Tara mentioned in a promo last Impact that she had a boyfriend who helped her "see the light". She said he was from Hollywood and was well known.

I immediately thought it was Joey Ryan... anyone else on the roster from Hollywood? Or who knows it might be an actual celebrity from Hollywood.

Where do you see this going with Tara and whoever this guy is?
I have a feeling it will turn out to be a debuting John Morrison. I could be totally wrong as he obviously isn't currently signed to TNA as far as I'm aware...but when she said it that is who I immediately thought of. You know, with his whole "celebrity" character and such.

Mike Knox, he was with Kelly Kelly so he should have no problem scoring Tara.

Ok in all seriousness Tara's boyfriend is probably one of the former gut-check competitors or it could be the guy who appears with her in her YouTube videos. If it's nobody I picked then I'm guessing it's probably some crappy reality star.
Joey Ryan is a great choice.I also like the John Morrison idea,but im thinking if he did go to TNA that they would find a better way to bring him in.
What about "HollyWood Hogan".Probably not him.This leads me to my pic.That would be
Chris Masters. I could see him tring to pull off a HollyWood gimmick.
Watch it be Jessie "Mr. Pectacular" from Big Brother - isn't TNA trying to make him the next Miz? He's been on the last 3 or 4 seasons of big brother at least once and thinks he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. It would fit in perfect with the ego storyline telling Tara how great she is.
Isn't Eric Young on some TV show now? Wouldn't this give ODB her time in the spotlight for a little revenge feud with Tara and Eric? Makes sense to me in the ever rotating KO division and I don't think it even makes him a heel.
Hmmm it could be that Wes Brisco guy that's been showing up backstage with Kurt Angle. He looks like a hollywood rich type character which could portray Tara's boyfriend. Unless thats just a storyline to do with him being in Aces and Eights.
Isn't Eric Young on some TV show now? Wouldn't this give ODB her time in the spotlight for a little revenge feud with Tara and Eric? Makes sense to me in the ever rotating KO division and I don't think it even makes him a heel.

Yeah but a show on Animal Planet isnt really Hollywood.

Joey Ryan is the obvious choice, but I dont really think its him. He is already hanging about, it has to be someone new.
Knowing how strangely high TNA is on Eric Young theyd put him in to plug his show more, even though its on Animal Planet which has nothing to do with Hollywood. As other posters have said Joey Ryan is a good chance, but I feel like he may be a part of A&8s, so I am unsure.
my first thought when I heard the name "Hollywood" was Hogan, but I quickly doubted that would happen, so my next thought was Eric Young.

I can't imagine it being Hulk Hogan. he's already into too many things in TNA and doesn't need to be in the Knockouts division, currently being run by his daughter Brooke.

I thought of Eric Young because not only does he have his TV show, which he was been away doing for a time period there. but also because he was the TV champion there for awhile and acted as if he was a TV star. EY with his funny gimmick could think he is some celebrity Hollywood big shot. maybe it also ties into the Knockouts division because his current girlfriend ODB. I'm not sure how it would work as EY and ODB are current Knockouts tag team champions. the belts haven't been defended in forever, and I don't even know if they have enough Knockouts to have a tag team match. the only team that makes sense is Madison and Gail, unless they were to bring back Sarita and Rosita who I think are still TNA but haven't appeared in forever.
Naitch must be reeling at the news ha ha.

But seriously though, I thought it was going to be Shaq, he turned up on Impact this week and didn't do anything and he's been in a few films.

Far more likely people would be Joey Ryan as people have said. He's got the Hollywood swagger and says he's awesome, making himself out to be a big star.

Eric Young, while he's got a tv show apparently and before made himself out to be a tv star would seem strange. They'd have to inject ODB into the fued and if Tara's fueding with Tessmacher can she also fued with ODB as well??

Or it could be a debuting person soon.
When I first read this question I thought that it would probably be Joey Ryan.
1.The reason being is that in some of the companies that he's been in he's been billed from Hollywood.
2.He's had the ring name Joey Hollwood.
3.This would give him a reason to show up on Impact even more then he already has to help further his storyline fued with Al Snow
But at the same time I also think that it could be Eric Young. The reason for this are because this would help setup a new fued between Tara and ODB possibly for the KO Title if Tara were to win at BFG.
I would have to say Joey Ryan, because they are putting alot of time into him even though he "lost" Gut Check. Plus he has an up coming match with Al Snow (the 1 judge who said YES) where if he wins he gets a contract with TNA. I can see Tara making sure Joey Ryan wins cause she was one of the 87% that voted yes, and then he played the same card on her saying how she is being over looked in TNA like himself.
To be honest, I hadn't even considered Eric Young as the "mystery hollywood boyfriend" that Tara has been talking about lately. Although EY is a decent choice, I just can't see Tara "settling" for him. EY's character is just too goofy to convince Tara to turn on Brooke (IMHO). Plus, I just don't see EY turning his back on ODB this soon after their recent "marriage". Even though Tara's in her 40s now, she's still smokin' hot (at least IMHO). She could literally have her pick of just about anyone, why would she choose Eric?

