Who Will Be The Next "Heyman Guy"?


Occasional Pre-Show
WWE posted an article on the possibility of Heyman adding another superstar to his stable. My question is, who would be the most logical superstar to receive the services of Mr. Heyman? I honestly wouldn't mind seeing Heyman screwing over Cena this Sunday to help Ryback win the title. Ryback has lost at 6 straight PPV's. His mic skills are horrid. He needs something to gain some momentum back and Heyman could be that perfect something. Another guy I think would be good, is Antonio Cesaro. The writers seem to think he's boring, which makes no sense when they have two of the most boring superstars in wrestling today in the World title hunt. So why not give Cesaro that mouthpiece? He can wrestle damn good we've all seen that, so imagine if he had Heyman to help get him over. So who do you think would be a good choice to be the next Heyman guy?
WWE posted an article on the possibility of Heyman adding another superstar to his stable. My question is, who would be the most logical superstar to receive the services of Mr. Heyman? I honestly wouldn't mind seeing Heyman screwing over Cena this Sunday to help Ryback win the title. Ryback has lost at 6 straight PPV's. His mic skills are horrid. He needs something to gain some momentum back and Heyman could be that perfect something. Another guy I think would be good, is Antonio Cesaro. The writers seem to think he's boring, which makes no sense when they have two of the most boring superstars in wrestling today in the World title hunt. So why not give Cesaro that mouthpiece? He can wrestle damn good we've all seen that, so imagine if he had Heyman to help get him over. So who do you think would be a good choice to be the next Heyman guy?

I think Ryback is a logical choice. However, I don't think it's fair to say his mic skills are horrid. He's gotten noticeably better over the past few weeks. Something tells me that WWE made a decision to turn him heel really quickly and Ryback didn't have very much time at all to prepare. It can be hard to give a speech, which is really what a promo is, in front of thousands of people if you haven't had a lot of prep time. Ryback's been mostly a silent destroyer that's been turned into part destroyer/part Chatty Cathy. I might be completely wrong, but I see Ryback hooking up with The Shield. At the same time though, maybe Heyman could represent The Shield as well. After Extreme Rules, Lesnar is probably going to be gone until SummerSlam, which is probably, at least, how long CM Punk will be gone, so it'll give Heyman something useful to do.

When it comes to Cesaro, I'm a fan of the guy personally. He is lacking when it comes to a sense of natural charisma and personality. I think a mouthpiece could be something that makes all the difference. Heyman would be a logical choice here as well because, frankly, Heyman's able to get guys over who aren't great talkers. Even though Brock Lesnar didn't necessarily need Heyman to be over, Lesnar is someone that truly does have horrid mic skills. Lesnar needs someone to carry the mic work for his side of a feud, so I've no doubt it could work with Cesaro as well.
There aren't many Heyman guys (Jericho, RVD) left running around so you would basically have invent one or bring someone in. Personally, I think Kevin Steen would make a great Heyman guy.
I can see Cesaro or perhaps Barrett being Heyman guys. Ryback would be okay too, though I think that'd be too close a comparison with Lesnar.

Personally, I think Ryback's doing okay at the moment, but I'd argue he needs the title to legitimize him now and keep his momentum going.
To be a "Heyman" guy, I don't think is just storyline. The thing that makes this coined phrase so appealing, is that it true to real-life. Lesner and Heyman are closely tied outside wrestling. And Heyman and did see an ocean of talent and potential in CM Punk during the days of WWE run ECW. It was Heyman who sided with Punk during the shakey start.

If i can speculate, I don't think Heyman puts his backing into just anyone. His eye for the business is like no other in history. And I trust in Heyman.

Heyman loves guys with the "It" factor. Guys who can connect with a crowd.

I think Dean Ambrose fits the Heyman mold. He has definite aura about him and his character. He is intelligent, talented and has this edgy charisma. His mannerisms are very unique. I dont think this would be lost Heyman.
I wouldn't put too much stock in that article on WWE.com just yet. WWE has become quite good at using the site to tease and bait possible storylines, especially when it comes to faction additions, without the tease ever materializing.

