Who should win Money in the Bank 2015?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
The question is straight-forward. Who do you think should become the next Mr. Money in the Bank? When should he cash in, how should he cash in and should he win??

In my opinion, the only guy who should win it is (Antonio) Cesaro. He's been on a roll and winning the briefcase cleanly would only help with his eventual face turn.

In fact, I would put Cesaro up against 7 World Champions in the match and push him as the underdog. And after he wins, Paul and Brock will ask him to give Brock Lesnar the briefcase. He obviously refuses, which sets up the biggest match in Cesaro's career at SummerSlam.

EDIT: By the way, I'd have Brock win the match. Cesaro will get his World title run later. This way, he's painted as the fan favorite who got screwed by his former mentor. And Brock goes away with the briefcase, when he can just show up and cash in when people least expect it.
I think really the question is who cares ? Money in the Bank is tired now ! I would like to see Antonio built up now may be loosing a wwe/world heaveyweight match but perhaps winning the US Title
You have an interesting scenario. I like the idea of Cesaro vs Lesnar for the case. But I think one of the members of the Shield are deserving as well. Although, with one of them winning it, it may lead to a split up over jealousy of the one who won it. I'd like to see Ambrose or Rollins with it, but they'd probably have Reigns hold it. If not them, then I would go with Bray Wyatt.
The question is straight-forward. Who do you think should become the next Mr. Money in the Bank? When should he cash in, how should he cash in and should he win??

In my opinion, the only guy who should win it is (Antonio) Cesaro. He's been on a roll and winning the briefcase cleanly would only help with his eventual face turn.

In fact, I would put Cesaro up against 7 World Champions in the match and push him as the underdog. And after he wins, Paul and Brock will ask him to give Brock Lesnar the briefcase. He obviously refuses, which sets up the biggest match in Cesaro's career at SummerSlam.

EDIT: By the way, I'd have Brock win the match. Cesaro will get his World title run later. This way, he's painted as the fan favorite who got screwed by his former mentor. And Brock goes away with the briefcase, when he can just show up and cash in when people least expect it.

You mean 2014 MITB? I like your scenario a lot. The unpredictability of a cash in by Brock would be like how MITB cash in's are supposed to be.

I could see somebody like Sheamus winning MITB. Like Orton and Cena when they won the MITB, it was like a boost to their career. Sheamus has taken the backseat in the main event scene.
I hope they still have two MITB matches one for hopefully a unified IC/US title. I'm hoping this jumbled feud of Sheamus Cesaro RVD and Barrett leads to a fatal-four-way unification match.

As for who I hope wins the big MITB, I honestly can't even offer a suggestion. There's no WWE WHC title picture as of now anyway, even Daniel Bryan's a part timer lol.

I'll go with Dolph Ziggler.
I haven't made a post in forever, so this one is probably going to be pretty long. Sorry.

Well, there's one thing for very certain: with only one world title, and one world champion, whoever holds Money in the Bank isn't just A future champion, should they win they become THE future champion. This means two things :

1) They have to pick the winner very, very carefully. You can't swing and miss with guys like Jack Swagger - no offense to the Real American, who's been doing a ton of good work lately in my opinion. You would think you'll see a few up-and-comers and a lot of former champs.

2) If they do put the briefcase on somebody, and they don't get over as expected in the next few months, there's a much greater chance they'll lose their match. That all depends on who the champion is, who has the briefcase, and if they can recover from the loss. But now that John Cena and Damien Sandow have both lost briefcase matches, it's clearly not off the table.

In terms of people on, or who have been on a main event level - guys who could win the title and wouldn't be a total stretch - I think the list is Batista, Big Show, John Cena, Kane, Mark Henry, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, and Sheamus. RVD, Alberto del Rio, Christian, The Miz and Dolph Ziggler are at the very end of that list, and Jack Swagger is pretty much a non-player. In terms of up-and-coming guys, Big E, Bad News Barrett, Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, maybe Seth Rollins, Ryback.

So take out all the guys you KNOW aren't getting anywhere near that title, and you're left with Batista, John Cena, Kane, Mark Henry, Randy Orton, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, Roman Reigns, and...maybe Bad News Barrett, because apparently Vince McMahon is "really high" on him.

We're not even sure Batista will be at Money in the Bank, or how long he'll be sticking around, or what his work load will be later this year, next year, and beyond. So let's tentatively scratch him off the list. I can't imagine Batista walking around with a briefcase in 2014, can you?

