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Who wins the Rumble now?


Getting Noticed By Management
With Roman Reigns getting injured recently, one can only imagine that he will make a triumphant return at the Royal Rumble which most probably means that he might go ahead and win it. It's not unusual for a guy who returns to do so anyway, see Cena, Edge, Batista etc.

Now, at first, the recovery time was about 6 weeks, but then, doctors said that it might be some months, which means 3-4 months or maybe more... Now, they might wanna throw people away with that, but I won't move into that. If timing is correct (and I believe they can definitely arrange that), Reigns can make the return and win, which will come in clash with Bryan returning and winning it, as it was supposed to happen right after he got injured himself.

To add to all of this, even though a slim chance, Punk might as well be offered a big contract or something to come back, which would also mean he would probably win the Rumble himself. Also, since he is the only active superstar at the moment, Dean could go ahead and win it too, since it is obvious he will receive the great push now that Roman and Bryan is out. Other notable names could be Cesaro, Wyatt, Cena, but I don't think either of them will win it.

So, who wins the Rumble? Reigns, Bryan, Dean, a returning Punk? Who do you want to win? We have to take into consideration that the winner will face the WWEWHC at Mania, with Lesnar probably being the champ. Earlier this year, we had reports that they were planning Bryan vs Lesnar. I wanted to see that so Bryan is a favorite of mine to win. Dean vs Lesnar would be amazing too, Dean' crazy style would suit so well. Reigns is billed as the powerhouse, but I don't see that yet. At the moment, he is kind of a toned down Lesnar. So many things go around but who do you think/want to win this?
I had heard that Reigns was supposed to win it before this surgery, so who knows...It depends when both men come back. If Bryan is ready to return by the Rumble, but Reigns wins, it might cause a backlash on Reigns...who already has been getting some boos.

Speculating about CM Punk is pointless because no one knows if he'll return or not. Maybe the Rock or Stone Cold will return briefly to win? There's too much time between now and then to speculate.
It's really a two star race at the moment and the funny thing is both of those guys are currently nursing injuries. Both should be back in time for the event. I would love to see Bryan and Reigns both being surprise entrants in the rumble. I would have them come in back to back right in the middle of the match as nothing big really happens at that moment and it would be a nice twist. As for who wins it would have to be one of them but at this moment its a coin flip. I think WWE would rather go with Reigns, but if he isn't ready for the main event Bryan is a great plan B.
If Punk does return and does win the Rumble, I swear I'll puke all over the place. I'll show that Punk really does have a HUGE ego. Punk doesn't deserve that "reward" after walking out.

I hope Bryan wins the Rumble. Bryan will still get momentum and the fans' support.

Like I have said numerous times on the forum and on the site, Reigns won't be ready (now due to his injury) to possibly main event a WrestleMania with Brock Lesnar. That match would be a total fiasco...
It's gonna be Reigns.

Remember that in the WWE, you always knock off a month or two from the stated recovery time, so we can have these "surprise" returns.
I hope its Bryan, don't get me wrong I like Reigns and I believe he could eventually be the new face of WWE but lets face it if Reigns returns in the rumble instead of Bryan well its basically going to be Batista part 2. Bryan all the way just for Reigns's sake.
Doesn't matter who wins, really. People see it as a launching pad for up-and-comers when it's rarely ever been that throughout history. Give it to Sting, and have him disregard his title shot for a shot at The Undertaker.
It's gonna be Reigns.

Remember that in the WWE, you always knock off a month or two from the stated recovery time, so we can have these "surprise" returns.


I'm gonna say the 6 weeks is the actual time maybe a bit more to make sure Reigns is 100% but they'll have him return at the rumble maybe the PPV/event before.

I really wouldnt get your hopes up about daniel bryan as soon as there has been good news about daniel bryan there has been 2 bad ones a few weeks later.

As for CM Punk,:banghead::lmao:
Reigns, unless they want to de-push it a little after the incident (I could see him go after triple H at mania or something, and win the championship the mania after)
There's potential for the Royal Rumble to actually be exciting this year if lots of people return/debut at the same time, i mean Reigns and Bryan are the top contenders at the moment, but remember they've got to get Sting into Mania somehow, Undertaker might be ready for his last showing by then and who knows who's going to get injured/return by January. I hope they hold everyone off coming back until then as it means no-one will be a firm favourite and we will all watch to find out with genuine mystery.
This is a tough one. I don't think Bryan will be healthy and even if he is, there is no way I would put him in the ring with Lesner that soon. A neck injury isn't something to mess around with. With Lesner's style, there would be a huge chance of Bryan injuring his neck again. Reigns is a strong possibility but I don't think he's ready. I think they will probably try and bring in The Rock. Brock vs Rock would be big business. Personally I would love to see Brock vs Austin. I doubt it will happen but oh man what a WrestleMania main event that would be.
It is going to be Reigns, well more than likely him. It would be nice if it was not though. I just cannot see him being a Champion that everyone would stay behind.

