Who Would Win The Faction War?

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nWo 4-life.

The NWO would destroy all the others. If Hogan is in the match (which he would be,) as soon as he got in trouble, the other 20 or so guys would run out and beat down the other teams. So you'd have Hogan, Nash, Hall, Savage, Giant, Hennig, Bagwell, Norton, Steiner etc etc all beating the hell out of everyone. Doesn't seem like much of a choice to me.
Hahaha. I remember that. Pretty much every NWO match ended with a run in and everytime they did a run in there were new people.

you need to add
-The Flock
and the New Radicals (I think that was their official name, Guerrero, Saturn, Malinko, Beniot)
to the mix too
Since im from calgary I would pick the Hart Foundation for there pure talent but also because they created the wwf canada/us war. I wish the horsemen would reform right now with flair and benoit with some new young members, especially with the new DVD out right now but we all know that wont happen. I also think evolution was a pretty awesome version of the horsemen and the past present and future idea was GOLD !!! The NWO was a joke after the 100th member and the constant reforming. DX to me was the most entertaining faction ever. WWE needs to create another strong faction sometime becasue most wrestling fans love factions.
RTC has been mentioned, I was serious too. Glad no one has mentioned the spirit squad...In my opinion the NWO was a bit over-rated and killed really after it's major expansions. The ultimate faction was the corporate-ministry, it sucked practically everyone in, it was interesting to watch. I think wrestling is in need of some new factions, they are a dying breed (and new DX is not a faction, they're a tag team!)
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