Who Wants To Be My WZ Buddy?

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I'm getting rid of the ones I currently have, as I'm tired of getting chirping crickets in exchange for my loyalty and the praise I lavish on them. Two requirements to be my WZ Buddy: you must put me on your buddy list so there's a plus next to my name, and you must mention me in any "favorite poster" threads from this point on. You can expect exceptional treatment from yours truly.
I would, but I'm kinda busy with the whole "Being FTS' buddy" thing. He's quite high maintenance.
Of, course, TSnugs. We can tear up the Ocean City scene together this summer and everything

When I go up there next, I'll make sure to give you my info.

Can you edumacate me on films? I thought Oldboy was great. Is that good or bad?

Yes, Oldboy was great. Watch The Host and Memories of Murder. Then, we can discuss who's the better director: Chan Wook Park or Bong Joon Ho.
So Tdigs, what is it about Chicago that is offputting for you? I have probably asked but I don't remember the answer.
For the record, TDigle mocked me in my identical thread about publically announcing new friends.

I still love you. Premature balding FTW!

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