Build someone up that has more experience and then give it to Reigns later on. Just do not do it at WM.
I think Reigns will still win. I could imagine they'll make his return even more dramatic. I think it'll end like the 2005 RR, him and Bryan at the end but in the end Reigns wins.
I think Reigns will still win. I could imagine they'll make his return even more dramatic. I think it'll end like the 2005 RR, him and Bryan at the end but in the end Reigns wins.

They'll want to avoid anything that could turn portions of the fan base vehemently against Roman, so having him eliminate Bryan is a no-no.

The thing is, if they really are dead set on Reigns vs. Lesnar for the belt, then the only other non title feud for Bryan that wouldn't feel like he was being mugged off would be against Cena at Mania. I don't know how we'd get there, maybe Cena gets eliminated by Bryan and Cena returns the favour. Or have him screw Bryan in a title match against Lesnar at the Rumble 'if I can't beat him, no one can!' I'd much rather see him In the ME with Lesnar, but as I say, if WWE are really intent on digging their heels in over Roman, then these are just some ideas to throw around.
We all know if we either here Punk's music, or Reign's music, one of them are winning. CM Punk would probably only agree to re-sign is if he would headline WM 31 against the biggest star at this point in time.
If Reigns comes back in time, he should win. It would give him some of the momentum back that he's lost since the injury. Daniel Bryan doesn't need to win the Rumble. When he was injured and had to leave, he was WWE Champion and by rights he deserves a title shot because he never really lost the title, he was stripped of it.

Also Ambrose is getting the push of a lifetime right now, and is running with big time. I don't see him winning the Rumble because quite frankly he is so over he doesn't really need the win. He'll just come up with a sneaky way to get involved anyway, especially if it's Reigns vs Rollins, and that would be great. A three way Shield match. Would rather watch that over another Lesnar match.
Let's see Daniel is not coming back til around Wrestlemania and Sting would be pretty cool if he was to say no to the Champion and fight his farewell match against Undertaker. Sting could win and go on to Wrestlemania and beat Brock than retire, the title would be vacant and they could start a tournament on Monday. Roman is who was suppose to win and who I hope still wins and goes on to beat Brock, That still might happen unless they could think of someone else. The other choices that I think could happen are Randy with a face turn just before the rumble, a returning Batista on his farewell tour, Ryback with his new look, or even Bray all of them could probably beat Brock. Honestly I think it will be Dean.
Give me a shot at storylines for the WWE I will make Vince happy.
Brock Lesnar vs. Undertaker is a money match WWE may not pass up.

If it is for the WWE Title, so be it. I understand the feeling that WrestleMania will be Roman Reigns' crowning moment. But I'm just not sure if he's the right person at the right time. Is he really, truly, ready to take that torch?

The Undertaker is WrestleMania. There is no way his WM loss can go unanswered. Does that mean the Undertaker will win the Royal Rumble? He could. I'm not saying he is the favorite; that would be ludicrous. But because Taker vs. Lesnar is a big money match, I would imagine Taker is in the running.

Here's who I see as most likely to win, #1 being most likely and #5 being least likely:

1) Roman Reigns... he's probably not ready to lead WWE but Vince loves muscles.

2) Daniel Bryan... the fans go wild for Bryan. It would create a buzz for WrestleMania.

3) The Undertaker... at #30 a brief appearance is possible. Taker vs. Lesnar at WM is a rematch that could attract tons of casual viewers.

4) Dean Ambrose... in a merit-based system, he would win the RR hands down. If Reigns and Bryan aren't ready to go, and Taker takes a pass, Ambrose has a great chance of going over.

