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Who Will Be The Next Randomly Paired Tag Team?

Diet Soda

Mustang Sally <3
Following on from the release of Tyler Reks this week, it is likely that a new tag team will form to take the place of Reks and Hawkins. While they were not main roster regulars, they would be found frequently on Superstars and NXT.

WWE has a history of taking 2 singles superstars and putting them together to add depth to the tag team division, the incumbent title holders are such an example.

I want to use this thread to brainstorm/predict what the newest addition to the tag team title race will be.

1. Curt Hawkins and Heath Slater
Slater's One Man Band gimmick has managed to get himself over as a heel, but he can only go so far in getting squashed by legends. Curt Hawkins, with his coat and cane, carries a similar brand of self-loving arrogance, and yet has failed to make a name for himself as a singles competitor. So with Slater running out of things to do and Hawkins without a partner, these two with their overlapping images and gimmicks may do very well as a heel tag team.

2. Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd
Let's face it, high flying tag teams are popular as hell. Gabriel is fairly over with a sizable proportion of the crowd with his pretty boy looks and athletic skills. The same can be said for Tyson, whose push has unfortunately slowed down after his brief rise around the time of Money in the Bank. I don't see why they wouldn't work.

3. Alex Riley and Zack Ryder
Riley can be a bro, surely? He is surprisingly popular, as is Ryder, so they wouldn't need an especially outlandish new gimmick - just 2 midcard faces getting along.

4. Alex Riley and Ted DiBiase
See above.

5. Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre
Same reason as 3 and 4, just swap the word face for heel. Tag teams like Right to Censor and Le Resistance usually won their titles using underhanded, cheap, unclean finishes which frustrated the losers and garnered major heat from the crowd. I can imagine these two doing just the same.

6. Kane and Tensai
Though Kane is in limbo as regards to whether he is a face or heel, if he were to revert back to the latter, teaming with Tensai would provide the division with a pair of powerhouse bad guys that would provide a challenging dynamic to the cruiserweight babyfaces I've already mentioned. David and Goliath stories are always popular in WWE.

Go forth and multiply.
I'd like to see this happen, even though it sounds outlandish:

Take the titles off Kofi and R-Truth. Have a lower mid card heelish guy like Hawkins or Slater approach R-Truth and convince him that they are related to Little Jimmy. They form a team destroying people as Little Jimmy requests. This might have even been done before IDK I've been away from WWE for a while.

I like your suggestions as well but I would do something different with Tyson Kidd, he's too amazing of a talent for a bland babyface duo. Needs something of substance to get him over.
Man, Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd ALREADY ARE a tag team. They were on the Wrestlemania pre-show this year and had teamed beforehand and have since. And Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre? Already been tag team champions before. I would go with the re-branding of Hawkins and Ryder as a team, but if I had to choose one team at complete random, I'd say......Rey Mysterio and Ryback.
Diet Soda and Yazloz, That would be a Rookie of the Year team right there ;)

I'd love to see Heath Slater team with Ryback, mostly for shits and giggles. They could have a dynamic where Ryback actually uses Slater as a form of offense, such as throwing him at opponents, or swinging him around like a ginger haired club.

Seriously picture Ryback hoisting up Slater, throwing him at an opponent, and Slater hits him with a cross body for the pin.
Diet Soda and Yazloz, That would be a Rookie of the Year team right there ;)

Yay! :icon_mrgreen:

I'd love to see Heath Slater team with Ryback, mostly for shits and giggles. They could have a dynamic where Ryback actually uses Slater as a form of offense, such as throwing him at opponents, or swinging him around like a ginger haired club.

Seriously picture Ryback hoisting up Slater, throwing him at an opponent, and Slater hits him with a cross body for the pin.

What if Slater was also taking cookery classes at the same time?
Ryback would keep demanding "feed me more", and Slater would be exhausted from being chucked around in the ring and having to sort out dinner every night as well.
Ryback's character would work a lot better if it was an amalgamation of the Incredible Hulk and Ralph Kramden from The Honeymooners.
I miss when big names held the titles. I remember when Austin, Rock, Warrior, DX, NWO, Evolution, Horsemen, the goal was to hold all belts and treat it like it was a top belt.
I also believe they need more top guys to hold them and better storyline and matches to bring back the presteige of not just the tag team but also IC and US

****Ok the list***
Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio = Sin-Mysterio (why not, they can use both more and bring the value of the title up cause someone like Mysterio hold them)

