Who will be the Champions after Wrestlemania?

Chris Jericho. What will lead up is with Orton, HBK, and Jericho for the WWE Championship, and at Survivor Series, HBK will ultimately lose his chance to regain his place at the top of RAW. Orton and Jericho will battle it out by themselves, until Wrestlemania arrives. Jericho will win, and hold the title until John Cena returns as a heel.

World Heavyweight Championship
Edge. Edge will return at Survivor Series, and be placed in a Triple Threat match with Batista and Undertaker. Edge will be bent over backwards seeing as though Batista had regained the title after the whole "last chance" issue between him and Batista, and at a later show, it will be him and Batista. Undertaker will come and interfere, and being the Ultimate opportunist, Edge will win, and retain the championship at Wrestlemania.

ECW Championship
CM Punk will lose his title at Survivor Series. To who, that is a different story. I don't follow ECW storylines, but if I had to guess, Kane would win because they have been giving him a big push with the ECW/SD merge, and he might just slide to ECW as a SD superstar and take a win for himself.

United States Championship
Matt Hardy. MVP will do something stupid to break the bond between him and Matt Hardy, and eventually they will lose the tag titles first. Matt Hardy will then pick a fight with MVP and they will battle it out for the US championship, which Hardy will win.

Intercontinental Championship
MMMMMMMIIIIIIISSSSSSTTTTTTAAAAAAAA!!!!! KENNNNNNNEDDDYYYYYYY!! Jeff Hardy and Kennedy, now out of the storyline running for the WWE title, will battle it out for the IC championship. Mr. Kennedy will boast once again, saying that he can beat Hardy any day of the week, and Hardy will step up to the plate, and Kennedy will trick Hardy into putting the IC title on the line. Hardy will stupidly do it, and Kennedy will cheat and win the IC title.

World Tag Team Championships
Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. Even though I HATE these tag partners, they will be the champs after Wrestlemania. There will be a point where another tag team snatches the belts away from them (The Highlanders are getting a slight push), but ultimately, they will get their titles back.

WWE Tag Team Championships
I don't believe these will be defended, actually. But the champs that will hold the belts are Deuce and Domino, after a successful title defense a PPV before Wrestlemania.

Women's Championship
Victoria. Beth Phoenix will hold the belt for quite some time, but Victoria and her new plaything Kenny Dykstra will play a part with Victoria becoming the new Women's champion.

Cruiserweight Championship
Chavo Guerrero. Little Chavito will return before Wrestlemania and compete in a battle Royal at Survivor Series, winning the belt, and retaining it at Wrestlemania.
WWE Championship - Triple H.
Kennedy will probably win the Royal Rumble and challange Orton for the title along with Triple H,making it a triple threat match.

World Heavyweight
- Rey Mysterio.
After coming back from injury at Summerslam and saying tht he will live his dream again, its most likely gonna be Rey vs. Edge.

ECW Title - CM Punk.
Will probably lose it to Morrison at Survivor Series or befor end of the year. Will reclaim it in an Extreme Rules match at WM.

I.C. Title - D.H. Smith.
Might be abit too early for him, but can't see anybody else winning it.

US Title - Matt Hardy.
Most likely gonna happen. Although with ECW wrestlers now on SD!, CM Punk could sneak in instead.

World Tag Titles - Rhodes & Holly
It would be great for Rhodes for his first title in wwe to be a tag title.

WWE Tag Titles - Festus & Jesse.
No other good tag teams on SD! Would love to see Taker & Kane as champs though, but Taker will probably be facing Umaga instead.

Womens Title - Anyone who can wrestle!
As long as its to Eve Torres, Kelly Kelly or Maria, there only models. Whoevers posing for Playboy will probably be in the match.

Cruiserweight Title - Jimmy Wang Yang.
Probably be an invitational, might actually get to win it this time!

