Who will Eventually end up in the WWE HOF


Pre-Show Stalwart
Simple Question, What current Wrestlers will one day be in the WWE Hall of Fame.

Now guys like Undertaker, Triple H, Randy Orton, John Cena, Chris Jericho, are easier answers. Most people won’t argue that these guys will end up in the HOF. My real question is about the not so obvious ones.

Guys like, Edge, Big Show, Kane, Rey, may all eventually be hall of fames, but were do you draw the line? All have had good careers, and there not done yet I know, but are they HOF careers. We would like to see all of our favorites get in, but not everyone can, otherwise the HOF means nothing.

What about Guys who have left the company such as Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, RVD, or the Dudley’s? Will some of these guys eventually get recognized in the WWE HOF?

The most interesting category is the young guys. Will guys like: The Miz, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Jack Swagger, Daniel Bryan, eventually make a big enough impact to have there names placed next to guys like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Andre the Giant. This is really hard because you never know what will happen with injuries, or someone losing or gaining a big push.

But what do you think? Try and pick at lest five, who will be a Hall of Famer in years to come.

My Picks are:
Big Show- He has had a great career. For a guy his size he has amazing ability in the ring and on the mic. Even though he can over match anyone because of this size, he keeps thing interesting. He has done a lot of work for this origination both in and out of the ring, and I feel he will be rewarded for this in the future

Rey- The ultimate underdog. Just based on the love he gets, and the money he pulls in, he will get into the HOF. Love him or hate him he has revolutionized the High flying wrestling style, and ever high flying wrestle after him, will be compared to him

The Miz- He is knocking on the door to being a full time main eventer. He has improved so much recently, both on the mic and in the ring. Baring any serious injuries, I think he is on the way to a HOF career.

Barrett- He has already mad a big impact, and has only been here a few months. He has a lot of talent, and is the future of this company. As long as he keep on his current past, and keeps improving he will be in the HOF

Daniel Bryan- Best in the World, nof said.
Great list, I'm pretty sure people like Chris Jericho, Edge, Christian, Mysterio, and many other vets like those have places for them in the HOF. Future HOF stars I would say would be John Morrison, The Miz, CM Punk, Sheamus but those guys I'm very sure of will be the future of the company. IDK about Daniel Bryan, The guy is a great wrestler and all but I'm sure he would be known as one of the greatest Independent stars....but you never know, and as for guys like RVD, Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy, if they do leave TNA then sure they will be HOF stars.
Goldust- Frankly, he was the true pioneer for the Attitude Era. I don't think you would have had the envelope pushing acts of Steve Austin, DX, and all that other Attitude Era happenings without Dustin Rhodes' performance. HE MADE GOLDUST WORK. Think about it: can you imagine any other man portraying this character? Rhodes took this character to as many directions as he could. He never won a world championship, but the man was anything but boring with whatever he did.

Kurt Angle- Despite the way things ended with Vince, I believe Vince will one day acknowledge the excellence Kurt Angle achieved in this business. Kurt was essentially a homegrown wrestling talent who shot up to the main event as quick or quicker than anyone I've ever witnessed in wrestling.

The Miz- Barring any injuries, I see the man making a major impact on the wrestling business for years to come. When one thinks of where he came from, Tough Enough to curtain jerking joke feuds with Boogeyman, close to getting a pink slip, to taking a spot on the ECW roster and making it work through a great tag team collaboration with John Morrison, becoming a credible singles wrestler, Mr. Money in the Bank, and a future WWE Champion, it's quite a story. I think he definitely could make the Hall of Fame in the future.

Big Show- The best big man in wrestling history. Yes, I said it. While Andre will always remembered as being the greatest giant ever, athletically speaking, Big Show has been able to meet and exceed the example led by Andre. Big Show has had an amazing career if one includes his WCW career. One thing that should be said about Big Show was how much of a company guy he is, willing to do whatever the company wants him to do. He's lost to Spike Dudley, and he's participated in some ridiculous moments, like the DX Hell in a Cell Moment.

