Who will become the top face on ECW


Resident Hip Hop Junkie
Now that Matt Hardy has turned heel & is more than likely gonna head to Smackdown. I kept wondering who will be the new #1 face on ECW.

Me personally I think it's gonna be Finlay for right now cause other than Finlay they don't really have anyother faces on the roster & I don't plan on including Ricky Ortiz into that.

So who do you think is gonna be the top face on ECW?
Right now the only faces that could contend for the title are Finlay, Dreamer, Bourne, and maybe Boogeyman. Of those four the only one that I could see winning the title from Swagger are Evan Bourne and Tommy Dreamer. With this current Tommy Dreamer retiring storyline I think that he will be the first guy to take the title off of Swagger, but Swagger will win it right back. In the long run it's going to be Evan Bourne that has the big feud with Swagger over the belt.
Why should Matt have to come to Samckdown? Jeff Hardy sucks on the mic, and isn't a draw. Jeff's title run was pathetic just like his brother's was. Matt plays the better heel, and I think ECW would gain more from this. Both Jeff/Matt can get extreme. Jeff should go to ECW, and just stay there with Matt until the feud is over. The feud would be an ECW classic, and who knows maybe even close friends can start taking sides? Making alliances we would never expect.
Why should Matt have to come to Samckdown? Jeff Hardy sucks on the mic, and isn't a draw. Jeff's title run was pathetic just like his brother's was. Matt plays the better heel, and I think ECW would gain more from this. Both Jeff/Matt can get extreme. Jeff should go to ECW, and just stay there with Matt until the feud is over. The feud would be an ECW classic, and who knows maybe even close friends can start taking sides? Making alliances we would never expect.

Yeah but the odds of Jeff going to ECW are slim to none right now cause Jeff is one of Smackdown's top faces. Yes Matt can play a better heel than Jeff but it's been about almost 4 years since Matt has played as a heel. Like I said before the odds of moving this feud & Jeff to ECW are not really good at all.
If they are going for the Tommy Dreamer angle where he is set to retire if he does not gain the ECW Championship by a certain date later in the year. If is possible that he is set to gain or at least compete for the ECW championship as soon as Wrestlemania. This I am sure will place him in the upper levels of ECW for faces, if not the top. He is already a fan favourite, and having him in a fight for your life type atmosphere will really get the fans behind him.
Evan Bourne. He's coming back from injury soon and he'll be instantly over again. Before he was injured he was quickly becoming one of the WWE's most popular performers. So there's really no reason why he cant come back to doing that. I could see him and Jack Swagger having a pretty good little feud over the ECW title.
Sending Jeff Hardy to ECW would take away from the value of the WWE Title he just dropped, and essentially erase ANY fan momentum the title run gave Jeff. So that's a non-option, really. WWE just put A LOT of money into marketing Jeff as a top, title-worthy star on SD, and moving him to ECW would kill all of that heat.

Moving Matt to Smackdown, on the other hand, creates an interesting dynamic that makes the show worth watching.

So where does that leave ECW in terms of faces? Well, the obvious choices have been mentioned - Evan Bourne (upon returning from injury), Finlay, and Boogeyman.

Outside of those three, a few people have to be out there to make the transition.

Rob van Dam. One time appearance, yes, I get it. But why not convince RVD to come back into the fold for one last run? He didn't high tail to TNA, he's made a few appearances to solidify the fact that he has a good working relationship with WWE - why not put him back on ECW and make Tommy Dreamer a heel GM, with RVD and Dreamer vying for who deserves to be synonymous with the ECW legacy?

Charlie Haas. Despite a hot gimmick, Seton Hall's own Charlie Haas has seen his in-ring and mic-time on Raw diminish, not due to a shortcoming on his part, but rather the fact that Raw is running a few very interesting storylines right now, and they just don't have the time to give him. Swagger vs Haas may be a decent feud.

Paul Birchill. Geez, how much time has WWE invested into this guy just to constantly keep him cold on the sidelines? He was strong in OVW, but since his call up, he's been one dropped push after another. He's got a hottie in his corner with Katie Lea, so why not give him a face run (lord knows she could suck face heat from a crowd like nothin') and a shot at the ECW title? It'd also serve to re-heat him for a future Raw run.
Evan Bourne. Who else? Finlay?? that guy is waaaay too old. Ortiz? i think the creative team knows that this guy isn't really the best option to feud with Swagger. DJ Gabriel? he's still too green. Also putting Dreamer against Swagger would be a bit too early, if they decide to go with S vs D they should let Dreamer win a couple of matches first or else Swagger would look weak losing to a jobber like that and i dont think Vince would like to see Swagger losing momentum.

So that leaves only one guy Evan ''look at me i can fly!'' Air Bourne. And i think that he's the best option. Before he got injured Bourne was hot with every crowd in every town. The guy can produce more ratings for the brand and can hell of a lot entertain us. And since they wanted to push Bourne and now that they want to push Swagger i wonder who will be on top. Personaly i think Swagger but i dont think they are going to let Bourne look weak. Besides look at this logic. Bourne can compete on the same level as Mysterio. Mysterio defeated enormous monsters like Kane, Khali, Batista etc. So the best thing is by letting these two feud both of them would be considered strong right?

