Who Will Become The Next First-Time World Champion In The WWE?


The Cerebral Assassin
Out of the current WWE roster, who do you think will be the next superstar to win their first world championship (WWE Championship/World Heavyweight Championship)? Why? Pretty simple question, pretty straightforward thread.

I think it's down to four guys. It could either be Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett, Zack Ryder, or Kofi Kingston. My guess is Cody Rhodes, as I think he's the most credible one right now on the roster without a world title reign, and I think his current Intercontinental Championship reign may be setting him up to join the world championship ranks soon. I think it may take Barrett, Ryder, and Kingston a little more time than Rhodes to be ready for a world title reign, provided they even get one or more. But I'd have to say Rhodes- I wouldn't be surprised if he wins a future MiTB match, for example. I can see him winning a world title fairly soon. I personally expect him to be the next first-time world champion in the WWE.

So what do you think? Do you think it will be one of those four, or someone else? Discuss.
I would say Cody but I think his IC reign will stretch on a while longer, ever increasing his prestige till hes ready for the main event.

So I'd say Barrett he was on the brink befpre his injury and I actually think it could help him, I'd bet on him getting a monstar push upon his return and taking the title off Sheamus at Summerslam.
I'm a fan of Cody's I-C title run out lastting Honky Tonks on thing Cody has done is make the I-C belt important again when his I-C title runs it's course put the WWE title on him he's earned it. At Royal Rumble he proved he can work at a main eventers level...

The guy was on a huge push lately, but sadly had his injury that will keep him sidelined 3-4 months. Im sure Vince has sympathy for the guy, since he is the one who had faith in him in the first place for the push, and will give him an epic return after he heals. Hopefully his first return is a run at the world title.

I see Cody holding on to that title for a long time. I'm talking record breaking days. Makes him a more legitimate world champ when his time comes.
Wade Barrett seems the most likely. There was word going around that the WWE was aiming to have Wade Barrett win this year's Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania but scrapped the idea due to his injury. That's good enough proof that the WWE has something huge in store upon his return to Smackdown. I wouldn't be surprised if Barrett is the individual who ends Sheamus' reign as Champion (if he wins a Wrestlemania). Barrett has been pushed greatly on Smackdown has earned himself a fair amount of heat with wins over some of the roster’s top faces. If the crowd continues to get behind Sheamus, Barrett can enter a program with him when he returns to gain even more heat. There's is no way I don't see Wade Barrett becoming World Heavyweight Champion whenever he returns to action. 2012 will undoubtedly be his year.
Great question. Honestly I thought it would be Dolph Ziggler. Although he's paying his dues, he seemed to have taken a step back. But I'ma have to say Wade Barrett will be the next first time world champion. I see plenty of title reigns in Wade's Future, but with Wade being away with Injury, and if they must promote a new guy to champion, it should be Cody Rhodes. The guy is really on point right now in his career. Great Heel, Great Wrestler, and has a bright future. I never would've of imagine that that little runt teaming with Hardcore Holly, would be part of a great wrestling stable in Legacy. Feuding with DX, Tag Team Champion, and a long-reigning intercontinental champion. But between Wade, Dolph, and Cody, we are looking at our next first timer. All of them deserves it and we may see all of them wearing their first World or WWE title this year.
I'd prefer the next 'first time world champion' to NOT win via MITB. I've never thought that MITB makes a world champion look strong - even when I was just a casual fan, and not a 'smark'.

I'd say Barrett but he's on the shelf for 3-4 months. Usually creative/Vince don't like their injury prone stars, but in this particular case Barrett was injured by someone else, so I don't see the reason why they would take away Barrett's push when he comes back. I don't think that he will win immediately upon his return, but I think that he will likely win a world title/MITB between his return date and WM29. I'd say have him beat either Orton or Sheamus for the world title - makes him look strong and it ACTUALLY makes sense. The problem with Smackdown is that there are plenty of championship worthy competitors, they just don't seem legit. A win without MITB for the title over Orton or Sheamus will do this. People like to tune in to watch faces go head-to-head with competitors that seem like a legit threat, they'll keep watching to see who will finally defeat the strong heel.