However, in keeping with the article, i do think there are some pretty interesting choices for potential "Heyman Guys":

Jack Swagger: The Zeb Coulter gimmick has just about run its course, and once the program involving Del Rio is over, it really has no place in the current product. Aligning Swagger with Heyman gives him the instant heat that Coulter has struggled to maintain, and gives him the best talker in the business right now, so that his in ring work can continue to be his primary focus.

Antonio Cesaro: The guy is floundering in them mid card, with no real direction other than to be cannon fodder for main event talent that needs quick momentum moving in to their own programs. His in ring work is among the best in WWE right now, and with Heyman on the mic, and his overall presence at ring side, Cesaro could get the heat he's been lacking since his debut.

Zach Ryder. Yes, Zach Ryder. For weeks now Ryder has been teasing this new, more serious gimmick. Long Island Iced Z has been a joke for over a year now, and when you factor in the end of his youtube show, his demotion to basic jobber status, and his apparent movement towards a new, more serious gimmick, you have the chance to repackage him as someone that has been slighted by WWE and has aligned with Heyman to not only get his 'spot', but to get his revenge on WWE. The push should never move past the midcard, and he'd ultimately be the croney of the stable, but it would give him a needed push, and a chance to see if he's capable of more without the merchandise friendly, stale gimmick.

Prime Time Players: Why wouldn't the guys that are worth 'millions and millions' be a good fit for the Heyman stable? Throwing a tag team in the mix would be a great way to finally solidify another team outside of Team Hell No. They have 'swagger' that really lends itself to the over the top mic work Heyman can really bring to the table when he wants to.
Logically it makes sense that Heyman would get a new guy since we are still waiting on the return of Punk and you have to assume after this next match with Triple H that Lesnar is going to go away. I would say Cesaro would benefit the most from the Heyman treament but maybe it's prime time Heyman bring in someone fresh ie: the next NEXT big thing. As far as NXT talents that could fit that bill I would say Conor O'Brian as just a pure physical beast or he could go back to his indy roots and bring in Kassius Ohno (Chris Hero) and say he's a throw back to the Extreme Days.
He dosen't need it but then nether did punk, Dean Ambrose would be my pick once the shield has split. It really help if they wanted a straight transition into the main event that something extra to really get him over in the big programs. Other then that I wouldn't mind seeing any heel be the next paul Heyman guy, punk was already better then anyone as a heel and yet heyman still added more, so it goes to show who ever heyman is with will do better and wwe desperately needs guys like heyman to get some interesting stories going. We have a very predictable wwe title match and basically everything else will have little to no meaning in a months time
Uhh Ryback would be the furthest from what a 'Paul Heyman Guy' is. Either they are absolute machines like Taz or Brock or smack talkers like Punk or Foley.

I would put my money on Antonio Cesaro actually. I mean there is this preference to indie guys by Paulie and Cesaro is that guy, who fits the build of 'paying his dues'. Also, the fact that Cesaro isn't APPEALING to the WWE brass just adds to his Heyman stock. Don't forget, Heyman also vouched for Test and said he was shocked that he wasn't a star in the WWE. Cesaro kinda fits that sorta mould of underappreciated talent, and Heyman would just make him go out there and uppercut the world!
My current ideal scenario for “The Heyman Guys” Stable would be…

At Extreme Rules, and after Triple H defeats Brock Lesnar, after Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns defeat Team Hell No for the Unified WWE World Tag Team Championship, after Dean Ambrose defeats Kofi Kingston for the United States Championship, and after Ryback defeats John Cena for the WWE Championship, Paul Heyman comes out with an “Extreme” smile on his face.

At the following Raw, Heyman announces that Brock Lesnar has once again “quit the WWE”. He explains that Lesnar is off to do something else, and quite frankly “doesn’t need this $#!+ anymore. Isn’t it ironic, however, that at the aptly named Pay Per View, Extreme Rules, while distracting the Game with Brock Lesnar, I quietly snatched control of the WWE right from under Triple H’s King sized nose??” He then proceeds to introduce his new Dangerous Alliance.

Unified WWE World Tag Team Champions, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, The Shield.

United States Champion, Dean Ambrose.