Anyways thats what i think that would happen
My original guess would be Evan Bourne when he returns. He's over witht the crowd, and has a style unlike any other on ECW right now. Bourne and Swagger are both young, and could definitely carry a good championship feud on a show like Wrestlemania or Backlash.

I'd like to see Finlay as a top face on the show, but I personally like him as a heel, and definitely like him more without Hornswoggle. As the comedy character that he is right now, he may stand a chance on a show like ECW, but will probably be relegated to ECW mid-card, which is basically nothing.

After seeing the little interaction between Boogeyman and Swagger to open ECW's show tonight, there could be a shot at that. Boogeyman appears to be over with the crowd, and would work a decent short feud with Swagger until at least No Way Out, or even just as filler until Bourne returns.
I think Bourne is only going to be around for a little bit on ECW before he gets placed on Raw full time. That always is the pattern as ECW is the minor league show where people are sent to fill up roster spots. Guys like Bourne are going to go on to bigger and better things on the main two shows. My guess would be either Dreamer or Finlay. Both are older guys that can mentor Swagger and help mold him into the big star that he is capable of being before he moves on to Raw or Smackdown. barring bringing up another rookie, I really can't picture anyone else besides those two, unless they think Ortiz is ready, which is just not right.
If we're talking near future, I think we can forget about Bourne. If he was in a cast last week, he's not going to be back until 'mania time. I think they will leave Dreamer on the back burner for a while also, maybe letting him go over Finlay or Henry to try and bolster his credibility before his big push going into the PPVs after 'mania.

That leaves one man... The Boogeyman. Since his return, he has had a decent crowd reaction, and has been increasingly built up. I haven't seen this weeks show, as it doesn't air here until Thursday, but I imagine he will be the one to face Swagger at No Way Out, and lose.

As for the more distant future, I think we will see someone off brand fight for the title at mania if they haven't got anything to do at the event. Letting Swagger go over Kane or, better still, Umaga after they had won a battle royal would do wonders for him.

Following that, I think the main faces on the brand will be a returning Evan Bourne and Tommy Dreamer as he works to win the title. I firmly believe that Dreamer will do this on the last Tuesday before One Night... sorry Extreme Rules, but that it will be Bourne that is given the most TV time etc.

So for now, sit back and watch Boogeyman pull in those ratings.
Man, it's amazing how much the WWE miss Evan Bourne right now. ECW needs him right now. As we witnessed on ECW, Matt Hardy is now officially a member of the Smackdown roster which leaves Finlay, Evan Bourne and The Boogeyman as the top faces of ECW. That is quite sad when you have a veteran who is way past his prime, a rookie cruiserweight and a disgrace of a wrestler as your top babyfaces on the show. Ricky Ortiz sucks, he doesn't even deserve to be called an ECW superstar at this point in time.

ECW needs some upper mid-carder who can step up to the plate and carry ECW in the near future. And none of those guys that I mentioned should be the face of ECW. As IC25 mentioned, it might be worth turning Paul Birchill babyface so he can attempt to carry ECW, but I just don't think he's ready yet. And since the WWE as a whole is too heel based at the present moment, I really can't list any face upper mid-carder on Raw or Smackdown that needs to carry ECW.... except for this man:


Think about it for a minute, MVP recently turned face, and he's been on Smackdown for a long time now. He most likely won't get anywhere near the main event spot on Smackdown with Christian likely returning soon, and the brand already has many other superstars who are in need of a push: eg. Shelton Benjamin. So if MVP comes to ECW in the near future, he can feud with Jack Swagger, win the title off him at Wrestlemania 25. That way he can hold the belt for a few months and feud with the likes of Paul Birchill, Mark Henry, Ricky Ortiz and even Finlay. Then at the end of 2009 he can go to Raw where he can win the Money in the Bank Ladder match at Wrestlemania 26 to finally begin his main event push. It's perfect!
That is indeed a good idea Rusty. Man I can pick em.

MVP is a good choice here. He's over with the crowd and as you said, he's been on Smackdown forever. There's really nothing left for him to do there and with the amount of main eventers there are there right now, a 5 month run on ECW would work very well for him. MVP against Swagger could be most interesting indeed. It gives him a solid chance to hold the ECW title which would be a nice little test run for holding one of the two top titles one day. Could work very well indeed.
Think about it for a minute, MVP recently turned face, and he's been on Smackdown for a long time now. He most likely won't get anywhere near the main event spot on Smackdown with Christian likely returning soon, and the brand already has many other superstars who are in need of a push: eg. Shelton Benjamin. So if MVP comes to ECW in the near future, he can feud with Jack Swagger, win the title off him at Wrestlemania 25. That way he can hold the belt for a few months and feud with the likes of Paul Birchill, Mark Henry, Ricky Ortiz and even Finlay. Then at the end of 2009 he can go to Raw where he can win the Money in the Bank Ladder match at Wrestlemania 26 to finally begin his main event push. It's perfect!