MITB - Bobby Lashley.
Jeff Hardy, Kane, Tommy Dreamer, Finley, Jericho, HBK, Flair & Bobby Lashley will all be in the match. Lashley winning would allow him to jump to any of the three brands and allow him the option of turning heel and doing the same thing Edge did. (provided he hasn't already done)
First off let me say that this is what i think and not what i want.

WWE Title: I hate to say it but i think HHH. You know he will get it whenever he wants it and it will be on the biggest stage. (Who i want=HBK)

World Title: Hard to say...going with Taker. Possibly might be edge. I think taker will be batista in the finale of the feud just because the whole respect legend factor of taker and you can't have him lose again to batista. Then i think edge comes in and wins from taker again....and takes it mania where taker goes16-0 and does get his title back.

ECW: Really, does it matter?

IC: Miiiissssttttttttteeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Kennedy............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Kennedy! the feud with hardy will continue on with some good matches and kennedy eventually wins it.

U.S.: Matt Hardy, will take the title off of MVP and will have a good match at mania.

World Tag Team: I don't care as long as the tag team division is being featured with storylines every week.

WWE Tag: Same as above.

Womens: Probably Mickie James

MITB: John Morrison...WWE seems to like his character and look they gave him.
wwe champion :- i really think chris jericho will get the push of his life without getting rushed lol i also think he will be made the biggest star in wwe and thats why we are waiting for him to come back

world champion:- edge or undertaker, i dont see the streak ending so i think he will win a finale match with batista or edge

ic title i agree it will mr kennedy with hopefully jeff hardy moving up to main event

us title:- matt hardy i reckon he will have a ladder match with a challenger possibly mvp or someone else but i think he will win it on the big stage.

world tag title:- the highlanders lol or londen and kendrick

wwe tag title:- its gona be thrown way, theirs no use to it lol no tag teams apart from jesse and fettus and deuce and domino wats the point? please tell me

womens proberly beth phoenix

ecw world title ( nearlly forgot bout it):- cm punk

(hardcore championship) hopefully, maybe, never know:- any1 left on ecw
i think Mr.kennedy could be revealed as VKM's son & VKM would want his son to be champ so...maybe Mr.kennedy & VKM could gang up against orton. i like orton being champ but i want him to be able to have it for a while not just carry it so they can build up the hype for people like HHH or HBK, as much as i like them i think orton is ready to have a long title run. alot of interesting matches could come from that.
WWE Title
mr kennedy

Talk about a Kennedy/HHH illigitimate(sp) son/championship match at wrestlemania was brewing before the suspensions. kennedy will get the push

World Heavyweight Title

Why does everyone keep saying Edge? Taker was supposed to have a long reign before the injury and the plan is having him as the champ going into wrestlemania. I'd like to see Kane or Finlay tho.


He needs to be a title holder. He said he doesn't want a title shot because he wants younger guys to handle the responsibility. Maybe Viscera?

Bobby Lashley

Lashley is one of the strongest/best athletes in the WWE. When he gets back I think he'll get the IC title rather quickly. Look out for Lance Cade though

Toss up - CM Punk or Drew McIntyre

I see a hell of a feud here

WWE Tag Titles
Kenderick and London

I think Holly/Rhodes will hold it for a while, then the Londrick team will beat them at Mania

Jamie Noble

Helms won't be back until May or June. Maybe Chavo? I just don't think they'd be giving Noble so much tv time without any future plan. Wang Yang is the best though.

