Who will be the next person to have their first WWE title reign?

The Deadly Viper

WWE or Computers I know my stuff
OFF TOPIC :My 1st thread offically as my last one got merged. I hope this isn't a bad thread to kick off with.

Now I have been wondering this for a while as to who we could see as the next WWE champ. There are a few people who are on my mind at the moment. I think the next champion we will see will be either Kofi Kingston or MVP, this is as they are both amazing in-ring performers as they have shown us, and I hope it pays off as I would love to see that.

Thoughts below as I would love to see your opinion
i would have to go with koif i just dont think mvp is ever gunna get the belt dont get me wrong i'm a fan of his its just that hes gunna be one of those guys that are great (e.g. mr. perfect, rick rude) that nevere get the wwe belt mvp will main event matches and maybe ppv but hes always gunna be wit the ic/us title sceen btw i would love it if swagger won it 2
I'm going to pull out a shock name here and it's someone who I never EVER expected to get anywhere in the WWE, let alone become a credible title holder and that person is AWESOME. The Miz will be the next new WWE champion! Every time I see this guy he impresses me more and more and I'm starting to see massive potential.
At the minute with the way WWE is a champ needs to be a great in ring talent and also cut a good promo and have good mic skills.

I hope Kofi is the next but his on camera talents aint that good, but The Miz is a great mic guy and good to watch in the ring. I hope in a year or so they both feud for the title either WWE or World Heavyweight.
not really sure, im gonna go with a heel though, i don't really see any face wrestler doing it except kofi and i doubt that would happen anytime soon, miz could do it one day, i hated him at first but u can't deny his mic skills and his in ring ability is improving... well anyway, either one of the above or a member from legacy
I'll go for Santino in a obviously total fluke match to be a "transitional" champ for a week. Just think of the promos he would give being the champ. The whole RAW the following week could be all about him in perfect comedy segments before being totally destroyed in his first defence when he challenges "ANYONE IN THE CHANGING ROOM".
If we are talking the next person to become a world champ like either raw or smackdown then i would have to go with john morrion! his great in the ring great on the mic and just seems to have great matchs with everone! since his been on smackdown he has has superb matchs with the likes of cm punk, edge, mysterio, ziggler and jericho so morrison would have to be my pick. But if we are talking the wwe championship, so raw, then i would have to go with The Miz ! he has stepped it up bigtime, like some one else said in a post a few above this, never everr would have predicted that miz would make it this far! ! ! so one of the greatest tag teams in recent memory in the wwe, miz and morrison, i think they will both be world champions some time this year !
my personal favourite for the next champ is christian
just think about it!!!
this guy has the charisma,amazing in ring and mic skills,he is a solid worker too and can put up a great match at any time!!!
i hope that the next new world champ will be either John Morrison or Shelton Benjamin i know shelton is crap on the mic but i still like him.... but wwe championship definatly the miz.. he really is awesome! and he would defs make a good fued with kofi as many people have already said
For smackdown John Morrison because right now he's the only one who has never been a world champion and is next in the title picture. I also like his character his entrance and his Bret Hart like give his sunglasses to a kid thing. I love John Morrison favorite mid card on smackdown. As for Raw the miz because earlier last year losing matches no chance in hell would I think of him being world champions but now he's the Miz and he's AWESOME and it's true I became a Miz fan at the end of last year and he is going to be the next world champions PERIOD.
No idea. There isn't going to be another one until at least April, as new champions don't get crowned in the run up to WrestleMania, and Sheamus will probably hold on to his ntil then. For everyone else, it is a matter of how they are booked over that period. There is a case for Miz, Morrison, Christian and Kofi, based on how they've been booked recently. I think the most likely reality is that Kofi or Christian are drafted to Smackdown and pick one up there. It's hard to say though, none of them are stand out candidates right now.
If you'd have asked this question 3-4 months ago, I'd have said Kofi Kingston hands down. They were building him, pitting him against Orton, but unfortunatly, he seems to have lost that push.