Miz and Slater = Reality of Rock (I think they would be great together just by the gimmicks or characters alone)

Ted Debise Jr and Otunga = Money Inc 2.0 (Otunga being a lawyer is almost like the IRS, maybe they even buy Ricardo, "cause everybody has a price")

Alberto, Camacho, and Hunico = The Cartels (Maybe Alberto buys them to help him win and they become a fraction/stable)

Justin Gabriel and Evan Air Bourne = Just-In-Air (I miss highflying tag teams)

Truth and Kofi = T/K (I like them as is for the most part)

Truth and Henry = Truth of Pain or the Pain of Truth (I wouldn&#8217;t mind these two either)

Trent Barreta, Curt Hawkins, and Slater = Job Squad 2.0 (pin us pay us)

Ryan Mason and Ezekiel Jackson = Total Annihilation or Destruction of Doom (see how I played with two of the most powerful tag team names in the last one. But i think they need a power team)
I say put the two angriest guys in the WWE together right now and let them take out all the aggression and anger issues on the rest of the roster and let them have a nice Tag Team title run while their at it. Of course I am talking about teaming Daniel Bryan and Kane. They already sport the same color scheme in their tights so they would look good together in the ring. Kane teaming with the much smaller X-Pac worked well back in the day so I think teaming with Bryan would work well now. Plus with them being angry about everything all time, you have the built in way to end the feud down the road with them just ultimately getting so pissed at each other that they split up and have a one on one feud.
I like the idea of Hawkins and Slater.
They could team well for a while then Hawkins could lose them a few matches with Slater getting more and more anoyed each time. Eventually Slater thinks enough is enough and hits Hawkins over the head with a guitar screaming "I am a ONE MAN BAND baby!!!" Turning face at the same time.
I do agree that they will put together a new 'Put-together-2-random-superstars-and-make-a-tag-team'.. i'm suggesting one of these:

Brodus Clay & Santino Marella - 2 comedy gimmicks, Santino has just lost the title and Brodus has finished with Sandow, perhaps it could work as the crowd (mainly kids) love them and i could see them as champs someday.

Alex Riley & Mason Ryan - why, because i said so, they aren't doing anything, why not put them together as they don't have any personality but Riley does seem to be slightly over.

Mason Ryan & Mark Henry - I do expect Henry to be back in the WHC picture when he returns but to 'monsters' teaming? why not.

Michael Henning & Johnny Curtis - They seem to team on NXT, so why not have them as a legit team.

Tensai & Sakamoto - I know Sakamoto isn't a wrestler on TV but Tensai could do all the work.

Trent Beretta & Sin Cara - Another high flying team, why not?
Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder: With Tyler Reks leaving WWE, I'd say re-team the former Major Brothers. Keep them in their individual gimmicks but give them small bits like a matching color scheme. Have Hawkins appear on Zack's YouTube show more often.

Alex Riley & Zack Ryder: If they don't go with the Hawkins/Ryder reunion, I say pair Riley with Ryder. A-Ry and Z-Ry rolls off the tongue pretty well, and they're both similar in terms of being underutilized in spite of cult-like fan followings. However, I do not want either man to be turned into a clone of the other. It should just be, as a previous poster pointed out, two midcard faces getting along. Also, Riley should appear on Zack's YouTube show more often. He already makes really cool and funny Tout videos.

Trent Barretta & Zack Ryder: Trent is already a regular on Zack's show, so teaming them wouldn't be too far fetched.

Alberto Del Rio & Ricardo Rodriguez: Del Rio needs something to do when they finally get him away from the World Title. Ricardo can do his own introductions a la Mr. Anderson.

Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara: They've teamed a few times already. Rey's injuries are piling up, and Sin Cara can't talk. The two of them can help each other out. Rey can do the mic work, and Sin Cara can do most of the ring work.

Daniel Bryan & Kane : This seems like a logical direction to the AJ/Bryan Anger Management storyline. Have them randomly win the tag titles out of nowhere. Let them be an odd couple team kind of like Angle & Benoit during the Attitude Era and SmackDown Six days.

Tensai & Sakamoto: Just have Sakamoto wrestle. Let him get smacked around by the faces before Tensai just blind tags his way in and destroys.

Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger: I don't see why they broke these guys up. Have Swagger attack Sheamus and help Ziggler cash in the briefcase. Give these two a Two Man Power Trip or Jeri-Show type of run.
Ted Dibiase & Curt Hawkins- A while ago, Curt was calling himself "The Party Starter". Turn Curt face (if he is anything right now). Dibiase is well known for his "Dibiase Posse" parties. Why not put them together based on this, have them host the WWE pre-party events Dibiase claims to have. They don't certainly have to win gold, but they would be a nice addition to the tag team division. They're both former tag champions as well in their own right.

Ted Dibiase & Alberto Del Rio- Turn Dibiase heel again, give him Daddy's gimmick, but push the gimmick harder. Give Ted a run with the IC title after buying it (kayfabe) off the Miz for several thousands of dollars. Literally have him say, "I'll give you (X amount) of money if you lay down in this ring and let me pin you for the IC title. Have Del Rio approach him in the coming weeks and ask if he'd like to build his gold collection by teaming together. Have ADR and Ted buy the tag titles (maybe by then the PTP's will have them, and they're out to make money), and then numerous faces can challenge with a cash prize going to the team that can take them away from them.

Zack Ryder/Curt Hawkins/Trent Baretta/Derrick Bateman- Have them team together as the "New Dudebusters". If they win gold, they could defend the titles under Freebird rules.

Kane & Daniel Bryan or Zack Ryder- An odd couple pairing. Kind of reminiscent of Kane and X-Pac. Kane and Zack would be odd because of the whole wheelchair, "breaking" Zack's back, and Daniel Bryan because of their recent feud. I thought Zack and Kane would be pretty good just because the history between them, the potential for Kane to crack a joke or two at Zack's expense, and maybe possible scenes as Kane being Zack's wingman or something at a club.

Brodus Clay & Santino Marella- Obviously because they'd score big with the children's demographic. Huge merchandise pushing team. Arguably two of the most over superstars with kids over the roster.

Alex Riley & Johnny Curtis- Riley used to have his High School Varsity jock gimmick going. With WWE's "Be A Star" initiative, have Riley, Curtis, and whoever else just bully people, and have them be foiled in their attempts to be ********s each week as a comedy relief segment with a message against bullying.

Heath Slater & The Honky Tonk Man- Sure, this won't be a LONG TERM tag team, but it would be fun to watch as Heath is a rising figure in the WWE as an obnoxious heel and his "One Man Band" gimmick. Honky Tonk, being an obnoxious country music star gimmick could mentor Heath and even serve as his tag partner.

Justin Gabriel & Tyson Kidd- These two have teamed together on several occasions. There's no denying that there is an in ring chemistry with these two. They'd make an excellent long term team.

David Otunga & Damien Sandow- Both characters based off of their intelligence. One may be a lawyer, and the other kind of a philosopher, but they are both characters who could win using clever, creative... ahem... "strategy" as opposed cleanly winning.
Big Zeke and Otunga- Ehh, why not. Big guys with great looks. Adds a big man team to clash with the smaller ones.

McIntyre and Mcgillicutty- Neither of these guys have anything working for them. Their looks and in-ring skills would stand good together. They would make one hell of a team in mine eyes.

Tatsu and Barreta- Highflyers that can bring some interest to the division. They would add a bit more diversity and have great matches with guys like Primo and Epico.
Curt Hawkins & Drew McIntyre

Curt Hawkins and Drew McIntyre would be a good one worth thinking about. It's also one I could see happening. WWE throw guys together randomly all the time. Neither one of them really have much else to do, so why not have them team up? Hawkins has always had a revolving door of random tag team partners who either move on to bigger and better things like Ryder or get future endeavoured like Archer and Reks. I've been a supporter of the idea for a gimmick change for Hawkins although that seems like it will never happen. If he is just going to keep having random tag teams then I would like to see this one. At least then he'd be teaming with someone who doesn't suck like Archer/Reks and isn't in a character that's identical to him like Ryder was back when they teamed.

