New Tag Teams

Tag Team wrestling has always been a huge selling point for me in pro wrestling. Good teams can make or break a product, sell pay-per-views and ignite a crowd at any moment. Unfortunately it's sort of a lost art in today's scene; the best we can hope for is a few thrown together unions that actually "click". Some work, most don't. Gone are the days when guys go into the business together, work developmental together, and go 10-15 years as a tag team...together. But I think given a little bit of time to work and a creative focus, the WWE could put togeter one hell of a division.

The trick is simple: consistency. Don't break up a team the minute they lose the belts. Don't make the division all about the two teams in the title hunt; work on angles outside of the championship picture. Feature them on Superstars and Smackdown; let them build chemistry together so we can get great tag matches again.

Here are some of the teams I think WWE could throw together (or back together again) to make a great division. Again,t he trick is simply to allow them a long time to grow, not just pair them for a month and then break them up again.

Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins: I've heard many people describe this idea as a "big step down" for Ryder. Why? What's he stepping down from? The last time he was relevant was pre-WrestleMania, and only because he was working in John Cena's shadow. He's still got some pop left to him, so I suggest turning him heel and teaming him with Curt Hawkisn. Use all that pent up aggression over the past few years. Site how unhappy he must be after so many of his friends getting fired, losing his girlfriend to John Cena, never getting matches on Raw or PPV, WWE editing his YouTube show, etc etc. I think he has way more potential heel again, and it would give Hawkins a great opportunity.

Epico & Primo: Outside of being technically solid they have so little to offer. But a team is a team, and I'm never going to shy away from solid workers that have established themselves in the division.

Prime Time Players: I still don't like them, with or without A.W. I do think Titus O'Neil is comical though, it's simply black-Cena that I can't stand. But they've spent time getting them a gimmick that (sort of) works, it'd be a shame to give up on them now. I honestly can't see either going far on their own, so might as well keep them together.

Kane & Daniel Bryan: A long-term investment could prove great things for the division. I'm realistic, Kane isn't going to be around forever and Daniel Bryan doesn't want to spend the peak of his career in a tag team. That's fine. But give them at least a few months before you go breaking them up. Maybe even until WRestleMania, for a big payoff.

The Usos: Now here is your long-term investment. The Usos could be a team for a very, very long time if WWE took their fingers out of their butts and started doing something creatively with them. Easily the best ring workers in the divsion; easily the best entrance. They have so much to offer, and I have no idea why they're still with the WWE after not being used for so very long.

Justin Gabriel & Tyson Kidd: Two of the best, most under-rated workers in WWE today. Legitimate cruiserweights and phenomenal high flyers. They could easily be the new Londrick, if given some time with the belts. I see no long-term for either guy as a singles star; at least right now. Keep them together, give them a title hunt soon!

The Kings of Wrestling: This isn't going to happen... Unfortunately, WWE sees more value in them as singles stars, than as a staple in the tag team division. I think that's ludicrous, as they're easily one of the best teams in the world today. But I'm listing them, because they should be a team. Nobody gives a damn about Antonio Cesaro, or his half-assed Styles Clash finisher. Say that in five languages...

David Otunga & Ricardo Rodrigues: Here's a hilarious idea, pair up Alberto del Rio's ring announcer and lawyer for comedy shenanigans!

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