Who Will Be Gone in 5 Years

Who Will Be Gone In Five Years

  • Santino Morella

  • Snitsky

  • Khali

  • Lashley

  • CM Punk

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Testicles. That is all.
Okay. Here's a poll. Who do you think will be gone, totally dead from wrestling, in five years? I put mostly newcomers who have not established themselves fully yet.

I think it will be Morella. He just does not seem to have a spark, nor is his wrestling ability what I would would call stellar. Maybe he can pull it together
Snitsky. He's dead weight now, so either from injury or the sad realization that he can't go anywhere, he's gone.

Marella may not be a top contender, but he's in shape. If he wants it, he may be able to pull something out. Snitsky? No chance.
santino, the crowd already hates him and i dont think theres much future in the biz for him, snitsky might still be used on heat or ECW in 5 years since vince loves big guys so much, i mean who would've thought viscera would still be around...

oh and how can u put cm punk and lashley on the poll? they are gonna have a great future IMO, i hope at least, no way a guy so over like cm or lashley would stop being used in only 5 years...
I chose Snitzky. The man went as far as dying his teeth for his character and still hardly gets any reaction from the crowd.

I first thought that Santino was going to be a waste of space but after watching RAW last night, he has drawn alot of heat from the crowd and that's a good thing. Atleast he is getting some reactions from the crowd unlike Snitzky. And I think the way he talks can give fans a reason to listen to what he has to say on mic."What'a the hell was that'a!!"
I chose Snitsky as well. I doubt he will be around anymore than a year or two. He's not over with the crowd and can't put on a match beyond 3 minutes. He's getting older and his mic skills are weak. The gimmick is laughable.

Khali I can see sticking around a few more years. I don't know about a whole 5 years. I'm not sure how old he is. But hes over with the crowd and plays his character quite well even if he is god awful in the ring. I see him sticking around due to his size. WWE has to always have a "monster"

Santino-I figure he's going to be kind of off and on. Getting released or sent back to OVW alot of times. But then returning. But his character is over now and he got a tremendous amount of heat during his heel turn last night. I don't know he might be around for awhile maybe not 5 years but he has a better shot than Snitsky.

CM Punk- Definately. He's very talented and is a fast up and coming star. He's a few of the future guys that will carry WWE someday. He will be around come 5 years if he stays healthy.

Lashley- No doubt about it. He stays healthy he's got a good career ahead of him. "well he sucks in the ring" BS. If he gets his chance to show some of his mat skills and wrestling background his matches will be pretty good. He's still got alot of improving to do both in the ring and mic. But he will be a top star in WWE for the next few years. IF he can stay injury free.
Lol, why the hell are Lashley and Punk included in this??? Makes no sense whatsoever. It's like the guy who wrote this put Santino, Snitsky, and Khali and thought "oh crap, I picked 5 choices and need 2 more..." and then flipped a coin or something and somehow randomly picked Lashley and Punk. Very bizarre.

Santino made big strides last night, he made a natural heel and the crowd really reacted. Will he stretch it out five years? Certainly not in the WWE. He could go to TNA and do good in the X Division if they keep it. Otherwise, he probably goes back to MMA.

Snitsky is your typical big monster heel. If he wasn't so old (37 and a half), he could have a shot at 5 years, but unlikely.

The Great Khali is truly baffling. He is inarguably the worst wrestler to ever hold a title belt in any major wrestling promotion(including Vince McMahon, Vince Russo, even David Arquette, etc), and he can't even speak English. But he's 7'4 and the crowd really reacts to him. He's a few years younger than Snitsky too. Will probably be wrestling somewhere, though not in the WWE, in five years.

Bobby Lashley and CM Punk?!?!?!?!? Again, it just makes no sense whatsoever to include them. They should be choices in the "who will be World Champ in 5 Years" poll, not who will be gone. The first post said it was newcomers who hadn't established themselves...Lashley is a former ECW champ who's now been in main events on Raw, CM Punk is single handedly carrying a whole show on his own. Does anybody have a hard time imagining a CM Punk vs. Bobby Lashley Main Event at WrestleMania 28? I don't.
I voted Khali simply becouse he isnt really main event status he has never had any good matches that would even make him a main eventer and he is only holding the W.H.C title becouse hardy and MVP isnt ready and other then that there isnt any main eventers exept the naitch on smackdown so they would of gave khali the title only because he was the biggest guy on the roster, and so batista can win it off him to make him bigger then ever. so i think The great khali era will fizzle out before the five years are up.
I voted snitsky because i think he doesnt really have a real gimmick and it wont run for long, also hes the lest talented of the 5
Well...Khali is already a World Champion. I wouldn't say he'll be gone for a while. That's more than enough reason.

