Who will be the next person to have their first WWE title reign?

I could see the next guy being Ted DiBiase. He's probably going to be feuding with Orton through Mania and assuming this happens he'll be right in the main event picture. I can't see the WWE putting a championship on a first-timer between the Rumble and Mania so I see DiBiase as the guy in the best position to make a run for a championship after Mania.
Definitely The Miz in my opinion. One thing the WWE in general are lacking are decent Main Event Heels. With Sheamus' character not being really developed yet, and Randy Orton being very debatable where he stands right now with the fans, The Miz would make a great face champion, but with cocky heel characteristics, like Christian is now.

Miz for World Champion 2010 methinks. ;)
I think the next guy to be WWE Champion who's never held the belt before will be Ted DiBiase, as I've seen huge potential in this guy ever since his debut in 2008. He's a pretty big guy, and his wrestling skills are really good. He's also very good on the mic, and I always felt that he was the one carrying the tag team of Legacy. His feud with Orton (if WWE goes through with it), is something I'm really looking forward to heading into WM 26, and I think that is going to the final push he needs to get him into that main event spotlight.
the miz john morrison or shelton benjimen should be the next champion. shelton benjimen should of been champion ages ago people saay his got no mic skills but on smackdown theirs less talking and all three are great wrestlers they need desirve and should have the championship Now:banghead:
There are actually quite a few future world champions who will cause quite the stir sooner or later. First and also perhaps the most obvious choice is The Miz. I mean, what also do I need to say that hasn't been said already? I mean, really? The Miz has grown as an athlete more so than anyone in his class. He is excellent in everything he does. So much so that we may as well start calling him the new Excellence of Execution. Mic, ring, et cetera. Everything The Miz touches turns to gold. After The Miz, most of my choices are very opinionated and limited to my equally limited knowledge of wrestling. Starting with Kofi Kingston, who proved he can become a big star during his short lived feud with Randy Orton in late 2009-early 2010, this man clearly has the potential to become a great champion. He is popular, his mic skills can be developed to new heights and his in-ring work is great. Like everybody also, however, there's much room for growth. Give the man another year or two and we will perhaps see him realize his true potential. Ted DiBiase is another likely candidate to become a huge star in the future. I foresee a career similar to Orton's own set before Ted. He has the genetics to succeed, or so it is said. While his mic work isn't exactly as priceless as his former tag team was so often called, his in-ring performances haven't been bad. He has shown he can keep up with his better counterparts (i.e. Randy Orton, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, John Cena, et cetera). Drew McIntyre is obviously included on the list for the man is solid gold. Mic work could use some much needed improvements, but his in-ring performance is quite stellar. Whether or not he was personally signed by Vince, well, that's beyond the point. I can see this man easily becoming the future face of the WWE. And finally, Shad. The man is big, and has a lot of physical attributes few of the younger athletes do. His split from former tag teammate JTG is perhaps leading him into a successful singles career.

While everyone has equal opportunity, and one can clearly argue against that, it all comes down to individual ambition and hard work. A Superstars rise to fame and stay at the top entirely up to each individual. Certainly we cannot know for sure just how much drama goes on in the locker room, but at the end of the day, it wasn't random luck or chance that put guys like The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold and et cetera on the map. It was hard work. Worthy mentions relating to NXT are: Daniel Bryan, Wade Barrett, Heath Slater, and Justin Gabriel. With some hard work and good orientation, these four can go further than just reality television and become credible Superstars.
the miz!! besides his great mic and ring skills his story is really good, to come from a reality show(the real world) where he pretended to be a wrestler and he then gets a shot with the wwe and rises to through the ranks to beccome champ is very impressive.
MIZ MIZ MIZ all the effin way. This guy has got it all, hes got the mic skills, good in ring, a lot of charisma, basically he's got the whole package. It also seems that WWE are very high on him on how they are treating him at the moment so there is no one else in my mind except him. He'll make a brilliant champion aswell. The only thing I would like to see from him is a new finisher, other than that, brilliant.

Christian in my opinion also deserves a good world title push as he's well over with the fans but I can't see it happening to be honest because of his tna history and I can't see Vince allowing him. He does deserve it though after basically carrying ECW last year even though it's been scrapped now.
Christian, for the reason that he actually deserves it more than anyone at this point. yes he held the ecw champion, but that's about it, he isn't doing much right now apart from that little feud with ted dibiase, and No I don't think he will win the million dollar champion. So christian is my favourite to win it next, maybe who knows he wins the MITB match at the ppv and wins the wwe title at summerslam.
I think it would come down to the Miz or Ted Dibiase Jnr for the win. Get Miz to lose his titles and the next week somehow in a weird Twist Of Fate win the big one, first challenger could possibly be Big Show? or maybe Jericho (having a bit of SowMiz/ JeriShow rivalry). As for Teddy boy, turn him face possibly by having Cody return and attack him for not stopping Orton from punting him into oblivion at WM26, setting up a nice fued between two future main eventer's.
The next new WWE Champion is whoever wins NXT(except for Danielson who will go after the US Championship).