Intercontinental Champion, Wade Barrett.

World Champion, Dolph Ziggler, with “the Next Next Big Thing” Big E. Langston and the very soon to be Divas Champion, A. J. Lee.

And last, but “most importantly” the centerpiece of the Dangerous Alliance, the WWE Champion, Ryback!!

Paul then states, “after A. J. Lee wins the Divas Title from Kaitlyn, I will have complete control over all the Championship Titles in the WWE, thus having complete control over the entire World Wrestling Entertainment. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have just taken the WWE to the Extreme”

Out comes Cena, Del Rio, Miz, Kingston, Kane, Bryan, and Kaitlyn…brawl…commercial…me pausing my DVR, taking a cigarette break, on my cell phone calling everyone I know!!
Heyman has long talked about how great he thinks the Usos are. I could see them being a legit powerhouse tag team wreaking havoc even on singles competitors.
in a perfect world id LOVE to see them and Roman Reigns together and form a SOmaon Swat stable....maybe even with Rikishi returning as a dark character not the singing and dancing idiot with his ass out
The Shield is doing fine getting over on their own so I don't think they need Heyman as they're still together.

Cesaro really bores the shit out of me and I think WWE is losing faith in him. Wade Barrett would be an excellent choice as he's lacking any true direction and should be main eventing by now.

Another possibility is Randy Orton as part of his heel turn.
I hadn't considered Ryback but after reading this thread, I think it COULD work. Let's face it. Ryback can't talk. As much as they're trying to put him over, he won't get over because he can't talk. Heyman would definitely be able to get him over, as Heyman could act as the mouthpiece for Ryback.

Also, don't laugh about this one but how about The Miz. Heyman and Miz have had their differences in the past but heel Miz with Heyman would work, I think.
Out of all the guys mentioned I am gonna have to say that Cesaro would have to be the logical choice to be the next Hayman guy. He is without a doute one of the best wrestlers on the roster and while he is by no means winning any awards for his mic Skill and shows little to no Charisma, I don't think it would matter one bit if he had Hayman in his corner doing all the talking for him.

So will Cesaro is the obvious choice, there are a few others that would make good Hayman guys and they are.

1. The Shield. While you can argue that they are doing a good enough job by themselves and that they already have a mouthpiece in the form of Dean Ambrose, the same could have been said about CM Punk. Punk was already over with the fans when you joined forces with Paul Hayman, But it did still help and with the shield still finding there feet at the moment, Hayman could be just the guy they need to really put them over.

2. Danial Bryan. if WWE intend on putting Hayman with somebody that he respect as a wrestler in real life, then Danial Bryan could very well be the next Hayman guy. If Hayman had signed with TNA a few years back he was intending on making his first order of buissness signing Bryan to a contract and turning him into the companys next big thing. So having them team togther now seems like a great idea.

3. Randy Orton. While most the fans pop hard everytime Ortons music hits, Most people would love to see the Viper turn heel again and if he was to join forces with Hayman, it would give him somebody that could go out and do his talking for him as many fans see this as his biggest flaw.
First off, I don't consider what Heyman has to be a "stable," in the classic sense. It's not the 4 Horsemen, nWo, DX or even his old Dangerous Alliance. He represents two wrestlers - Brock Lesnar and C.M. Punk. These two wrestlers are NEVER seen together, they don't have tag matches, they don't do run-ins to help each other. They basically have nothing to do with each other on screen, but just happen to have Paul Heyman as a mutual friend. So, in that sense, I don't see the "Heyman Guys" as a stable.

But, for the sake of discussion, here are my choices, including one dark horse:

1) RVD - As someone stated earlier, the whole "Heyman Guy" idea is rooted in reality, as both Brock and Punk are friends with Heyman and owe their pro wrestling stardom to Heyman. So, if you'd actually want to form a faction of "Heyman Guys," common sense dictates that the next person would have to be someone that falls into that same mold. I could see RVD coming back to join the ranks. I've seen interviews with RVD posted lately saying he'd possibly come back to WWE. Why not have him come back under Heyman's fold? That would give the "Heyman Guys" a good variety - a big man, a mat wrestler and a high flyer. I know RVD's up there in age now and may not have much left in the tank, but it's a logical choice.

