Who's the most famous person who's died on your birthday

Guardian of Takhisis

Dark Match Winner
While looking over and posting in D-man's thread, I began to think about going in the opposite direction. Rather then who was born but who has died.
Most famous person who died on mine (April 2) was "The Pope" John Paul II.

Also bonus points if they actually died in the same year as the year you were born. Unfortunately no one of importance died on April 2 of the year I was born.
October 24th.

2005 - Rosa Parks, American civil rights activist (b. 1913)

1994 - Raul Julia, actor (Addams Family), dies of stroke at 54

1972 - Jackie Robinson, 1st black baseball player (Bkln Dodgers), dies at 53

1537 - Jane Seymour, 3rd wife of Henry VIII, dies
1963 - Lee Harvey Oswald.

1985 (year I was born) - Big Joe Turner

1991 - Freddie Mercury.
Karl Marx, died in 1883, was a famous German historian and journalist.

Peter Graves, starred in Airplane! Died March 14th 2010 of natural causes.
April 9th:

-2 Popes (Benedict VIII in 1024 and Constantine in 715)
-Willie Stargell in 2001 (American Baseball player)
-Nick Adenhart in 2009 (Active Major League Baseball player killed in car accident after game)

-The American Civil War (Robert E Lee surrendered to Ulysses Grant at Appomattox Courthouse in Virginia). While not a person, it was the death of a war, and as such I'm including it.
I'll post two deaths since no one noteworthy died. July 7th: Syd Barrett of Pink Floyd died of pancreatic cancer; Mia Zapata from punk rock band The Gits was raped and murdered.
March 13th

John Holmes Pornstar 8-Aug-1944 13-Mar-1988 Known for: Life-support system for a 10-inch penis
I'll post two deaths since no one noteworthy died. July 7th: Syd Barrett of Pink Floyd died of pancreatic cancer; Mia Zapata from punk rock band The Gits was raped and murdered.

Both brilliant musicians.

Kurt Cobain and Layne Staley both died on my birthday, April 5th. Which is ironic since I grew up idolizing them in the 90s and still do to an extent, so the fact that they both died on the same day which happened to be my birthday is pretty mystifying.

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