Who will become the Bret Hart of today?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Recently I have purchased the Survivor Series and SummerSlam box sets. In watching them I have noticed something interesting regarding Bret Hart. He always seems to build a star in his matches. Now I credit most of this to HIS wrestling ability and being able to make the other look good and get over even more. During the mid 90's Hart faced HBK, Diesel, and Austin. Those were 3 of the bigger stars of that era.

Hart was WWE's bread and butter at that time. His ability to create new stars is something that obviously has become very valuable to WWE. If you want to create the chain reaction, Hart putting over guys like HBK, Diesel, and Austin led to them putting over others the likes of HHH, Rock, and Razor Ramon and even still to this day in Orton, Batista and Cena. The list can go on forever. Granted, these guys were hot and over and well on their way to the top, but Bret WAS THE TOP. Feuding with him only gave them more credibility and put them over even more.

What I'm trying to get at here is, who will be the MAIN guy to feud with the up and coming superstars of today and be able to put on a good match and get them over?

I understand that HHH, Jericho, Taker, and HBK can still be considered as the top guys putting over younger talent, but I want to focus on the younger superstars such as Orton and Cena.

Orton is doing a great job with Kofi and Legacy(Inevitable feud eventually, but for now he's getting them over). Will it be Orton?

Cena is finally feuding with someone new in Sheamus, however we must remember his utter SQUASH of The Miz. Not to mention, most are critical of Cena's moveset, or lack there of. Could it be Cena?

But my question is: Who will be the superstar of today to develop the most up and coming stars? Who will these young talents go through to get that top slot?

Please give your answer and state as to why you think it could be this person. Take in-to account mic skills, wrestling ability, and overness.
Well to be honest with you the builder right now in the WWE is Christian.

Now before someone sits there and goes oh Christian isn't a Main Eventer and all this other stuff, you have to look at what he has done in ECW. Mid-card guys are finally getting a chance to shine that lost some Main Event credibility. Shelton getting another ladder match in, William Regal and his series of matches with Christian.

Then of course you have the new blood of ECW. Ryder has more credibility after his two matches with Christian despite the first one being slightly blown up Christian still made him look like a star. And lets not forget about Yoshi. That is what I love about ECW ... the Main Event matches are far more entertaining and competitive than on any other brand.
I would have to disagree with Bret being a builder. He did help Stone Cold, but not Diesel or Shawn as he only lost to Shawn once and didn't come back until Shawn was not champion anymore. And if anyone put Diesel over it was Bob Backlund.

Ok, but the builder of today would be Christian. Look what he has done with the ECW locker room. He has helped Yoshi become a more credible face. He is sparking a fire under Regal's character and making him into one of the best heels in wrestling. He is making Zack Ryder into a credible wrestler and he is going to re-ignite one of the best wrestlers in this business, Shelton Benjamen.
I don't think WWE knows who their builder is going to be. I think that's why they are testing the waters with Kofi and Sheamus. The Miz and Cena's feud, i don't know what the hell that was. But i think that Orton and Cena are being tested right now. Everyone knows they have what it takes to be a Top Dog but do they have what it takes to be a leader and be able to put people over as well.

Orton has got the mic skills to make everyone hate him and love whoever he's feuding with while Cena's character has a competitive nature so it sets his opponent up to prove himself.
I'm going to have to agree and say Christian as well. I mean why else would he be in ECW, where they pride themselves in building new stars? I know a lot of people say that Vince doesn't think he's main even material, but you've got to think he still has a lot of faith in Christian, making him THEE star of ECW. I mean without him, these young superstars would go nowhere.

As was previously stated, he's single-handedly upped the game of Ryder and Swagger and Yoshi Tatsu, with his uncanny ability to put on a good match under any circumstance. He makes it exciting to watch ECW. It sparks your curiousity to see these new stars. Then to put them in, what always seems to be a good match against Christian, makes him the new Bret Hart. I can't wait for TLC now. Not because of Cena and Sheamus or DX and Jerishow. But to see what I think could be a classic between Christian and Shelton. And giving Christian stated he wanted to "steal the show" I think they'll get the time needed to do so. Christian is a great wrestler, and DAMN well better make it to main event status on Raw or Smackdown.
The person who has done the most to put anyone over in the WWE right now is probably John Cena. I don't think there are many big stars who have consistently lost to up and comers, and that is why they are the big stars. Cena is capable of making someone look good whilestill winning, look at his matches with Swagger, Miz and in a month's time Sheamus, as proof of that. He helped Carlito get over, and he single handedly put Edge in the main event after other people trying it on for about 5 years.

This is most akin to Bret Hart, who only lost to his brother, and Austin once in the process of making people bigger. Michaels was already a bigger name by the time he beat Hart.

The best ever at elevating people is probably Mick Foley, but that's another story.
I think its gona be orton. He's already helped legacy and will continue to help them a little. I liked Kofi before this started but look how much louder his pops are now that he's fueding with orton and its not just cuz people hate orton its cuz they are putting on a great show working together. We will see in time if cena can put over sheamus but I'm not sure sheamus has it in him to take advantage of what cena is gona try to do for him. Kofi definately has it in him and Orton is the perfect guy to put over babyfaces. With all due respect to christian cuz I love what he's doing in ECW but he is going to put guys over so they can make it to a level where either cena or orton puts them over to real main event status. Its like to me christian is the first part of the steps and when he puts u over u will get a shot to fued with cena or orton and they are the guys who will really put u over. I honestly think cena and orton are gona be like a team working with young talent to put them over. I'm not sure there is a guy like bret hart who can put over a heel and a face. I think its gona be both cena and orton working together to build the future stars and christian is the guy who has to start the process.
Orton is right now. They seem to have been testing the waters with big names and newcomers. Cena helped get over Swagger, Orton's got over Legacy and Kofi. Cena buried the Miz? Yeah, that's why he's US Champion right now. Christian's doing it right now though, he made the whole ECW roster look good while still maintaining his greatness. Rey helped Ziggler solidify himself as competition. Like I said, testing the waters. There's a whole roster full of potential 'Bret Harts' right now.
The Bret Hart of today gotta be Christian for sure-- look at how much talent hes putting over like someone in this feud said he is re-igniting Shelton Benjamins talent!!! he is feuding with Regal who is turning into thee worst heels!!

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