2) Kofi Kingston - I like Kofi, but the dude's in serious need of a repackaging and a heel run. Aligning him with Heyman would be excellent, as Heyman could help get Kofi over as a heel. It would be difficult to turn Kofi right now b/c he's been a face for so long, the kids like him and they brought the whole "I'm a first-time dad now" side out in the public, but I'd personally love to see Kofi go heel for a while. Alligning him with Heyman could help that turn stick better.

3) Daniel Bryan - This seems like a good fit to me. With Team Hell No likely about to split, perhaps it's time for Daniel Bryan to get that edge back. Maybe he finally gets tired of feeling like comic relief or being called "Goat Face" or whatever and snaps. Maybe Heyman sees that change and convinces Bryan that he needs someone that will bring him back to the top of the mountain in WWE.

4) Randy Orton - The heel turn is coming... eventually. Every time we think it's going to happen, it doesn't. Does he NEED Heyman? Of course not. Randy got by just fine as a heel before, even leading his own faction. But, since the fans are so behind Orton right now, having him RKO a top face like Sheamus or Cena and having Paul Heyman shake his hand for the turn could be just the thing to get those boos back as a heel.

4) MVP - Here's my dark horse. There's rumors that MVP may be coming back to U.S. wrestling, now that he's done with New Japan. If he does come back to WWE, why not put him back as a heel and pair him up with Heyman. He could revive the "biggest free agent" angle when he first debuted, but now actually have an agent alongside him in Heyman. I admit that it's a little out there, but I could definitely see it happening.

The next "Heyman Guys" SHOULD NOT be Ryback (his character works better as a lone wolf, bad mic skills or not), Antonio Ceasaro (just needs the right high-level feud and meaner attitude to make it), Dolph Ziggler (already has a faction and is on a roll), The Miz (he's the next John Cena, in terms of being the WWE's poster boy) or The Shield (same as Ziggler).

If you'd like to go another route with this, I could see a few options. Maybe an NXT rookie coming up to the main roster that Heyman sees potential in.
First off, I don't consider what Heyman has to be a "stable," in the classic sense. It's not the 4 Horsemen, nWo, DX or even his old Dangerous Alliance. He represents two wrestlers - Brock Lesnar and C.M. Punk. These two wrestlers are NEVER seen together, they don't have tag matches, they don't do run-ins to help each other. They basically have nothing to do with each other on screen, but just happen to have Paul Heyman as a mutual friend. So, in that sense, I don't see the "Heyman Guys" as a stable.

But, for the sake of discussion, here are my choices, including one dark horse:

1) RVD - As someone stated earlier, the whole "Heyman Guy" idea is rooted in reality, as both Brock and Punk are friends with Heyman and owe their pro wrestling stardom to Heyman. So, if you'd actually want to form a faction of "Heyman Guys," common sense dictates that the next person would have to be someone that falls into that same mold. I could see RVD coming back to join the ranks. I've seen interviews with RVD posted lately saying he'd possibly come back to WWE. Why not have him come back under Heyman's fold? That would give the "Heyman Guys" a good variety - a big man, a mat wrestler and a high flyer. I know RVD's up there in age now and may not have much left in the tank, but it's a logical choice.

2) Kofi Kingston - I like Kofi, but the dude's in serious need of a repackaging and a heel run. Aligning him with Heyman would be excellent, as Heyman could help get Kofi over as a heel. It would be difficult to turn Kofi right now b/c he's been a face for so long, the kids like him and they brought the whole "I'm a first-time dad now" side out in the public, but I'd personally love to see Kofi go heel for a while. Alligning him with Heyman could help that turn stick better.

3) Daniel Bryan - This seems like a good fit to me. With Team Hell No likely about to split, perhaps it's time for Daniel Bryan to get that edge back. Maybe he finally gets tired of feeling like comic relief or being called "Goat Face" or whatever and snaps. Maybe Heyman sees that change and convinces Bryan that he needs someone that will bring him back to the top of the mountain in WWE.