I like Barrett as of late, but I didn't previously so much. I think that he seems more confident which is good because I'm sick of the generic 'I'm an angry man - grrrr' kind of heel. There have been far too many of them in the past. I think that he was at his best when he was leading Nexus, but he's been pretty entertaining recently - I've loved his on-again, off-again run in's with Sheamus. I hope to see those two having a great feud in the long run!
I'd split the four mentioned in the OP into a few different tiers:

1.Wade Barrett
3.Kofi Kingston and Cody Rhodes
516.Zack Ryder

I'm a huge fan of Zack Ryder. I've been a huge fan of Zack Ryder since before being a fan of Zack Ryder was cool. Remember when he first debuted this gimmick on ECW? No? Well, I do. That's how long I've liked him. But not only is he never going to win a World title, he's never going to be treated like a threat to win a World title. Santino Marella will just as soon win a World title as Zack Ryder.

Cody Rhodes and Kofi Kingston are tied for me. Cody Rhodes, for all that the internet loves him...I'm not completely sold on him as a legitimate World title main eventer yet. I enjoy his work, and I think he has the potential to get there, but right now he's just missing something. I wouldn't be shocked if he ended up a Mr Perfect/Honky Tonk Man type who dabbles in the main event but generally highlights the midcard his entire career. The feud with Randy Orton was a start, and this feud with Big Show is big for him, because he needs to show that he belongs in the ring with main eventers.

Kofi Kingston, I have an easier time picturing as a World champion. He's got the looks, the talent, and he's been in the ring with main eventers without looking out of place. But just as he was on the verge of becoming a main eventer, he screwed up the ending of a match with Randy Orton and got depushed into the tag team ranks. And that's why I have him tied with Cody Rhodes...unlike Cody, I have no doubt that Kofi will get there eventually, but Cody is still closer than Kofi.

The answer for me is easily Wade Barrett. The guy WILL win a World title, and it's not going to take long. Assuming Sheamus wins the WHC at WrestleMania, Barrett could jump right into a World title feud when he returns - and win the title then.
Santino let him win by fluke and watch the vrowd go crazy! Dolph zigglers title run is coming soon, his show off gimmick is really good.
obviously it is Wade Barrett..
He was supposed to win MITB at Wrestlemania but has ben scrapped all together with his injury. Leading up, he was way over as a top heel on Smackdown. He wil be the next first time champion.
Cody Rhodes is doing just fine with the IC Title, he may drop it to Big Show at Mania, but he wont be a WORLD CHAMPION anytime in 2012, maybe next year. Ziggler has had his 5 minute reign, that counts so it rules him out of the equation. Anybody who thinks Zack Ryder is a serious threat to a World Title is either delusional 0r 7 years old.
I say Wade Barret. He may be out right now for 3-4 months, but i bet his return leads him straight into a world title match! He could easily be a heel, or turn face. A Face Barret would not be the best, but not bad. Barret is universal right now IMO he could return as either and win the World Title.
Definitely going to go with Wade Barrett on this one. Assuming he is able to return by the time MITB rolls around, I think it's safe to say he's winning the SD briefcase and cashing in successfully.

The only other person I think might have a chance is Dolph Ziggler, but his momentum seems to be grinding to a halt as of late, and with no signs of a one on one match at WM, it is hard to see him re-entering the main event picture until possibly the summer.
Wade Barrett. Personally, I want it to be Ziggler, but I actually want that to wait because I only want Zig as champ once he's fully established and can have a decent title reign.