CM Punk and Lashley are bad choices, no offense. They're both good wrestlers, Lashley just needs some tune up on the mic and spots. CM Punk is young as well as Lashley, and the only direction they can go is up.

As for Marella, I really don't know what to think of him. He's just so damn bad, doesn't have a finisher, can't talk well, can't wrestle well - he's worthless. But he is also young, so he might just get sent back to OVW and come back again. I couldn't really say yet what's going to become of him. Everyone is right, that he's already getting heat. Maybe this was the plan, if he can't get over as a face, make him look like an idiot and become heel.

Snitsky is the obvious choice. He's been around for quite a while, dating back to Kane and Lita, maybe earlier, but I can't remember him anywhere before that. And what does he have to show for it? Err...nothing. He's going nowhere, he has no reaction, they're trying to make him a monster and the crowd just sits there and does nothing. He's not taking part in anything but squashes, which could have something to do with it. It will take some actual wrestlers and actual feuds first before I can judge.

At the moment however it's Snitsky. Unless it's different with actual wrestlers, he's history.
snitzky's gotsta go!! i gotta agree, he is dead weight. he was crap last year and the year before that and he will continue to be crap. right now, he's just a piece of crap with yellow teeth. basically, he's just a filler for ECW and can't see him EVER winning a championship. let alone, the ECW, World, or WWE titles. he looked better with his "Neidhart" like beard. Marella lost his chances and should go back to OVW and train or a better gimmick. and a far as DEAD goes, i give Hulk Hogan another 5 years before all of his aches and pains catch up with him. i take nothing away from him but as it has been proven or brought to our attention by the media and mark mero, the average life span of a wrestler is 45 or at least one who has a history of steroids. hogan might just be pushin his envelope. khali is just sloppy and should train harder or learn the skills of wrestling like big show did and actually be good....and understandable. i can't understand a word he says....hippity hoo-blah!! that's it for now.
Let me explain. Lashley is without a doubt, a very good wrestler. But, come on folks. He has no interview skills at all. I am a firm believer that you need interview skills to make it in wrestling.

Yes, I will agree that adding Punk may have been a mistake. I cannot find much wrong with him. However, he is young and just getting started. A lot can happen in 5 years. He could screw up big time or get in trouble.
Let me explain. Lashley is without a doubt, a very good wrestler. But, come on folks. He has no interview skills at all. I am a firm believer that you need interview skills to make it in wrestling.

Kevin Nash? His mic skills suck and he is still around, as Diesel his mic skills were okay but as Nash he just seems like he forces it.

Anyway, Santino will be gone by 2008, he will probably go TNA or japan. he has skill but his gimmick is pants.
I voted for Santino Marella, even though my next guess is Snitsky! Both of these guys suck, even though Santino is hilarious on the microphone: What'a the hell is that'a!? What an awesome quote.
Lashley and CM Punk both have a future, and if anyone disagrees or thinks otherwise then they are stupid. They are both young, well-rounded individuals. Sure, Lashley's microphone skills aren't as good as some, but he has time to improve them, and his amateur wrestling background can carry him a LONG way!
Punk is straightedge. He is an awesome competitor, and a role model for the younger aspiring generation. If he stays clean and healthy, he will be fine! I see him as WWE or World Heavyweight Champion in a year or two. Absolutely possible.
I went with Khali. I dont think hes gonna last to long, considering the fact that Vince loves to sign and bring up big dudes. Soon, he'll fade out and he'll be remembered as the second Giant Gonzales who had a bit more success. Or, at least thats how Ill remember him.
Without question The Great Khali will be done wrestling in 5 years. Its not even a question. Anyone remember Giant Gonzalez? Khali having the belt now is just a showing of how little talent there was on Smackdown, at least at the time, on the main event level. Snitsky is also going to be gone before 5 years are up, considering he is old and he has still recieved almost no push. I shouldnt even be responding to this, since Khali doesnt even wrestle anyway. Calling him a wrestler is an insult to actual wrestlers, he is just a giant who slaps people in the chest and cannot even bend over to pin someone.

Bottom line: Khali gone easily before 5 years time.
Three out of five will be gone in the next 5 years, and I'm guessing two out of five will be gone in the next two years.

