Who would last in the Attitude Era?


If you had to choose one superstar from either Raw Or Smackdown who wasn't in the Attitude Era but could of made it if they debuted then. Who would you pick?

I would have to say CM Punk. Not because of the shoot he did a few weeks back. I just think he has the look, the charisma and persona. The persona because it would have been a great contrast to the superstars you saw back then. Instead of a beer swigging, drugged up guy living the hard life, he could of used the exact same persona he has to date which is the straight edge way of life?

So again, Who would you pick?
I would have to say Miz (current character) and Morrison (when he teamed with the Miz) would have worked in the attitude era because they both were/are cocky, brash, and get the job done. They could have been able to do more cutting promo-wise back then
I don't know about character wise, but I'd love to have seen Morrison or Sin Cara take on guys like Jeff Hardy and Esse Rios in their prime, could have seen some great matches. Or Maybe Daniel Bryan to go against Angle and Benoit.

I think a lot of people look at the attitude era through rose colored glasses. It really wasn't that great, it was cheap heat. Sex, blood, swearing, etc. You can get anyone over in that environment if you let them cut loose. So if I were to put anyone back in that time period it would be more to see the match possibilities.
I actually like the idea of Miz and Morrison being in the Era. You are right, both of them could of performed well. Imagine Miz and Morrison vs The Brood..
I think Randy Orton. Well all the other guys people mentioned would work too, but I dont want to copy. Randy would probably be tossed into a dark ministry like role (with his viper gimmick). He would last but not be anything too big. The current guys arent really made for that era. Maybe the cocky guys like Dolph Ziggler would make it too since they could take up a HBK-ish role but they still just dont fit into the direction the company was headed at the time.

Tyson Kidd seems like my only other credible choice. He has the look, the attitude, and the in ring ability to make it in any era.
I would give anything to be able to rewind time and put Danielson in matches against Benoit, Jericho, Lance Storm, and hell, either of the Hart brothers. You guys are going to flame me big time for the next part...sorry in advance. IF Colt Cabana were to still be employed, I would mark out big time for The Second City Saints to be taking on The New Age Outlaws, The Hart Foundation, Kane/X-Pac, The Rock 'n' Sock Connection and/or the original Brood. For god's sake, someone in the E, please give Regal one last push before he retires and pit him against the man he mentored, Bryan Danielson. That match, or series of matches, would be epic.
Pretty much everyone that was getting pushed or about to get pushed during the transition from 14A to PG.

Cena, Miz, Morrison, Orton, and CM Punk.

John Cena probably wouldn't be as white meat as he is now but he would still be in the Top 5 of main eventers with Austin, Rock, HHH, and Mick Foley.

Of those who came during the PG time, basically the guys who don't really have a "gimmick" like Daniel Bryan. I also think Sin Cara, Rey Mysterio, Alberto Del Rio, and Sheamus would all be fine. Though at the time, Cara and Mysterio would of probably been a tag for a while considering the strength of the division at the time.

It definately would be a much better time if you plugged in current main eventers with past main eventers. Kinda common sense.
I think the miz could go over really well in the attitude era!! He most certainly can out talk most guys and his in ring ability is pretty impressive!!! He cheats looks for shortcuts and says whatever is on his mind!! He would be awesome even back then
currently, punk, miz, may be del rio and believe it or not - mark henry. many of the characters are too watered-down right now to make it but those 4 could walk into the attitude era as it and be fine. orton from a few years ago could as he was becoming a good triple h type heel. with a little work, both swagger and daniel bryan could - they have the wrestling style like brock/angle/benoit did but they both need a little more character to them(not much as i think they could easily be the current versions of the angle/brock and angle/benoit now).

truth is, a lot of the wrestlers could not work as is. even look at guys like kane and big show, guys who were there during that time, and look how watered-down the characters are now. with raw this past week, it looks like they might be moving slightly towards the attitude era (only slightly because they don't want to lose that pg money) so maybe we will see some character growth but most guys just wouldn't cut it in the attitude era.
John Cena, he debuted the year after and was the best gimmick he's had, was his best on the mic with his freestyles.

