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Who will Mr Kennedy defeat for his 1st world title reign?

  • Thread starter The not-so Great Khali
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  • Undertaker

  • Batista

  • John Cena

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Edge

  • Randy Orton

  • Bobby Lashley

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  • CM Punk

  • Elijah Burke

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The not-so Great Khali

Since winning the MITB ladder match at Wrestlemania 23, Mr Kennedy now has a world title shot within the next year. Edge and RVD have both gone on to win the title match and it looks like Kennedy will do so aswell. Edge has become a 2-time WWE champ, tag champ again and remained on the main event scene. RVD has been WWE champ and a 1-time WWECW champ. Being busted for drugs didn't help RVD maintain his main event status, but that is probably his own faut. Remember that Kennedy has already had feuds with Undertaker, Batista & Lashley.

My pick is Shawn Michaels. This will not only be a good feud but it will help further Mr Kennedy's career and another champion that he has defeated.
I think he'll be the one to end the Undertaker's current reign, but I don't think that's going to happen for a while. I'd love to see Kennedy head over to Raw but I know Smackdown cannot afford to lose him. That's why I think he'll be the next champion we have on Smackdown after the Undertaker carries the strap for a good couple months.
I'm excited to see Mr. Kennedy hopefully get a world title run. I think it will be against the Undertaker, but not for awhile. I think it might be as late as the Royal Rumble next year. The one thing I'm wondering is, will he announce his title shot beforehand like RVD did, or will he use it after Taker wins a brutal match like Edge did when he won? Edge used his MITB shot at New Year's Revolution after Cena just won in an elimination chamber match. I would like to see Kennedy have a good match and not just win it by running in and basically pinning Taker after a match, but as long as Mr. Kennedy....Kennedy wins, I'll be happy.
Maybe he might cash it in at wrestlemania next yera and end takers streak. Or they'll have him cash it in with the Raw champ before the end of the year.
I think what you will see with Kennedy in way of cashing in his mitb is a mixture of the previous two attempts. He will somewhat announce it ahead of time, but he will pick his spot. Kennedy is a different heel then Edge in that Edge likes the cheap wins, kennedy prides himself on beating what is it, 7 former world champions, so someone who takes that much pride would not like a cheap victory to gain the title.

Who Kennedy is going to fight for the title however is a difficult one. I think that Kennedy should wait for a while, thus milking it for all its worth. I've heard that Taker is probably going to have a long reign, and that very well could mean Survivor Series. Here's how I see it going down though. There has not been a MITB winner who has switched brands and taken on another champion. So I see Kennedy coming over to raw and defeating Cena, at Summerslam, for the WWE title.
I don't think that they will end Taker's streak at Wrestlemania, but if they do decide to, Kennedy would be the best choice in my opinion. What better way to put Kennedy over than ending Taker's streak at Wrestlemania. I would like to see him on Raw eventually, but right now is not the best time i think. They need him on Smackdown and I have to say that he is my favorite wrestler on Smackdown. Of course if he did move to Raw, that would open up some great matches that we haven't seen yet like Kennedy vs. Edge,Orton, or Trips when he comes back. If he does cash in the MITB with the Raw champ, hopefully he wins against Cena and Cena doesn't pull the "overcoming all odds" crap.
I think Kennedy will end up defeating Cena for the title at some point, mainly because for some reaason the WWE doesn't let Cena lose the title, ever, in a regular wrestling match. The only time he lost recently is when edge cashed his in after the chamber. I think they will continue to perpetuate that Cena is still that good that he can't be defeated normally, so it will take Kennedy cashing it in at an opportune time (similar to edge) for him to finally lose the title.
wow the premise of kennedy coming out of nowere to defeat cena almost gives me chills...summerslam would be perfect too....imagine the reaction from the crowd, if kennedy jus came out of nowere unannounced to get cena...I really think it would be a stone cold like watershed moment, he would be at the least a tweener or maybe even get full on face pops after that....
I have a feeling he will cash it in at next year's WM. There will be an angle where he has to choose which champion to face since he has to do it at WM
I think Kennedy is going to be the one that ends Cena's dominance as WWE Champion. I see Cena losing it sometime in the next few months but then regaining sometime soon after. I see his angle going down him wanting to use it at Wrestlemania, but Edge wins the Royal Rumble and chooses to face the Undertaker, thus Kennedy goes to RAW. Edge's storyline can be that if he can't be undefeated at wrestlemania then no one can.

I really don't see anyone on the current Smackdown roster that would be able to put Kennedy over as champion. He's had his feuds with Undertaker and Batista. The only other Smackdown star I see being over enough to get Kennedy over is Rey Mysterio, but not as a champion. I see Kennedy having his feud with Mysterio ending at the Royal Rumble and thus begin Kennedy's push to the top.
How about this to further up my previous post. Its Summerslam, Cena is still the champion, holding the title now for approx. 1 year, and pretty well interrupted 3 months in the past 2 years. Of course Cena is getting HHH heat, in that ppl are sick of him winning all the time and constantly either holding the title or in the title matches. So thats the sit and here is my storyline for the match:

Kennedy announces that he is looking to take down a champ, when they least expect it, and that its going to happen sooner rather than later. At Summerslam, Kennedy has a grueling match to kick off the show, he fights i dunno we'll say Benoit, and picks up the victory. Then later on is the main event for summerslam, and its a six man tag match where the 3 brand champions take on their 3 main rivals(no idea who they are at this time). In the end, the champions are victorious, and both Lashley and Undertaker are down and out while Cena is celebrating in the ring, holding his title high. Suddenly, you hear "Mrrrrrrrr Kennedy!" and Kennedy comes out with the MITB briefcase in one hand and he is pointing to Cena. The fans are going crazy at this point. Cena and Kennedy have a 15 min match, and Kennedy is able to pick up the clean victory. Its not cheap in that Kennedy picks the freshest of the 3 to fight, and Kennedy had fought already that night.

