Who has been WWE's MVP of the past 5 years?

Who has been WWE's MVP of the past 5 years?

  • John Cena

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Triple H

  • Undertaker

  • Batista

  • Chris Benoit

  • Edge

  • Randy Orton

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Kurt Angle (before he left)

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I 100% agree with HHH. Noone could single handily make stars out of who he has today. He has made Orton, & Batista, gave Beniot the push to the main event he so desperatly desevred, swallowed his pride and jobbed to G-Berg, did as much as any human could do to put Steiner over, heck he even took Eugene to a push. Tried as hard as one man could to evelate Booker T at WM 19, and then carried Kevin Nash for the summer of 03. HHH was the one who beat Kane to lose his mask. Heck even the random distant times HHH and Angle got together you knew it was gonna be classic, remeber the draft on Raw in 05 when HHH was in the ring and Angle came out as Raw's pick for the week? HHH and Angle just teasing a confrontation got the crowd hot. He also made Benjamin the star he is today. HHH is the MVP today.

.....However, if a certain star did not leave in Decemeber I would say the BIG SHOW would have been. Think about Show's run from 02 till when he left in Dec. Just as impressive if not more so than anyone who is mentioned on this list.
I would have 2 go with triple h. over the last 5 years hes been world champion what 5 or 6 times. he also dominated most of 2002, and 2003 as world champ. he was also the first world heavyweight champion since the brought the title back.
Aside from his feuds with Michaels and Benoit, Triple H has pretty much been a bore since 2002. He's been in so many crap matches/feuds in the past 5 years... Steiner, Booker, Nash, Goldberg, Eugene, Orton, Batista, Cena, etc.

The MVP is between Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels... both always had the best matches/feuds.

The current MVP is no doubt Edge, he is the total package right now.
Ask this question in two years, and the answer will probably be John Cena.

However, of the last five years, the answer has to be Triple H. He's been in many top feuds, he's a credible champion, he's a solid main-eventer wrestler, and he was pretty much the only big draw left after Rock and Austin left. He's helped build guys like Batista and Cena, his angle with HBK in DX, not only revived DX but also HBK, and the guy is willing to help the company in anyway he can.

Oh oh no no you make me very sad. How can you say cena is going to be a legend? What has he honestly done for the company? Other than draw little kids and adults who know absolutely nothing about wrestling. His wrestling ability is extremely limited, and his promos aren't exactly The Rock are they.
First, I'm not a kid, and I know plenty about wrestling. Second, you can say that Cena will be a legend because he's only 30, but he's a 3 time WWE champion, and his combined title reign has him FIFTH all-time in the WWE behind Bruno Sammartino, Hulk Hogan, Bob Backlund and Pedro Morales. Sammartino is probably out of reach, but the other three, particularly Morales, are not. He's one of, if not the biggest draw in the company currently, and the WWE has handed him the ball, and he's ran with it.

Unless something drastically changes, John Cena will go down as a legend, whether people like it or not.
Yep WWE gave him the ball and he ran with it and he also made a fool out of himself and the once prestigious WWE title.
How can you say Cena is the biggest draw?
Once Edge beat him for the title ratings went up, which shows that to some extent he brings ratings down.
You exchange Taker or Triple H for Cena Right now and I Guarantee ratings will get higher.
Not a matter of opinion.

However i agree he will be a legend to WWE standards but will never be seen as someone who had talent.
While Edge has a lot to do with the ratings spike, I don't think it has anything to do with him or Cena. I think that the WWE is going the wrong direction and not listening to what the fans want. Shorter title reigns draw bigger numbers, regardless of who the champions are. People like controversy, and nothing says controversy like belts getting dropped back and forth. The reason why Cena draws a 3.6 now, is because it's stale. He's in world title matches against guys that no one believes will win the WWE strap.

While Edge is a damn better choice as champion in my opinion, I think either of them would have the same result over that long. This is a fast food, instant meal society we live in, and people have short attention spans, they don't want year long title reigns, it's not entertaining.
But look at it this way

If edge was the champion or anyone else who was actually good.
Would'nt you tune into Raw, in a enthusiastic way?

I don't know about you but i don't watch raw because its crap mainly because Cena s Champion.

And you can not denie that when edge became champion the show was more fun to watch thus meaning it is obviouse it would get higher ratings.
Yep WWE gave him the ball and he ran with it and he also made a fool out of himself and the once prestigious WWE title.
How can you say Cena is the biggest draw?
For the same reasons I've already said.
Ratings since 2004 have steadily gone up, PPV buys in 2006 increased, live show attendance increased, his quarter hour segments are generally the highest rated, and he makes the most money from merchandising.

How can you say he's not?