5) John Cena... sir Cena has unfinished business with Lesnar. A no-hold-barred "Loser leaves WWE" match would add some spice to the main event... if fans have the appetite for a third match.
This is a tough one.
Daniel is injured.
For me I'd have to say it will probably be Bray Wyatt or Reigns. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the WWE got someone to return ala Batista to win. This could be CM Punk (but we are dreaming), Rock ( highly unlikely though), or Ryback.
My booking idea which progresses a few different story lines:

Have Miz and Sandow come in early and hang around for a while, with Sandow taking punishment to keep Miz from elimination throughout the match. Then, have someone chase Miz out under the bottom rope...do the cheesy "stunt-double" under the ring thing...but Miz emerges to get promptly ejected.

Match continues with the last two being Dean and Rollins or Orton. Sandow emerges and slides back in the ring shortly before Dean eliminates Rollins/Orton. Dean quickly hits Dirty Deeds on a now unconscious Sandow. Stands in ring with his crazy face and fakes like he is picking up Sandow, only to shrug, laugh and walk over the top rope. The unconscious body of Sandow wins.

The following Raw Dean explains his actions as the best way he could hurt HHH, by rigging an awful WM Main Event. Ultimately a month before WM, Sandow loses his show somehow due to interference from a jealous Miz. This accomplishes the following:

Gives WWE another month to see who is healthy

Provides a true non-predictable Rumble ending for probably the only low-card guy who would get the crowd to pop like crazy

Basically dictates the inevitable Sandow face turn career reboot and sets up a Miz/Sandow WM match that would be a fun opener

One month of amazing Sandow promos...imagine him cutting a promo on Lesnar/Heyman with his pompous intellectual shtick.

Furthers Ambrose/HHH feud in an interesting way that is really consistent and furthers Ambrose's unpredictable lunatic character. Also leads to some good mocking promos, perhaps while wearing Sandow merchandise.

Getting carried away here, but this is the type of creative stuff I would love to see WWE try.
Roman is not quite ready for Brock, even though that is who WWE is saying. Seth has the MITB briefcase, Randy has a rematch that never happened, Daniel won't be back yet. I think it will be Dean Ambrose he is ready now, you can give big pushes to guys like:
Dolph or even Rusev but he will be defending his U.S. title at Wrestlemania.
I am sure they are overstating the severity of both Reigns and Bryan's injury... throwing out the "needs another surgery" line is a good way to throw people off the scent if Bryan IS healed...

Reigns however is a bit more complex because it involves his stomach, which will affect his food intake and thus conditioning. They're not gonna push the button on Roman unless he LOOKS the part, which is hard after what he had... if they did have to go into his intestines as originally speculated, then they take time to heal... that's time without the usual gym regime, "Big Guy Eating" and even cardio... Reigns was attracting some sideward glances over his physique already, that he was using the vest to cover this... so potentially he could need to spend quite a bit of time regaining even what he had, never mind getting into "champion shape".

The other factor is whether Brock is going to be involved in the title match or not at Mania, there is a strong argument that if he hasn't done a better deal by then they have to cut their losses... which helps Reigns go to Mania, but not to win the Rumble.

Ambrose is the obvious choice to win in that instance as it opens up the chance to go with the Shield triple threat at Mania for the belt. There are two scenarios that make Ambrose part of that main event... either he upsets Brock for the belt, causing him to destroy him and allowing a cash in... or Orton beats Brock and gets cashed in on, with Ambrose winning the Rumble... Getting Reigns in there isn't too hard then, a simple contender/set up match against Trips at Fast Lane does the job.

Bray is the other option to win the Rumble, in the coming weeks I can see him start to ally himself more with the Authority and it leads to his Rumble win... but he immediately turns on Triple H via Kane and his whole "bringing the machine down from the inside" plan comes to fruition by forgoing the traditional title shot in favour of taking on Triple H.

Either of those two scenarios work... not sure if they can re-tool a Ryback or get Punk back...

Unless you're gonna throw a Chris Jericho in there, after all Rumble is the one thing he hasn't really won...
If he's fit enough, all logic says it's Bryan that wins the Rumble as it sets up the classic underdog story. Anyone else would get booed out of the building.
Reigns isn't ready, it was always going to be a stretch to get him ready for WM31 and this injury should write off any remaining chance. This is the WWE though.
I can see the final 3 being Reigns, Rollins & Ambrose. At this moment in time it looks like Reigns is going to win it. I think Orton deserves to have a match with Lesnar, but I don't see it being a WM main-event.

Even if DB was to make a return for the RR, I don't think putting him in the ring with Brock Lesnar would be a wise move after the amount of surgery he's had.
I personally don't care who wins so as long as Rollins cashes in right after the WM main event. I think whoever ends up chasing Rollins next year it should be a great feud between the two.

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