Who will be the next WWE Champion who's never won it before?


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The way things are looking I would have to say Roman Reigns is the obvious choice for me. He has the look wwe loves and is way over with the crowd, I hope win whenever he does win it he'll still have to Shield by his side at least for a while.

Another choice is Bray Wyatt who I think if wwe wanted to could put the belt on him now when his feud with Cena is over but I don't see it happening. There the obvious choices to you see anyone else who could beat them two to become WWE World Heavyweight Champion for the first time?
Reigns, Cesaro and Bray are the obvious three. I'd also say Barrett as well because he has been so impressive but I would hardly say it's likely.

Cesaro still hasn't had the chance to speak. He is still establishing himself with Heyman and as a singles star so I won't say he will be champ anytime soon. There is plenty of life left in The Shield so Reigns won't have the opportunity to become champ until, in my opinion, WM31.

Bray seems a good shout. He has already feuded with top guys and after Cena the only place is down. The belt would be the only thing that keeps the interest up and, with Bryan injured, that could be a viable option.

As of right now, I reckon we see Reigns win the title at WM31. I can't see Cesaro winning it before then and I'm unsure about Bray. Bray winning wouldn't be a shock but, ultimately, Reigns is being built as a top guy.
I think ultimately Bryan will forfeit/be stripped of the title and the ultimate winner of that belt will be Bray Wyatt. The Cena/Wyatt feud has been some of the more refreshing stuff Cena has done in a while and it's certainly elevated Wyatt so I think WWE will keep that feud going but with the title as I find it hard to believe the feud goes beyond PayBack otherwise...

I just don't see them putting the title on Reigns. His mic work is subpar. I can see him being built as a believable challenger but ultimately losing (i.e. Ryback from 2 years ago). I'll even go as far as to say I think Ambrose will be world champion before Reigns. His mic work is underrated but will shine once he goes away from the shield.
I believe Bad News Barrett will win the title. He's on a roll and more than ready to be a world champion. As I said in a previous thread, I think IF wwe is going to put the title on Reigns then I think he will win the royal rumble and go on to face possibly the Rock and WM31. As for BNB, I see him winning MITB and cashing in on DB at summerslam.
Selfishly, I hope Reigns. :D

But in all seriousness, I could see Cesaro getting it soon. Maybe not the first one of these guys, but surely they can do something between himself and Lesnar/Heyman? I could be waaaaaaaaaay off with this one, but maybe Lesnar will win the title at something like Summerslam. Heyman then puts all his effort and gives all his attention towards him, leaving Cesaro as the odd man out. Obviously he'll be pissed Heyman's pretty much left him for dead, and then we can see a proper face turn from him and go after Lesnar.

I truly believe that Lesnar will come back as the heel with by far the most heat for obvious Wrestlemania reasons, moreso than the Authority currently has. Want to put Cesaro over? Have him take on the biggest heel in the company. But I do agree that I could also see Bray Wyatt knock on the title door soon. I personally would like to see Wyatt and Daniel Bryan feud again, but with Bray's eyes on the title rather than anything else. I marked out during their Royal Rumble match big time. They could tell some great stories in the ring, and I'm more than ready for this feud with Cena to end.

As for Reigns? They may start the main event grooming process for him at Summerslam if the rumours about him facing Triple H are true. But I agree that I doubt we'll see him winning the 'chip until at, or close to WM31.
I honestly dont see what everyone else sees in roman reigns. i think he is the worst of the three members of the shield and itll be a shame if he wins the title before ambrose.
bray i see as more of a jake the snake type, feuds with main eventers but never holding/not needing the title for story. a character like cena needs the title every so often, bray has plenty of stories to tell without the belt.
wade barrett if they dont give up on him is my pick. wade has the promo talent and will only get better in the ring. although if i had to pick a personal favorite id pick jerry lawler, i cant believe he has never held a title in wwe, and with lawler wanting to wrestle again an underdog story along with jerrys real story of the heart attack could make for a compelling short term reign while bryans out, then maybe lesnar wins the belt to feud with d bry.

