Who Would Win The Faction War?

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Rabbid Wolverine

Pre-Show Stalwart
DX (hhh,hbk,outlaws,xpac)
NWO (hogan,nash,hall,curt hennig,savage)
HORSEMEN (flair,anderson,benoit,ole,blanchard)
HART FOUNDATION(bret,owen,anvil,bulldog,pillman)
NATION (farroq,the rock,kama,d-lo,mark henry)
DUNGEON OF DOOM (sullivan,the giant,meng/barbarian, ray trailer)i think he was a part of them, if he isnt then fill in whoever u would like too

i being from toronto, obviously would pick the hart foundation... to bad owen never got to go on his heavyweight championship reign
that would of made a great survivor series

dx v nwo v hart foundation v 4 horsemen

i would also go hart foundation
nWo, b/c they had like 50 members. Lol!

Once Hogan gets in trouble, all 50 would come into the ring with weapons and decimate DX, The Hart Foundation, The Nation of Domination, Dungeon of Doom, and the 4 Horsemen.
I'd Like to pick the Hart Foundation but like the poster above said the nWo has strength in numbers LOL. If your just going by the 5 you mention then i would say Hart Foundation.
Yeha, I'd probably go for Hart Foundation also. Was never really a fan of Pillman, but the other guys are awesome. Especially Neidhart, because his beard is killer.
Hart and Horsemen are pretty much nexk and neck. It would just be legendary to see all these amazing factions go to war. Thanks for posting this.
What about the Nation though.

come on. if it was The Rock, Ron Simmons, D'lo Brown and Mark Henry in their prime, think how dominative it would be! No one would stop them... Pure Power of Mark Henry, the muscle for tight squeezes, the Highflying, yet technically sound D'lo Brown WHO NEVER GOT RECOGNIZED AT ALL FOR THE INCREDIBLE PREFORMER THAT HE IS, Farooq was the first African-American world champion, that says something about his character, and then you have the Rock! The most electrifying.. you get it. The Nation, against any other four man faction, would be hard to beat, if they were all together in their respective primes.
It's all about he Ministry Of Darkness (Undertaker, Paul Bearer, APA, Mideon, Viscera, Brood).

Out of the ones posted, I would have to say Hart Foundation. 5 of the best ever.
that was good, i forgot about the ministry of darkness... i would have added them, but they totally slipped my mind

i was also thinking of the corporation, but i thought the rock was better in the nation..

so if you have any other factions.... throw them out there
The Union were a pretty tough group as well. Though they only had four members.

If people don't remember them they were the former guys in the corporation that got left out when the others formed the corporate ministry. They formed the union (Big Show, Ken Shamrock, Mankind and Test)
DX (hhh,hbk,outlaws,xpac)
NWO (hogan,nash,hall,curt hennig,savage)
HORSEMEN (flair,anderson,benoit,ole,blanchard)
HART FOUNDATION(bret,owen,anvil,bulldog,pillman)
NATION (farroq,the rock,kama,d-lo,mark henry)
DUNGEON OF DOOM (sullivan,the giant,meng/barbarian, ray trailer)i think he was a part of them, if he isnt then fill in whoever u would like too

i being from toronto, obviously would pick the hart foundation... to bad owen never got to go on his heavyweight championship reign

Ok so this is A good one. In the ring No team could beat the (Hart Foundation) (DX and or The 4 Horsemen)would come in a close second. Now that's just in the ring.

But Dx never would go in to this with out a plan and 9 times out of 10 it works and they do there best when there backs are on the wall. But coming in a close second to planing ARE (The 4 Horsemen) then (NwO)

Now in numbers Nwo hands down. then (DOD) but lets face it they suck big time come on look at them 2 may be 3 of them where good ok 4 tops but they still suck see.

Kevin Sullivan-good
The Giant-great
The One Man Gang- ok
The Shark-good
The Barbarian-ok
Hugh Morrus-good
Konnan- great better in NWO
”Big” Bubba great
Loch Ness- bad
The Yeti-bad
Braun the Leprechaun-bad
Maxx Muscle-bad

But in the end DX would Win if you ask me.
Come on folks "Only once has so much damage been caused by so few, and to find that source you need to go all the way back to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." Enough said. Flair, Double A, Ole Anderson & Tully Blachard. What more do u need in a stable :p
It's tough depending on which guys are in what faction at what time. Sure a lot of these factions in their primes were amazing, but a lot of them had a guy that was part of another faction, ie DoD vs. NWO with the Giant, or 4 Horseman against Evolution with Flair. I'm working on this for the Survivor Series pay per view. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out the Wrestlezone Tournament in the Old School section.
The only faction in my eyes to fully suceed in their gimmick as heels...RTC

I loved those guys...Steven Richards, ivory, Godfather, Val venis, Buchanan and of course the (hot) Kat, though they were a mid card faction they were great
Horsemen. Definetly. First of all, there'd be no Evolution if it wasn't for them. Flair was way better as a leader than Hunter. Not NWO because it got out of hand with all the people and celebs joining.

DX? Maybe. They'd be the closest, but too many people think they're a rip-off of NWO. Nation wasn't around very long. They were basically brought into fued with DX, and DX kicked their asses. Hart Foundation would also be pretty close. They had it all almost.

They had Bret, who was technical. Pillman was speed. Owen was able to do pretty much anything. Jim Neidhart was the power. It had it all, but I'd still give the Horsemen the nod. Why? They were the first faction. If I'm wrong, they populated it. Every faction took something from them somehow.
That would be one of my all time favorite dream matches. Every fan boy pumps their chest for DX vs. the NWO, but you give me the Horseman with Flair, Anderson, Anderson, Blanchard and Windham vs. the Hart Foundation with Hart, Hart, Neidhart, Smith and Pillman, and you're talking about maybe one of the best matchups of all time.

From top to bottom you're talking an even matchup, plus the respective leaders can't stand each other.
Hart v. Flair
Arn Anderson vs. Owen Hart
Ole Anderson vs. Jim the Anvil
Tully Blanchard vs. Brian Pillman
Windham vs. the Bulldog, that right there is an amazing feud. The faction of the old WCW vs. the best faction from the WWE.
I don't remember all the members, but back in tha 80's in World Class Championship Wrestling, there was a "stable" called Devestation, Inc. I remember they were the top heels then.

Also, there was The Dangerous Alliance in WcW: Stunning Steve Austin, Arn Anderson, Larry Zybysko, Ric Rude, Madusa, managed by Paul E. Dangerously
The 4 Horsemen is no doubt the overall best faction of all time. They had a bit of everything, charisma, power, technique, and of course they were great at playing dirty. The Hart Foundation is a close second, they were just not as entertaining as the 4 Horsemen. DX and nWo were great factions as well but not b/c of their wrestling skills but rather for being the most innovative during the new generation of wrestling in the 90's and of course they both were very entertaining.
and I can't believe no one has mentioned;
# Pete Gas
# Rodney
# Joey Abs

The mean street posse!
I think I would say NWO cause I was a WCW fan growing up and liked watching the NWO and thought they were the best.
I'd have to go NWO...if you were going to pick 5...i'd have to go with Hogan, Hall, Nash, Savage, Giant(Big Show) who would beat that????
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