Who Will Go Further? Part two

Find'er Woo'er Ryder

:( lost ma Mayhem Title
Next up in the series of who will go further, I will look at two superstars that have alot in common. First:

Wade Barret
Dropkixx IWC European Heavyweight Championship (1 time)[1]
Florida Championship Wrestling
FCW Florida Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Drew McIntyre[3][13]
Ohio Valley Wrestling
OVW Southern Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Paul Burchill[12]
Pro Wrestling Illustrated
PWI Feud of the Year (2010) – The Nexus vs. WWE[56]
PWI Most Hated Wrestler of the Year (2010) – as part of The Nexus[57]
PWI ranked him #109 of the top 500 singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2010[58]
Pro Wrestling Report
Breakthru Star of the Year (2010)[59]
World Wrestling Entertainment
NXT (Season one)[21]
Slammy Award for Shocker of the Year (2010) – the debut of The Nexus[60]

Up next is:

Dolph Ziggler
Florida Championship Wrestling
FCW Florida Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Brad Allen (1) and Gavin Spears (1)[7][38]
Pro Wrestling Illustrated
PWI ranked him #50 of the top 500 singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2010[92]
World Wrestling Entertainment
World Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with the Spirit Squad[12]
WWE Intercontinental Championship (1 time)[63]

Both of these two young stars have a bright future in the WWE but my question is: Who Will Go Further?
I have to say Barrett. I think Barrett is better on the mic and that's what WWE is all about these days. Ziggler is a better wrestler but Barrett has the mic skills that Ziggler does not. I am not saying Ziggler is terrible on the mic, I am saying he is still green and not as good as Barrett. Same can be said on Barrett's in ring skills. Ziggler is great in the ring, one of WWE's finest and I enjoy watching his matches. Barrett has already gotten the push in his first year that Ziggler never got. Ziggler is growing and getting better and as he does that WWE is pushing him more. I was happy to see him in a World Title match at a major pay per view. I think he will make a solid WWE or World Champion but when both men's career is over and all is said and done, I see Barrett being more successful because WWE seems more high on him than Ziggler.
I will go with Barrett as well. Barrett's size will certainly aid him over the years in the WWE and he just seems to have a certain 'it" that I haven't seen from Ziggler. Maybe I'm missing something on Ziggler, but I just don't get the hype.
I'll b the first to say Ziggler. I think Barret wins a world title first, but in the long run I think Ziggler will accomplish more. There are two factors that I think will push Ziggler farther.

1.) He has the baby face look, I think being able to play face and heel is something I haven't seen from Barret.

2.) He's American born. That shouldn't be a factor but I think it will be. WWE doesn't seem to push guys with English accents, I'm not sure why.
This is a very good arguement for either one. But, I'm going to say Ziggler. he has talent, look, charisma, EVERYTHING. And, and this is a BIG and, he has something that Wade does'nt have, Vickie Guerrero. Now while she's the mouth piece for him, for now, he is very much improved on the mic. Hell, he used to be Nicky in the Spirit Squad for god's sake!!!! Vickie will be the biggest propeller for Dolph, but it is Dolph Ziggler for me by a blond hair.
Wade. Wade has been in the WWE shorter than Dolph and has already had multiple title shots compared to Dolph's 1. Dolph may have already had the IC title as well as tag team gold, but Barrett was the leader of the most successful stable in recent WWE history, had WWE title shots, and is one of the most over heels in all of the WWE, while Dolph still relies on Vickie to grab most of his heat.

Dolph is the better wrestler. In fact, Dolph Ziggler is one of the best wrestlers in the WWE, but his size will hold him back, and Barrett meets all the specifications of a wrestler size-wise (at least as far as VKM is concerned).

In the end, Barrett is going to have a few heel world title reigns under his belt and could possibly one of the most successful British wrestlers to ever wrestle in the WWE.
Of the two, Barrett is destined to be a major player in WWE for a long time to come...