While I agree that MVP moving to ECW to feud with Swagger would be a good idea, I don't see it working for him as along-running face. Once he won the title, he'd probably start the "Better than you" gimmick again, and turn heel again. I wouldn't mind him as a heel on ECw, especially with that gimmick, if it returns. However, that doesn't help ECW's hunt for a top face.

Admittedly, anything is better than their current idea of Finlay challenging for the belt with Hornswoggle in his corner. I still think that whoever it is that challenges Swagger now, is only a placeholder for Bourne. Swagger and Bourne are both destined to leave ECW after their pushes, but it couldn't hurt to let Swagger leave with Bourne in the spotlight until someone else steps up.
The only real possibility at this point is Finlay, and he generally pisses me off anyway. This is just another reason not to watch ECW. They have a top face, then send him away when he outgrows the brand, instead of using him to elevate the rest of them. Kofi, Kane and Hardy might have been better becoming top dogs on ECW and establishing the brand before leaving. What is the point of having a show if you arn't going to have any good wrestlers on it? Finlay was a good wrestler as the tough Irish guy, but now he is just dwarfed by Hornswoggle(Don't mind the pun. Lol). He will be the top face for a bit, then get sent off for the next guy to become champ.
For lack of options at this point, Finlay will most likely be the top face of the brand for the next few months. Although he is old, he's over with the crowd and even though I don't like him, still puts on a good match. Now once Evan Bourne comes back its pretty obvious he'll be one of the top faces on ECW, he pretty much was already before he got injured anyway. IMO a Jack Swagger (seeing he's still ECW champ when Bourne comes back) vs. Evan Bourne for the ECW title would be a good match. Bourne is as over as Finlay and Vince is high on him so it's safe to say he'll be up there.

Gregory Helms is another good option, since his return he's had good fan reaction, and after his US title match with Benjamin he hasn't done much of anything on SD except loose to Kozlov. In hopes of him not getting lost in the sauce on Smackdown, I say move him to ECW as a face.

Call me crazy, but with a little work DJ Gabriel could be a top face on ECW as well.....
Keep in mind, this is going to be a bit "out there".

The Boogeyman: When you really think about it, he gets about as much crowd reaction as Finlay. And doesn't need a midget to help boost his overall standing as a fan favorite.

Here is the real kicker. He's unofficially the most dominate force in E.C.W. right now. Finlay has a weakness, that being his "son". D.J. Gabriel isn't polished enough to make the jump to the top face, and Evan Bourne is still injured to the best of my knowledge.

So it isn't really that unbelieveable to think the Boogeyman is about to get a Heavyweight/Jack Swagger push/feud.

In recent weeks, the Boogeyman overall has become more advanced than normal. He upgraded his tights, which aren't just standard leather pants. (thank whoever made that decision) His teeth are fixed, yet I believe Snitsky sold him a pair of his on his way out. And he's become more aggressive in matches. (albeit, against jobbers)

All the signs are pointing to a Boogeyman Championship push. While I can't say I'd ever believe the Boogeyman to be a legit. contender, I could definately see him putting Swagger over.. as the Boogeyman hasn't really lost too many times, either.

If they continue to adjust Boogie's character just right I think they could have something here, that could be built on for month's. The Boogeyman is a playable character and always has been. They just need the right type of storyline, and give him the right set of "super-natural" abilities.
I think that moving MVP over to ECW is the best idea, I think that he might not happen until after No Way Out.

Boogeyman or Finlay will face Swagger at No Way Out and the obvious one will go over. Finlay/Swagger could be particularly good wrestling match. Boogeyman is more over than Finlay though I think, perhaps a Triple Threat?? I think that The Boogeyman is being built in the Undertaker's shadow, they have very similar ideas here, an Undertaker deals with dead peoples bodies, and the Boogeyman is a fictional thing that most children are supposed to be scared of. But they are both faces.

I firmly believe Evan Bourne will be in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemaina, perhaps with another ECW superstar like Finlay or Morrison.

MVP will not be in the Money in the Bank, I believe that Shelton Benjamin will win this year, he has been in it most years and its about damn time.
the last thing ecw needs to worry about is a top face, they got rid of so many poeple that would of been great for that show, dudleys rhino raven they let rvd walk, they should throw rey on ecw have him go nuts. and ecw needs to be 2 hours and have more guys as well as another title then the ecw one, maybe the tv title again. and what kills all the shows is that they dont stay on just their show. and its pointless sometimes. but ecw either needs more wrestlers or should be thrown in the trash.
the last thing ecw needs to worry about is a top face, they got rid of so many poeple that would of been great for that show, dudleys rhino raven they let rvd walk, they should throw rey on ecw have him go nuts. and ecw needs to be 2 hours and have more guys as well as another title then the ecw one, maybe the tv title again. and what kills all the shows is that they dont stay on just their show. and its pointless sometimes. but ecw either needs more wrestlers or should be thrown in the trash.

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