I love Eric Young, don't get me wrong...but Tara just seems out of his league (kayfabe, at least). If it does turn out to be EY, it would open the door for a great ODB/Tara feud in the future (like many others have already pointed out here in this thread). It would be silly of TNA to NOT keep that option open, for that feud in particular.

When I first heard Tara talk about her "mystery hollywood boyfriend", a wrestler on the IW roster didn't come to mind; neither did any wrestlers that have the potential to debut in the Impact Zone in the near future. I just pictured a somewhat well-known actor (Mark Ruffalo, or someone like that), kind of like how Gail Kim recently married Robert Irvine (a reality TV host from the Food Network).

I might be wrong, but I don't think that Tara will start entering the Impact Zone with her new beau. I pictured someone who Tara will keep in her "private life", but maybe make an appearance or two if TNA can find a way to make it work (again, kind of like how Robert Irvine appeared with Gail Kim on TNA's internet show "Spin Cycle").

In my personal (and humble) opinion, Tara's "mystery hollywood boyfriend" is just the scapegoat that the TNA writers used to change Tara from face to heel. I don't think he'll make regular appearances on Impact, wrestle his own TNA matches, or accompany Tara to the ring (although he might make an appearance or two, especially at BFG). Like I said earlier, I might be wrong here - Joey Ryan has been a popular suspect on this thread, and that could be a good way to insert him on television. Then again, he's already got that match with Al Snow that's supposed to happen in the near-future...so he doesn't really need this storyline (then again, it would work).

Whoever Tara's "mystery hollywood boyfriend" is, I think he'll be revealed at BFG. It's my opinion that he'll be shown in the crowd at the very least, but the odds are better that he'll get involved in the Tara/Tessmacher match at BFG and assist her in winning the KO belt (even though I don't believe that match has been announced yet, it's pretty much inevitable at this point). It's also possible that Tara's "mystery hollywood boyfriend" is revealed before BFG, with TNA thinking his involvement might make people more interested for the KO title match. A celebrity appearance at a high profile PPV is usually a crowd-pleaser (at least WWE, TNA & WCW used to think so), and if the "mystery hollywood boyfriend" turns out to be a semi high-profile actor it might be a good idea to help sell the PPV (at least in TNA's eyes). They might even get another celebrity to be in Tessmacher's corner at BFG, if that's the case. I could easily see a country music star in that role. Who knows though, maybe I'll be proved wrong - and Tara's boyfriend will be Dustin Diamond...we can only pray that's the case.
When I heard Tara mention this mystery boyfriend, I figured it was just some phantom or red herring for the heel turn. You all bring up valid points for who he could be. Crazy as it may seem though, we might not actually see this guy; kinda like the anonymous Raw GM. But if I had to choose if there will be an actual boyfriend, then I'll go with Joey Ryan.
I think it is Chris Masters. We know he is affiliated with TNA through playing one of the Aces and Eights, and he is billed from LA. I was also thinking, if it is Masters and he is also revealed to be an Aces and Eights member, I could see Tara becoming the female member of the group as she is also a biker.
I'm taking a long shot here but Kurt Angle? He has starred in a couple of movies, one of them being Warrior, and I know you're thinking "well how it can be Angle if he's babyface?", well they could be turning him heel too and making him & Tara a new alliance - Angle & Tara together would actually be interesting. Hell for all we know, he might be the one leading Aces & Eights and he has persuaded Tara to join the group, has anybody ever suspected Angle of being the leader? No; TNA loves to shock people, so you never know it could be Angle. We're always seeing him interact with Wes Brisco on IW and people always assume Angle is gonna feud with Wes once he's revealed as a member of A&8's but it could actually mean Angle is with A&8's. I think Angle could use a heel turn & this storyline, nothing much is going on for him right now.
I had been thinking about this one for a while, and I do like the idea of it being Joey Ryan, but more likely I think it will be someone debuting. I think it would be really cool and a shock if it was the debuting John Morrison. Knowing TNA it will probably end up being Eric Young. I think if we do get to find out who it is that person will help her win the Knockouts Title at BFG.
I have a feeling it will turn out to be a debuting John Morrison. I could be totally wrong as he obviously isn't currently signed to TNA as far as I'm aware...but when she said it that is who I immediately thought of. You know, with his whole "celebrity" character and such.