Edge- What hasn't Edge done in his career to merit this selection? Edge has had a hell of a singles career, being multiple time WWE and World Champion. He also has been the center of controversy for years now, including the infamous Matt Hardy situation and the Vickie Guerrero storyline (Edge deserved a Best Acting Award Nomination for even pretending to like that storyline). Edge also was part of the greatest tag team of the 2000s: Edge and Christian. That team won seven WWE Tag Team Championships and became famous for their goofy antics, like the five second poses and creating their own language. Not including Edge in the Hall of Fame would reek of "heinousification."
Goldust: Same reasons listed above, plus longevity has to count for something. He and the Undertaker are the only two who have taken gimmick characters and made them work for so long. I know he's only getting his slight push now because of the autobiography he has coming out, but I hope he gets one good run with a title (not necessarily main title) before his career is through.

Kurt Angle: Because he's Kurt Angle.

Big Show: The second best "big man" in the business next to the Undertaker.

Steiner Brothers: Not sure if they count as part of this generation or not. But individually and collectively they both deserve the recognition. This depends how much Vince is willing to keep recognizing work that is not necessarily WWE, but more the industry.

Michael Cole: Just because I think it's funny to put him on this list.
Goldust:- A lot of people picked him and I chose to as well..

Big Show:- He's been in the big picture since 1996 and that's just impressive no matter what.

Edge & Christian:- No doubt a boot it these Canadian boys are going to the HoF. We haven't seen Christian at his full potential in the WWE yet I don't think.

Kurt Angle:- I say he's going to be back in the WWE within two years, people make up and friends get back together. I think I read somewhere that Vince still thinks highly of the man.
Great Thread...

Rey Mysterio - Pretty easy choice actually. He has been WHC twice, and remains one of WWE's most popular superstars. He is in the spotlight even when not chasing a major title. Has held numerous different titles in the company and has been pretty successful on the grandest stage of them all, Wrestlemania. He defeated Orton and Angle in a Triple Threat Match.

Big Show - Another pretty easy one. A WWE main stay for over 10 years. He has been world champ, WWE Champ and has held and defended numerous other championships. His WCW accomplishments are noteworthy as well. He has been in many innovative and at least interesting feuds during his career.

Kane - Another easy one, in my opinion. He has been WWE, WHC, ECW, Hardcore champion, as well as numerous other titles. He has been involved in crazy storyline after crazy storyline, over the years. Definitely has been one of the greatest gimmicks ever!

CM Punk - He has already done more than a lot of guys that are in the HOF. Guys like The Wild Samoans, Greg Valentine, Ted Dibiase all have never even sniffed WWE World Title Gold. Punk is a multi time champ already. He too, has held most every title in WWE and has been a major player in the company, since the day he debuted on ECW basically.

The Miz - A little more tricky. But, the future seems to be really bright for him. A shoe in to become World Champ. He has held a few titles in WWE and will keep adding to his accomplsihments.

Kurt Angle - I still believe he needs another WWE run and I think he will have it. When he does, and then retires in WWE, he will be on the following ballot for the HOF I believe. He has already done enough to be in. Multiple time world champ and held basically every title in TNA and WWE. Even some titles that don't even exist anymore!!
Edge, Christain, Chris Jericho
I think it would be cool one year to have Wrestlemania in Toronto. Then induct two home town heros into the Hall of Fame. And a home country hero I guess you would call it in Jericho. The pops would be huge. But this obviously will be about ten years down the road. Not right after they retire.

Kurt Angle
No doubt needs to get in there. He probably deserves it more than most on my list. I mean the guy is a Shawn Michaels and you can put anyone in the ring with him and the match will be great. Done a lot for the WWE as well as the wrestling business. Let's see if they mention the fact that he's a 13 time world champion or just mention the ones in WWE.

I knoiw the guy's never worked for the WWE but dammit, he's an Icon even in wrestling promotions he's never competed in. If the four-horsman gets in, so does he. His bouts with Ric Flair are some of the best I've ever seen. The guy has left his mark on the industry. He deserves his spot.

