Who Would You Turn Heel/Face?

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
There are a LOT of Superstars right now in the WWE. Some of them are being used every single week in 2 or 3 segments a show, but others barely make it on an episode of WWE Superstars (if that). So the idea is simple, who do you think needs a face/heel turn? All answers are exceptable (including John Cena) as long as you can intelligent defend your idea. Also, if you get bored and want to do a little extra credit, who should NOT undergo a face/heel turn under any circumstance, and should stay exactly where they are?
The thing is some of the guys,even if they were heel or face would just simply not be big in the WWE anyway.There aint realy a LOT of superstars who need to go face/heel they just need a new gimmick,and at this moment of time there are only A couple Superstars who need to go heel or face,but as to who I would.....My first guy would be:

Randy Orton
Yes I said it,Randy Orton!Im a fan of his no doubt but his just to good as a heel to be a babyface who is playing 2nd fiddle to John Cena.I may also add that Cena SHOULD not turn heel anytime soon.Anyway his charater is stale and is becoming realy boring,the thing is now is that he has became SOOOO over as a face obviously,that it will be hard to turn him back.His a great talent in the ring and if he was just to go heel aswell as tweak his character a bit he would be great once again.I dont see it happening anytime soon but this is one that I REALY want to happen.

The Miz
Great Heel,great on the mic,good in the ring,gets a great crowd reaction,completly over but he has all the tools in the world to make a great face.He could keep the same character and still be huge as a face,his so likeable and everywhere he goes there all people cheering him.He has the look and Charisma and will be massive as a Face.It would spark something new into the upper mid card and add more credibility,he can put loads of guys over and would make a great Face.

John Morrison
I dont see him going Nowhere as a face,I've heard people say his in ring move-set is to exciting to be a heel but all he would have to do is cut out all the 'Unique' offense and add a few more moves to his arsenal which don't include highflying.His boring at the moment and to be quite honest I dont think he is bad on the mic at all,If you go back to his ECW days with The Miz he was decent on the mic and his look suits a heel.He could be a great heel over on SD and this is the only option he has if he is going to get somewhere in the company.
Randy Orton
Like the guy above me said Orton is just boring as hell as a face. It just doesn't seem natural. Back in '04 when he turned face I didn't mind that because he still cut good promos back then. The Viper just comes off as a badass hell and thats what he should be.

John Morrison
His promo's were just so much better as a heel. When he talks now he looks like its his 1st day on the job.
I would def turn the Miz into a face. He's an amazing heel, and can get over just about anywhere. One thing that makes me think this, is his catchphrase. AWESOME! PEople mock him for it because he is a heel, but if he was a face, people would cheer him for it. If WWE played it right, The Miz could be just as big as Cena.
Randy Orton he should definitely turn back heel, as a heel he is more vicious, more ruthless and calculating, and he can go out of his way to make anyone hate him, and as a heel he is much more emotionless because he just doesn't care who he punts in the skull just as long as they don't get up from it
Jack Swagger should turn face, and I think WWE is setting up for it. Jack is gonna be the face, defending Vickie's honor because of how Dolph treats her, but then at a PPV Vickie costs Swagger the title and keeps managing Dolph.

Swagger has the look and and definitely has the in ring skills, and when he's comfortable on the mic, he's good. In ECW and FCW he was fantastic on the mic, he was ooosing charisma. Ever since WWE changed his personality (when he won the world title) he's been boring as hell.