At the end of the night, Kennedy becomes a face as he is able to topple Cena and not cheaply. As Kennedy is about to leave the ring, Cena snaps and attacks Kennedy, leaving him a bloody mess to end Summerslam, and what we have is a double switch for face/heel.

Now its very unlikely that this will play out like I've written, but I think it makes for a compelling ppv.
lol, first of all, i don't think they wouldv'e had him beat benoit just to beat cena on raw...where's the storyline with benoit? And if I recall, benoit beat him to get the u.s. title....yes, i do recall, but otherwise, that's what i voted lol, cena...cuz i wouldn't mind seeing a cena vs kennedy fued...now that you mentioned it...i'm going to do it on my 360 roster lol!
i reckon Kennedy will be the first money in the back winner to not win the title. but thats just my opinion.
John Cena, he will be the champ from now and forever. But, I see KK going to RAW and the title put on Ken.
If Kennedy Goes To Raw and Wins The Strap Smackdown Would Die. He's By Far The Best Talent The B-lue Brand Have.
Undertaker has a long term title reign going for him, so I dont think Kennedy will be the one to beat Undertaker, seeing how Vince has a fetish for big dudes like Batista and sh*t.

Cena is getting a Hulk Hogan push, so the only people that Cena could lose to on RAW would be Edge, HBK, or the Great Khali. (Yes, I know. Khali sucks, but Vince will put over any big guy no matter how the ring skills are. I.E. Brock Lesnar.)

Lashley is going over big right now, but he is only feuding with Umaga. I see Lashley getting crapped on by Vince in the angle of the McMahons/Umaga vs. Lashley. Then, I think Mr. Kennedy will come in and take down Lashley after the McMahon's go over. Though, the only fallout is that the title is the WWECW title. Its not the WWE title or the World Heavyweight Title.

Lashley, Taker, and Cena will have the titles through Backlash and Judgement Day up to Vengence.
I picked Cena, because like everyone has said, time and time again, John Cena is STILL going to be the WWE Champ, no matter when Kennedy cashes in the MITB. We have already seen Kennedy/Taker, and what kind of rub would KK get by holding the ECW Title? Maybe this is how it will play out. Cena wins @ Backlash, taking out both HBK and Edge..possibly Orton if he's there, and comes out on Raw on the 30th.."Man I told y'all before, I never back down, and I never quit! I regret nothing, and fear even less, I went thru hell, and THE CHAMP IS STILL HERE!!!" Just as the entire crowd starts to head for the exits/shitters at once...KENNEDY!!!!!!!!
"Now John, I'm not going to do the "Rated R" thing and take you out after a hard fought battle, I'm sure as hell not going to wait for an ECW PPV to get the job done...no no no, what I am doing, is cashing in my MITB, here, tonight, on RAW, where I will become the NEW WWE CHAMPION...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!" As he turn, presumably to leave, he nails Cena with the Briefcase, waves for a referee, hits the Ken-ton bomb, 1-2-3...winner and new champion, Misterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr KEN-NE-DYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY....KENNEDY!!! Therefore giving the fans what they really want, Kennedy as World Champion, and Cena being made to look like a buffoon by getting beat by the MITB winner 3 straight years.

PS: Cena/RVD @ ONS2 was a regular match, just in an ECW PPV.
i reckon Kennedy will be the first money in the back winner to not win the title. but thats just my opinion.

Hahaha I was just thinking that. That would really suck though. I think Taka Michinoku will make a return and win the World Heavyweight Championship and Kennedy will be defeated by him.
I actually wouldnt be suprised if Kennedy gets buried and doesnt win the title.The World title landscape is preety bleek right now.Taker seems to be booked till this summer,Cena could be champ till WM24 knowing Vince,and it would be the ultimate insult to send him to ECW.Right now his best shot is being put over by Taker maybe at SummerSlam
This is what I think at wm24 Taker will defend his title against who knows who, then come out victorious. Then kennedy comes and cashes in his money in the bank BUT Taker beats him and retains the title thus getting 2 more victory's to his winning streak at mania 17-0!
I think it will be someone from Raw for the WWE title, cuz Kennedy has beaten everyone on Smackdown I think, hold on, let me do a list.......

Eddie (RIP)

Who else has he beaten? Can't bloody think now.

Anyway I can see him going to Raw, and feuding with Cena, that would be ace, beating cena for the title, and then Chris Jericho comes back and they start fueding for the WWE Title, sorry getting ahead of myself now.
Ya but they have everybody job to benoit since he's soo fuckin awesome...lol...look at what they had to do to cena before wm...tap out lol...anyways back to topic...I just hope he goes to raw and kicks the shit out of cena....that'd be awesome

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