Who's The Best Current NBA Player Besides LeBron?


The Cerebral Assassin
Obviously LeBron James is the clear-cut best NBA player currently. I don't think anyone would really argue against that. But besides him, who's the best current NBA player? I think there's plenty of good options: Kevin Durant, Dwight Howard, Dirk Nowiztki, Dwyane Wade, Derrick Rose, etc.

There's no right answer, especially due to the fact that this is fluctuating- it's not like comparing guys that are the best of all-time where we can see the complete picture and their careers are done and over with. These guys are all still active, so things can change.

My personal pick is Kobe Bryant. Sure, he's not as good as he used to be, but I think that's a testament to how good he once was. I firmly believe that even an older version of what Kobe once was is still good enough to be the best player in the NBA other than LeBron. Kobe held the title of being the best player, in my opinion, for quite some time until just a couple years ago as LeBron began to hit his peak. Now, he's in second place, which is still excellent. In my opinion, a strong alternate is Kevin Durant. However, I would still put Kobe over him by a hair due to the fact that I think Kobe is still a better closer, and Durant has yet to really prove himself in postseason play. If and when he's able to do that, then I may place him above Kobe. Right behind both, in my opinion, are guys like Dwight and Wade, both excellent players.

So my pick is Kobe Bryant. Who's your pick?
I'm bouncing between Kobe and Durant myself.

Kobe's accolades speak for themselves and Durant is in a position where he could win an NBA title this year depending on how much he steps up his game in the post season.

Personally I think Kobe is better overall and has proven himself in pretty much every situation possible.
It's a very difficult question there are so many great players in the league. Durant, Love , Rose, Paul, Wade. But like you said I don't think there is a definitive answer. With a quick answer I would go with D Wade. But it is a very thought provoking question.
Wade right now. Paul, Rose, Howard, Durant, Love knocking at the door. Bryant has kind of fallen off lately so if we're talking like "at this very second" then he's not in my discussion.
Gotta go with Durant. He's not only arguably the best NBA player now, he's far from a finished product and is only going to get better.
If I had to say best current not named LeBron James?


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