Who will be on WZ in 5 to 10 years from now?

I mean really, who the hell knows where ANYONE will be in 5 years? Who's to say you or I don't drop dead tomorrow? Or maybe we get banned, stop watching wrestling, or stop wanting to converse with others anonymously over the internet? Or maybe this site takes a major turn in 5 years and we don't want to use it anymore? It's really impossible to say who'd be here in 5 years.

I'm here now, and I don't plan on leaving this place anytime soon. That's the best I or anyone can give you.
I'll be here unless I you know, get a life.

Which posters do you think will be around on WZ in 5 to Ten years from now? Do you think you will be here?
Probably so. If I haven't left by now, I don't see why I would in the future, since my life was probably the busiest it will ever be over the last couple of years.

I see KB being here for a while but other than that I really don't know.
I don't. It wouldn't surprise me for KB to leave in the next couple of years, doing some sort of exclusive review writing for some site.

Don't bet on it.
Ill probably be dead in the next 5 to 10 years, so clearly not

This was the first thought that popped into my head when I saw you posted. Good to know we're both on the same page.

Of course, I see your demise coming at the figurative hands of a bench press bar, so perhaps we're not totally seeing things the same way. Just stay away from Benoit's Bowflex machine. Motherfucker is dangerous.
We'll see what happens. I'm pretty sure I'll eventually go the IC route once I graduate from law school (I'll be pressured like mad to start a family at that point, so I doubt I'll have time to fuck about on forums...hopefully I can stay in contact with a few people here, though, and maybe even meet them one day :)).
I couldn't leave this place. I just wouldn't do reviews here anymore.

I'm surprised you don't have your own website for your reviews. Just pay a little dough and you can have your own website. And with about 5 minutes to spend, you could have your own review site.
I will most likely leave for a few months here or there, but I can't stay away for to long.
I'm surprised you don't have your own website for your reviews. Just pay a little dough and you can have your own website. And with about 5 minutes to spend, you could have your own review site.

I might make a blog or something for them after the holidays.
Yeah it is. I need to do some research into some ways to make a few dollars off of it. Would be nice to get something back for the work I put into these things. Not sure how though.
If it didn't cost 500$, I'd buy vBullinetin, and I'd have my own forum, where I would be admin! Muwhahahahaha...:shifty:
It's a shame you and I don't live near each other. We could make some insane money if we put our heads together.

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