Who will debut at Bound for Glory?

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Joker ' Ferreira

Next Cristiano Ronaldo (w/ brains)
So, we all know that TNA has history to debut some great names at pay-per-views, they have done it with Angle, Lashley, Booker T, and the list goes on.

But for some reason they didn't do any debut per say for Bound for Glory, Lashley has already debuted in ring it's quite the same as Kurt Angle, three years ago when he guest refereed the match between Sting and Jarrett, and of course Lashley isn't the kind of draw that TNA needs right now.

We also know that it appears that both Umaga and Kennedy will return to action soon, some expect Umaga to return to the WWE, others expect him to go to TNA, and I hope he does, he is great in-ring and could be used against Samoa Joe as one of the matches that everyone wanted to see months ago.

Both of this names are also in the league of Kurt Angle but if I'm not mistaken there isn't anyone that can jump in and make a huge impact right now, there isn't one single wrestler that would make such an impact, but they need to draw new viewers and Kennedy could be one their options right now.

What do you think? Will TNA debut someone at Bound for Glory? If you think so, who will it be?

The notion that it will be RVD is just that. According to our own Wrestlezone.com , he has been heard saying he won't be 'bringing his boots.' This doesn't mean that he couldn't show up for a spot of some sort.

It would be nice to see RVD compete in TNA. They're use to a more experimental and high flying game.
The only name i can think of that could possibly debut is Mr Kennedy but which match would he interfere in who knows?

I think with the breakup of the MEM with Booker T and Scott Steiner leaving it would be too much on creative to debut another wrestler and try to incorporate him into storylines. Also its rumoured Russo could be on his way out. I don't expect anyone to debut.
RVD may be there, but I doubt he actually wrestles. I just can't see him coming back to pro wrestling, at least not full time. Isn't his wife still sick anyway?

If anyone were to debut, my best guess would be Kennedy. He's not really a big name, but since he came from the WWE and was decent, he'll get a ton of love from TNA. I don't think he'll interfere in a match or anything like that either. That'd just be silly and pointless. They may just show a video of him on the big screen causing a few fans to cheer, maybe.

If Kennedy does debut, it won't be very exciting/memorable. The only way TNA could do someting good would be to debut someone who is a complete shocker that none of us would be thinking of, like Lesnar. That'd be something, wouldn't it?
They have lots of options like RVD, Mr.Kennedy and Umaga. But I think they need to break Up the MEM because some of the members want out so they could debut the new superstar by making them break up the mafia.
They may just show a video of him on the big screen causing a few fans to cheer, maybe.

Oh come on. I get that you hate the guy, but the TNA crowd cheers for Elijah fucking Burke. "Maybe" a few cheers is a total under-exaggeration.

I don't know if Umaga or Anderson would sign with TNA at the moment. Both of them are on the Hogan tour in Australia in November... since TNA, WWE and the Hogan tour are all in Australia wouldn't it be dumb to have one or two guys on the roster that are going to be on a different tour? (As far as I know all 3 tours are going to be around the same time, I might be wrong though). Because of that, it would be kind of stupid to sign them until after the tour is over.

If there is a debut at BFG, I think it would be RVD based on the reports that have been coming up recently. I'd love that personally, since I have a few family members who used to watch wrestling and said they'd only start to watch again if RVD was wrestling.
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Oh come on. I get that you hate the guy, but the TNA crowd cheers for Elijah fucking Burke. "Maybe" a few cheers is a total under-exaggeration.

I don't really hate the guy. I certainly don't praise him as highly as some, but definetly don't hate him. I just think it's ridiculous that people think he'll automatically be a main eventer in TNA. The only reason he is being thought of so highly is because he was simply in the WWE, not because he actually did anything significant there. I'm not against him joining TNA, but giving him a main event spot immeadiately is a bit of a stretch.

He probably would get some cheers though, especially if he was a heel. Some of the TNA fans are just silly, especially with the way they've been behind Burke, morons.
As far as people debuting I think someone to look out for is, as others have previously stated, Mr. Anderson....Anderson.

As far as just getting involved for a one time thing I say look out for RVD and Terry Funk.

I am so pumped for Bound for Glory V!! It will be epic.
Kennedy hasn't really been talked about in a while on the wrestling sites. He could debut, maybe TNA will do a swerve and have in debut at Impact. But that wouldn't make sense because everyone would know about it before hand. BFG might have RVD and Funk show up to say hi. I don't know their schedules, but I did read RVD and Booker T are friends and wanted to meet up over the weekend. It would be sweet to see Funk be involved someway in the Monster's ball match.

He could involve himself in the Monster's ball, coming to Abyss' aid and feuding with Foley and Richards in the future. I think some people would shit on that too though. It seems like people feel "No wrestling organization should have wrestlers over 40". Who cares as long as the younger talent is getting elevated.

Bound For Glory will be a great show nonetheless, but I strongly feel TNA will have a few surprise debuts up their sleeves.
I don't see anyone deputing at BFG because TNA has a lot going on but I would love for anyone of Umaga, Kennedy or RVD to deput. It would just be awesome. It does not matter who but the most likely is Kennedy I think Umaga will go back to WWE and I don't see anyway that RVD wrestles at BFG but if he does i will be very happy he is the perfect guy for TNA to bring in right now.
I'd like to see Ric Flair come in and screw Sting over.Then maybe he can be a big part of Sting's farewell tour?
I don't see Kennedy debuting at BFG because, last I checked, he's on Hulk's Hulkamania tour.

As for who would debut...they have lots of options with Umaga and Kenny (yes, Kenny) being a couple of the choices...but I doubt they'll do it this year.
Apparently, the only person that "debuted" at BFG was Kim Couture...It ruined what was a pretty good match, and seemed like a big "WTF" moment. I really could have done without the fuck-up.

I am happy about who didn't debut though. I would have been pretty pissed if Ken Kennedy showed up. I saw TBK was backstage, and that would have been a nice run-in for the Ultimate X...
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