I don't care

Phoenix or Candice

Montel Vontavious Porter
WWE Title-HHH or HBK-
Rumor is HBK was promised a title run. HHH is always a safe bet at WM. It won't be Orton for that log, and Cena won't be back. Only other possible option I think would be Jericho. I don't think Kennedy will get that kind of push by WM..
Heavyweight Title-
Undertaker, hands down. I think Undertaker will take the tite from Tista, Edge will come back and take it from Taker', and WM will be Edge/Undertaker with Taker getting it back for his longest reign yet!!!
This is tough. I cannot see Lashley coming back and not getting a title, so he is my bet, but it could also be either Kennedy or Jericho if he is not in the WWE pic..
Either Palumbo or Mysterio. Palumbo seems to be gaining recognition, and he is very dominant. Mysterio has to get some title, and I don't see him getting the WH belt, so what else is there, unless he goes to Raw, which is a very possible option..
Raw Tags-
My pick is DX.. I know its far fetched, but they have to do something with this division, and I think Cena will be back right after WM, and he WILL get the WWE title back, so HHH will have to have another part of Raw to dominate. If not Rhodes/Holly I guess.
Smackdown Tags-
God only knows. Festus/Jesse is my best guess...
Kane or Morrison. Kane deserves to be a title holder more than anyone in the WWE right now, give him some respect....If not, it will be Morrison...
Melina.. She was the best champ the WWE has had in yrs...She is very entertaining!
Helms, if he is back in time. If not Chavo Guerrero....
Money in the Bank-
Definitely MVP, who will win either the WWE or WHC in 2008!!!!
Royal rumble will be HHH or Edge!!!
why does every one say hhh wwe champ it's not gonna happen. this is what will happen.

wwe champ= randy orton vs jericho at mania. jericho wins.

world champ= who cares it's basically out of three guys (batista edge and taker). it will be a triple threat between batista, edge and taker. edge wins.

ecw= kane i see kane going to ecw and feuding with nitro but because of kanes streak he looses it to morrison.

interconinental= jeff hardy will have this title and till he gets a push for the wwe title. god no's when that will happen

united states= to predictible obvioulsy matt hardy.

wwe tag champs= i see m.v.p and hardy carrying these titles because no one will vs them because there is no one.

world tag champs. this is hard but the match at mania will be wgtt vs rhodes and holly vs londrick vs high landers. i see high landers will win because the crowd likes them.

cruserweight= shannon moore. i see real potential with this kid. at mania it will be a battle royal between moore vs gurrero vs wang yang vs helms vs noble. with moore winning

womens. i see kelly kelly coming to raw and winning it making it a kelly kelly vs mickie james at mania because james is jealous. mickie james winning

mitb= it will be m.v.p vs hardy vs punk vs j hardy vs kenneny vs carlito vs tommy dreamer vs benjiman. with dreamer winning or m.v.p winning

btw. kennendy is gonna sink fast in the wwe. i dont think he will win any major championship now even no he was meant to have the world champion ship
World Heavyweight Champion-Edge
I've seen some posters really like Edge as the World Champion after WM24. Maybe it's damn true, maybe his the one who will end the Undertaker's streak or much surprising put him in retirement! Maybe it's also time for the World Heavyweight Championship Matches to be the true Main Event of WWE PPV's!

WWE Champion-Triple H
The Game wanted Orton to be the WWE Champion but I think the fans wanted Triple H to be champ after WM24. Maybe the two will face each other at WM24 that maybe in the end, The Game truly deserves it!

ECW Champion-Chris Jericho
In a surprising turn of events, Y2J returns home to ECW! ECW needs a great ECW Original so Y2J has a good thing for that!

Intercontinental Champion-Lashley
Lashley is legible for the IC Title and if he reigned as the IC Champ, it will probably stay long!

U.S. Champion-Kane
WWE may award Kane another title reign, and the U.S. title is good for the big red monster!

Women's Champion-Candice Michelle
Candice may return to regain her title from the current champion (Beth Phoenix or Mickie James)

Cruiserweight Champion-Carlito
Smackdown! needs a good Cruiserweight heel. And i think Carlito has a good personality for that title!

World Tag-Team Champions-Paul London and Brian Kendrick
The High flying team of London and Kendrick, may have the goods to have a long title reign! Right?!

WWE Tag-Team Champions-The New Hart Foundation
It is rumored that the New Hart Foundation will be officialy on Smackdown! though DH Smith is suspended...Maybe he'll return to Smackdown! to join his fellow team mates to shake up the Smackdown! tag team division!