I love this idea. But if Morrison to TNA hasn't happened yet, I don't think it's likely to. Plus I've heard rumors he may make a return to WWE; if that door is still open to him he'd be a fool not to walk back through it. That is, if they plan on doing ANYTHING with him ever. I'd love to see a re-ignition of his feud with CM Punk, now that Punk has ascended to the WWE title and Morrison was left in the dirt. BUT NOT WHY WE'RE HERE!

I also don't know if they'd want to run a boyfriend angle with Morrison upon arrival. There's Melina to consider, after all. People know they're an item, especially with TNA fans being more internet-based than your average wrestling busy-bodies. I still like the idea, but it's mostly because it contains the words "John Morrison" and "TNA".

Watch it be Jessie "Mr. Pectacular" from Big Brother - isn't TNA trying to make him the next Miz? He's been on the last 3 or 4 seasons of big brother at least once and thinks he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. It would fit in perfect with the ego storyline telling Tara how great she is.
No thanks. No thank you, indeed.

Isn't Eric Young on some TV show now? Wouldn't this give ODB her time in the spotlight for a little revenge feud with Tara and Eric? Makes sense to me in the ever rotating KO division and I don't think it even makes him a heel.
Intriguing idea. A Tara/ODB feud could be money. Well, not actual money, but whatever the women's wrestling equivalent to money is. And if EY and ODB were just dating, and not married, I'd consider it as an option. Sure it's a storyline marriage, which generally last about the average time of a Kardashian marriage, but people like them enough that I think it'd be a bad idea for TNA. Plus, with how little time EY has for TNA right now because of all the independent stuff he's been doing, I'm not sure they could pull it off. Would be a lot of fun though...

Hmmm it could be that Wes Brisco guy that's been showing up backstage with Kurt Angle. He looks like a hollywood rich type character which could portray Tara's boyfriend. Unless thats just a storyline to do with him being in Aces and Eights.
Oh yeah, Wes Brischo was a thing. Hasn't he only showed up twice, with months of time in between appearances? No idea what TNA is trying to do with that guy... Probably just let fans know he's around, and one of these days they'll actually throw him into the product. Post-BFG there's usually more room on the roster for stuff like that.

I don't know who Tara's mystery celeb boyfriend is, but I think there's a good chance he'll be revealed at Bound for Glory. I also wonder if Tara isn't getting ready to call it quits with TNA, and perhaps wrestling altogether. She's 41, which isn't old, but up there enough that she's probably getting tired. I wouldn't be shocked if this whole boyfriend things blows up in her face, he leaves with Tessmacher at BFG, and she quits the company. It'll be sad, and I'm not predicting as a likely angle, but I'm putting it out there so that I'm not surprised if it does.
It's me.

Seriously though, my initial first thought was John Morrison. He had that whole "hollywood" red carpet thing going on in WWE, and as we haven't seen or heard from JoMo in a long while I immediately got the idea of a TNA debut in my head. However, Morrison still has a good amount of name value from his WWE run and if TNA were to sign him I would expect him to debut in a higher profile spot than as the boyfriend of a KO, albeit the challenger for the title.

I would be surprised if it was Joey Ryan as he is already in a storyline with Al Snow, and we know about him as fans so why would Tara only refer to him as the Hollywood boyfriend?? For that reason I think its someone who isnt currently on the roster, that is..if it ever revealed.

Whoever it is, that guy is one lucky son of a bitch!!!
I don't think there will ever be a reveal and feel like it's just a random storyline. I think it was just a gimmick to turn Tara heel. Not everything has to be something. Tara got her heel turn/new gimmick and I feel like that is all that is needed.

If they were to bring in someone to play her boyfriend it would kind of ruin the whole thing and make Tara look like a joke. One of the segments she talked about having dinner with Stacy Kiebler and George Clooney so that makes it seem like he would have to be at George's stature anyway.

I don't think it's Eric Young because he has a cable show and Tara made a remark about Gail Kim's fiance (husband?) being on a cable show as if it was nothing compared to her "hollywood" boyfriend.

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