Who Will Be In The WHC Picture Until The End Of 2011?


Dark Match Jobber
Basicaly, this thread is for who you THINK will be in the WHC picture until the end of 2011. Not who you WANT but who you THINK.

Summerslam - Christian v Randy Orton in a Ironman Match
Has to be the last match between the two for a while. Randy Orton wins.

Night of Champions - Randy Orton v Mark Henry
Mark Henry's gonna get his shot at the gold, but ultimately loosing. Randy Orton wins.

Hell in a Cell - Randy Orton v Wade Barrett in a Hell in a Cell Match
Barret wins a 1. contender match to become the next contender. Randy Orton wins. After the match, Orton tries to punt Barrett in the head, but he rolls out of the ring.

Vengeance - Randy Orton v Wade Barrett
Orton v Sheamus in a match on Smackdown! Half way throught the match Barrett comes in with a steel chair and takes both out. Orton says he wants to finish Barrett. Teddy Long says Orton v Barrett at Vengeance. Randy Orton wins. After the match, Sheamus comes down and gives a brouge kick to Barrett for hitting him with a steel chair.

Survivor Series - Randy Orton v Wade Barrett v Sheamus v Christian
Sheamus/Christian feud mixes with Orton/Barrett to create a fatal-4-way match for the title. Christian wins.

TLC - Christian v Randy Orton in a TLC Match
Orton and Christian respark their feud. Christian wins to cement him as a main eventer.

Who do you think will be in the WHC picture throughout the rest of 2011?
i agree with you. first off, i know many people want to see Henry as World Champion, but i dont, i dont mind a push for a month, but i just worry about his last mid card title run and how it wasnt that entertaining, dont want to see kane get a push either. i am agreeing though with you in that Christian takes on Orton, loses, then he moves onto Henry and then after he feuds with Henry for a month, maybe two, he ends that feud and then moves onto Wade Barrett and hopefully feuds with him for 2 or 3 months maybe even giving Barrett the title and i can see Christian win the world title later, possibly around the Royal Rumble to set up Christian and Daniel Bryan in a future world title match.
Well it depends what your actual question is. Who will be champ? or just who will be in the picture? I fully expect Orton to be champion by the end of the year. Not something i want but that's how i think wwe wants it heading into mania. As far as the world title picture we can expect Mark Henry, Christian, Sheamus, Wade Barrett. Such a vague question though
Im not going to go into the title match detail like the OP did but i will give my opionion on who will be in the title scene.

Randy Orton
This is the obvious choice one of the top guys in WWE, biggest draw on the blue brand, cutts great promos and is a great wrestler. I fully expect him to be champ at the end of the year and to be in the Wrestlemania title match on Smackdown.

Has been part of a highly entertaining feud with Orton theese last 3 months and has proved the people who doubted him as a main eventer wrong. Anyone that can get the crowd going by clapping their hands is way over with the crowd. Expect him to put over younger talent in the months after Summerslam but is definately in the title picture on Smackdown for a long time.

He was way over with the crowd at mitb but weather he is face or heel he will be challenging for the title. For a while on Smackdown it seemed WWE werent going to give Christian a rematch for the title and sheamus was going to be pushed instead so it shows WWE see him as a main eventer on Smackdown as he should be.

Wade Barret
Do you remember a year ago when Wade Barret was the leader of the nexus and was a serious challenger for the WWE in the biggest storyline of the year?? I remember and im sure WWE does too. The corre was a bad idea hence why they broke it up so quick. Seing as Kane and the Big show are injured it gives a chance for other people to grab the spotlight. I fully expect Barret to do so and remind us of the great heel he was last year.

Cody Rhodes
A year ago no one would ever have thought of Cody Rhodes as a main eventer but he has done something great with this gimmick and like Barret i expect him to capitalise on the thin Smackdown roster and recieve a worty push up the card near the end of the year. Its too early for him to win the world title but i can certainly see him challenge for the belt at least once this year given the history he has with Orton.

I left out Mark Henry because although he will get a title shot after Summerslam his push will soon fade away as its done many times before. I can see him in a midcard feud with big Zeke by the end of the year and possibly on the future endeavoured list after mania.
I feel others who have mentioned Randy Orton, Christian, and Sheamus are spot on with their assessments and I don't feel the need to further elaborate.

I disagree with the mention of Wade Barrett. The man is on a prolonged losing streak and just doesn't have the credibility to be considered a main event player at this stage. It would require a lot of work to make him a viable contender in the near future.