If the reports are true that a MITB would've had Barrett winning it, that's almost guaranteeing WWE had intentions to strap the belt on him eventually. The injury may actually help that. I could see him coming back and starting a feud with Sheamus for the title. I'm sure he'll have a huge push returning from injury. I say Sheamus, but just watch it be Orton as champ with Barrett challenging (not what I want to see)

My hopes:
Barrett coming back to feud with a champion Sheamus
Draft Bryan to Raw and have a Punk/Bryan feud
Have Ziggler feud with Cena, without Vickie, to maybe get that solo push he has been needing
Wade Barrett IMO. If he had never gotten hurt i believe he was gonna win MITB at WM! I still think its Barrett when he comes back around may or june!! I say by late this year possibly around survivor series time he will win his first WHC!! Barrett is a solid performer a real bad ass.

Plus he can talk on the stick and is credible with his barrage!! When he says hes gonna kick ur ass i believe it!! This little injury i dont think will derail him at all like i said he will be champion by Survivor series time!! With that said who could he feud with? Sheamus comes to mind that be a real slobberknocker of a match i wouldnt mind that one at all. I can see sheamus winning the title at WM and holding on to it till barrett gets back.

Have Barrett start the feud in july or august and continue till NOV when he finally beats sheamus for the WHC!! Again my two cents
I believe Ziggler will be the next one to be truly in the main event... but he did win the title once before in a bs "reign".

First time world champ this year: Wade Barrett. The dude has everything he needs to become a top star in the company. The push with Orton was what he really needed to kick it up a level and really be solidified so when he does win the title the first time it will be believable.
Cody Rhodes. There's gotta be a reason why he has held the belt for so long. If Vince wants to resurrect the tag titles, I would imagine he would want to do the same with the other belts. Think, right now, outside of the WWE / Heavy belts there aren't any belts that mean anything. If there was a challenger who held a mid card belt aiming for the top belt, well, that would be much more believable. By this, I mean the fact that one belt is chasing another could add meaning to the match.
Cody Rhodes. There's gotta be a reason why he has held the belt for so long. If Vince wants to resurrect the tag titles, I would imagine he would want to do the same with the other belts. Think, right now, outside of the WWE / Heavy belts there aren't any belts that mean anything. If there was a challenger who held a mid card belt aiming for the top belt, well, that would be much more believable. By this, I mean the fact that one belt is chasing another could add meaning to the match.

How, pray tell, have the tag titles been "resurrected"?! The tag division has as much depth as the answer to a complex math problem seen through the eyes of a ******ed chimpanzee with Downs syndrome. Where and the hell are The Usos? They would give somebody competition... Hell, at this point, Santino + Anybody would be a challenge...

The prestige of ANY title in the WWE is at an all-time low. Anymore, we only watch to see when the titles will change hands, not so much as who is going to be the next champion. Great champions no longer exist (which I'm sure many will disagree with) in this day and age, I believe largely in part, to the attention span of today's fans. Does anybody "draw" anymore? I know there were rumors circulating that The Miz was being held responsible for the low Survivor Series buyrates, but wasn't that The Rock's in-ring return? Shouldn't THAT have drawn buys?

The next champion at this point is irrelevant... If Daniel Bryan, one of the best "wrestlers" of this generation has to constantly cheat to keep the belt, where does that leave the titles? Is the Punk vs Jericho match a title match? No? Well, we won't see a WWE Title change until after 'Mania, at the earliest, so who knows?

My prediction? Wade Barrett was next in line for a title shot... Code Rhodes? Maybe... Until then, this clusterf*ck will be frozen until after 'Mania...
I'm gonna go for wade here, i pray that it's not a mitb win though, those really cheapen the world title imo. If Sheamus wins the world title at wrestlemania (massive Sheamus mark here) then these two could have an amazing feud, we got a teaser of it last year heading into survivor series (remember that poster with them on either side doing the same pose?), he's one of the few stars on smackdown that could legitimately beat Sheamus.
Barret, Ziggler or Rhodes.

Ziggles had the WHC unofficially, but nobody will call that a serious reign.

Barret's arm injury can be a blessing in disguise, he can skip his mid to main feuds with Orton etc.. etc.. and pop back in 4 months as a WHC contender out of nowhere, and it will make sense.