Now, I've seen a couple people said Miz and Morrison will become the next champs on their respective shows. I think that would be AWESOME (Miz pun intended there) simply because it would break a multi-year chain. How many times does WWE break up a good tag team, and both guys go on to become champions? Some off the top of my head would be Rockers, Hart Foundation, E&C, the Hardyz, and the list goes on. I think the E should give it to the Miz and Morrison, Both guys have the talent, the charisma, and most importaintly IMO, the crowd reaction. And no, I'm not marking out for the Miz...when this guy came to WWE, he annoyed me to no end, but I think he's since proved that he really does want to be a superstar, not just a Real World dropout spotlight hog.
The first time champ this year i think it will b kofi or the miz i pick both of them bcause kofi might win mitb this year n cash it in by summer or he will the elimination chamber match i dont say he will win the rumble bcause we might have lameass vs HHH in mania..i also say the miz bcause he will drop the US TITLE to mvp and he could get draft to smackdown n challenge the champ there
Mike Knox LOLLL that would be as bad as the sheamus crap going on now at raw.
no racism included but, damn irishman:banghead:

but with all honesty i think john morrison, ever since he became a competitor on smackdown he has been phenomenal, his world title match against jeff hardy a few months back which i think everyone has forgotten but me, was one of the best matches ive ever seen, and at one point i thought morrison would have won the biggest match of his life but of course jeff had to keep it, dont get me wrong i dont hate jeff hardy, im a huge fan but it would have been such an amazing twist if morrison won the title and i believe the WWE missed that boat but it hasnt sailed yet because they can give morrison a title shot at the biggest stage of them all... MANIA

does anyone remember when there was the HBK/Undertaker fued going on, and undertaker comes to raw and makes a complete ass of himself by calling wrestlemania 25 wrestle twen... 1,2,3,4,5 seconds. at wrestle mania 25. it was like he went from the biggest guy in WWE to a complete jackass in like 15 seconds, i was at the show (first show i watched because i live in australia and i travel to USA once a year) and evryone was just liek wtf is wrong with taker
I'd love to say Morrison or Christian, though I doubt Christian will because Vince isn't too keen on him, and Morrison isn't quite there yet. It kills me to say both of those things cuz I love those guys, but I just don't think that'll happen.

I reckon it will be The Miz or Ted Dibiase. DiBiase is meant to be breaking form Legacy soon and feuding with Orton so I think that'll be a similar deal to Batista breaking from Evolution, possibly culmilating with DiBiase winning the title. The Miz is awesome, and while I hate that catchphrase, he actually is. He's good in the ring; not the best but that hasn't stopped Cena and it didn't sop Rock (note: I'm a massive Rock fan and not a Cena-hater, just my opinion on their wrestling ability) and one of the best of the new generation of wrestlers in WWE on the mic (second to Punk in newer stars, IMO).
This guy hasn't gotten too much love from the list so im gonna go with ted dibiase. i was hoping he wins the rumble, but now i think hell eliminate orton, then orton will eliminate him. anyways i think after he feuds with orton he'll get a shot at the title.

if not dibiase i think it will be the winner of the money in the bank match, and i'm predicting morrison or kofi.
Morrison or Christian will become the next WWE or WHC. Christian is long overdue and he's done everything you could possibly dream on ECW. He's a great wrestler and even better on the mic. His time has come. Morrison has slowly been built up and is ready for the main event. He has youth on his side, but that might hurt him against Christian and make him wait a little while longer. One of these 2 guys will win the Royal Rumble or MITB match.
I'm really hoping Christian, but I sincerely doubt it. Otherwise I'd say Kofi or The Miz are deserving. Unfortunately, Vince's little buddy McIntyre will probably get it. All Kofi or Miz need are new, iconic themes, seeing as how all main eventers have one. Kofi's is recognizable, but kind of light hearted. Miz's is just generic. And yes I know that's a small thing but it can really help out a character. Otherwise I'd start the push now.
What can I really say that hasn't been said? The top candidates have been named: Kofi Kingston, Christian, John Morrison, The Miz, MVP, Ted DiBiase. That's pretty much the whole story cut and dry. Honorable mention should go to Matt Hardy(Unlikely, But Ya Never Know), Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, and Evan Bourne.