I'm a huge fan of McIntyre as well, so giving him something to do is something I'd never be against. The team could help him get exposure onscreen again, not to mention that the division needs more names. They could put on good matches against Air Truth or the PTP. I'd obviously rather see both guys achieving singles success, but this is the next best thing. Both deserve a push and this is a way to give them both an angle during a time neither really has anything relevant going on. Give them Drew's entrance theme, the extended version. It'd fit great if they won the Tag Team Championship.
Money Inc 2.0

Mcgillicutty/Rhodes for the Tag team titles Otunga for the IC Championship Orton four the World Title and Dibase Jr as their manager.
God willing no one. I'm so sick of thrown together tag teams. I want established tag teams with chemistry. Teams like Kings of Wrestling, Worlds Greatest Tag Team, etc etc. I've had enough with taking two mid carders or two main eventers and throwing them together to run the division for a bit before they split. Just get some established tag teams and go already. This random pairing of people is one thing I feel is destroying the credability of the tag team division.
God willing no one. I'm so sick of thrown together tag teams. I want established tag teams with chemistry. Teams like Kings of Wrestling, Worlds Greatest Tag Team, etc etc. I've had enough with taking two mid carders or two main eventers and throwing them together to run the division for a bit before they split. Just get some established tag teams and go already. This random pairing of people is one thing I feel is destroying the credability of the tag team division.

Where do you think those established started out at though? I get what you are saying, but all teams start out as a random pairing. Yeah there are some teams out there that the WWE could bring in that are already established, but pairing up low card guys who aren't going anywhere is a cheaper alternative for them, and if those guys don't get over then they simply go back to be jobbers. Most of the big name tag teams that were or currently are on the indy circuit aren't over as singles guys.
Where do you think those established started out at though? I get what you are saying, but all teams start out as a random pairing. Yeah there are some teams out there that the WWE could bring in that are already established, but pairing up low card guys who aren't going anywhere is a cheaper alternative for them, and if those guys don't get over then they simply go back to be jobbers. Most of the big name tag teams that were or currently are on the indy circuit aren't over as singles guys.

Edge and Christian, The Hardy Boys, The Dudley Boys, The Legion of Doom, The Freebirds, Too Cool, etc etc etc I could go on but you should be getting the picture. Some of, if not the absolute best, tag teams in the history of professional wrestling where not random pairings they where people who worked together, as a tag team, in the indies or together growing up, and have a lot of chemistry.

You don't get great tag teams by taking two guys and throwing them together it's built from years of working together and knowing how to function together as a unit. Kofi and R-Truth, Airboom, Jerishow, RatedRKO, I could go but you get the point, those teams never had that kind of chemistry and while they could be entertaining to watch in the end they did nothing good for the division and as I said imo they have only contributed to it's decline.
The Doctor of Thugnomics said it first. Daniel Bryan & Kane. There both singles superstars but it wouldnt be so "random" as they have worked together and have a storyline together. It could go as part of there anger management class where they have to team up. I liken it to the days of Goldust & Booker T, they were commical yet you knew they were good enough to beat anyone.
I also like the Doctor of Thuganomics idea of Kane and Daniel Bryan. Anger management doesn't work for them lol and they run over everyone together. It would be a better random pairing than some, and I think at the very least we would be much entertained by these two together.
The WWE should go ahead and put Zack Ryder & Ted Dibiase together. Both of them aren't doing anything on television right now, and they have their own cult following in the Zack Pack & the Dibiase Posse, so why not merge the Pack & the Posse together? They would make a good team, and would likely be the most over team in the WWE today if they got together.
Trent Barreta & Yoshi Tatsu- They've teamed in the past and been very fluid in the ring together. They could do good things as a highflying Gabriel-Kidd-esque tag team.

Mason Ryan & Alex Riley- I don't know why, but I always thought these two could make a great tag team. They're my Tag Champs in WWE 12. I just think they could do some impressive things if they teamed together, neither are doing anything big, and both need someone else to lead them through matches and Mason needs someone to help him get over, so I think they could benefit from each other.

Johnny Curtis & Michael McGillicutty- These two have been teaming on NXT, so why not make them a true team... Perfectly Weird. They can go in the ring, and are decent on the mic, so I think they could make for a good team.
I don't think it's healthy for the division to have a new mix & match tag team every few months. Where WWE have gone wrong in the past, is when it's pulled the trigger on a tag team too soon. Teams like the Hart Dynasty and Cryme Tyme maybe even Deuce & Domino and London & Kendrick could be carrying the division had WWE not broke them up so soon. If you had a mixture of those tag team veterans that could still go at their age mixed with new up and comers like the PTP's & Primo & Epico, it could be cool to watch again. The only problem with building the division with these mix & match teams is that WWE randomly puts them together, they tag for a few months, maybe even win the title and then before you know it, They're GAWN. If WWE wants to make the division credible again, they need to keep tag teams together for the long run rather than mix & match new teams every few weeks or months

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