Tweak his personality to be more like his ECW gimmick, stop letting him use the ankle lock, and change his finisher(damn he botches that gutwrench powerbomb a lot), and he'll be a big player for years to come.
I'd turn Ted Dibiase face and give him a good push and fued him with Rhodes and have Dibiase win the 1st match and payoff match if it goes to 3. I think Dibiase could be good if given a good chance. I like his look, his pedigree and I think if given a good gimmick he could thrieve.
There are allot of talent on both rosters that are being wasted because their characters suck and no one cares about them, a guys I will mention are Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Tyson Kidd etc....the list goes on and on and on. I would turn Kofi Kingston heel because he has been a baby face for the last how many years? 4-5 years? He is incredibly stale and just needs a gimmick overhaul, WWE seem to be ignoring the fact that he has been stale for almost 2 years now. I say ditch the super Kingston gimmick and repackage him because he is very talented and has allot of potential and I think making the guy a heel could possibly save his career if booked correctly. He is very talented in the ring but h just doesn't seem to be able to make it to that next level. Making a heel out of him. Oils improve his charisma, look, ability and he since he gets a great reaction from the crowd as a heel I think he would get allot heat. I would certainly support a heel turn for Kofi Kingston and I think it could possibly be on the horizon for him once him and Bourne break up what will happen then? Surely he wont just drop back down to what he was a year ago, as a face he is irrelevant and as a heel he would be awesome, we will maybe see him heel by 2012.
I would turn the following heels to faces:
-Ted Dibiase (needs an IC Title run)
-Wade Barrett (a stretch, but it could work)
And the following faces to heels:
-John Cena (haven't we ALL been waiting on this for years?)
-John Morrison (just not taken as seriously as a face as when he was heel, just like former partner R-Truth)
-Daniel Bryan (cashing in the MITB briefcase at WM against, say, Sheamus, would be a great heel turn)
First I will do the extra credit. The Miz must NOT turn face. He could be the next Triple H (heel) in a year/two at least. But a face turn will be bad. Just bad. I myself don't see Miz as face. I just can't picture it.

Now who needs a turn.


Friendly giants don't work. Maybe the Lil' Jimmies like it when the Kane smiles then destroys someone, but I don't.WWE kind of teased Kane turning before he left, I mean he faced the Mega Face of Smackdown, but I want to see Kane return (whenever that is) as a heel. He is a great worker, many have said, and his 2010 WHC run was not very noteworthy**, but his promos really entertained me.
**Sidebar- I did not understand his feud with Undertaker at all. Undertaker returns, and he never won a PPV match (besides WM 27) after that. Their feud included the dropped ball storyline of Nexus assisting Kane to win, and nothing really coming of Paul Bearer turning on Taker. **

Ezekiel Jackson

Same reasons as above. Friendly big guys (most of the time) do not work.Zeke was the last ECW champion, for crying out loud! Now he sporadically wins on Smackdown. Zeke needs a heel turn and a mouth piece for a manager.

]Titus O Neil

Sorry for only listing heel turns so far, but heel turns usually help a star more than a face turn. Storyline wise, O Neil doesn't have a WWE contract and is trying to earn one on NxT. We all know he has a contract, so I will count him as a roster member. O Neil needs to turn heel, stop the dog barking, stop the Hornswoggle buddying, just stop. O Neil has the look, but he has the look of a heel. His match on NxT and Superstars this week showed him being aggressive, and that could easily make him a heel. He should turn on Hornswoggle and be a heel.

Kofi Kingston

I dislike happy go lucky characters. On Smackdown in 2010, Kofi showed an aggressive side that I really liked then and like now. Now, as part of Air Boom, Kofi is happy go lucky x10. :disappointed: I would really like to see Kofi turn heel by turning on Evan, costing himself and Evan the tag team championships, and then feuding with Evan, ending Air Boom.

Yoshi Tatsu

I believe Yoshi could play the classic evil foreigner. He's already got Japanese entrance gear and face paint, now he should say something along the lines of "Japan is so much better than America" "America's a disgrace" or something. Instant heat. (Hey, Sin Cara spoke, why not Yoshi?)

Trent Barretta

Trent is WWE's expert jobber. He jobs, but looks good doing it. On NxT a few weeks ago, he actually won a match! :rolleyes: But if he goes back to his DudeBuster persona, he could make his way up the card, at least to lower mid carder.

Daniel Bryan

Before you say "Daniel Bryan? Heel turn! No, no no, let me quote this dude and dispute the heck out of him!" let me explain.
Bryan is on a losing streak, yet he is Mr. Money In The Bank. He could be the next WHC when ever he wants to (storyline wise.) He could say how he has busted his butt for years and he finally gets to WWE,and no body aprreciates him for what he did on the indie scene (on TV, he could say what he did to get to WWE) He could go on a different roue, and say that he respects nobody because no one in the WWE has worked as hard as him to get to the WWE.
Heel to Face
The Miz: He has the charisma to be a top face. He sells a great deal of merchandise. Perhaps the pairing with R-Truth was made to facilitate the Miz's face turn somewhere down the line. Have R-Truth turn on the Miz because he thinks that Miz is "part of the conspiracy" due to his media appearances. Also, I think that Miz could be reunited with Alex Riley and the two can form a super face tag team in the mold of 2009 DX.