I agree with Cody Rhodes. I could be wrong too though. He is really at a critical junction with his character right now. Are they serious about him and going to allow him to break through, or will he just be a deranged midcard act? Time will tell.

I feel that something is in the works with the current Kane storyline. It is would be easy to have him forsake his "humanity" and morph back into the "monster" he is usually portrayed as. Last week's Smackdown could serve as the catalyst to move him back into position as a title contender.

I think that WWE is serious about Mark Henry, given the time and effort being put into making him the threat he currently is. That being said, I'm not sure he and Kane could co-exist as both would serve as the monster heel. I would put money on Henry over Kane, simply due to the past few weeks.

Daniel Bryan also has to be mentioned. He has announced his Money in the Bank cash-in at Wrestlemania, but he needs momentum to make it mean anything positive. I'd expect him to start on a lengthy winning streak.

A wild card I'd like to throw out is Big Zeke. He hasn't done anything since winning the Intercontinetal Title, but it wouldn't take much to have a guy holding the 2nd most important title on the brand to get going. Have him start rolling over guys and you could have a monster face challenger for a heel champion.

A final name I'd like to throw out is Ted Dibiase. He is certainly the lowest of the names mentioned, but WWE obviously has some kind of plan for him. He could use Rhodes to get back on track, turn on him, and work back up the card as a face. Or maybe Rhodes' mentoring pays off and he turns into a more ruthless character hell bent on proving himself. I've been impressed with his recent in-ring work, but admittedly this is a real long shot. I would assume that WWE will pull the trigger on a feud with past Legacy members, be it Orton vs. Rhodes or Orton vs. Dibiase, at some point in the future.
The Smackdown roster is so thin that I feel like it could be easy to predict who will be in the title picture by the end of the year. But let's run down some names:

Randy Orton: The face of Smackdown. He's not leaving the title picture anytime soon and I'm almost 95% sure he'll be the one holding the title or chasing it leading into Mania.

Christian: It's weird. When Christian lost the belt 5 days after winning it, all I heard on in the internet as to why it happened is because WWE felt Christian was never a guy they saw holding the title, they did it just so he could have his moment acheived for all of his hard work. I guess they changed their minds, as he's holding the title leading into the 2nd biggest PPV of the year. He's one of the hottest properties on Smackdown right now and idk I just can't see him being lured back down into the midcard after his feud with Orton. It just wouldn't make much sense to me.

Sheamus: He's about to turn face, so we'll have to see where that takes him. I think it'll work very well, because I think Sheamus' heel run is getting a little stale and Sheamus definitely has the type of character that the fans can get behind if they don't fuck it up somehow. He'll definitely remain at the top of the card on Smackdown, but a title run? Ehh. Maybe. But a Christian/Sheamus feud isn't exactly what I see headlining a PPV. And I don't really wanna see Orton/Sheamus feuding again.

Mark Henry: Everyone has been praising his work lately, and while I will admit he's been stepping it up a little bit and becoming more aggressive, I've never really been a fan. The guy has been given too many chances to count, but I think fans just want him to get the hell off TV because honestly his time has come and gone. Will he be in the title picture by the end of the year? Probably not. Will he still be relevant by that time? Who knows. I see him getting injured again.

Daniel Bryan: It's all a matter of whether or not he has the briefcase by year end. If he doesn't, he'll probably be in the same exact position he was in before he won MITB, as sad as it is.

Wade Barrett: He's gotta do something big before the end of the year if he's getting anywhere near the title picture. They've fucked around with him a lot since Nexus ended and it hasn't helped his credibility one bit. It's hard to say where he'll be by the end of the year.

Kane: Kane has always been and always will be, a top mid carder to back up main eventer. I would personally throw him into a feud with Wade Barrett to help put Barrett over more because he needs it badly.

Cody Rhodes: Maybe it's just me, I just don't see Cody Rhodes being a viable threat to the title for a while. He's got a helluva lot of talent, but he's still young and he needs more time to develop.

Ezekiel Jackson: God I hope not. The guy has potential, but can anyone honestly tell me what this guy has done that warrants him an IC title run? He's really not that over with the crowd yet either. Hell, he wasn't even recognized as a WWE superstar recently!