Cena couldve done well with that and made it even edgier 98-01, Orton's Viper gimmick is the one that wouldve done best in the Attitude Era, but if he debuted as he did before The Legend Killer thing, wouldve went over well. and well CM Punk wouldve been awesome, but overshadowed by Austin who was hogging a lot of the spotlight, to extremes at times, to where people wouldve appreciated his great mic skills less. Maybe if they had him in a midcard feud with Chris after his debut that couldve definately gotten both over quicker imo before Y2J wouldve become the first ever Undisputed Champion.

Those three are the obvious answers. People always talk about how Orton couldnt go as far as he could now with The Viper/IED stuff specifically with HHH, Steph, Shane and Vince as in 98-01, and yeah Punk definately now more than anyone, but Cena more than anyone from 02-05 wouldve been the choice for that one guy.
Other than CM Punk, I would have to say Wade Barrett. I think he would've be a great heel during this time period especially being the lead guy of a heel faction.
It pains me to say it, but I have to agree with many of you who say the Miz would fit in. He would've been wonderful during this time period, especially with the rise of social media and reality shows. Honorable mention thug John Cena, The Uso because it was a sound tag team division back then, & R Truth.
Easily CM Punk. Hes is amazing now on the mic with the "PG" restrictions I cant even begin to imagine how great he would be if he was around during the Attitude Era. He is one of the greatest heels in WWE history. He could have had such amazing matches with the superstars of the Attitude Era. HBK for one could have really taking him to his limits and they could have had some great moments together. Bret Hart is another guy who could have meshed with Punk very well. They both have some great submissions that they can perform and they both have great technical ability. Triple H in his prime is one of they greatest wrestlers in history. Punk and Trips are both experts on the mic and between the both of them there was sure to be some promo gold. Stone Cold is a lot like Punk and also very different. They both have the same attitude for the most part and the fact the Stone Cold is a beer guzzler and Punk is straight edge could have made for some very interesting television. Kurt Angle and Punk could of had an opportunity to have some great matches too. A dream match of mine is Angle vs Punk in a iron man match. Chris Jericho in his prime. I mean the list can just go on and on.
currently, punk, miz, may be del rio and believe it or not - mark henry. many of the characters are too watered-down right now to make it but those 4 could walk into the attitude era as it and be fine. orton from a few years ago could as he was becoming a good triple h type heel. with a little work, both swagger and daniel bryan could - they have the wrestling style like brock/angle/benoit did but they both need a little more character to them(not much as i think they could easily be the current versions of the angle/brock and angle/benoit now).

truth is, a lot of the wrestlers could not work as is. even look at guys like kane and big show, guys who were there during that time, and look how watered-down the characters are now. with raw this past week, it looks like they might be moving slightly towards the attitude era (only slightly because they don't want to lose that pg money) so maybe we will see some character growth but most guys just wouldn't cut it in the attitude era.

So that was a different worlds strongest man / sexual chocolate mark henry in the attitude era? Thanks for clearing that up. Honestly, talent wise anyone from today could have made it back then. Now considering all they cared about in the attitude era is personality... ill say cena, orton, batista, miz, and punk.
CM Punk would have worked in Attitude era WWE, he could have taken his straight-edge saviour role to a more obsessive, dangerous level without the PG restrictions and we all know how good he is on the mic, so he would have been allowed to go further in his promos, and really become a super-heel. Punk is my first pick, he has the tools to succeed in any era.

Secondly, John Cena. Again, Cena has the mic skills to get over in any era and if he debuted in the Attitude Era with his rapper persona, he would have been able to go more R-rated with his rhymes, his style would have been more relevant since gangsta rap was still big around that time, and I still believe Cena would have made it to the top and been in the main event along with Rock, HHH and Austin.
I was trying to think of someone other than CM Punk but it's truly hard. clearly Punk is the first man you would think of when you ask this question. The guy does well in both a PG environment and 18 environment. I never watched Punk's run in the indies but I have seen some clips being non-PG and the guy is awesome just as he is in the PG environment. Here's a hilarious clip of him being non-PG.


I'd probably go with Mr. Anderson too. Some people do say he is like the Stone Cold of TNA. I myself have said that but now that I look back on that, he's not but he does have attitude, he's cocky & brash, someone of his personality could fit the Attitude Era imo.

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