4) Randy Orton - The heel turn is coming... eventually. Every time we think it's going to happen, it doesn't. Does he NEED Heyman? Of course not. Randy got by just fine as a heel before, even leading his own faction. But, since the fans are so behind Orton right now, having him RKO a top face like Sheamus or Cena and having Paul Heyman shake his hand for the turn could be just the thing to get those boos back as a heel.

4) MVP - Here's my dark horse. There's rumors that MVP may be coming back to U.S. wrestling, now that he's done with New Japan. If he does come back to WWE, why not put him back as a heel and pair him up with Heyman. He could revive the "biggest free agent" angle when he first debuted, but now actually have an agent alongside him in Heyman. I admit that it's a little out there, but I could definitely see it happening.

The next "Heyman Guys" SHOULD NOT be Ryback (his character works better as a lone wolf, bad mic skills or not), Antonio Ceasaro (just needs the right high-level feud and meaner attitude to make it), Dolph Ziggler (already has a faction and is on a roll), The Miz (he's the next John Cena, in terms of being the WWE's poster boy) or The Shield (same as Ziggler).

If you'd like to go another route with this, I could see a few options. Maybe an NXT rookie coming up to the main roster that Heyman sees potential in.

Kofi would be an EXCELLENT pick, and I'm liking that idea more than my choices, honestly. He really does need a boost, and Heyman could be the ticket.

Bryan, after watching that match against the Shield on RAW....man, I think he's come into his own and on his own steam. The crowd's absolutely popping for this guy now. I really didn't think he'd make it after his match with Sheamus in WrestleMania, but he's proven me wrong.
I dont see it being D.B. He already has his own thing going. I thought RVD said he would never return to WWE? ISnt he still under contract with TNA? I could see it being Cesaro after the offices called him "boring". Itll shake things up no matter who it is!
I hope no one is a "NEXT HEYMAN GUY" as someone already pointed out its not a faction. I can maybe see someone with ECW roots like RVD but the problem with ECW guys (Heyman owned ECW) is that they're all much older and on the last leg of their careers. An NXT guy can be brought in as a "Heyman Guy" tho not with a history like Punk and Lesnar. Cesaro would benefit the most with Heyman and has that indie background but I don't see him being the next heyman guy either. Ryback doesn't really need Heyman, neither does Bryan. Orton and Heyman as an alliance could do wonders but it also isn't needed. The Shield? Not as a faction. I don't see anyone becoming a Heyman Guy, unless Heyman went to NXT for awhile and then came back up with a wrestler or two that he truly believes could be big. Oh and someone mention Big E Langston? That would go since his mic skills are bad. I just don't see Heyman with another muscular wrestler like Brock tho.
Barrett would be my choice, especially if it links into the Nexus stuff from way back that Heyman was the "behind the scenes guy". It's sad their so intent on using Ric Flair as a face because the Horsemen would be so much better than a new Dangerous Alliance.

Heyman could help Kofi if he did turn heel, but I think he and Cesaro would have the same problem with Heyman - he would overshadow them rather than compliment. Barrett has enough personality and heel chops for Heyman to be the "missing piece of the puzzle" rather than "solving the puzzle" of getting to the next stage like the other 2 would be.
There's an article o WW.com that's speculating if Heyman I looking for another client to represent. It mentions that CM Punk's return is kind of up in the air right now, at least as far as when he'll be back. Brock Lesnar will almost certainly go on hiatus again until SummerSlam, so that'd leave Heyman without anything to do really.

The article makes mention that Kofi Kingston & Corey Graves, on the NXT roster, have admitted to wanting Heyman's representation. I doubt it'll be either one of them though, they're probably simply being mentioned to give the article little context as to the value of Heyman's services.

As of right now, I think Ryack, Cesaro & Wade Barrett are three guys that could definitely use Heyman. Ryback can use a mouthpiece, as can Cesaro. Barrett is someone that's got all the tools, I just don't know what the frig WWE is doing with him. Heyman could be that "guiding hand" for Barrett, someone to help give him stability. It could be used as a means of explaining why Barrett lost all momentum as IC champ.
One guy who I just thought of who would really work well, Harry Smith or Davey Boy Smith Jr as he calls himself now.