The main reason I think that is partly due to WWE's focus on Britain and Europe right now, it's no coincidence that in the last year we have seen more Brits in the WWE than ever before... Mason Ryan, Drew McIntyre, Barrett, Regal and (albiet Eire) Sheamus... Add to that Finlay still being around occasionally and Jemma Palmer in FCW (and the Baby Bulldog... if Lennox Lewis can be a Brit so can he!) there is a massive potential for Barrett and his fellow Brits to get over in time for a Summerslam 2012 at Wembley (IT HAS to happen... The gate of 90,000 Brits alone is too much not to). In the ring, on the mic and "toughness" wise, Barrett has the edge, you don't go from a call centre to bare knuckle to WWE if you don't have something special about you.

Ziggler's biggest problem is... The name... it is just crap... always was... If WWE is at all serious about him he needs a nickname to get away from that moniker... Like Rocky became "The Rock" or Hunter became Triple H... I am not sure that could be... but for me while he has that dumb name, he will always be an also ran, however talented he is.
My vote goes to Wade Barrett

While Ziggles has gotten away from being a Spirit Squad member (remember that everyone?) he's not quite there yet with his character.

Wade Barrett has all of the tools needed. Mic skills, check...in ring skills, check...the look VKM wants, check...foreign appeal, check

Ziggler has how many WHC title shots...2 or 3 maybe?

Barrett's mainevented just about every PPV since SummerSlam...Ziggler not so much

I think Barrett will be a multi time world champion when all is said and done...Ziggler might get 1 or 2 token reigns...but he will never be considered THE guy
I think there are good arguments for both of them. In my opinion, Wade Barrett was the overall best heel of 2010. He literally came out of nowhere in 2010 and you could quickly see that this was a guy that had a lot of great tools to be a long term success. He has a good look about him, is handsome in a rough edged kind of way, is in shape but doesn't look like a gym rat, is charismatic, has a smooth confidence about him that makes you think he's been wrestling for 10 years already, often puts on quality matches if given quality opponents. Barrett showed in his feuds against John Cena & Randy Orton that he belongs in big match settings and doings.

Dolph Ziggler is someone that's taken a longer route to stardom. He's been around the WWE for a while now and it's really only been within about the past 7, maybe 8 months that Ziggler has really shown us something. But, to be fair, this has really only been the time frame that WWE Creative has really given him any real opportunity to show is something. When Ziggler became Intercontinental Champion, he really stepped his game up. He really showed himself in the ring, especially against guys like John Cena, Randy Orton & Daniel Bryan. Against Cena & Orton, like Barrett, showed that he can do very well in big match situations and opponents. In recent weeks, Ziggler has also demonstrated good ability on the mic.

As I said, there's good cases that can be made for both of them:

The Look: Advantage - Tie - I'd probably have to call it right down the middle when it comes to who has the better look. Barrett is taller and has something of a tough guy look about him while Ziggler has the more traditional muscular, tanned look.

In-Ring Ability: Advantage - Dolph Ziggler - Inside the ring, Ziggler is easily the overall superior wrestler. Ziggler has given incredible performances in 2010, including some of the legitimately best matches of 2010. His matches with Daniel Bryan, Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, John Cena & Randy Orton really opened a lot of people's eyes, including my own. Barrett is good inside the ring, but he doesn't have the sort of energy that Ziggler has. Ziggler's style seems to be more in line with his actual size. While Barrett is actually a big guy, he has a long lanky frame that looks like it would be pretty well suited for speed and agility as well.

Mic Skills: Advantage - Wade Barrett - Barrett can flat out deliver promos. Ziggler has shown himself to be very compotent but we haven't heard enough of him to really gauge him. Barrett has been gold on the mic since the first interview he gave as leader of The Nexus. He's got that smooth delivery and confident aire about him that just naturally helps a wrestler deliver a great promo.

Athleticism: Advantage - Dolph Ziggler - Ziggler is the more athletic of the two wrestlers and the better all around in-ring worker. He can work well at a slower pace and it still has more of an energetic feel to it than Barrett. And, of course, he can work at a quicker pace and the energy just rolls off of the guy.

