Who Will Be The New ECW Veteran?

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Opps. My bad. Now don't put me in prison Jake.

Anyway... they have Dreamer there.. He may not be the best wrestler ever but he has the right ideals about the business. I mean Dean Malenko is an agent on SD and he is there wit ecw and he can be a trainer not to mention Flair is with the ecw guys since he is on SD. As far as an on brand veteran it is hard to say.. I like the fact that somone said finlay. He has done it all.
You'd think with a great wrestler and vetern like Dreamer on ECW that they would utilize him, but as we've seen the just throw him on the back burner.
If they were to make a good move like putting Finlay on ECW, I hope they wouldn't do the same to him. I have nothing but respect for people like Finlay, he's given everything to wrestling. He deserves recognition, and they should use him while he's still able.
You'd think with a great wrestler and vetern like Dreamer on ECW that they would utilize him, but as we've seen the just throw him on the back burner.
If they were to make a good move like putting Finlay on ECW, I hope they wouldn't do the same to him. I have nothing but respect for people like Finlay, he's given everything to wrestling. He deserves recognition, and they should use him while he's still able.

Dreamer isn't a great wrestler. He was a decent brawler but those day's are gone. There utalizing him far more than they should. Dreamer should be more than happy with his push. In ECW he was great but he's nothing in WWE. I personally dont see what he can teach rookies in the ring.
Yeah, I guess calling him a great wrestler wa a bit of an over-statement. But seriously, he's better then what they'v had him doing. The man may not be the most talented, but he has more in-ring skill then Mick Foley, it's just Mick Foley has the charisma that Dreamer lacks. In a way I just kindof wish they'd push Dreamer in a different direction, then maybe he'd play a biger role in things. But since I mentioned him, Foley hasn't been doing too much, he could be on ECW. Maybe no to wrestle, but he could add on to a story line and possibly help the ratings some.
I never really believed that Foley had that much charisma, just a fat man's charm... like Santa Claus! Personally, I think it should be CM Punk, although he isn't really a "veteran". He helped train people over in Ring Of Honor and quite frankly, I think he's by far the best all-rounder on the ECW roster now.

Then again, don't ECW and SmackDown! usually travel together? In that case they could just use someone from SD, like Edge for example.
Honestly I think it will be CM pUnk.He is the best thing they have going for them and he has talent.He will be the veteran of ECW simply because he has the most talent and is way over with the crowd.
I think Finlay would be a good idea but honestly I see RVD as ECWs veteran, he puts on good matches and defended the title all the time like he should, plus he could really put the young guys over and have a good fued with CM Punk, Nitro or Burke IMO.
well ECW really needs some top faces on their roster..especially cuz i know that they wont use TOMMY DREAMER as their second..so i think JEFF HARDY would be great choice to move to ECW cuz i really dont see him moving up now with the star power on RAW as a result of the DRAFT..and i think they could have great 4way feuds with CM PUNK..JEFF HARDY..NITRO..AND BURKE...IMAGINE THEM IN A LADDER MATCH!!! WOW!

Finlay and his little bastard would be a perfect edition to ECW! Their antics almost take me back to Dink and Doink. Jeff Hardy's style is suitable for ECW. But if all these guys would work well in ECW, then we need an extra hour. One hour is not enough time to develope and put over all these guys. They need room to breathe if they are gonna add any more stars to ECW. As it stands right now, how many matches do I get to see in that one hour? Maybe three or four at best. Its because of things like the Raw rebound and other WWE filler garbage. I want more wrestling, more ECW. They need to push the ECW originals more. I love Finlay and I'm glad that he's had a second chance to get back in the ring because he's better now than ever. I would love to see him and a couple other few good men go to ECW but there logistically isnt enough time to give each guy the TV time he deserves.
I just read that Booker is not happy about the move to Raw, due to fear of not achieving the same sucess as he did on Smackdown due to Triple H's influence. I would love to see Booker on ECW and back as a face. I think he is the closest thing WWE has to a Benoit figure (a face who can carry young wrestlers). This would also allow for him to be back around his "boy" the Boogeyman. Imagine the matches between Booker and the likes of Punk, Burke, Cor Von, Nitro. Those can all be good solid matches. Plus he can add that credibility to the title that is much needed. I know WWE does not like to change people around so soon to a huge draft. The last time they did such a thing was moving Angle back to Smackdown after only 6 months on Raw. But that was well deserved (Eddie's death and Batista's injury). I think Booker is that veteran with WWE and he needs to take the spot of the WWE's last veteran.
Yeah remember Booker T and RVD in a tag team that was kool (i know rvd has left). Booker has the experience and hed get over with the crowd if they made him a face. If they just brought back King of The Ring and then that would explain why Booker T dropped the King Booker name cozs there is a new King Of the Ring.

Imagine Edge saying at a pay per view "Oh! look its Booker T former 5 time WCW Champ and former (looks at belt) World Heavyweight Champion, look at you now your ECW CHUMP hey pal that belts worthless"

Booker responds "look EGDE SUCKA, me you in the ring on E C DUBLEYA... Wait! infact ill bring ecdub to you, EDGE the world heavywieght champion VS BOOKA T the E C DUBLEYA champion extreme rules dig that sucka!... Wait! i will embarass you even more, on yo turf, Friday night Smackdown!" Booker walks away celebrating a win or something shouting yeah dig that! or talking to his bird Sharmelle.

Teddy Long gets wind of the idea and accepts only coz he hates edge and secretly wants to sign Booker

"T LO thank you for the invitation to rumble Friday Nights but looks like u got ya hands full Teddy (looks at poster of Edge on wall)" "I have much to do on E C DUBLEYA with these young erm SCAMPS who want a shot at the erm CHAMP" T lo responds "I feel ya playa you got business to settle maybe in the future ill get ya" Cue interuption from someone into t los office or phone call ect "see ya playa"

Cue Brand vs Brand match for the Pride of there brands respective title
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