Who was your favourite wrestler of the 80's, 90's, 00's?


Dark Match Winner
Its a self explaining title.

Now for me I grew up watching WWF, in the 90's I didnt get to see any pre 90's wresting to comment. I didnt watch any WCW or ECW.

In the 90's my favourite was Mr Perfect. I think his whole gimmick was brilliant and he payed it so well. His Vignetts were hilarious aswell. If you dont know What Im talking about you should check them out on youtube, for me this is the best one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iK7vRYeY3U. His entrance music was ace too.

In the 00's it was Triple H. Again a ot of similarities to Mr Perfect. He was the guy you loved to hate for the early part. Then through Evolution and reforming DX added to his legacy.

So who was it for you? Who did you tune in every week for?
I grew up with most wrestling companies because my dad was an avid watcher and I got a some puro schooling from my Japanese grandmother growing up. The only major one I didn't watch was ECW because I couldn't find it and I was like 8 or 9 at it's height.

That being said my favorite wrestler from the 90's is Mick Foley. Phenomenal mic skills, no one to me portrays such a broad spectrum of human emotion as well as Foley, and he can do it just in one promo. Especially during his early Mankind days. He didn't have good looks, he didn't have an amazing body he was kind of out of shape, he wasn't the most athletic, and he wasn't the most technical. But he had the most guts, heart, and intestinal fortitude. An everyday man who probably didn't belong getting the success he did and knows it. I fucking love Mick Foley.

For the 00's I'd probably go with Lesnar. In his short time in WWE, he dominated everybody and put on phenomenal matches with an array of top stars in different matches each time. From technical wars with Angle, to all out brawls with Taker, to Speed vs Power with RVD and the Hardy's, to upcoming youth vs experienced veteran on his way out with The Rock. No one took over the company as fast as he did and in such an amazing way in my mind. When he left it such a void in WWE and if he stayed I can only speculate on what else he would have brought to the table. Maybe that adds to his greatness though, we really only got a taste of what he was.
For me my favorite wrestler from the 80's is a tie between Mr. Perfect, Roddy Piper, and Ted Dibiasi.

My favorite from the 90's was Stone Cold Steve Austin. Mr. Perfect has to come in at second place.

My favorite wrestler of the 2000's would have to be Carlito. Chris Jericho and CM Punk comes in a tie for second.
80s: It's a really close call between "Macho Man" Randy Savage and Ricky "the Dragon" Steamboat. Both were so much fun to watch, and I just really didn't like Hulk Hogan. When the Mega Powers were formed I almost felt like Savage was betraying my poor little childhood soul. But when the turn happened I couldn't have been happier to see my guy as the WWF Champion. Until Hogan took it from him at Mania... Steamboat was, and still is, just awesome. The guys brings it in the ring and he really set the stage for stars like Jericho and Morrison.

90s: I was a big fan of Sting. Pretty much any of the classic WCW cast and crew was what I lived for in the 90s. You've got Lex and Goldberg and all those guys. I never got on board with ECW to be honest. You sort of have to split the 90s in two, because WCW captured a ton of history, but you also have guys like Steve Austin and the Rock who owned the end of the 90s going into the new millennium. Those are the tweeners that really don't fit into either of the decades but are the best at what they do. But honestly, at the time I was much more a fan of guys like Triple H and Shawn Michaels. I loved the Rock, but he wasn't why I tuned in every week... Rocky was the entertainer, but Stone Cold and Triple H were really what brought me in. I also vaguely remember loving the Hardyz. Now THAT was must-see tag team action!

00s: Chris Jericho. There are so many others that are up on top, but Jericho wins every time for me. Shawn Michaels, Triple H, John Cena, and especially Kurt Angle and Eddie Guerrero were guys that I loved watching every single week, but Chris Jericho will always be the best of the best in my opinion. He has been entertaining in everything he has ever tried to do, and he can pull a decent match out of the worst performers, and a perfect match out of the best. His work with HBK I and II are two of my favorite feuds in wrestling history. I was probably the one guy in the world that marked out when Jericho low-blowed HBK after their Mania match.

Good stuff. Thanks for the memories OP.
For me my favorite wrestler from the 80's is a tie between Mr. Perfect, Roddy Piper, and Ted Dibiasi.

My favorite from the 90's was Stone Cold Steve Austin. Mr. Perfect has to come in at second place.

My favorite wrestler of the 2000's would have to be Carlito. Chris Jericho and CM Punk comes in a tie for second.

Not Angle? Not Guerrero? Not Benoit? Not Lesnar? Not Taker? Not Hunter, Orton, Batista, or Flair? Not Cena or the Rock? You're going with F'ing Carlito!?!
Is it because he stabbed Johh Cena? I think it's because he stabbed John Cena...

No offense. If you're being serious I can totally see why. He was actually a pretty entertaining character, and I liked his gimmick. I just wish he had cared a little bit more and was able to get out of the mid-card blah that surrounded him...
80's: It has to be Ric Flair. Now listen, I was born in '88, so I wasn't watching wrestling around that time, however, I consider myself a student of the game and I've seen all of Flair's interviews and classic matches with Steamboat, Rhodes, Race, Sting, Windham, and countless others. Ric Flair was the best wrestler of the 1980's. Even better than the almighty Hogan.

90's: I started watching wrestling around late '91, early '92. My favorite wrestler at that period of time was none other than The Undertaker. As a child watching him at this point in time, putting wrestlers into body bags and coffins and such. He was really scary and I loved it. Just the mystique and visuals that he provided were awe inspiring. Then you throw in Bearer with the Urn and everything just worked.

00's: Surprise! It's the Phenom, the Undertaker. I'll be honest; I hated his change to the American Bad Ass, but in '04, when he went back to the Deadman, I think I wet myself a little bit. It brought back all of the memories that I had of him as a child and it gave us a new, hybrid 'Taker. He has the Streak and has been putting on the best matches of his career here in the past few years. 'Taker is the best big man of all the times and one of the absolute greatest of all the times.
The 80's Ricky Steamboat and the Macho Man... I was always a fan of martial arts stuff when I was a kid, and the Dragon was this super karate man at the time, I just loved him and the fact that he was the uber good guy. Macho Man was soo over the top and entertaining. Both guys used to "fly" as well so as a kid they were just the best to me.

The 90's (I think there is a trend growing here) it has to be Sting, the big high flying super strong Champion fighting the evil-doers. Massive fan of his. Later on in the 90's I became a fan of Bret Hart (yep another hero-type champion character and then Goldberg)...

00's is when I discovered Puro and I couldn't get enough. I remembered Liger and Muta from WCW and followed their careers only to find out abot all the other wrestlers, companies and feuds, I had to get my hands on everything and then I became obsessed with Kenta Kobashi. A human tank, good-guy champion character once again, who could perform a moonsault or destroy you with brute power, and almost unstoppable.

I also think Christopher Daniels was/is the best wrestler in the U.S. in the 00s. His promos are amazing and his inring moves are like an encycopledia. He can truly do it all in the ring. Fallen Angel gimmick is brilliant also..

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