I personally think you are all overlooking Drew McIntyre. I don't know about any of you but I see a great champion in this guy. I think he has great potential, and I wouldn't be shocked if he does get the push up to the main event and possibly an upset title reign that would lead to future title reigns as well. Evan Bourne might not be the next, but I think if things go a certain way, you might be looking at your new Rey Mysterio. Jack Swagger has a bunch of unrealized potential, he just needs to find something that actually suits him. And Dolph Ziggler is just waiting to break out, it seems like they are just testing the waters with him. Matt Hardy is probably the biggest star not to get his hands on a world title(ECW doesn't count) and although it probably won't happen, he is one of the most deserving I could think of.

Well atleast I can only hope he's the next WWE champ. He's got the charisma hence the nickname Captain Charisma. He can carry matches, and put over anyone. He can even make a Mark Henry match watchable. He's been the most dominant ECW champ in WWE history and also the longest reigning, in WWE HISTORY, I repeat WWE HISTORY, not ECW HISTORY. He's proved to us he is fully capable of main eventing with big names and being world champion in TNA. And he has nothing left to prove. And I think he will be the next WWE champion, who hasn't been WWE champion. Or atleast I hope.
Well I say Christian or Kofi.

Christian is long overdue. He had a push in 2005 & I thought it was his time. He didn't get it so he went to TNA and won the big one. Christian gives great promos ,he is good in the ring and deserves to win the WWE or WHC this year.

Kofi should win because he puts on good performance. He was a former I,C, U.S, & tag team champion. He had a decent feud with Orton & win the rumble go to wrestlemaina and win the WWE title.

Its a shame that the WWE put Sheamus b4 these 2 good performers.
There are so many people to choose from, most notably the likes of MVP, John Morrison, Christian, Kofi Kingston and as much as I hate to admit it Matt Hardy, the reason being that they have all earned the main event spot and can all work the mic. But if I had to choose one person I would say MVP, I became a fan of the guy when he turned face and they seemed to be pushing him when he got drafted to RAW because he had that encounter with Randy Orton, but as long as WWE has John "Predictable" Cena on their roster it seems like no one is going to get that top spot.
Since this is in the RAW section, I am only going to assume the OP means the WWE title only, and is not including the WHC.


That would be a fair assumption since the title of the thread is "Who is the next WWE Champ that has never been one, and the WWE Champion is on Raw.

Based on the current RAW roster, I think its going to be Kofi Kingston, and here is why: His feud with Randy Orton isn't quite done yet. Think about it...Orton goes against Sheamus for the WWE title at the Rumble in two weeks, and I think there is about a 90% chance Randy Orton regains the WWE title. (It would be 100%, but having Sheamus beat Cena in the first place means they could do something really stupid and keep the belt on Sheamus, who is not a good champion at all). If I had to guess, I would say Rumble winner goes after WHC, not WWE title, and Kofi either wrestles Orton for the title at No Way Out, or wins the Raw elimination chamber match at No Way Out to go against Orton at WM.
Back when the Miz first appeared in the WWE I laughed my ass off, remembering him from those Real World vs Road Rules challenges on Mtv. I actually wanted him to when over Daniel Puter on the Tough Enough. When he be came the spokesman for the diva search and screwed up on the mic all the time I thought it wont be long and hes gone. The Miz has come such a long way since he first was seen on WWE tv, and now I can see him being the next champion who has not yet held it.
At the minute with the way WWE is a champ needs to be a great in ring talent and also cut a good promo and have good mic skills.

Wow... Why didn't anyone else think of that, WWE should employ you mate.

My pick is the Miz though, his promo on Monday truly was awesome and thought it was the standard that IMO means he has got to be in the title hunt soon. I would like to add Christian, too. I am a big fan, I definitely think he can mix it with the big boys in the ring and on the mic.

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