I don't think there's really anyone else relevant enough on Smackdown to be propelled to the main event by then. Maybe Jinder Mahal, but he needs to step it up a bit. Maybe Taker will come back? Doubt it. But the end of the year is further away then we think.
Orton clearly. He seems to be the only guy on the SD roster that the WWE believes in. Unless someone else moves from RAW to SD I dont see Orton leaving the title picture. Hes too big of a star to have a feud over a midcard title and with the lack of credible opponents I dont know how successful a non title feud would be.
I could see the WHC picture being filled with some variation of Christian, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, and Mark Henry. Granted, those are the top people on Smackdown, so it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Mark Henry's time will be brief. They have been giving him a monster heel push, but like it always does, it will fade out and he'll go back down the card. Don't get me wrong, he's been pretty impressive lately, but I don't think he'll end up hanging around as long as a lot of people do. Sheamus is going to stay in the main event, or around it for awhile. He may not actually get a title match until late in 2011, but I could easily see him getting a few months as champion, and losing it at the Royal Rumble to build towards WrestleMania.

Randy Orton isn't going out of the title picture, unless it's to briefly feud with a challenger for a month, and heading right back in. He's the new John Cena to Smackdown, and that's why I don't see Christian's title reign lasting longer than one or two PPVs, if that.
Randy Orton is the only definite, becoming essentially Smackdown!'s Cena, I fully expect Orton to be in a title match at EVERY SINGLE PPV for the remainder of 2011. That being said, I think at some point we'll see Mark Henry, Christian, Sheamus, Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett and Kane all involved at some point, even if it's a multi-man match. Take into account, it is possible that the title won't be defended at Survivor Series (although, it probably will be) and Night of Champions, on a PPV that's supposed to be about champions only, I don't see them trying to sell a PPV with Orton vs. Henry, so a multi-man match is very likely and given that Kane will have 3 months off, I can see him getting into a main event push at the end of the year. Really anything can happen in WWE right now on both Raw and Smackdown!. The only two constants I see are Orton and Cena but who they have them mixing up with could vary quite a bit on both shows.
Randy Orton - Face of SD.

Christian - Heel of SD.

Sheamus - He's turned face and will probably be what Orton was on Raw, second face but getting the same reaction as top face.

Barrett - I hope he is anyway. He's a great talent and deserves it. I think he will be in the title picture by the end of the year and maybe the second or even top heel of SD.

Mark Henry - Currently in a big push and I can't see his push stopping until early next year at the earliest.

Cody Rhodes - Another I hope but I don't know about Cody. I think he's going to be in a feud with Dibiase until the end of the year so he might not be in the title picture but he deserves to be.
It's either gonna be Christian or Orton without a doubt.

But I reckon for sure - Orton will have the WHC in time for next years WrestleMania - I'm hoping for an Orton vs Daniel Bryan Title match at WM.

So I'm gonna say Randy Orton with title in hand at the end of 2011.
Orton- Of fucking course. Top face on smackdown. He will almost definitely be in the world title match at wrestlemania barring any serious injury.

Christian- I love that Christian is finally a main eventer. I thought he was just fodder for orton, but their feud is so far feud of the year in all the wwe. I know people will say punk vs cena, and while it was a great match, it seems to be more punk vs the wwe than punk vs cena.

Sheamus- Just turned face, and will easily fill the role of number 2 face. Besides being a bully, Sheamus has never showed too much of a heel tendency. Case in point: last year when it was wwe vs nexus, jericho and edge both left the match, but sheamus (the only remaining heel) stayed and fought. I think he will do just fine as a face.

Barrett- Will be in the main event shortly. No doubt about it. He is good in the ring, great on the mic, and has a real good character. Sky's the limit for him.

Cody Rhodes- My choice to face orton at wrestlemania. I think that he will beat bryan for the mitb briefcase as there is no way the wwe would have db be in the title match. remember what happened to the last guy that said he would cash in at mania (mr kennedy). im not saying bryan will be let go, but i just dont see the wwe putting that much faith in the guy. Rhodes' build has been slow and steady, and he gets better and more over every time he is on smackdown. not to mention the story writes itself between these two. orton vs rhodes has history. rhodes can play how orton has gone soft, and now he is more demented than orton ever was.

who will not be

daniel bryan- as i said, i just dont see the wwe having that much faith in him. orton vs face bryan wont sell, plain and simple.

mark henry- i actually think that mark henry's push is nothing more than building up a monster for sheamus to turn face wrestling against.

in other words db is fodder for rhodes, henry is fodder for sheamus. (i like them, but i just dont think the wwe will put these two in the main event.)

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