Kevin Nash
Another well deserving individual. Carried WCW on his back for months. Former WWF and WCW champion. Done a lot for this industry and is a major wrestling figure.

Vince McMahon JR.
Also well deserving of this honor. We owe this man our lives. Without this man, no WWE, No WCW, no TNA. He created sports entertainement and that's goood enough to be considered hall of fame material in my book. Enough said.
I'm going to stick with the young guns and mid carders for my predictions
Daniel Bryan- The best there is
Wade Barrett and Justin Gabriel-These are the only members of nexus that has a future with WWE
The Miz-Great on the mic and getting a nice push in the WWE.
Jomo- If he gets better on the mic and captures a WWE championship he is a shoe in
Every generation superstar- I'm talking about the sons and grandsons of great wrestlers that we have right now, when the current main eventers are done these guys are next in line for titles.
My list is as follows:

Kurt Angle for reasons stated above. He is a wrestling juggernaut and deserves to be in the HOF.

3 way tie for second-Trish Stratus, Mickey James, and Lita: So far, no one has mentioned the woman's division; before the whole "Diva" thing, there was actual wrestling. These women brought interesting story lines along with incredible wrestling skills. They brought respect to the woman's title.

This one might be controversial and would never happen, but he deserves to be in it...Chris Benoit. It might be too soon, but the man for his wrestling abilities and legacy he left in wrestling. His ring capabilities and title accomplishments alone deserve acknowledgment.

Sting is a no brainer. The guy is a wrestling icon and has done so much for this business. Even today, he's still going strong and helping younger wrestlers along the way.

Another controversial name, Bruiser Brody. This guy was a major attraction in the 70's and drew in people. As popular as Andre the Giant was, Brody was right up there. For his influence and his dedication to the business, he deserves respect at last.

My last but not least, I would say the Road Warriors (LOD). If there ever was a dominant tag team that destroyed all three of the major federations at the time (NWA, AWA, and WWE) it was the Warriors. They again were a major influence on a lot of wrestlers along with their history of capturing all the titles back in the day. WWE made a lot of money on them, it's time they gave back some respect.
OK as a hint for yuou anybody that michael cole refers to as a sure fire future hall of famer will indeed be a hall of famer because cole has been told to say that by vince. One name on your list in the maybe pile was edge, well he falls under the category of'SURE FIRE FUTURE HALL OF FAMER' so indeed he will be a hall of famer

Yeah interesting point hamler made about vince mcmahon jr. Do you tihk he would have himself inducted or do you think he will induct his dad, I think the latter and some people will band together and have them inducted together anyway, heck teh whole mcmahon family, one of the best stable ever.
Vince Mcmahon and the rest of the family probably won't get inducted till Shane and Stephanie kids get into the business but Shane might get inducted earlier cause he wrestled matches against a lot of people choices for the hall of fame like kurt angle
Angle - he will definitely be inducted in the HoF sooner or later. It is a no brainer. He has had great matches in his career and made a significant contribution to WWE.

Christian - I am certain that Edge and Jericho will be inducted so hopefully christian will be inducted too because his career and talent are in no way far behind Edge.

Miz & Morrison - It is too early to speak but if they carry on their current pace I will not be surprised if they are eventually inducted.

Goldust - Even though looking at his carrer he has never had any path breaking achievements, I hope the wwe reward him for his contribution.
Eventually I think the following will be inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame:

The Miz- Awesome on the mic and a future main eventer
John Morrison- Future main eventer
Christian- Should've been in the main event years ago
Lita: I think she's definately going to get inducted, maybe in the next few years. She's one of if not the greatest female wrestler of all time and is a one of female wrestler so I think she's definately got a spot.

Trish Stratus: See Lita.

