who will replace christian?


okay,we all know that eventually,christian will leave ECW and either go to raw or smackdown(hopifully smackdown) so my question is,who will replace christian as the top babyface of ECW,It's not going to tommy dreamer because he's more of a veteran then a top babyface

any ideas,i can't really think of anyone?
After having a quick look at the ECW roster, I think that the biggest possibility currently there is Shelton Benjamin. He is incredible in the ring, and could thrive being at the top of ECW where athleticism is seemingly more valued than mic work.

I just pray before this happens that he does something about that hair. It didn't work for Butch Reed, it doesn't work for Shelton.

Of course, we have to remember two things...

A. The draft will take place following Wrestlemania, and I can't see them moving Christian prior to that. That would leave the show with only a couple of real veterans to lead the way for the new folks from FCW.

B. Since it's the draft, someone else will be coming to ECW. No telling who it could be, and they may take the role of "lead babyface" on ECW.

But for now, I'm going to stick with Shelton Benjamin. If he got some acting lessons or an effective mouthpiece (i.e. not his momma) we could be talking about him going back to one of the big two this time next year.
Always remember, when you use a comma... you put a space after it.

There isn't anything signifying that Christian is leaving ECW. And to be honest, I am kind of iffy on the entire subject.

I've really enjoyed, despite what many others may disagree on with Christian's stint here on ECW. He's treated as the main focal point of the show, doing great promos, matches, and carrying & elevating some of the talent. He's the main eventer of the show. Although it doesn't turn out like that on PPV.

If Christian went to RAW or SmackDown, although he's had a great wrestling career in both WWE & TNA, he'd probably be no higher then a upper-midcard on SmackDown probably near or at the same level as Rey Mysterio... or probably just a mid-card on RAW.

Christian is doing great work on ECW, and at the moment there is no need for him to be moved YET. However, back to the main question, and I do apologize for going so off topic... but I don't really think that there is a talent that could be the 'Bobby Lashley - Matt Hardy or Christian' of the show right now. I would say you could see Gregory Helms in that position, and I think he'd excel at it. However, adapting back 'The Hurricane' gimmick may push him down to not being able to be taken seriously enough as the top face of the show.
Out of the current guys on the roster it, Shelton makes the most sense. It seems he is moving towards becoming a face again with his feud with Sheamus. Dreamer and Goldust are good vets, but I think they stick with putting talent over. I doubt Yoshi and Reks will be ready when this happens (assuming sometime after WM26). ECW is filled with heels in Regal, Zeke, Vlad, Ryder, Sheamus, etc... Though I think the most logical thing will be Christian's replacement will come via the draft. That opens a whole other door. And honestly it wouldn't surprise me if that guy to replace Christian is Rey Mysterio.
Shelton Benjamin will probably get the nod of the current roster, but the tradition has been for a draft of an older midcarder, Benoit, Kane, Matt Hardy etc, so I imagine we'll see the same sort of thing again. It should be Rey Mysterio, but it probably will be someone shit like Khali. I can't really think of anyone else, so maybe it will be Benjamin actually, he'd do a good job.
I think Carlito will get sent to ECW he can talk and currently is not anything but being filler on raw. I also think Koffy Kingston will go to ECW. He need to work on his gimmick.
i agree i think shelton should do it, but other options i would through out there are mvp, miz, or santino from raw, or from smackdown r truth and dolph
People have been talking alot about Shelton in this thread so im going to go one different assuming the guy stays healthy....

Gregory Helms, aka the Hurricane, the guy has all the tools, the mic work, the ability and the pops he gets are tremendous, he could easily elevate himself to the challenge of carrying the extreme brand and all up and comers coming in, I really hope he does get his chance, If he gets drafted I will have to say Shelton, he is the only guy on the roster who deserves the belt other then Christian or Dreamer IMO.
You really can't answer that at this point. Christian is the top star of ECW today, right? That's because he gets a massive pop every single week, he has the charisma of a champion, the mic skills, and the ring skills. He seems to have everything, but the size, which Vince loves. So, that's why Christian is the top face on ECW.

If you look at the current ECW Roster, you'll see that no one is very close to being able to replace Christian as the top face. Tommy Dreamer should "lead" a show, but there's nothing wrong with being #2. Shelton Benjamin is working his way towards a face turn, but we have to make sure that Shelton is getting enough of a reaction in order to be classified as the "top face". The Hurricane can't do it. Goldust has the tools, but I doubt WWE would push him anywhere near the top, even if it is ECW. That doesn't leave many people.

So, if Christian were to leave ECW in this very moment, ECW would have absolutely no superstar who can be even close to replacing what Christian has been doing for ECW. That's why he will likely leave ECW during a draft. Which will leave someone from Raw or ECW to do what Christian did. So, I have no idea who will replace Christian unless some important heel turns face.
If Christian leaves right now from the ECW roster without any trade, there is going to be something like a Jeff Hardy void on the roster. There are some guys whom can take the spot, but there will be a lot of shuffling going around & no-one will be taken as the "top baby-face." They can give Dreamer, Benjamin & Goldust the light equally... but they won't be considered good enough to lead the show.

