Who should truly be the next top guy!!!

Who should become face of WWE next?

  • Roman Reigns

  • Dean Ambrose

  • Seth Rollins (but not likely since he will be a heel for a while)

  • Cesaro

  • Bray Wyatt

  • Daniel Bryan

  • other

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That N Word

Actively evolving
It is no secret that WWE wants to make Reigns the next top guy. But WWE gave Reigns a badass gimmick that doesn't lay to his strenths. Like I said before I have seen what the guy is capable of both in the ring and on the mic. He is great ,but he is not allowed to show that. It is pretty much a fact that we will have a new face of WWE after Mania. But after Monday's Raw the show focused mainly on Ambrose and Rollins. I loved every bit of it. It was like it was Old Skool Raw: Attitude Era edition. It seemed like WWE was testing the waters to see how Ambrose woul be as the face of WWE. Kind of what they did with they done with Reigns befor Battleground. Ambrose of course didn't disappoint. Just like Rollins didn't disappoint as the top heel (even over Lesnar on Monday. My question to you is who deserves to be the face of "Reality."
I vote for performers like Cesaro, Dean Ambrose, and Seth Rollins. The reason I chose these three performers is that I always enjoy watching them performer.

Cesaro is a talented performer, but I wish he was so much better on the mic. Imagine if he had skills on the mic where the fans can connect with.

Dean Ambrose is highly skilled on the mic and is a talented performer who's not afraid to go the extra mile. Dean, for me, is clearly the break out star of the Shield.

Behind him is Seth Rollins. Roman Reigns just comes off bland. Like a fast food hamburger he has a great look, but he doesn't do it for me on the mic or in the ring. Seth Rollins outshines him and clearly proves he's the MITB!
Hands down Dean Ambrose. As much as I love Bryan, Dean will surpass him, because he is better overall. Sure, Bryan is one of the finest in ring talents ever, and Dean cannot be compared to him, but Dean works magic in every other aspect and I think that can overshadow in lack of in ring ability compared to Bryan.

I'm not referring to any other talents, because obviously, Dean is the only thing worth watching right now, along with Seth. I would go with Seth, but I really want to see him how he fairs solo, without being an Authority puppet. He is amazing in the ring and has improved a lot on the mic and on his manners, but I want to see him be free of other factors.

If Dean wasn't there, then Bryan should be on top, simply because of the responses he gets from the crowd. POSITIVE RESPONSES, not 80% boos.

Reigns needs to develop way more, before I can even consider him in the main event, let alone the top guy.

Cesaro could be in the talk for top guys, but for some reason, he isn't being pushed. He is also amazing in the ring and has a great build, but I think his mic work might hinder his top face status.

Wyatt in my opinion can't be the top guy. He cannot be a clear face nor a clear heel either. He is the guy to captivate with his stories. He is the guy that doesn't need a title to be in a main event story. I think because of that, he will experience many main events, but he can't be the top guy, mostly because of his build and gimmick.
Top as in Cena's spot?

Nobody on the current roster imo. Right now the roster is thin and nobody has a character. I wouldnt want to see anyone on the current roster take Cena's spot.
I voted for reigns because i like his gimmick, its badass. I think the iwc hates him because they cant like anything wwe wants or thinks should be the guy. Does he know how to do 100 moves? No. Does he have charisma? Yes. He reminds me of a mixed version of the rock and Goldberg. I like Ambrose but i dont know how marketable his gimmick can be with these pg restrictions.
Why does their always have to be a next guy. Why can't Lesnar just be the guy right now and just have him destroy people until the fans anoint the next "guy". Seriously Lesnar hasn't even been champ a week and you're already talking about who should take the belt from him. Why cant we as fans just sit watch and enjoy. I don't know about the rest of you but I never realized That Cena, Batista, or Orton were being groomed to be the man, but it happened and it defined an era. Basically what I'm getting at is just let things happen you can't predict things like this.

P.S. Why is it that since Lesnar won the title everyone wants to talk about the next guy. The World Champion is a human wrecking machine that will not only destroy your village but rape you wives and kill your children as well. You should sit back and enjoy that if you know what's good for you.
Dolph Ziggler. There's no other option in my eyes. Ziggler has the ring skills, the intensity, the look, and most importantly the "it factor" of a megastar. His one downside is that he's injury-prone. If he can stay injury-free, there is NOBODY on the roster who is all-around better performer than Dolph Ziggler. He should be THE top guy in the company.
Um, Heath Slater should totally be in that poll damn you! He has already beaten one of those guys!

(Nah, seriously I'd say Ambrose. He's got it all)
Daniel Bryan still, Idk how he will fare in his return seeing how quickly the wrestling world moves on from anything but while he dosen't have the slick smooth mike skills of an ambrose, punk he's got a stronger emotional connection with the fans then anyone we've seen recently. I really hope he makes it back , he's had and caused alot of the top moments of this year ie: turning on the wyatts, rumble reaction, WM 30 main event
For me, it's all about the character. The next top guy doesn't have to be a squeaky-clean face like John Cena, but in WWE's PG environment, I just don't see an anti-hero taking the spot. That's why Punk never reached Cena's status, as popular as he may have been. That being said, as much of a fan as I am of Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt, never of them would work. Cesaro seems like an afterthought and not much of an option. Daniel Bryan, to me, seems to be very injury prone. Seth Rollins is amazing, but hasn't shown enough character. Reigns is obviously WWE's top choice, but I really don't want to see that.