Once Edge beat him for the title ratings went up, which shows that to some extent he brings ratings down.
I love when people bring this up. Because it is so ridiculous it makes me laugh every time. The ratings went up for TWO WEEKS! THAT IS ALL!

The much better gauge of Edge's ratings draw ability is shown later on in the summer when he held the title for 2 months. Would you like to know what his average rating for his summer reign was?


Do you want to know what the average rating for Raw was for 2006?


So, Edge's reign was around the average of the 2006 rating.

You exchange Taker or Triple H for Cena Right now and I Guarantee ratings will get higher.
Not a matter of opinion.
Fact huh?

Triple H's Raw rating as champion in 2004 - 3.65
Triple H's Raw rating as champion in 2005 (which was ALL during the build-up to Wrestlemania - 3.89

Total combined rating for Triple H in 2004 and 2005 - 3.74

So, Triple H could not even get the same rating as the average Raw rating for ALL of 2006 during the Road to Wrestlemania. His average rating was less than the 2006 Raw rating AND the 2005 average Raw rating. His run as champion before losing the title to Benoit averaged a lower rating than Benoit's run, and so did his first run after getting the belt back. His run in 2005, which was primarily on the Road to Wrestlemania, did worse than Batista's run on Raw.

So, where are you coming up with this "fact" that Triple H will boost ratings?
Its Fact that if someone like Triple H or The undertaker was champion, more people would watch raw and i don't need stupid figures because people have TOLD me this.
I ask you Who would you rather watch on raw as champ Cena or someone else who is talented like Triple H, HBK, and many more?
I bet there is someone you like better than Cena.
Its Fact that if someone like Triple H or The undertaker was champion, more people would watch raw and i don't need stupid figures because people have TOLD me this.
Wait, let me see if I understand. Facts and figures don't mean near as much as what some unnamed person or persons told you?

I had no idea.
I ask you Who would you rather watch on raw as champ Cena or someone else who is talented like Triple H, HBK, and many more?
HBK as champion never interested me, and judging from his first reign as champion, didn't interest a lot of people. His second reign was saved by the Montreal Screwjob and the phenomenon that was Steve Austin.

And, haven't we seen enough of Triple H as champion?

So, I guess to answer your question, I'd rather see Cena as champion than either one of those two.

In addition, name me one credible person who deserves to hold a title more than Cena, who has not held a main-event title in the last five years.

I bet there is someone you like better than Cena.
Yes, but Sting and AJ Styles are in TNA, and Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan are both retired. :)
I would personally have Kennady Than John Cena in the Main Event.
Same with Cm punk, Chris benoit, Kane, and many more.
I would personally have Kennady Than John Cena in the Main Event.
Same with Cm punk, Chris benoit, Kane, and many more.
Fair enough. I disagree, but the Cena thread is in the Raw forum.

Let's save this for the MVP of the WWE over the last 5 years.

And, even though I kind of hurt my own pick, I'm staying with Triple H.
Okay, i also think Triple H because he basically built these 5 years.
He made Randy ortan a star,
Batista and John cena.

But in the same sense so did Taker he made ortan, Kennady and the rest of smackdown look strong.

but overall i would say Triple H casue within the last 5 years Taker has been in and out. If taker had his long run he could maybe have changed that, i duno.

But once again we should also consider Triple H GAVE himself the spot light these past 5 years, which makes me angry tbh.
I voted Edge. He may not have been the most significant superstar and he may not have been carrying the company so-to-speak but he's pretty much the only reason I've ever tuned in to WWE for a while now. In my opinion, Edge is the ultimate example of what WWE should be (if they're not focusing on wrestling). He's one of the only guys in the company that'll manage to drag a storyline out of the "glorified soap opera" category. His matches, whilst not on the technical level of your typical ROH match, are very entertaining and his character comes across nicely - which is apparently what WWE wants.

As for Cena as a legend? Well, others may consider him one in the future but to me, I will always remember him as the man that ushered in the dark age of Raw, and made every single match totally predictable. For those reasons, I refuse to recognise him as anything other than the object of the true wrestling fan's nightmares.
This is a tough one for me. I'll vote for Edge/Angle, though. Edge is living proof of his skill as he was automatically chosen as a stopgap champion when Taker bit the dust a few weeks back. He's been good enough in the ring to hide John Cena's screaming lack of creativity and can rock a mic like it's nobody's business. I'll forgive him for his "Sex Celebration" though. As for Angle? He can and has put on some of the best matches of this decade within that company, including stealing a Wrestlemania in a mammoth fashion a few years ago. He was so good he was chosen as a stopgap champion/competitor three times. Once when they shipped him to Raw to provide a foil for John Cena's worthless ass (notice a trend here, people?), once when they needed someone on Smackdown (Batista went down because he tore his own triceps through stellar genius), and once when they needed someone for ECW.
I have to vote for John Cena. Look at that list. Out of all of them, he is the only one that hasn't been injured. He has been there while all the others were on the shelf.
When I think of an MVP, I think of not only the most valuable player, but who has stuck it out the entire time. Compare it to the NFL, if LT was injured and didn't play in at least half of the games last year, AND was still voted MVP would you think it was legit?
^They also needed him as a marquee name because he lent instant credibility with the few marks that may have cared about the new ECW.
To me, this is an unfair question that is set up so that HHH and HBK are the only ones that have a shot of legitimately winning MVP over the last 5 years. It's been brought up somewhat, but no ones really looked at it closely.