Mr.Money In the Bank-Lashley
Probably the next champ after Triple H's reign. May feud with John Cena after Cena returns at late June or July!
He will win the title off Orton at Survivor Series and start a fued between him and Orton with HBK winning at Wrestlemania.

Edge will come back at Survivor Sereis against a lesser opponent and then fight Batista at Wrestlemania and win the title.

IC- Jeff Hardy
Will fued with Kennedy and both will be in the MITB so no match at Wrestlemania.

US- Mark Henry
Will fue with MVP and at Wrestlemania will win the title.

WWE TAG TITLES- Jesse and Festus
Will fued with Duece and Domino who will take the titles from MVP and Matt Hardy. At Wrestlemania there will be a triple threat match between Duece and Domino, Jesse and Featus, and the Majors.

WORLD TAG TITLES- London and Kendrick
Will fued with Cade and Murdoch, take the titles and face WWGT in ladder match for the titles.

Will continue fued with Morrison and kep the titles with no match at Wrestlemania.

MITB- Mysterio, Lashley, Punk, Morrison, Rhodes, Kennedy, Jeff Hardy, and Chris Jericho. Jerico wins and goes after HBK.

Will come back and fued with Jamie Noble over the title and win it at Wrestlemania.

WOMENS- Ashley
Will make a surprise return at Wrestlemania and beat Beth Pheonix for the title.
WWE Champion:.... Y2J, yes i believe that randy orton will hold the title up until wrestlemania, and as of when Y2J comes back which is probably some time yet they will fued leading up to Wrestlemania, then at wrestlemania they will ruin the whole PPV by having the main event as : Y2J vs Randy Orton vs HBK vs HHH in a ladder match!

Heavyweight Championship:....undertaker he'll win it from batista blah blah blah....smackdown need new talent for the World heavyweight title zone...NOT EDGE!

ECW title....Kane he'll win it from the great khali(c) and CM punk in a triple threat match. previous to this khali will win the title from john morrison and send morrison back to SD! to compete with the US title and edge.

Intercontinental:....DH smith...will begin a tag team with jeff hardy then turn heal and screw over hardy and be a pretty succesful champion.

United States:....Edge IMHO i don't think edge has the ability to get the push into the heavyweight title zone, so i see him feuding with matt hardy who will have won the title off MVP by then.

WWE Tag Team
....Merge with world tag team titles holly and roades to fued with WGTT and D+D and all the other tag teams..then at Wrestlemania have a match against a shock tag team like big daddy V and Mark Henry!...match ends by a DQ or count out...

....Paul london will get drafted over and splitting with kendrick somehow, then will feud with helms.

Womens:....Beth Phoenix....she will win it in a boring match...then lose it at backlash by getting screwed over, then she will go for an intercontinental title run like chyna!

Wrestlemania Card:

Paul London(c) vs Helms TLC match Winner: London

Money in the bank Winner: MVP

Phoenix(c) vs Torres Winner: Phoenix

Big Fatty V+Mark Henry vs (c)Holly+Roades(c) Winner: Holly+Roades

Edge vs Matt Hardy(c) Winner: Edge

DH smith(c) vs Jeff Hardy Winner:DH smith

Kane vs The Great Khali(c) vs CM punk Winner:kane

Undertaker vs Batista Winner: Taker

Y2J vs Orton vs HBK vs HHH ladder match Winner:Y2J

what does everybody else think?
WWE Championship: Y2J: I think that he will win the rumble because they wont want to have someone who has already won it before win it again. It will be a fatal four way at wrestlemania between HHH, HBK, Orton and Y2J, with Y2J walking out as the champ!
World Heavyweight Championship: Edge: it will be Edge vs. Taker at mania with Edge ending taker's streak and regaining his title.
ECW: Kane: he is one of the most over wrestlers in WWE and will beat Big Daddy V at Wrestlemania and starting the title run he deserves.
IC Title: Kennedy: I dont think this title will be defended at Mania' due to the MIB ladder match.
US Title: Matt Hardy: the MVP Hardy rivalry will go on for a while with Hardy winning the title at the rumble and retaining at Mania'.
Woman's Championships: Beth Phoenix: Unless Trish Stratus returns there is currently nobody i can see beating Beth, right now the division is not worth a Wrestlemania match.
WWE Tag: Jesse and Festus: again really nobody else who is worthy of the titles, Hardy and MVP will lose eventually.
World Tag: Holly and Rhodes: Murdoch and Cade are at the beginning of the end, Holly and Rhodes will end up winning the titles.
MIB: Rey Mysterio: although i think there is a good shot that Kennedy might win, i dont think they want a repeat winner, Rey wins a match between Lashley, Hardy, Kennedy, CM Punk, Khali and Rey.
WWE: I'll go with HHH, he can't stand not being in the main-event.

World: Taker will defeat Edge

Money in the bank: Jericho will win it, and later defeat anyone other than HHH or Taker. HHH will not allow Jericho to defeat him---mark my words.
wwe ill have to go with HHH to just because he has the extra creative power to put himself there and probably will

as for world if undertaker is not in the main event and i hope he is it will be edge just because he is the best champ wwe can offer atm imo

as for ecw i dont watch ecw much so i expect to see someone like morrison be the champ as he was put in ecw to see if he can become a star and there will be no greater test than that of the granddaddy of them all even if it does rain!!!!

mitb will NOT go to y2j as mitb is used to push a star who has not been champ it was just bad luck that edge cashed it in this year instead of ken as for who wins eithier matt or jeff hardy or MVP

for me the tag titles on raw n smackdown are not as entertaining as they can be so i think that a new team will be crowned champs

the us/ic title if it ever is defended again atm there stalling it as much as possible id like to see stars such as punk and rhodes win them

as for womens it would not surprise me too see eithier the diva search winner forget her name or mccool win it
WWE- I have no idea. I really can't tell. HBK...HHH...Orton...Maybe it will be Orton vs HHH. Maybe HBK vs Orton vs HHH...I have no idea. This could be anybody.
World Heavyweight- Taker. Edge just lost at Wrestle mania 23. Why destroy the streak of one of the WWE's best wrestlers? We all love Undertaker. He's the only fantasy gimmick that people believe. He's been injured badly countless times, but keeps coming back. He's awesome. Edge is great, but we'll have a couple more years to enjoy his ring work. The Undertaker is on his way out. The match between the two will be incredible.
WWE - I can't see it, a wild goose chase maybe, HHH, Orton, HBK, Jeff Hardy or Kennedy, who knows?
WHC - Undertaker, 16 - 0 against Edge, but will lose that title soon after
ECW - KANE! Kane goes to ECW and win hardcore matches, beating the hell out of likes of Morrison.
MitB - Tommy Dreamer, well, yeah, he was jobbing a lot, but I see a darkhorse winning MitB regardless of who he is.
IC - Lashley, he is actually athletic, maybe not very talented, but very strong and athletic, deserves a IC reign.
US - Matt Hardy, man, when is the last time that Matt Hardy hold singles title long enough? It's overdue.
World Tag - Highlanders will win it, in a 3-way tag match.
WWE Tag - Jesse/Festus, holy cow that Festus is strong, but only because Hardy and MVP split up and vacate the championship.
WWE- Chris Jericho because he will (hopefully) return and wil feud with HHH.

WHC- Edge great talent i would love to see him fued with taker.

ECW- John morrison i personnaly am sold to his character i hope he will get some crowd reaction and then he would perfect.

IC- Mr kennedy kennedy isnt ready for the wwe championship i think he will fued with jeff hardy and bobby lashley.

US- Matt Hardy this guy deserved a title for a long time finnaly vince acknowledges his potential and i hope he reigns a long time

Cruiserweight- Cody Rhodes i know he is on raw but for him to grow he needs to go to smackdown.