Dolph Ziggler: I think Ziggler would make a great face, as he already has a built in face turn with a Vickie break up. He has a natural wit on twitter, and on commentary, and he could get great face pops if he was allowed to use that wit on promos. Also, Dolph Ziggler's "I Am Perfection" slogan could replace Cena's "Never Give Up." "I Am Perfection" could be used to inspire both kids AND adults into believing in themselves in spite of their perceived flaws.

Christian: His current heel run sucks in comparison to his previous run before leaving the WWE for TNA. I think that had he kept the whole Captain Charisma schtick, it might have worked better. Orton was brought over to SmackDown because the Christian that we had been seeing since 2009 could not carry a major brand like SmackDown. However, I do think that a face version of his 2003-2005 character would have made a great top face.

Face to Heel:
Zack Ryder - They could say that Ryder is embarrassed by his Dad's Jomo obsession and resents Morrison because he wishes to be his dad's favorite superstar. It would be the perfect transition from a comedy character to a more serious one. Also Ryder could say that he spent his whole WWE career as an undercarder, and he manipulated the fans into noticing him and getting him on TV. And now, he's finally over, he declares that he doesn't need the fans anymore and he just stops doing his web show altogether.

Ezekiel Jackson - He just works better as a heel.
Change to a Heel:John Cena. I'm not a Cena hater. I respect the hell outta the guy. I'm just saying, since 2005 he's had the same song, belt, and moveset. The only thing that's changed about him was his jeans and the color of his shirts. When they find a good top face fore Raw, turn Cena heel! He needs change!

Change to a face:To be honest, I can't think of anybody. I hate faces, WWE always makes them out to be happy-go-lucky guys (see Evan Bourne and Kofi). Even the monsters always seem to end up being big jokes (see Kane, Khali, and Henry). The only faces I care for are the bad-ass faces. All we have is Orton.
Face to Heel:
John Cena needs to turn. When he came in, his gangsta image went over big. Right now, he's in a rut and people are already starting to turn on him. He needs a change in image.

Big Show and Kane: When they were a tag team, they were pretty much unstoppable, but were faces...could you imagine a stable with them? Maybe with Ezekiel Jackson and a comeback Y2J?? They would be a force to be reckoned with. Have you noticed that all former ECW champs were better as heels?

Undertaker: When 'Taker was a heel, he was vicious and hurting people; he truly needs that fire back. Right now, he's barely the guy we know; slow, hurt, and repetitive moves that are laughable. Maybe bring back Paul Bearer.

Heel to Face:

The Miz: He's already being cheered. Why not give it try? He's got the skills and charisma to pull it off...really!!!

I would make Ted Dibiase and Drew Mcintyre a tag team to become champs. They would compliment each other pretty well.

Bring back the face Christian: his crybaby act is so awful he needs a new comeback.
what they need to do is push the tag team division.

but as far as face to heel.. my first change would be THE UNDERTAKER.
no doubt that the ministry era was one of the most memorable wwe moments. so a new age ministry with superstars like tyler reks and mason ryan would be awesome.

as far as heel to face goes.. ALBERTO DEL RIO!!! dudes good on the mic. especially with the accent. as long as they dont take anything from his arsenal. dudes tight tho.
what they need to do is push the tag team division.

but as far as face to heel.. my first change would be THE UNDERTAKER.
no doubt that the ministry era was one of the most memorable wwe moments. so a new age ministry with superstars like tyler reks and mason ryan would be awesome.

You do realise that the Undertaker barely has enough in him to do one last match, let alone come back for an angle like that? He is 46 years old, do not expect any heel turns from The Undertaker, the only thing you should expect, is a retirement ceremony after Wrestlemania 28.
I pick up from where alot of people left off,

Randy Orton

Without a doubt needs to turn heel. I hate him right now, he's stale, repetitive and too predictable. With each match he's in at a PPV you seem to be able to predict the outcome. His Christian rivalry was good until around just after Money in the Bank. Now how do you turn him heel? Have Kane run in at Night of Champions to try and stop Henry. Kane takes down Henry but of course Orton is pissed. Orton RKO's Kane after celebrating with him.