If this guy keeps up the work he's already doing, he's going to be an amazing champion. He's got show stopper ability and good charisma. Reminds me of a young HBK type without the ego and drug/drinking problems Shawn once had. While Reigns is probably the popular choice, Rollins is really the guy who stands out in the Shield for me. Awesome move set, crisp ring work, not bad on the mic so far. Once the Shield splits I can see him taking whatever ball is offered and running with it until his legs fall off.
I feel like rollins might have had a chance but they just did bryan and with only one world title i just think WWE might be accepting smaller guys now but not to the point they'll have more then one. I haven't seen or not seen for that matter enough character from rollins anyway, he seems intense enough and confident but really need a singles run to see if he can get over enough
Bray Wyatt. The company is really behind him. Feuded with former world champions - Kane, Punk, Cena and Bryan.

I'm sure Cena will get the win at Payback. However, the result for Wyatt's persistence could be a title run. It wouldn't surprise me if he's WWE WHC and Rowan/Harper are the tag champs
1). Stephanie McMahon-Levesque... Brie Bella vs. Steph McMahon for Daniel Bryans WWE World Heavyweight Champion.. If Brie wins Bryan retains, if Steph wins the belt is returned to the authority.

Another for me is Cody Rhodes as face. I would not be surprised if they gave him a money in the bank briefcase or even had him shock win thr Royal Rumble. He is a prime age to get a push, has a ton of experience in ring.. Cody & The Dream vs. anybody like Orton, Batista, HHH, Lesnar for the title would interest me.

Ultimately.. Ambrose (best option), Wyatt, Rollins, and Cesaro are ready now. I'm not convinced Reigns is ready to carry the belt as a face (i.e. a new Cena) and for me Barrett needs a little time to cement his gimic.
The way things are looking I would have to say Roman Reigns is the obvious choice for me. He has the look wwe loves and is way over with the crowd, I hope win whenever he does win it he'll still have to Shield by his side at least for a while.

Another choice is Bray Wyatt who I think if wwe wanted to could put the belt on him now when his feud with Cena is over but I don't see it happening. There the obvious choices to you see anyone else who could beat them two to become WWE World Heavyweight Champion for the first time?
I wish Roman Reigns would have a chance to win the world heavy weight title - but I think I have it figured out , now think really hard about what i'm going to say - ok ? ok , now think back when triple HHH had tried to persuade Daniel Bryan into the corporate, , daniel bryan came out that night all dressed in the corporate suit and then threw it all back into Triple hhh's face , OK, i THINK that seth rollings is going to win the world heavy weight title and then turn the tables on the corporation and join back with the shield.. Now you watch and see if I AM RIGHT OR NOT
Reigns, Cesaro and Bray are the obvious three. I'd also say Barrett as well because he has been so impressive but I would hardly say it's likely.

Cesaro still hasn't had the chance to speak. He is still establishing himself with Heyman and as a singles star so I won't say he will be champ anytime soon. There is plenty of life left in The Shield so Reigns won't have the opportunity to become champ until, in my opinion, WM31.

Bray seems a good shout. He has already feuded with top guys and after Cena the only place is down. The belt would be the only thing that keeps the interest up and, with Bryan injured, that could be a viable option.

As of right now, I reckon we see Reigns win the title at WM31. I can't see Cesaro winning it before then and I'm unsure about Bray. Bray winning wouldn't be a shock but, ultimately, Reigns is being built as a top guy.

I don't think Barrett will ever win. Great wrestler, yet another repackaging, IC Champion again following the repackaging.

Seems like they dropped the ball on him again just like they did early last year, trying to put over The Miz - I'm hoping they don't bring back Miz just to be put over by Barrett again
I would like either Roman Reigns or Wade Barrett to be the next first time world Hampton, both of these guys are amazing and if you ask me Barrett should have held the title long before now.
I think Roman Reigns is the most likely to be the next 1st time WWE World Heavyweight Champion. It's clear that WWE have big plans for him, and I fully expect him to win the title at next year's WrestleMania.

I reckon we will see Cesaro and Wyatt as Champion in the future, but I don't see WWE putting the gold on either of them before Reigns gets his chance to become the face of the company. He's got everything WWE look for in their top level players. The interesting thing for me is, who does he beat for the title at 'Mania, who is the champ going into that PPV?

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