WWE Tag team Championship- I know what im about to say is strange but doesnt anyone think finlay and flair would fit perfectly lol

World Tag team Championship- Shelton Benjamin Santino Marella those two could create some great heat and besides i think haas is holding shelton back
WWE - This is a hard one, i'd love to see Kennedy but it's probobly not gonna happen, HBK or HHH is the best bet.

WHC - Edge, defeat taker at wrestlemania end the streak get a HUGE push and have the long reign he deserves.

ECW - Morrison or Kane to win, I think Kane because he has only one major title reign ( and yes the ECW title is actually a major title ).

IC - Kennedy or lashley, gonna have a title match at no way out, the winner their will keep the belt untill wrestlemania and not be defended their.

US - CM PUNK, I think that he should be moved to smackdown, he really fit last friday night in my mind on smackdown so why not stay their. He's been in ECW since the start and ECW is just a way to put over guys and when their ready be moved up to the real brands. Punk to beat some heel at wrestlemania, Finlay could work.

Cruiserwight - If the title is brought back for wrestlemania then then it will be a battly royal and I predict Jimmy Wang Yang.

WWE tag titles - Jesse and Fetus to win just for comic relief.

World tag titles - London and Kendrick, why not

Womens title - Melina because she's the most flexible

MITB - M.V.P because he's half-man, half-amazing, and money in the freaking bank!!!
WWE Championship: Triple H or HBK one of these guys needs to carry the belt to fill Cena's spot.

WHC: Undertaker, really hope the WrestleMania streak doesn't end.

ECW: Difficult to say what direction the ECW title will go in, id say Kane or Morrison.

I.C: Mrrrrrrrrr Kennedy after a good feud with Jeff Hardy and then Lashley

U.S: Im going with Matt Hardy i actually beleive the whole Hardy Vs. MVP competition/feud could last till Mania.

Womens: Beth Phoenix, will probably dominate the womens division for a long time.

M.I.T.B: Jeff Hardy, not long till the WWE title is with Jeff, maybe not a long title reign but a title reign non the less.

WWE and World Tag titles and Cruiserwight are anybodys guess, these days they but the tag straps on anybody, and who knows if the Cruiserwight title is even comin back.
WWE:Orton or HHH- I wouldn't be surpised if Vince slaps the title back on HHH right before Mania. I also doubt the HBK Orton feud is gonna last much longer and I think Orton'll wind up with the title when it's all said and done (not that I'd be happy about it).

World Heavyweight: Edge- I think he's gonna get his title back from Batista (He'll probably retain at Survivor Series)very quickly after his return, and possibly lose it to Undertaker along the line maybe at the RR, and than he'll finally beat taker at WM, because frankly I don't know very many people who would be upset if Taker's streak is broken by Edge.

ECW: CM Punk or John Morrison- These two just seems to be their leading guys to me. They both have great matches every week with one another and compliement one another wonderfully. Hopefully we'll see them in some insane ladder match or something at WM. I really can't see who else they would possibly give it to....Kane? Sabu? RVD? Oh wait a second.....

Intercontinental: Jeff Hardy- Is he even in a feud really with anyone right now? I put him down just because I have no idea what the WWE is trying to do with this title...

U.S.: Matt Hardy or MVP- You know the MVP Matt hardy thing is gonna blow up into an insane rivalry sooner or later, that I think'll culminate at WM. Who's gonna walk away with it though? It's pretty much a coin toss as far as I'm concerned.

World Tag: London and Kendrick- Cade and Murdoch are gonna be kaput here as a tag team pretty soon, with Cade going on as a singles wrestler (who know's where Murdoch is gonna go). I think that the Highlanders are funny and all, but aren't long term champion material. WGTT are also a maybe but I think that they are boring as hell in terms of character.

WWE Tag: Duece and Domino
The closest thing SD has to a championship tag team (besides MVP and MH, but we'll see how long that lasts). They're subpar as far as I'm concerned but there really isn't anyone else there to pick up the titles after MVP and Hardy's relationship dissolves.