I chose "other." I don't think that "other" is here yet.
I can't really say right now as it's all up in the air at this point.

Just based on what I'm seeing right now, though things could change with time, I don't see Roman Reigns as THE guy. It MIGHT be something WWE officials would want to happen, but Reigns just simply isn't there yet.

Dean Ambrose has a ton of momentum going right now and definitely has a much edgier aspect about him than the other Shield members or Cena himself. I'm not really buying into the notion of WWE officials not seeing him as main event material, they obviously see something in the guy or they wouldn't be casting him in movies or protecting him so much during his matches with Rollins.

As for Rollins, it's hard to say. I think he's definitely going to be a top tier guy in the company, but I think I need to see him as a babyface on his own.

I don't see it happening for Cesaro, at least not as far as being THE face of the company, nor with Wyatt without a major character overhaul.

If Daniel Bryan is able to return as strong as he was before, can still get over with fans as he has been, can deliver strong matches and draw money for the company, then I can't think of a logical argument against it. At the end of the day, it's all about keeping fans interested and drawing money. Nobody on this list has done that at Bryan's level. The Shield are over and have been over, but not nearly as much as Bryan.
I voted for Roman Reigns because that's who the WWE are seriously building up to be the next "top guy" however, none of those guys will replace John Cena until he retires which is a long ways off. John Cena is still only 37 and could still have a good 5 years as a top guy and obviously he's still the face of the company so that explains that. That's not to say that the guys mentioned above cannot be big stars, they just can't all be the number 1 guy like John Cena.

Even Bray Wyatt who is incredible on the mic won't ever get that spot because he's missing some of what is needed to the top star.
Why does their always have to be a next guy. Why can't Lesnar just be the guy right now and just have him destroy people until the fans anoint the next "guy". Seriously Lesnar hasn't even been champ a week and you're already talking about who should take the belt from him. Why cant we as fans just sit watch and enjoy.

Lesnar is the guy right now and no one is claiming he isn't, but let's face it, he'll be likely gone after Wrestlemania. He has a limited contract, and said himself that he came back just to win the title. Okay he's done that, and I see him as a placeholder right now until the WWE decides what it's going to do.

It's pretty obvious that at present Reigns is their pick, but knowing the WWE that could change in a heartbeat. With the way he's been wrestling right now, I can see them changing their minds unfortunately for him. He's far to green in the ring. Yes he has some good moves, he has the look, but he is boring and bland. Women love him, but that doesn't win you a title, you need the talent, and while I believe he might have it, he has to find it within himself and show it. We can only blame Creative so much then it falls back to the wrestler.

Rollins with his moveset I feel is a natural face. For some reason his heelish character does nothing for me. He's gone from being a badass heel, the architect of the Shield, one of the best factions ever, to badass face. Again with the Shield. To being a chickenshit heel, who can't win a match clean. It's too much of a turnarouind to be totally believable.

Cesaro I love, but I've read they halted his push because of the Reigns push, and the didn't want too turn him face, and have the two of them competing for the top spot. Makes no sense to me, but there you have it, WWE Creative at their finest. Morons.

Bray Wyatt with this cult leader gimmick, in a PG rating world, could never be the top guy. He's far to friggin creepy and while the cell phone's come and and light up, I can't see him getting over with the fans. Sure it's cool to cheer him, but as the title holder, doesn't quite make it.

Daniel Bryan is the wildcard. We don't know when he'll be back, and what kind of shape he'll be in, so will hold my opinion on him till he returns.

My pick was Dean Ambrose, this guy as it all. Gold on the mic, absolutely nuts in the ring, never know what he's going to pull off next, and he's a gifted wrestler. While Rollins and Reigns look a little wooden at times, Ambrose is a natural out there. They might have screwed over Reigns with the terrible booking since the Shield break up, but they've booked Ambrose and Rollins perfectly.

The only reason we're having this debate really is because of the situation the WWE found themselves in. Their top guys where Cena, Orton, Punk, Bryan and Batista. We knew Batista was here for the short term, you know he has a movie to promote, and would be leaving. Punk got his panties in a bunch and walked away, Daniel Bryan had to have surgery. All of a sudden we have gone from five guys to two. It's no wonder they had to break up the Shield they needed main event players, and they were hotter than hell at the time.