John Cena doesn't need a briefcase. Then again, he didn't need it the last time either. Still, he's been really active in working with younger stars recently, so I doubt he gets it.

I like Kane, but with only one title I don't think WWE takes the risk with one more run for him. Mark Henry is fantastic and has been for quite some time, but as much as I'd love to see him get a real title run, I don't think it's happening with how infrequently he's been used. Randy Orton is a possibility. I've always been a fan of heel Miz. Dolph Ziggler never wins important things anymore, but you never know. Flair wants to work with him. I think they need to keep pushing Bray Wyatt naturally, but you can't eliminate him. Cesaro makes the list because he's a Paul Heyman guy, who will make sure "his client" is in that match. The Shield will need something to do without Evolution around as a unit, so maybe Roman Reigns. Could be the start to Ambrose turning on him. Not necessary, but it's easy. I'm going to say "no" on Barrett, just because he's the current IC champ.

So we're down to The Miz, Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro, Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt. That's a great list. Hell, I'd make the match with just those guys, and maybe a few others for name value.

Out of those guys, my pick would either be The Miz or Dolph Ziggler. Orton simply doesn't need it, plus he had it last year. It's too soon for Cesaro, and I don't think they can build him up naturally between MITB and when he'd have to cash it in. And with Reigns and Wyatt, I just dont' want to see either of them go too far, too quick. When they DO win the world title, and I'm sure they will eventually, it should be a big moment when you can sit back and say "yeah...they deserved that". Roman Reigns is a fucking tank, and doesn't need a briefcase to main event WrestleMania. Just my two cents. So...

The Miz: I know a lot of people will probably roll their eyes, gag, throw up, or jump off a cliff at the idea of another Miz title run. But let's be honest - that guy knows how to draw heat. Was WrestleMania 27 the most memorable PPV? No. Was The Miz the greatest WWE Champion. Eh. He wasn't a great, or even good worker, but he drew heat with every promo, and I constantly wanted to see him beaten. That's the mark of a good heel, I think. Since then he's gotten his timing down, he's had a bit more exposure with extra curricular activities, and given a proper heel turn and attention, I would not mind him taking another run at the big time.

Dolph Ziggler: The Dolph Ziggler who won the world title all that time ago (the real time, not the first one-night-only time), wasn't ready to be the guy. I mean, maybe he was ready, but THEY weren't ready for him. He got concussions, which definitely hurt him, but that title run wasn't going to last long. But given proper time at the top, wins that actually put him over, and proper affiliation with somebody like, oh I don't know...Ric Flair...Ziggler could be the guy. He could be SUPER over too, if they let him. Personally I think the title "Nature Boy" Ric Flair has a good ring to it.

So those are my two picks. Thanks for sticking with me whilst I pick apart the entire roster for potential winners. I'm sure there will be a lot of Reigns picks, Wyatt picks and others, maybe a few Cesaro picks, but I stand by what I said about all of them.
I haven't made a post in forever, so this one is probably going to be pretty long. Sorry.

Well, there's one thing for very certain: with only one world title, and one world champion, whoever holds Money in the Bank isn't just A future champion, should they win they become THE future champion. This means two things :

1) They have to pick the winner very, very carefully. You can't swing and miss with guys like Jack Swagger - no offense to the Real American, who's been doing a ton of good work lately in my opinion. You would think you'll see a few up-and-comers and a lot of former champs.

2) If they do put the briefcase on somebody, and they don't get over as expected in the next few months, there's a much greater chance they'll lose their match. That all depends on who the champion is, who has the briefcase, and if they can recover from the loss. But now that John Cena and Damien Sandow have both lost briefcase matches, it's clearly not off the table.

In terms of people on, or who have been on a main event level - guys who could win the title and wouldn't be a total stretch - I think the list is Batista, Big Show, John Cena, Kane, Mark Henry, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, and Sheamus. RVD, Alberto del Rio, Christian, The Miz and Dolph Ziggler are at the very end of that list, and Jack Swagger is pretty much a non-player. In terms of up-and-coming guys, Big E, Bad News Barrett, Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, maybe Seth Rollins, Ryback.

So take out all the guys you KNOW aren't getting anywhere near that title, and you're left with Batista, John Cena, Kane, Mark Henry, Randy Orton, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, Roman Reigns, and...maybe Bad News Barrett, because apparently Vince McMahon is "really high" on him.

We're not even sure Batista will be at Money in the Bank, or how long he'll be sticking around, or what his work load will be later this year, next year, and beyond. So let's tentatively scratch him off the list. I can't imagine Batista walking around with a briefcase in 2014, can you?