Sheamus: He's already a 2x World Champ and he has years to hold many more. He's the only Irish born World Champion that there's ever been (I think), he also is a big friend of Trips so he's going to be inducted.
First of all, there are a lot of names mentioned throughout this thread that are so obviously going to be sure-fire inductees into the WWE Hall of Fame that I won't even bother to state the obvious as to why. Shawn Michaels, Triple H, the Undertaker, Randy Orton, John Cena, Chris Jericho, Edge, the Big Show, Rey Mysterio, and Kane. I really cannot imagine anyone coming into these forums and actually arguing that these 10 guys won't undoubtedly be slam dunks for entrance into the WWE Hall of Fame. Their longevity, their accomplishments in the ring, and their contributions to the business, these guys really require no further discussion for the purposes of this thread.

After this the waters get a little murkier. With Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, RVD, the Dudley Brothers, and Kevin Nash, arguments can surely be made that these guys all warrant inclusion into the WWE Hall of Fame. However, if they remain affiliated with TNA, it may never happen. There have been guys in the past who would have appeared to be sure-fire inductees into the WWE Hall of Fame, yet they aren't there. The Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage come immediately to mind. I would be careful about assuming that certain guys will automatically be there just because people feel they should be. If these guys remain with the "competition," and are vocal in their displeasure with WWE, McMahon is certainly capable of holding a grudge and keeping them on the outside looking in. Andi if they never grace the inside of a WWE ring again, I'm not totally sure that we'll see these guys enter the WWE Hall of Fame., as deserving as they may be.

Sting has no place in the WWE hall of Fame, I've argued this countless times in other threads. He's never appeared in a single match there. Not once. All of his accolades, as impressive as they may be, were outside of the WWE, and in fact, often in direct competition with it. If I were asked (which Vince probably won't be asking me, oh well), I'd vote a resounding NO to Sting. He's rejected multiple offers to come to the WWE. Why then should the WWE honor his accomplishments, even though, as I know many of you will be quick to point out, Vince owns the rights to do so if he so pleases and such inductions have happened before. All of that aside, I say no to Sting.

With regards to such guys as Sheamus, Miz, Morrison, Punk, Bryan, Barrett, or Swagger, it's really too early to tell. They could all go on to legendary careers in the WWE, or any of them could be gone next year. If I were to guess, I'd say yes to Sheamus, Miz, Punk, and Bryan, but no to Morrison, Barrett, and Swagger. But clearly the jury is still out on these guys.

Goldust and Christian have had good careers and I really like the both of them. But I don't anticipate either of them making the WWE Hall of Fame, they simply haven't accomplished enough there. Their careers have been very good, but simply not great.

Lita and Trish Stratus would appear to be fairly certain choices to enter the WWE Hall of Fame, as would Michale Cole, despite the IWC's unhappiness with him.

I fully expect to see LOD enter the Hall of Fame as well as the Steiner Brothers. I wouldn't be surprised to see this happen at WM27. They could be joined by Arn Anderson, Lex Luger, Alundra Blayze, and Goldberg (although likely not all of these guys in the same year).

Finally, I imagine we'll eventually see Vince, Shane, and Stephanie McMahon in the WWE Hall of Fame, and possibly Linda too when her political aspirations end. But I don't anticipate this happening until after they are no longer associated with the day to day running of the company.
Yep good point electro boy made, female wrestlers as well. Trish stratus and lita certainly will go in. As well as a possible victoria/tara or mickie james in the future. Who knows, maybe if she stays good in the bedroom taker will get mccool stuck in there. Who knows, long way away anyway.
As many people are saying, Goldust will get into the HOF. Plus, guys like Edge, Christian, Big Show and Rey Mysterio will also be inducted. As far the young guys go, I think Miz, Barrett, Sheamus and Morrison will be the class. I mean all these men are gold. So there you are.
One would think Kane would make it in, i hear some put him in question mark but really lets take a look and be honest. When you have Pete Rose and William Perry in the Hall and they dont have ten wwf/e appearances between them then it would be a crime for someone like Kane not to be. And not to mention or to take anything away from certain stars but some of them had limited to no time spent in WWE in their career yet their in the WWE's hall of fame and rightfully so as they are deserving. So is Kane and i hope he isnt one that is overlooked in consideration.

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