Rhodes is feuding for the World Title while running with the IC Belt, this is a good sign of things to come, if he drops the IC belt, he'll become a real threat in no time.
I'd have to say Wade Barrett. I think when he returns he will have another feud with Orton who I expect to have the title by then. I think Barrett could win by Summerslam and lose it back to Orton at Survivor Series. Although, right now, I wouldn't bet against Santino pulling off the next miracle and maybe holding the belt for one night. Win it at a PPV and lose it the next night on Raw or something similar. I do expect big things for Ziggler though.
A few months ago, I was sure it was going to be Dolph Ziggler. Deserved or not, the company was force-feeding him to us and after that silly one-night title reign (which shouldn't even count), I figured he was the heir apparent.

Now, I'm not so sure. He's losing matches like crazy and even Vickie's histrionics when he loses are subsiding, as if it just isn't worth getting so worked up over anymore. Maybe the company has Dolph doing penance for some offense (perhaps he beat up Drew McIntyre's ex-wife?) and his push to the top will resume......or maybe they've "Swaggered" Dolph and realized he's gone about as high as he's going to.

If not Dolph, I'd guess Cody Rhodes will be the next first-time champ. WWE can't do enough for Dusty's son in terms of pushing the living daylights out of the guy. Personally, I like Cody but don't see him as a world champion ......but if Vince McMahon does, then that's all he needs.

I'd love to see Wade Barrett as title holder. He's got that "regal" (no pun intended) presence about him and has been honing his obnoxious qualities since his Nexus days. Back then, he presented as the leader of a group. Now, he's developed into a terrific singles wrestler, worthy of wearing a title belt.
zack ryder will eventually get to the top expect him to come back more meaner and with a slightly more serious gimmick andwatch him woop cena all over the ring. the ryder and eve story is no where near over
Barrett- He obviously was on his way for a HUGE push until his unfortunate injury. The guy is one of the best young talents in a long time.

I don't get why everyone thinks Cody is bring prestige back to the IC title? He never defends it so in my opinion it's about as useful as the Million Dollar belt at this time. Everyone said the same thing when Ziggler had the US belt, then it when to Ryder and now Swagger, another guy who never defends it.

When Cody actually DEFENDS the belt more then a few times it will mean something. To me at this point, both the US and IC belts are more just part of a costume. When Perfect, Honky held the IC it actually meant something more that a quick Jumbotron or TV graphic.
A few months ago, I was sure it was going to be Dolph Ziggler. Deserved or not, the company was force-feeding him to us and after that silly one-night title reign (which shouldn't even count), I figured he was the heir apparent.

Now, I'm not so sure. He's losing matches like crazy and even Vickie's histrionics when he loses are subsiding, as if it just isn't worth getting so worked up over anymore. Maybe the company has Dolph doing penance for some offense (perhaps he beat up Drew McIntyre's ex-wife?) and his push to the top will resume......or maybe they've "Swaggered" Dolph and realized he's gone about as high as he's going to.

If not Dolph, I'd guess Cody Rhodes will be the next first-time champ. WWE can't do enough for Dusty's son in terms of pushing the living daylights out of the guy. Personally, I like Cody but don't see him as a world champion ......but if Vince McMahon does, then that's all he needs.

I'd love to see Wade Barrett as title holder. He's got that "regal" (no pun intended) presence about him and has been honing his obnoxious qualities since his Nexus days. Back then, he presented as the leader of a group. Now, he's developed into a terrific singles wrestler, worthy of wearing a title belt.

Thank you I agree with what you said about Ziggler and Cody! I personally find them both quite boring and vanilla though. I wish they'd bring Regal in to "coach" Barrett. My guess is he would have walked out of WM the champ if he won the originally MITB match they had scheduled.
i hope that it's either miz or ziggler. i know miz has fallen from vince's grace since wrestlemania 27 but i think switching him to smackdown and letting him have fresh feuds and even placing the world title on him, would bring him back up to the standard he was. he was entertaining as a champion although i personally felt that his character was made to look far too weak. ziggler well he's proving that he's a main event player. although he has won the world title before for 10 minutes, i think he needs a solid run with the world title before moving onto wwe title.

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