John Cena doesn't need a briefcase. Then again, he didn't need it the last time either. Still, he's been really active in working with younger stars recently, so I doubt he gets it.

I like Kane, but with only one title I don't think WWE takes the risk with one more run for him. Mark Henry is fantastic and has been for quite some time, but as much as I'd love to see him get a real title run, I don't think it's happening with how infrequently he's been used. Randy Orton is a possibility. I've always been a fan of heel Miz. Dolph Ziggler never wins important things anymore, but you never know. Flair wants to work with him. I think they need to keep pushing Bray Wyatt naturally, but you can't eliminate him. Cesaro makes the list because he's a Paul Heyman guy, who will make sure "his client" is in that match. The Shield will need something to do without Evolution around as a unit, so maybe Roman Reigns. Could be the start to Ambrose turning on him. Not necessary, but it's easy. I'm going to say "no" on Barrett, just because he's the current IC champ.

So we're down to The Miz, Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro, Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt. That's a great list. Hell, I'd make the match with just those guys, and maybe a few others for name value.

Out of those guys, my pick would either be The Miz or Dolph Ziggler. Orton simply doesn't need it, plus he had it last year. It's too soon for Cesaro, and I don't think they can build him up naturally between MITB and when he'd have to cash it in. And with Reigns and Wyatt, I just dont' want to see either of them go too far, too quick. When they DO win the world title, and I'm sure they will eventually, it should be a big moment when you can sit back and say "yeah...they deserved that". Roman Reigns is a fucking tank, and doesn't need a briefcase to main event WrestleMania. Just my two cents. So...

The Miz: I know a lot of people will probably roll their eyes, gag, throw up, or jump off a cliff at the idea of another Miz title run. But let's be honest - that guy knows how to draw heat. Was WrestleMania 27 the most memorable PPV? No. Was The Miz the greatest WWE Champion. Eh. He wasn't a great, or even good worker, but he drew heat with every promo, and I constantly wanted to see him beaten. That's the mark of a good heel, I think. Since then he's gotten his timing down, he's had a bit more exposure with extra curricular activities, and given a proper heel turn and attention, I would not mind him taking another run at the big time.

Dolph Ziggler: The Dolph Ziggler who won the world title all that time ago (the real time, not the first one-night-only time), wasn't ready to be the guy. I mean, maybe he was ready, but THEY weren't ready for him. He got concussions, which definitely hurt him, but that title run wasn't going to last long. But given proper time at the top, wins that actually put him over, and proper affiliation with somebody like, oh I don't know...Ric Flair...Ziggler could be the guy. He could be SUPER over too, if they let him. Personally I think the title "Nature Boy" Ric Flair has a good ring to it.

So those are my two picks. Thanks for sticking with me whilst I pick apart the entire roster for potential winners. I'm sure there will be a lot of Reigns picks, Wyatt picks and others, maybe a few Cesaro picks, but I stand by what I said about all of them.

I'm also a big fan of Miz and Dolph even though internet fans have turned on them. I'd love to see Miz get another title run, but I think he needs to be built back up first. I'd have him join the Authority as their new chosen one and have him feud with Bryan over their former "pro/rookie" partnership. Let Miz get a good decisive win around Royal Rumble and then have him beat someone like Big Show clean at WrestleMania, or maybe win that Andre Battle Royal. Then you can have Miz win Money in the Bank next year.

I like your list on the top, but here's how I rank every main roster member on their chances of winning Money in the Bank:

1. Cesaro
2. Roman Reigns
3. Dean Ambrose
4. Bray Wyatt
5. Sheamus
6. Batista
7. Bad News Barrett
8. John Cena
9. Chris Jericho
10. Rusev
11. Cody Rhodes
12. Seth Rollins
13. Triple H
14. Jack Swagger
15. Randy Orton
16. The Miz
17. Alberto Del Rio
18. Big E
19. Mark Henry
20. Bo Dallas
21. Damien Sandow
22. Christian
23. Ryback
24. Jey Uso
25. Kane
26. Rob Van Dam
27. El Torito
28. Jimmy Uso
29. Brad Maddox
30. Luke Harper
31. Erick Rowan
32. Titus O'Neil
33. Sin Cara
34. Tyson Kidd
35. Brodus Clay
36. Hornswoggle
37. Drew McIntyre
38. David Otunga
39. Kofi Kingston
40. Adam Rose
41. Curtis Axel
42. Santino Marella
43. Rey Mysterio
44. R-Truth
45. Goldust
46. Evan Bourne
47. Darren Young
48. Justin Gabriel
49. Heath Slater
50. Jinder Mahal
51. The Big Show
52. Curt Hawkins
53. The Great Khali
54. Diego
55. Fernando
56. Xavier Woods
57. Yoshi Tatsu
58. JTG
59. Zack Ryder
60. Brock Lesnar