It makes sense. Why would WWE make a title match a prize.And as unpredictable WWE has been in 2010 why not?
I could see the Miz winning the WWE championship eventually. He makes a fantastic heel. He's great in the ring and one of the best guys on the mic on the roster.

I also think Christian could win the world heavyweight title this year, moving him to Smackdown puts him in prime position to be a top face on the show.
Before the draft I would have said to suggest anyone other than The Miz would be stupid, but with him staying on Raw and Raw being clogged up with stars, I have to think it will be Christian taking the World Heavyweight Title from Swagger.
I have a feeling WWE will have The Miz find a tag team partner and keep the Miz/Hart rivalry going, so that's not gonna happen anytime soon, as much as I would like to see it happen.

In the immediate future, however, I believe Ted Dibiase has/will have what it takes to be a great WWE Champion. He's got the mic skills. He's got the wrestling skills. He's got the Hall of Fame father from whom he gets some, if not most, of his moves from in the first place. All he needs is the same amount of TV time he had with Legacy and it will be a matter of time before you see him carry that belt to the ring with him. As for when he'll get his shot, I think he's ready for it as soon as Over the Limit, but tha obviously won't happen either. I hope he gets a shot at it before Summerslam, but you never know.

As for Smackdown, I agree with every Peep in this thread. Yeah, Christian may be getting old, but he's still got it. And now that most of the main eventers are on Raw going head-to-head with TNA, the only real obstacles between Christian and the World Heavyweight title are Jack Thwagger and, when he returns, The Undertaker. I can see this happening really soon as well.

But for now, here's my Top 5 list:
1. Ted DiBiase (I see that "IT" factor in him that get him far, and fast.)
2. Christian (He's beaten Jack Swagger with a title on the line many times before, and he can definately do it again.)
3. The Miz (I'll move him up as soon as the Hart Dynasty rivalry is over, but for now, this is where he belongs.)
4. the winner of NXT (One of the grand prizes for the winner is a WWE/World Heavyweight Title shot.)
5. Evan Bourne (I know, I know. But WWE has done much, MUCH crazier things. Besides, he's a fan favorite, and I believe he could make a great Champ someday.)
I hope it's one of three guys: Christian, CM Punk or Drew McIntyre. Christian has paid his dues, and proven his loyalty since returning from his TNA defection. Christian and Punk are, in my book, the two best combination mic/in ring workers that the WWE has to offer right now, rivaled only by possibly Chris Jericho. CC and Punk are actually remarkably similar in extremely opposite ways. Both are very natural on the mic, both make you want to hear what they have to say, and they both get huge crowd reactions, whether it's cheers for CC or heat for Punk. What cracks me up about Punk is that he doesn't even need to SAY anything and he gets heat. In addition to their mic work, these guys are amazing ring psychologists and both have very sizable move sets. Christian desperately needs a new finisher imo; the "Killswitch" (I can't get used to saying that, it's the Unprettier dammit!) takes too long to set up and is way too easy to get out of even when it IS set up. Other than that though I love his "signature" moves, like the sunset flip pin off the turnbuckle, the corner double kick to the head, the inverted DDT...all moves that he uses in almost every match. And Punk is just a brilliant technician. He uses all kinds of different moves in his matches, whether it's random kicks, or submissions, or throws, he's extremely good at what he does.

The only other guy aside from Christian and Punk that I can see winning a big title within the next few months is Drew freaking McIntyre. I feel like his pushed has plateaued and he needs to lose his Intercontinental Title to somebody like Kane so he can go after the WHC. He's another one of those rare guys that are really great on the mic AND in the ring at the same time, just not on the same level as Punk and Christian.
I honestly think it's a tossup between Miz and Morrison, probably Miz first. The Miz has impressed me greatly over the last year. When Jericho retires and passes the torch, Miz would be the one to take that particular role. WWE is screaming for a strong heel with powerful mic skills; Miz is just that. I'm glad they've built him up slowly, but sooner or later, he'll lose that US title and start going for the big one. I envisage this happening as soon as early 2011. He'd be a good candidate to win the Royal Rumble (it's a heel's turn to win it anyway). John Morrison is another strong possibility. I don't like to call him the next HBK, but there are similarities and Morrison has the "it" factor. Let's see if he can create a legacy for himself.
I don't know who is next, but I personally think Ted DiBiase should have a run as champion pretty soon. Maybe do a program with Randy Orton or Cody Rhodes. Just a thought.

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