Ezekial Jackson

Why is this guy face? Every single time WWE does this with a big guy it fails. Face it, monsters do not fit being face with the exception of Big Show, Batista and Brock Lesnar. Jackson has become so cheesy and annoying. His mic skills are shocking. He needs to turn heel and perhaps get a manager. Regal anyone?

Jack Swagger

I don't know if you guys watch CSR but they mentioned this a while back now. Swagger is actually a likeable character. He is what some call WWE's current Kurt Angle and we all know how likeable he was. Swagger can easily turn face and become that Patriotic face with the US Title.


Oh dear, oh dear. WWE what are you doing to this guy? He went from a respectable veteran to a moaning jerk. And its not helping his character. He's becoming less relevant each show. Face now and have Edge as his manager.

Rey Mysterio

This is once he's back. I really just want to see Rey heel. I can imagine him being jealous of Sin Cara's accomplishments and that he's "stealing" Rey's thunder. Great storyline after the Sin Cara/'Real' Sin Cara feud is done.
Aaaaand the, "turn Cena heel," debate comes back up.
The same two arguments I always make are: 1) He makes too much money and he's better with his gimmick than you give him credit for; 2) It's just never going to happen, so let's drop it, already.

If I were going to turn someone face, I'd turn the Miz. He feels as though he's halfway there, as it is, and I don't think he pulls off, "intensity," well. He tries to act foreboding, and it has always fell short, for me. However, he's funny, he's charming, and he can play the underdog. These are the characteristics of a mega babyface. His, "really?" chant is getting over big, all of the sudden, and I think you could easily just have him turn face against R-Truth and it would work out fine.

If I would turn anyone heel, I would turn Randy Orton. Look: I'm still not sure how his faceturn came about, but it's just stale. He has no life to him at all in his current gimmick, though he never had much to begin with, and his face run is just going nowhere. He continues to squash his opponents, and it's not doing anyone any favors. I say turn him heel and let him go at it with guys like DBD and other babyfaces that need the push.
Looking at the RAW roster (the show I mainly watch), everyone seems to be in the right place as far as faces/heels go. The only change I would make is Dolph Ziggler to face. I don't know how long it would last but he could have a good feud with Swagger, R-Truth, Miz. Plus teaming up with Morrison would be cool. I guess to balance things out, I would turn Big Show heel. He's a much better heel than face. The goofy/fun loving giant doesn't work for me. I would never want to be on the end of that fist, but he doesn't come across nearly as threatening as a face. When he's a heel, no one can stop him. As a face, he's a push over.
There is a lot of wrestlers right now sitting with the title of heel... the sad fact is, turning them is a career builder 9 times out of 10 it seems. So I'll try to keep this fair and do both face and heel.

RANDY ORTON- heel Many people have said it but it's true. Randy has become very one dimensional. When he's a heel he's vicious and you never know what he'll do or when he'll do it next. He would hit anyone and everyone with that RKO... family included. But he has now reached a level where he doesn't need the belt to be relevant. So let him lose to Henry and let that turn him heel. Have him lose his re-match and be told he's at the bottom of the list...let him work his way back up and just tear through everyone in his way because Orton is far better in pursuit then he is in defense.

TED DIBIASE- face They already seem to be heading this way as it is, but I want to see him go at it with Cody Rhodes. Rhodes has been elevating himself, Dibiase going at it with Rhodes can only elevate him. Especially with the IC title at the center of the rivalry.

EZEKIEL JACKSON- heel Why he's even a face I don't know... maybe they needed him to be the transitional guy for Cody Rhodes. But when he was a heel... he was dominant, his face turn let him lose 2 matches to Cody Rhodes clean. The powerhouse lost to a much smaller individual. Like others have said, monsters shouldn't be faces.

JACK SWAGGER- face Again, I feel they are going this way. And everyone before me has named exactly why he should be a face.