Everyone beyond #15 is probably a joke though. I'm pretty sure it will be among the first 5.
My pick would be to have Dean Ambrose win the MITB briefcase, IF the rumors of WWE wanting to give Roman Reigns the WWEWHC at Mania 31 are true. I think this would set up a perfect scenario, with Reigns chasing the title on the Road to Wrestlemania, while the whole time Ambrose is beside him, reminding him that he still has the briefcase and can challenge whenever he wants. Have Reigns beat the Rock or whoever in a grueling match for the title, than have Rollins and Ambrose come out to "congratulate" Reigns on his win and then... Of course... Have Ambrose cash in on Reigns and win the title from him to close the show, while Rollins just stands there confused as to what to do.

This can set up many scenarios going forward with all 3 members eventually facing off in a Triple Threat match for the WWEWHC.
I like the idea presented by the OP as the threat of Brock Lesnar hanging over whoever is Champion would be awesome and makes sense given Heyman keeps saying he wants the WWE title.

Whether it plays out that way or not though I see the winner being either Cesaro or one of The Shield and although I am sure it seems odd to many I think Reigns is the least likely of the 3, to me he's a beast who wins a Rumble and gets a title shot, not a guy who runs in with a briefcase and beats an already weakened opponent, that works so much better for heels which is why I think Ambrose may be the guy as I see Rollins future as a face.

My outside pick is Sheamus, it presents the opportunity for him to get back in the main event mix the same way it did for Randy Orton last year, however the doubt over it for me is that even with a heel turn I don't see a WWE title reign in his near future or truthfully anytime until after Mania 31, which of course would be fine if WWE are willing to wait that long for a cash-in moment.......something tells me they wont be.
I honestly think Bad News Barrett gets the briefcase as I don't think Cesaro or Reigns is ready yet. And Wyatt doesn't need the title at least for awhile anyway. If wwe is going to put the title on Reigns then he will win the Rumble match. I see Barrett winning because he's on a roll right now and he's more than ready. I see him cashing in on a beaten down Daniel Bryan at Summerslam after he's had his grueling match and victory vs Lesnar. Then we see BNB strut down the ramp and say "I'm afraid i've got some bad news!"
I don't see them taking a swing as such, but I do see them giving it to a new guy. Barrett is perhaps quickly establishing himself as top of most people's wish list and he is the safest bet in that he has headlined in the past and done well doing so. As the IC champion he is the de-facto top contender, he can win the case and feud with my other likely pick over the IC belt or even the World title.

Jericho is ready to have another big run, be that as the 10th IC title reign or coming back and shocking as he does occasionally by winning MITB. I think he's of the mindset where if he's back for a year, he's holding the case... then it's worth it for him. Or he gets to be the first to win and cash in the same night or at Mania. When he says "they can't agree creative" it's his way of saying "No more putting over people for a while... if I'm back I'm winning a lot..."

My ideal scenario would be Barrett wins the Title but loses the IC to Jericho, perhaps the same night. They feud for another month or so to get Barrett off strong.

Reigns is so unready it's pissing me off people pushing for it and talking him up... Ryback wasn't ready, neither was Thwagger or Ziggler... they're botching too many of these by trying to give them the belt too soon. Barrett works cos he's been at the top, moved down, toiled, disappeared and come back fresher and arguably more over than the Nexus... people want him as a face and it seems a "small" risk rather than a big one. If he bombs he drops it in 2 months... but if he succeeds, they have their main event player they wanted 5 years ago...he wins MITB, cashes in at the next UK RAW to guarantee a big moment/pop and some momentum... if he's bombing then yeah, maybe have someone take it at the Chamber.

In Reigns case it's utterly pointless the Rock putting him over this year, he needs to be built over 2 or 3 years to get to THAT point, then have the Rock match make him the superstar, just as Warrior and Savage took time to build to that level, like Barrett he came in as a "can't fail" prospect but they seem intent on making the same mistakes they did with BNB post Nexus...

At the outside, they give it to Dave as it'll be part of his Marvel deal with WWE he gets a title around the time the movie comes out.

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