They are still not, but I see Reigns cooling off a bit, mostly the abysmal stories he's been in, and Ambrose and Rollins having the feud of the year so far. It's really anyone's guess what the WWE will do, but there is one thing you can almost guarantee, we won't like it one bit.
if Bryan gets healthy soon, he should be the next top guy, but there are some good ones on this list and after Bryan i like Rollins. he can talk and he can wrestle and right after him in a close battle is Dean Ambrose. he can play a face or a heel (i leave him face, he's great there right now) and then after that i go with Bray Wyatt then finally Reigns, but all those guys deserve to be top guys, but for me, Bryan needs a proper title run with no issues in his way. this was supposed to be his true title run, but he had a wedding/honeymoon, then a major death in the family and finally when it seemed all was good, he gets hurt badly. Bryan's title run wasnt bad because of him, it was bad because of all that happened to him. if he would've stayed healthy, i bet money his title run would've been a success.
If Daniel can return healthy then no doubt he can become the face of the company.. He is money for the WWE,can put on amazing matches,and sells merch as well as Cena if not better.. He is the runaway leader on the list by a long shot IMO.. If Daniel is forced to retire because of injuries,then I dont know..

Everyone on the list is up on the air at this point Dean is going to be featured in a movie a company doesnt do that unless they believe in you somewhat.. Seth is the current MITB holder,is a great in-ring worker and terrific speaker on the mic.. Cesaro im afraid its not looking likely at this point! Bray's character as been discussed numerous times,only has a short shelf life and its growing shorter and shorter!
I definitely went with Dean Ambrose because out of any superstar in the list he is the one that is the most ready, his mic skills are through the roof, his charisma is like next to none and not to mention he actually has the wrestling ability to back it all up and his character is like a perfect mix of anti-hero meets anti-authority type guy like think Stone Cold meets Mick Foley and Brian Pillman all rolled up into one superstar
I'm not sure the next top guy is even on the roster yet. And I don't mean the next place holder because Reigns will probably get a Diesel type run at the top. By that I mean a guy they're high on while everyone else is sort of luke warm. The next Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, Rock, John Cena type is probably a long way away.
I would definitely say Ambrose and Reigns are at that level where Ambrose could potentially be the next Austin and Reigns could be the next Rock or hell Ambrose & Reigns & Rollins all 3 of them have the potential to be the top guy in this business but I would say long-term more Ambrose and Reigns have more potential
I selected Dean Ambrose, just because I'm a mark for him right now.

In reality, it won't be him. It probably should have been Daniel Bryan, but it was clear he was never going to be given the #1 spot with his first title defense vs Kane already being a lower class match than the Shield/Evolution feud. His reign would have been like CM Punk's, purposely booked below. And then of course Bryan got injured, so it couldn't have happened anyways.

It should be Roman Reigns, but they can't make him a cookie cutter John Cena clone. They will. That is exactly what he'll become, rather than just being pushed strong and allowing him to evolve naturally into his own character.
Dean has always been my favorite but he tends to overact at times and he needs to polish his in-ring work as well. I'm sure he will but due to the fact that he still has that indy look, I am not sure if they would ever consider him main event material.
Roman would be my number 1 choice, but keep an eye on Daniel when he comes back. Sheamus maybe or even Randy or Seth if they turned face.
I was very disappointed recently when I heard that Vince and some in WWE did not consider Ambrose a potential top guy. It is clear from the live reactions of the crowds as well as the natural charisma that he has that he could probably step into the top spot now ahead of Reigns and be more successful. He may be too reminiscent of Austin and that is not always a good thing. I feel that if Ambrose is given the ball to run with you will see a new Era in WWE really take off. He just needs some legit ring gear now...
I agree with the pro Lesnar post in my opinion he was the only credible threat o the streak despite being a part timer. And it will be fun having the champ show up only at the big events. It'll restore that Big Match feel to the championship and nobody at present looks capable of stopping him although i think Ambrose would have been a credible opponent with a prolonged push instead of out making movies while he is at his hottest
First of all, the next top guy is not going to be John Cena and remain in that spot for nearly a decade. With that being said, many of the mentioned talents have a legitimate chance.

Roman Reigns obviously is the favored guy. He has the right size and look as well as the pedigree. I'd like for him to improve on the mic and if we're really going to nitpick, he needs to develop more moves to add to his arsenal. I think one could absolutely feel comfortable placing their faith in Roman. He has the perfect look.

But then there's Dean Ambrose. He is the best at his craft. Only Cesaro can match his passion for wrestling as well as his ability to put together a match. My opinion is that no one cuts a better promo in the business. Being able to speak is maybe the absolute key to success. Dean has it all, the only thing that truly lacks (albeit slightly) is his look. He's not ripped and beautiful, but neither was Steve Austin. If raw talent and passion is what it takes, it's going to be Dean to rise to the top. I could say the same of Cesaro, but he can't talk much and just lacks the charisma that Dean has going for him which is why I tend to right Cesaro off from this convo.

When it's all said and done, I wouldn't be surprised if two or three different men spent separate time as the number one over the next ten years following the end of the Cena era. There are several names on the current roster to be truly excited about and confident in the future of the company. And who knows what new names may pop up as we go that will provide even more excitement.
If Cena were to retire today they'd probably make Randy Orton the guy while they're grooming whoever else to step up and take that role.

Lesnar is a part time guy so while he has the title there's still no point in revolving the whole company around him like they do with Cena.

Realistically there isn't a full time guy outside of Orton who can be the type of draw they would need to be the top guy.

Even Orton is a little suspect but he's the most viable option until they build a new star. If that person is even on the roster right now.

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