Tommy Dreamer has got a good enough following of the audience, but is very slow in the ring to pull off good solid matches against the likes of William Regal. Shelton has got the athleticism & the in-ring skills, but his crowd connection as a character isn't defined yet. Goldust has both the following & the in-ring skills, but I don't think WWE would like to push him into the "top spot" due to his character.

To address the suggestion of The Hurricane. He has skills, charisma & a gimmick that the E can push to top babyface, but does anyone remember he had surgery & was out for a few years? They can't expect him to be the top man for the job only recently coming back. Maybe after he can prove himself in the Burchill feud & keep wrestling to his best then he might be considered for the job... but he would have been traded away from the roster by that time.

I'd love to see Christian go to SD or RAW, but there simply isn't someone on the roster that has the same criteria Christian passed to be that man until we draft someone over. Even then, the only worthy names are too high-profile to be considered for the show nowadays.
i can think of 2 guys
david hart smith. the guy hasent done anything on sd. what he needs is for tyson kidd to turn on him then get drafted to ecw and become the top babyface. he has the look of a champion so why not

evan bourne. i think moving him to raw was to soon they need to put him back in ecw for another yr and give him the tittle
First of all, I love the ECW show because it is like SNL: The "Not Ready for Primetime" show. That's why I like watching it, especially the battle royal last week. When was the last time you had about half the participants in a battle royal who could legitimately win the match? Raw had one a few months ago with Cena and Triple H in it. Couldn't have been more predictable who would have won that one. My motto is if you want to help build someone up, you use a battle royal.

Sorry for the rant. Who could replace Christian? I have a stupid thought. I emphasize STUPID because it'll probably never happen. But right now, it seems to me that we've got two shows built around 3 strong heels. Randy Orton/Legacy on Raw; CM Punk and Chris Jericho on Smackdown. When Edge returns, will they push him as a face or a heel? I could see a scenario where either Edge or Chris Jericho goes to ECW to give the show the superstar power it needs. Hell, Rey Mysterio as the face of ECW sounds like a cool idea.

However, if last year was any indication, ECW will get raped in the draft, start over with new FCW guys, and put The Great Khali and Hornswoggle in place of Christian on ECW.
I see R-Truth eventually being drafted to ECW and taking over the top Babyface role. He certainly has the charisma, and work ethic. He is a clean superstar, and he is great in the ring. I really dont see why he doesnt get a push on SD! but on ECW, we could see him headlining Wrestlemania's for the brand.
I think its inevitable that when edge comes back there will be a tag match between jerishow and edge and christian and no doubt i think christian will move to smackdown when the draft comes around.

As for ECW with all this PG crap it isnt the same anymore it used to be more loved than it is now its been for a long time that ECW has become the show that WWE dont care about. So i dont think it would matter who became champion.

Tommy Dreamer being an ECW original would be the obvious choice and yeah shelton benjamin and gregory helms are good choices but personally i think we will only find out the next ECW face after the next draft.
I'm surprised that no ones mentioned Bryan Danielson yet. I'm guessing him and Mcguiness will both come into ecw and they both have the talent to carry the show as the major heel and faces.
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First of all, I don't think Christian will be moving for awhile. The main event of Raw on the face side is already rather crowded and with the Batista move to Smackdown, I don't think Christian will be going there either. I expect him to stay on ECW at least until the draft. If that does happen, I'm sure that ECW was receive a solid mid card face in return that could work as their #1.

However, if Christian were to leave ECW right now for some reason, I think he would likely be replaced by a guy like Danielson. He already has the in ring skills, and if he was given a decent amount mic and tv time, I'm sure he'd get over with the fans quickly and he would thrive on ECW.

As for Shelton Benjamin, yeah right. He will never be the number one face on any wrestling show ever. He has as much charisma as a rock. He may be good in the ring, but that doesn't take away from the fact that he's boring as shit. There is no way he'll be the top guy in ECW, ever.
I'm psyched for Christian at present and in regards to his future. I've been a huge fan for years and although I was irrate when he debuted on ECW, I think they've really given him a chance to shine (and he has). I'm really hoping they keep the belts on Jerishow till Edge heals up, so we can get an E&C reunion. The tag team division is garbage anyway, so whats a few more months? Also this is probably one of the only ways to easily turn Edge face again (I prefer him as a heel but he should have the option of occasionally switching it up).

Back to the matter at hand. I think Shelton is a good choice if he can put together some kind of mic skills. I'm a huge fan of the hurricane but I admit that he is hard to take seriously. I really feel that R-Truth is the guy for this job. He has the right level of charisma, credibility and ability to be this watered down, WWE version of ECW's top guy. Of course if this was the old ECW I'd love to see New Jack hit im over the head with a kitchen sink.
There are pletenty of things that can replace Christian, all you have to do is find something thats boring and talentless, anyone remember Moppy? the Mop that Perry Saturn used to bring out to the ring? I think it would make a good fit to replace Christian, its on his level, boring and talentless.