He's a guy who has a lot of talent, a name but hadn't got the charisma part down yet when he got released. Putting someone like him with Heyman would instantly relieve that problem and his name/legacy would give him gravitas that someone like Heyman would single him out as a "hidden gem"who got "brainwashed" by the Harts and Heyman has uncovered his true "Bulldog Spirit".
I would say Ryback but he is actually not bad on the mic. Then again, neither is CM Punk and he is a Paul Heyman guy. The next guy who he manages needs to be someone who can't talk or needs a boost. I would actually say Antonio Cesaro or even Dolph Ziggler, both guys have subpar mic skills but amzing in ring ability.

Dolph Ziggler should be the next Heyman guy. I think this woud really get him over as a heel because he obviously can't talk for himself. You don't need to be able to talk, just look at Brock Lesnar (a multiple time WWE champion). I would like to see this because AJ doesn't really get it done for me. I struggle to take him seriously with AJ, I say dump AJ and push Langston somewhere else.

Now imagine Dolph Ziggler with Heyman as his mouthpiece. There's so many feuds and possibilities for him. A few feuds that I can foresee happening are:

Randy Orton
CM Punk
John Cena
Big double E etc... endless possibilites.
The next Heyman guy should be Randy Orton.

This guy has had the rub from Mick Foley and a number of legends, he NEEDs to turn heel again and feuding with Triple H or even costing him the match would turn him heel, reignite the feud between him and Triple H and also could be used to give him some much needed refreshing to his gimmick.

The Shield should join Heyman eventually, but their steam is so hot right now they do NOT need to join until they start losing matches regularly.

Paul Heyman is such a game changer in pro-wrestling that we as fans would benefit if THE ENTIRE SMACKDOWN ROSTER became Heyman's guys and he was allowed to be the General Manager. That power would keep him on screen, keep the biggest face out of the title picture but still in the main event, bolster the product and give midcarders, tag teams, and cruiser weights relevancy again.
If a guy needed Heyman, it would be Antonio Cesaro. Cesaro has great in-ring skill, a terrible gimmick, and no mic skills. With Heyman, Cesaro would generate relevancy for the first time.

But, it needs to be done right, if the WWE is planning on making Cesaro a "Paul Heyman Guy" and a top heel in the WWE, they need to do it right.

This is my idea on how it should be done.

Cesaro comes out, week after week beating mid-card faces, but not squashing them. He constantly demands better competition, without losing a match. One week, on Raw, Cesaro demands "the best" that is in the locker room, as he's beaten almost everyone else. Then, a RETURNING Cm Punk's music hits, leaving Cesaro and the WWE universe shocked. Punk states, "The best in the world?" Cesaro v. Punk lasts for about 20 minutes, Cesaro hits his finisher, but Punk kicks out. Cesaro gets pissed and attacks Punk with a steel chair. Next week on Raw, Heyman comes out, says he is very excited for Punk's return. Punk comes out, and calls out Cesaro for his attack. Cesaro hits the ring, and with Cm Punk's back turned, Heyman attacks Cm Punk. Cesaro beats down Punk, and hits his finisher on Punk. Cesaro and Heyman stand tall over Punk. The next week on Raw, Heyman and Cesaro are in the ring gloating about what they did to Punk. Punk comes out and has a good promo on Heyman and Cesaro, leading to a PPV match. At the PPV, Punk gets disqualified, when Cesaro and Heyman set him up. Punk gets pissed. Next PPV, a no dq match between Punk and Cesaro. It ends with Cesaro winning CLEAN over Punk.

At the end of the 2-3 month fued, Cesaro gains heat, relevancy, a new gimmick, and Paul Heyman, which allows him to become a main event/upper card top heel. It could easily be the top story line of the summer, or one of them. Plus for Cm Punk, it wouldn't be a long time to get back in the WWE title picture. In the end, the WWE has another heel in the main event picture that they are lacking right now. I mean, who else do they have? Ryback? Mark Henry? Big Show? They are lacking a main event heel, as I see Dean Ambrose and the shield are going to still be together in 3 months.

Ah, how I could rant all day about the WWE creative team's failures/missed oppertunities.

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