Who's a superstar who appeals to all!


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I have noticed a trend in wrestling the last few years. That , on one side, you have children and females who like particular types of wrestlers, and the IWC, and 18-40 year old males, who like the total opposite type of wrestler.

For example, children and women like and cheer for John Cena, but males generally boo him.

On the flip side, males love "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, but he is too crude for children, and knowing his history with women, may put off females as well.

So, I ask you, is there anybody in wrestling, or has there been, who have been universally accepted by all groups. Where everyone is on the same page about a particular wrestler. Someone who is PG-enough for kids, who appeals to women, and yet is cool and "edgy" enough for guys as well.

Who do you feel most appeals to all groups, such as (a) children, (b) females, (c) "Attitude Era"-loving males, (d) the IWC and internet smarks?
Perhaps Christian when he was face?

AJ Styles too.

Both got cheered heaps, and are impressive in the ring. Perhaps AJ lacks on the mic, but I can't think of any others.
You don't get them all to make the same noise. That's impossible. You get them all to care one way or another. So the answer is pretty simple. John Cena and CM Punk. It's why this angle worked so well. The IWC loves to hate Cena (seriously, the only people who still dont' think he's at least 'pretty good' are nuts) and the kids love him. The opposite is true for CM Punk.

Don't say Morrison, getting a few people in the audience to make noise doesn't count. He's not over enough.
The Undertaker? Sure the guy doesn't work that much any more, but unless it's a super smark complaining about the undead gimmick, very few people have a bad thing to say about this guy. Also of late, I would add Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho, even though neither are currently active. For TNA, I'd vote Kurt Angle.
I really dont think there is any one now a days who fits that to that mold. Hogan was pretty close back in the day. The non DX Shawn Michaels is pretty close as well
I really dont think there is any one now a days who fits that to that mold. Hogan was pretty close back in the day. The non DX Shawn Michaels is pretty close as well
Hogan doesn't really count. For one, he didn't have at all as diverse of an audience as today. Not only that but of the 2 main groups Hogan had, the northern sports entertainment fans and the southern "wrasslin" fans, the southerners hated his ass. Not at kid friendly WWF shows, but watch Flair/Steamboat. JR says "This ain't rock 'n' roll this is pro wrestling" which sounds a hell of a lot like a lot of guys on here saying "this isn't sports entertainment this is pro wrestling".

People let nostalgia get to them with Hogan. Just because you didn't hear boos at WWF shows doesn't mean people didn't hate him. Watch old vids from the southern territories still around and tell me if you think that audience likes Hogan. The difference is that audience is smarter than the ****** smarks of today. ****** smarks of today go to shows and boo him, which is basically saying "Vince, I'll say I hate the guy but I'll still pay to see him and make noise for him". The southern fans of the time didn't like WWF and didn't go to WWF shows.
ric flair

men wanted to be like him, women wanted to be with him and when he was a face the kids of the 80s/90s loved him
Randy Orton (beard look) - Women still wants to fu** with him, boys wants to be as cool as him, men just love to see a good RKO out of nowhere.
It is pretty hard to find a Randy Orton (beard look) hater, his latest work as been amazing and everybody agrees I guess.
Undertaker: He is quite close to be universally liked. He is talented in the ring, was never shoved down our throats and has from time to time put over young guys.
if anyone appeals to all its John Cena hes loved by the kids and women more than orton. and is hated by men (& me) becuz of this idea that hes the best. he brings out more emotions from the fans than anyone in history. no doubt its John Cena
taker is also someone who appeals to all becuz hes the most over person in the company aside from trip's n hbk maybe the rock
No one appeals to all. There's this trend today that fans are divided on pretty much every wrestler. If I had to pick someone though, i'd probably pick Orton from the period of time directly after Wrestlemania 26. He was the 'cool' anti-hero, and his popularity more or less covered every fan base.
Undertaker. Surviving 20 years in the same company, going thro 5 different era's without ever loosing steam or popularity. Doing all this and so much more with a clean slate is not an easy task.

He's the company man and has the respect of his peers and everyones else he's worked with. Nobody ever has anything bad to say about him.

Hell in a Cell, buried alive, inferno Match and casket match are all credited to his character.

Not to forget his Wrestlemania streak. There are people who go to Wrestlemania just to see the Undertaker's match.
I agree with those of you who are saying The Undertaker is a superstar that appeals to all. It's hard to find people that say they hate the Undertaker. Sure, some people didn't like the "American Badass Gimmick" but as a whole, he probably has the most universal appeal. He would not have lasted this long in the business if he didn't appeal to all (or a huge majority).
The Rock

Men Love him, Woman love him, Kids love him

Im sure his "kid" fanbase has decreased quite a bit this year due to him fueding with John Cena but back in the day he was unaminously popular with everybody.
I think it's impossible for one man to be liked by everyone but in terms of being the most popular among all of the groups I'd have to vote Randy Orton. He's been over with the WWE Universe since 2004 and was the CM Punk of the IWC in 2009. The love for Orton was so strong that it turned the WWE's top heel into its top face in 2010 ( watch from Feb - July and compare his pops to Cena's) and although the IWC doesn't love him nearly as much we still respect him and credit him with putting on some of the best matches of the year with Punk and Christian.

like FSWWE said - kids love him, women want him, men want the RKO
I think a superstar that can appeal to all is Daniel Bryan. He is loved and respected my the hardcore wrestling fans that have been following him since his days in Ring of Honor. He is also loved by the casual wrestling fan because of his never give up die hard attitude. He gives it his all in every match and it shows.
A superstar who appeals to all?...........there's no such thing. One man's meat is another man's poison.

Personally, I would choose John Cena, as a heel or a face, as someone every fan could get behind......but there are plenty who would disagree, yes?

One to consider is Ric Flair, because as a heel, he was hated so much he was loved. And as a face, he was loved too......except by those who hated him being a face at all. You can't win!

Someone suggested Undertaker as one whom appeals to all. But no, he's not the type who was ever beloved. He is admired and respected, but a performer who's persona exists strictly on the dark side is never going to appeal to everyone.

If I had to choose someone who came close, I'd pick Bruno Sammartino. I saw him wrestle at the very end of his career in WWE, but it's his work over the years before that forms my choice. He was a face, but not so goody-goody that there were people who hated him for that (a la Bob Backlund). He was a legitimate tough guy who worked his butt off to entertain the people.

Yes, he's become a pain in the ass after his retirement with his refusal to acknowledge those who would honor him, but during his career, even little old Italian grandmothers in Brooklyn knew who he was. I think he comes closest to a superstar who appealed to all......or at least as close as anyone could come.
The only guys that can do that are not wrestling anymore: The Rock, Mick Foley, HBK, Triple H, Batista, Y2J (notice I said Y2J and not Chris Jericho). John Cena was able to do it 5 years ago. And yes, Stone Cold could do it too. He used to get monsterous pops. And to the silly person that decided for us that nostalgia pops don't count: Lol!

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