John Cena - Achieved main event status leading up to Wrestlemania 21 in his feud with JBL. Before that he was united states champ, and 5 years ago i dont even remember wat he was doing.
Undertaker - Taker's the only other guy who's had main even status for 5 years, but he was never really given a long title run (while HHH has had way too many and shouldve shared some glory with a deserving legend like the deadman)
Batista - Same as Cena. His main event build up came before WM21 against HHH
Chris Benoit - Chris Benoit is the best technical wrestler there is in the WWE right now, but with only 1 world title run and his less than steller mic skills have held him back and WWE would never book him to be the top guy for a long period.
Edge - Edge has only been contending for a world title for 2 years or so also
Randy Orton - He has a world title reign that lasted a month. after that he was involved in a couple of feuds but nothing notable and his personal issues have gotten in the way.
Rey Mysterio - Really only got main event status after winning the royal rumble. before that he had good matches with Eddie, but nothing spectacular storylinewise. in the ring hes great tho.
Kurt Angle - Kurt would obviously be way up there if he hadnt left for TNA.

So this question really only fits HHH and HBK because theyre the only ones who've been main eventing for the past 5 years. And let's face it - WWE is the one who decides who will be their MVP, not us. It's who they decide to push. Realistically Edge and Benoit should be huge contenders here, but as we know, DX is highly favored by management and theres nothing we can do about it.
hhh for sure. hes dominated the wwe the last five years and built stars and classic matches with orton, hbk, batista, benoit. as much as people didnt like hhh as champ back then, im sure theyd take him back than cena now.
I think you need to look at the matches from the last 5 years and pick out the top 20. Chances are most of them will involve KURT ANGLE. Sure he's left now but he was the most overall entertaining guy in WWE for most of the last 5 years.

HHH been great as well but isn't this his second major injury in that time? Probably about the same amount of actual screen time as Angle then, who I prefer for comedic value cause I think he's been in better matches and feuds.
If this was the MVP of the last 2 years, I'd say Cena without a doubt. But since it's the last five, I have to go with HHH. He was great as a dominating heel champion, and despite what many others may claim, he did put lots of people over. I mean, fuck, he put Shelton Benjamin over when he was just out of the tag team division. He put fucking Batista over three times despite the fact that he can't wrestle for shit and was a horrible champion. What more can you really ask for?
If this was the MVP of the last 2 years, I'd say Cena without a doubt. But since it's the last five, I have to go with HHH. He was great as a dominating heel champion, and despite what many others may claim, he did put lots of people over. I mean, fuck, he put Shelton Benjamin over when he was just out of the tag team division. He put fucking Batista over three times despite the fact that he can't wrestle for shit and was a horrible champion. What more can you really ask for?

In a way I totally agree with you but HBK is still the MVP for me.But just a question, your bagging on Batista for being a piece of shit wrestler look at John Cena he is horrible too and Triple H put him over a couple times as well but you don't mention him.Odd.

Shawn is the MVP because he consistantly puts on amazing matches for us no matter the opponent and keeps working even though he needs a well deserved break.
In a way I totally agree with you but HBK is still the MVP for me.But just a question, your bagging on Batista for being a piece of shit wrestler look at John Cena he is horrible too and Triple H put him over a couple times as well but you don't mention him.Odd.
You're right, HHH put Cena over, too. Just another reason why he is the MVP of the last five years. And it's no comparison between Batista and Cena. At least Cena can cut a promo and put on good matches with people like Umaga. Triple H couldn't even pull more than one good match out of Batista. The only good match they had was the HIAC. Plus, Cena treats his fans much better than Batista does.
You're right, HHH put Cena over, too. Just another reason why he is the MVP of the last five years. And it's no comparison between Batista and Cena. At least Cena can cut a promo and put on good matches with people like Umaga. Triple H couldn't even pull more than one good match out of Batista. The only good match they had was the HIAC. Plus, Cena treats his fans much better than Batista does.

Most of what you said was true.Cenad doesn't do good work on the mic.He says the same thing."The champ is still here..."etc.Yeah Triple H couldn't pull a good match out of Cena either.

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