Cruiserweight: Gregory Helms or REY MYSTERIO- They're gonna have an open for this thing, bet you $50. Helms'll come back in the next few months hopefully and feud with Jamie Noble, Jimmy Wang Yang and.......I dunno who else is even in the running. I would love to see Mysterio get it and kind of rejuvenate the whole Cruiserweight division instead of making him fight guys that he can't viably beat.

Women's: Mickie James-But I wish they would push Michelle...Mickie is gonna eventually come on Beth's radar after tearing through everyone else, and Mickie is gonna upset her at WM.

MITB:???- This is a tough one because it is really a toss up between all of the following guys: Kennedy, CM Punk, Jericho (if he's back), HBK and John Morrison. Throw some more midcarders in there and there is you're MITB match.
WWE Champion: I think Jericho is going to win the Rumble, giving him the number 1 contender spot. I see Shawn winning at Survivor Series, but not carrying the belt all the way to 'Mania. Orton will probably have it back.

Heavyweight Championship: Undertaker - It's Mania, he won't lose.

Intercontinental: Used to be a belt with a lot of worth...seems to be getting out on anybody these days. Probably Hardy will retain.

United States: MVP, he's an awesome wrestler, however won't defend at WM.

Womens: Victoria and Beth would be an awesome match. I'd like to see Victoria win it here though.
WWE Champ----Triple H, because we all know that he will be in a title match at WM. Heel or face I can't guess.

WHC----Edge. The 15-0 DVD coming out has me leary. I think that 'Taker, who, regardless of what anyone says, IS a guy who will pass the torch, would give up the streak for Edge.

ECW----Kevin Thorn. This is wishfull thinking on my part, but hey, I think the guy has a decent gimmick, and isn't THAT awful in the ring. I'd like to see this dude with the title. Probably won't happen, though. :(

IC----Santino. Without a doubt. His wrestling skills will improve, and, even if they don't, his mic skills will make up for it.

World Tag Team----Tough one. I would have said Rhodes and Holly, but they aren't lasting that long. WGTT DESERVES them, and hopefully Vince will see the light. I cannot give a definate opinion.

Women's----The Glamazon. The women's division doesn't require a whole lot of in-ring ability, but the girl isn't that bad, and she is beautiful AND huge. She has a good gimmick going. Chyna, until she had a lot of things done, wasn't really attractive, IMHO. I've got a thing for the Glamazon, and I hope the big girl keeps the title for a long time. :)

I have no opinion on the other titles right now.
wwe champion:Thank God is not cena!Y think triple h or jericho will walk out as champion.Y see HHH winning the title at armagedon and as someone else mentioned jericho should win the royal rumble
wch:Undertaker or edge.y m hug fun of both but y hope it willbr 16-0.It has to be.edge will rest in peace
ecw:it could be keane or big daddy v.
us champion:y see lasley going to smack down and a feud for the title with matt hardy
tag team:kennedy and mvp could make a interesting team keeping that tension between each other like cena and hbk
Pretty hard to tell at this point... anything can happen between now and the end of March/Early April. Injuries could take place, storylines would develop further, and/or the Creative Team could go on strike like the Hollywood writers'. I think:

WWE: Chris Jericho or Shawn Michaels- one of them gets the push at WrestleMania and takes the strap.

World Heavyweight: Either Edge or Taker-depends on if the Edge/Taker feud continues and if Edge beats Batista next week.

ECW: Kane! The man deserves a top-tier title. Although a 'C' show, it is recognized as a World Championship-exactly what Kane deserves!!!

I didn't do them all, just the top champions for each brand. Assuming that the brands stay separate and divided into three's by WM!
whc - taker once he beats edge in a match for streak vs streak i can see this happening.

also i just rememberd that maybe the idiot bobby lashly will be pushed somewhere in it ?

wwe - either hbk getting orton back or jericho . or maybe a sudden change in plans with HHH ? a bit fuzzy at the time we should know once the rumble is over.

ECW - Punk i know this is sad but he will have it until a major heel turns up to face him i see him vsing the likes of shelton with his huge push.

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