Charisma: Advantage - Wade Barrett - Maybe Ziggler will be able to hold his own here but, again, it's only been pretty recently that Ziggler has started to take center stage away from Vickie Guererro. He's done a good job thus far but Barrett is all over him at this point. Again, Barrett has that smooth confidence about him. He has a presence about him that, at least to some degree, could be Caesar like. He compared his fall as leader of Nexus a few weeks ago to Julius Caesar's betrayal and, afterward, I pictured Barrett playing Caesar in a play and I think he could pull it off.

I think it's too close to call at this particular time. Maybe by the middle of this year when Ziggler has had more time to grow and expand on himself, I'll be able to see what's what. Barrett has gotten a fast push and a hard one and it's worked for him overall, but what if Barrett has peaked quickly? It could happen, just as Ziggler may show in the months to come that he's really not there for the long run.
Imma say Barret just because Dolph Zigglers name is Dolph Ziggler. Idc how good he is (and he's damn good mind you) i just can never take anywun serious with a name like Dolph Ziggler. He sounds like a clown...Barret is more legitimate and has the size n character to get over more. Ziggler in my opinion is in desperate need of a character re-package
I really think Dolph has potential, and I think if used right and gave the chance he could go far. But that's the problem, I don't think WWE will give him the chance. I think they'll push Wade Barret because of his size and mic skills. Dolph reminds me of a young Shawn Michaels. His athleticism is top notch, 150 percent better then Barrett's. When Shawn started out in the business, he didn't talk on the mic a whole lot, but he put on some great matches. Dolph needs to stay away from the stupid storylines WWE will put him in like the Vickie one.

I'd like to see Dolph move to raw and feud with Chris Jericho because I think Jericho has a lot he could teach Ziggler.
Dolph was nothing before he got Vickie as soon as he got Vickie he became a upper midcarder he has excellent inring talent and future Daniel Bryan Dolph Ziggler matches will be looked foward to but he needs to improve his charisma and mic skills cause eventually he has to go out on his own
This is another hard one I think harder than the first one to choose between. I like both Wade and Dolph and think they both have great futures in the company but I think i have to give a slight edge to Dolph for this one just because of how much he's progressed this past year. He's made me forget that he used to be in that crappy spirit squad and he puts on consistently great matches. He also has the look that he can be a baby face or a heel and I don't think Wade really has the look to be a face.

Now Wade has great mic skills and in ring skills as well and I think he will be a great main event player for years to come as well, but he has kind of cooled down since his great debut and hasn't looked as dominant recently.
I'd like to see Dolph move to raw and feud with Chris Jericho because I think Jericho has a lot he could teach Ziggler.[/QUOTE said:
Completely agree with this if Jericho comes back to Raw move Ziggler there and let them feud their matches will be gold and Jericho can help Ziggler with the one thing he needs help with which is his mic skills.
Wow, a Jericho/Ziggler feud would make me faint in awesomeness. I am a Jericho mark and I chose Ziggler in this discussion for a reason. That feud would be like The Miz, AWESOME. Not only that, Ziggler could be like Jericho when all is said and done. Being that classy, veteran guy, that puts guys over, but still has 5 star matches with jobbers if need be. Jericho is on my top 5 list of best overall wrestlers of all time, and Ziggler could become leaps and bounds better if taught by Jericho.
At this point of their careers Barrett easily gets my vote. Dolph is pretty much a baby face looking guy playin' heel. He needs a new gimmick and act like a badass heel like Orton last was. He could use a better looking attire. Wade just has the "it" factor, plus he was in Nexus which is how he is this popular. If Dolph changed his name, attire, and more of a Orton viper character and a great feud with Edge, then he will be a main eventer for years.
I think Wade Barret will be a world champion soon,he had been good since he joined the WWE.
Wade Barret was the reason,the Nexus was formed wich added a lot of things to the WWE.Barret hadn't won any championships yet,but I guess he will win some soon.

Dolph Ziggler has accomplished more in his career,than Barret has.
He has been Tag Team Champion,IC champion,and he had been in world championship matches.

Anyway,I think Barret will go further,and he will be champion soon.

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