Christian doesnt need moved to one of the main shows, he'll only runing it, because he in fact, isnt great, remotely good, or worth watching.
Christian is right where he belongs. He is building up the credibility of the ECW title for now. I would leave him there until the 2010 draft where he should move to Smackdown to be in the uppermidcard/ mainevent status. as far as who to replace him with it see ms they like to keep a few veterans on the roster to train the FCW stars coming in

Rey Mysterio - Former world champ, small and agile like most of the FCW and ECW stars could be a good fit and an original ECW star

The Great Khali - Stuck in the Smackdown midcard he's rumored to be taking time off when he comes back could make a "Batista" jump to ECW for no reason

Chavo Guerrero - A former ECW champion and a veteran turn him babyface and make him have the fun loving gimmick that Eddie used to have

MVP - Until HBK, HHH, Batista and Undertaker retire the mainevent is clogged right now. Move him to ECW to where he can try his skills in the mainevent for a year or two to where he can make the jump back to Smackdown and mainevent
There are pletenty of things that can replace Christian, all you have to do is find something thats boring and talentless, anyone remember Moppy? the Mop that Perry Saturn used to bring out to the ring? I think it would make a good fit to replace Christian, its on his level, boring and talentless.

Christian doesnt need moved to one of the main shows, he'll only runing it, because he in fact, isnt great, remotely good, or worth watching.

So....I guess that Capt. Charisma doesn't have a spot in the Canadian Connection?

I just don't understand how somebody likes Edge but not Christian. I think that they're both awesome, both talented and both really well-rounded wrestlers. Clearly Edge was the break out star of the the team, but I commend Christian for actually getting out of Edge's shadow and fairly quickly at that. I think that Christian is charasmatic on the mic and really clever in the ring. He deserves a high/main event spot on Smackdown. He's come further than anybody thought he would go and there's more to come.
Always remember, when you use a comma... you put a space after it.

There isn't anything signifying that Christian is leaving ECW. And to be honest, I am kind of iffy on the entire subject.

I've really enjoyed, despite what many others may disagree on with Christian's stint here on ECW. He's treated as the main focal point of the show, doing great promos, matches, and carrying & elevating some of the talent. He's the main eventer of the show. Although it doesn't turn out like that on PPV.

If Christian went to RAW or SmackDown, although he's had a great wrestling career in both WWE & TNA, he'd probably be no higher then a upper-midcard on SmackDown probably near or at the same level as Rey Mysterio... or probably just a mid-card on RAW.

Christian is doing great work on ECW, and at the moment there is no need for him to be moved YET. However, back to the main question, and I do apologize for going so off topic... but I don't really think that there is a talent that could be the 'Bobby Lashley - Matt Hardy or Christian' of the show right now. I would say you could see Gregory Helms in that position, and I think he'd excel at it. However, adapting back 'The Hurricane' gimmick may push him down to not being able to be taken seriously enough as the top face of the show.

Unfortunately this is true, he would be upper mid card at best unless someone slapped Vince upside the head and knocked some sense into him, though from his point of view i can see Chiristian is weedy in appearance and his charisma doesn't make up for the fact he doesn't have the look of a World Champ.

Then again they are making a shift to the smaller guys in the top spot again with CM Punk as champ and Jeff Hardy (undeservedly i might add) having a multi time run and Morrison/Ziggler getting a bump up and Rey Mysterio was the smallest world champ in history.

Off the subject as usual LOL

Gregory Helms could fill that spot though he isn't in the same calibre as Christian charisma wise.

Shelton Benjamin is boring he's a great wrestler no doubt but regardless of what he does he's charisma deaf and i doubt he'll ever get a huge push again would be like saying Steve Blackman/Ken Shamrock were awesome and should've been pushed to the top of the ladder LOL.

Irrelevant Christian's probably not going anywhere atleast until next yrs draft
I don’t think that they are going to send Christian anywhere any time soon. Smackdown just acquired Batista so they don’t really need anymore main eventers for the time being, especially seeing as how they can actually create a couple of fresh feuds. As far as Raw, they could definitely freshen up the main event scene as it has been stale for a while now, but I don’t think Vince wants Christian on what he considers the A show. However, I do see Christian moving to Smackdown, just not right now. He’ll probably be moving at next year’s draft.

As far as who might replace him when/if they move him from the ECW brand, I think it could be Hurricane or Rey Mysterio. They are both over and people still want to see them. They could also have some pretty good feuds and matches with some of the wrestlers on ECW. Also, both of them or at least Mysterio are considered legends so they could give rubs to up and coming wrestlers and they could help them a lot. They are recognizable faces that could easily fill the void as the top of face of ECW if Christian were to ever leave.
out of everybody currently on ECW i would say either Benjamin or Dreamer. Benjamin would be good because he is athletic and extremely talented and Tommy Dreamer deserves it because hes the last ECW original but as people have already stated, he is slow in the ring. but i think they should draft an established wrestler who is doing nothing right now and is stuck in the mid-card (i.e Chavo or ReyRey)
back to the topic i think shelton will replace christian.

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