt was made to mean something, and having a run as good as he did really halped Orton to make the jump to the next level.

I would still put his match against Mick Foley up against anything he has ever done, it was a fantastic match and Orton more than held his own and took more punishment than I ever thought he would. Randall was on top form that night.

Since then, its been a shame to see so little done with the Intercontinental belt, I have enjoyed Rhodes's recent reign, but there really hasn't been too much to shout about in the IC title ranks over the last 5 years or so
My vote is for Jericho. He won has the most reigns, and he was good at putting over the importance of the title. Also having the most reigns and having them spread out over time means he had fueds with a wider variety of superstars. From Angle and Benoit to RVD to Jeff Hardy, etc.
personally i liked when edge had it, but my favorite is got to be shelton benjamin. he was very underated but was going 20 minutes with guys like batista, orton, jericho, hhh, and hbk. he was defending it on a good basis. and then when he turned heel fueding with van dam, that was a good one for him!!
I am going to go with Shelton Benjamin here. He is the longest reigning IC Champ in the last 10 years. He held the title 3 times. His first run was plain amazing. Every time he was in the ring, you better have been paying attention because he is flat out great. Adding his mom to the mix just made his title reign that match better. I still think he is one of the most underrated WWE Superstars, ever.
I would say Shelton had a good run with the title. The title has been de-valued so much, I'm hoping that someone comes along to give it back it's deserved prestige. Now, they just put it on anyone. Big Show does'nt need the IC belt. They should have kept it on Dolph. Him and Kofi were doing something special with the belt that has'nt been seen in a long time and now the're back to mid-card status and lame ass tag team matches. The belt is supposed to develop new main eventers not push them back down the card......
Randy Orotn like others have mentioned he brought tremendous prestige back to the belt and had some epic fueds and matches, particularly with Foley.

Also Loved Cody Rhodes, Christian's (2003), Ziggler's, most of Y2J's and controversial perhaps but Carlito's first run.
Maybe you should list all the IC Champions, I can't remember most as the belt kind of got lost in the shuffle a bit, I know Orton had a solid run with the belt that was reminiscent of The Rock run in 1998, not every PPV did he defend the belt, but he was pushed on every PPV.

Jericho seemed to thrive on becoming the only guy to hold the belt the most 8x, I'm not sure if that's an achievement or not though...

Jeff Hardy had a pretty long run with the belt as well in 2007-2008.

RVD, Regal & Christian all had decent runs with the belt unfortunately the belt wasn't what it used to be but I do remember when Regal won at the 2002 Royal Rumble I was fn stoked and gutted when dropped the belt at WMX8 to RVD.

RVD/Eddie has a hot feud over the IC title 10 years ago to the month.
Definitely Randy Orton, he used the Intercontinental as it should be used. The belt was made to mean something, and having a run as good as he did really halped Orton to make the jump to the next level.

I would still put his match against Mick Foley up against anything he has ever done, it was a fantastic match and Orton more than held his own and took more punishment than I ever thought he would. Randall was on top form that night.

Since then, its been a shame to see so little done with the Intercontinental belt, I have enjoyed Rhodes's recent reign, but there really hasn't been too much to shout about in the IC title ranks over the last 5 years or so

This is my answer, Naitch got there before me, but I'll contribute another favorite of mine.

Christian's reign in 2003. Removing the week he'd had been without it due to Booker T's injury, the reign was Christian at his best. He debuted the new image, just before this he had introduced the label "The Peep's" and "Captain Charisma", he began showing a new confidence around this time, it was when Christian began to gain some huge support from crowds and he was featured pretty heavily in shows.

He'd only the odd defense during his reign, but he used the belt to propel himself further into the card which is the reason for it. It wasn't a lengthy reign but it was an effective reign, and that is all you can ask for, plus it was during this reign Christian became one of my favorite competitors.
Not sure why such a big time frame but my favorite is Jericho he made the title mean something with his great ring performance and his promos he had people interested more than any of the others.
Jericho for me. He held the title the most number of times, and his feud with Rey Mysterio alone is enough to make him my pick. When I think of the IC title in the last 10 years I think of Jericho first thing. This may go back a little farther than 10, but he even made the feud with Chyna interesting for that belt.

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