JOHN MORRISON- heel He was more arrogant as a heel... so why is he not a heel right now? He's today's version of HBK. Let him go heel, get a manager to speak for him until he gets his mic skills up. Let him win... continuously. Let him get his hands on the U.S. Title.... that will develop plenty of midcard feuds until he's ready for the big stage.

MICHAEL MCGILLICUTTY- face He's been a heel all this time and is bland. He's going absolutely nowhere. Maybe have Otunga constantly attacking King. Have him see King as a man who his father respects... idk.... something. But give him his real last name. Let him say that he's a Henning and that's who he's going to be. He'll be re-tooled and re-packaged as a Henning and let him be a face... as that develops he can go back to being a heel to further develop him as an individual.

KANE- heel Again, it's the story of the monster... he should have never been a face. He even said before his "injury" that he's supposed to be a monster and despises his "humanity" so let him be the monster.

Those are just the names that I think could use a re-packaging... With an even amount of changes you don't tip the scales too far in either direction.
John Morrison needs to turn heel.Being face has set him back in his career.He doesn't get any time on the mic so he can't hype up anything,his moveset is limited because as a high-flying face,he's forced to do high-flying spots all the time to entertain the fans.Hell,I'd love it if Morrison turns heel and starts doing sleepers and figure-fours.Being heel would elevate his standing in the card as well,considering he'll play off the likes of Punk and Cena.With Miz and Truth teaming up and Del Rio going into the main event,top faces like Cena and Mysterio are going to need another top heel to face on Raw.Morrison fits the bill.He's had a bit of history with CM Punk as well,and I think a Morrison vs. Punk feud would make some really good matches.The matches were great when they were both in ECW,it should be better now they're both in the upper-midcard and main event respectively.Hell,put Morrison in an angle where he teams up with Triple H to take down CM Punk.Morrison's really malleable now,with a nudge in the right direction he can be a lot of things.

As for the extra credit,I don't think Orton should turn heel under any circumstances.Let's face it,when Orton turned heel,people started cheering him.People who want him to turn heel simply hate faces.Orton's going to get cheered no matter what.He's going to punt people no matter what.He's going to go psycho-Orton no matter what.There's literally no reason for him to turn heel.
Yoshi. Tatsu he has the new look give him a new theme he could come out every week and say japan is better then the u.s.a and have hime wave the japan flag that way he will get heat

Mike "The Kid" Killam;3407048 said:
There are a LOT of Superstars right now in the WWE. Some of them are being used every single week in 2 or 3 segments a show, but others barely make it on an episode of WWE Superstars (if that). So the idea is simple, who do you think needs a face/heel turn? All answers are exceptable (including John Cena) as long as you can intelligent defend your idea. Also, if you get bored and want to do a little extra credit, who should NOT undergo a face/heel turn under any circumstance, and should stay exactly where they are?
Turn micheal mcgillicutty face and let him be joe henning and have him feud with dolph since ziggler is perfection henning could say something like your not perfection my dad was and your not near as good as my dad or something like that just turn him face and let him use his real name
Kane: He works best as a heel. His feud with the Undertaker last year was decent even.
Drew McIntyre: He needs something to refresh his character and his chances. He could work as a midcard face, I believe.
John Morrison: He could join the bandwagon of R-Truth and The Miz.
The Big Show: He could keep his partnership with Kane... as a heel.

Don't turn:
CM Punk: He should stay where he's at, as a "kinda-of face". He's a good tweener (I hate this word).
Cody Rhodes: His current gimmick/persona are fine.
Sheamus: He has a nice future as a face, I believe.
I can't think of a single wrestler that spent his whole career as a face or as a heel. Everyone has jumped back and forth between the two. So it's only a matter of time before people do it. Some guys who have only been heels that should turn face are: Wade Barrett, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio, David Otunga, and Michael McGuilacutty.
Now faces that need to finally turn heel: Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, Daniel Bryan (I don't count his little Nexus initial takeover when he choked dude out).
Now to add my fuel to this fire, How about this idea? McGuilacutty and Dolph form a tag team and become "Team Perfection"? Yea yea, Mcguilacutty has already done the tag team deal, and really needs to come out into his own as a singles competitor, so how about him or Dolph start a fued as to who really is "Perfect"?

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