Marella can't get over, period. He's pretty flat in the ring, and in my opinion, has a very short shelf life. I just can't see him being around too much longer, and it was rumored a very short time ago that he was on the "endangered species" list.

As far as Snitsky goes, I thought he was hysterical before being repackaged as Kane, Jr. He had the long hair, the awesome beard, and had quite possibly my favorite catchphrase of all time, "It wasn't my fault!" That entire Kane/Lita/Snitsky storyline was a great way to introduce him, and then he continued to bring some funny moments every now and then, before getting jobbed out to Heat. His ability to be funny overshadowed the fact that he couldn't wrestle a damn. Now, he just can't get over. Him coming out and squashing random wrestlers week in and week out just can't get people to care, and rightfully so. The WWE will release Snitsky very soon... probably to a wellness policy violation. His backne is a pretty damn good sign that he's taking roids.

Marella and Snitsky will be gone in the next two years. Khali has a very limited shelflife as well. Sooner or later, they're going to run out of ideas for things for him to do.

There's no way Punk or Lashley are going anywhere any time soon.
I voted for Snitsky.They continue pushing him and destroying meaningless people but yet they haven't taken his character anywhere.He gets no reaction whatsoever and hasn't added any credits to his name except for killing Litas unborn child.
uhh i would like to say santino marella, but i would have to say snitsky. santino is young, athletic and pretty decent. snitsky is a powerhouse and pretty old. but then again wwe likes using big guys so i could be wrong. khali, no. i dont think wwe will release a world champ in 5 years. cm punk and lashley, hell no! theyre young, athletic and have a good future
Easily Snitsky and monday night couldn't have proved that point any better. When Vince announced Cena vs. Snitsky, the place was as quiet as can be. No one cares about his character and he's definitely not over as a heel. Backstage Vince was said to be taken aback by the fact Snitsky wasn't over. I feel bad for the guy because he seems like he wants to get over but just can't, I mean look how disgusting he made his teeth, just for the sake of a character but doesn't get over. But if he's not gone in 2 years, I would be surprised.
I think Vince is going to try to make Lashley and Punk big stars, so they'll definitely stay as long as they stay out of trouble. But Lashley really needs to work on his mic skills. I mean, Candice Michelle is a better acter than Lashley is. If he can improve that, Lashley will stay in WWE for a long time.

Khali has been really bad lately, but I think if he goes back to his old ways, he could stay.

So If it was between Santino and Snitsky, I'd have to say Snitsky is leaving, only because Santino is at least good with the fans and in interviews, but Snitsky sucks at everything. This is just my opinion though, so I don't know what will happen.
I enjoy Morrella as a heel.Maybe it is his accent,or maybe the whole "controlling boyfriend" angle,which maybe the most repeated storyline in wrestling.I have to say one of my favorite lines in the last couple years was from snitsky,"I like feet,what are you doing?"
See if i had to chose it would be Snitsky because i believe he is up there in age but actually not positive. He lacks most things in the ring and cant wrestle a match longer than five minutes and i dont like the guy when he speaks on the mic. I know it isnt going to be Punk or Lashley because with some work they could be main eventers and the way it looks they should be. I think khali will stay unless he gets seriously injured, also even though he is boring people hate im which makes him a good HEEL because mostly everyone despises him. I think Santino will stay because i think he could be a good in ring competitor and he is good on mic and i love how bad his accent is but i think with some improvement he could help the wwe. it isnt going to be lashley even though he has no mic skills but mic skills arent everything in wrestling even though they do help.So i will chose Snitsky because he is boring i believe his age is close to the late 30's. He can not get over with the fans and he basically gets no reaction by the fans, and his gimmick is terrible.
You talk about the crowd not interested in Snitsky, it's twice as bad for The Miz. I'm not even sure why he is on the roster. He cant wrestle, no one likes him, and his matches are put in so the crowd has some time to get popcorn. The Miz dose not have a chance to survive in the WWE. But if I had to stick to the list I'de pick Snitsky.
I think Khali will be gone in 5 years....there are only so many storylines that can be played out as "the biggest superstar" vs ________. He will continue to be big and bad for another year, maybe 2. He will have some sort of face turn and have some attempt at comedy (probably falling short). The bigger they are, the harder they fall....I just see him getting some sort of injury that he won't come back from + having all of the storylines play out.

Santino is great as an annoying heel, I think he'll stick around.

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