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Who Should Never Go In To The WWE HOF?

ECW Sandman

Getting Noticed By Management
I don 't know if this one has ever been made before but I was thinking Who should never go in to the WWE Hall Of Fame and I am talking about wrestlers and non wrestlers like Entertainment Celebs.

Me personally for a Celeb Snooki I swear to god if they ever put her in the Hall of Fame I will quit watching wrestling for ever.

For A Wrestler Marty Jannetty to me looking back when he was in the WWF he was not all that good Shawn was a hell of a lot better then Marty was and look where Shawn Is Now he is in the HOF.

So My question is What Celeb and what Wrestler should never go in to the WWE Hall Of Fame.
As much as I don't like or care for Snooki, I can't agree. I was at the show she was on, and as much as I wasn't happy that she was going to be there (especially since the show in Dallas the week before got JBL and Steve Austin), I still popped a little for her appearance, and can always say when talking about Snooki in the WWE, "Hey! I was at that show!" I think they showed a clip of that at the Slammys and I texted my friend that exact statement.
There are a fair few who should never go in...

Goldberg - No... he was a flash in the pan, not a legend... and the fact Jericho could beat him proves he was no tough guy either...

Brutus Beefcake - Hogan's "chum", he did nothing else his whole career worthy of note and would have had no career without Hogan...

The Great Khali - An abomination in more ways than one - Add Giant Gonzales and Giant Silva to that list...

Billy Gunn - Wrestling's equivalent of a hack... offered very little himself, rode on others coattails and caused massive ructions everywhere he went...

The Ultimate Warrior - The guy was a failure ultimately... he had one moment of semi-greatness, and a career of foolishness... it's not worth the risk of him showing up...

Sting - Controversial, but unless he wrestles in WWE, then no... that's his choice, and his penalty... To be a WWE Hall of Famer, you have to at least do business with WWE once!
As far as celebrities are concerned, I'd never want to see Micky Rourke inducted. His lack of interest and commitment to his role at WM25 was disgraceful and an insult to Jericho (who had to lie down for the sap), Flair, Steamboat, Piper and Snuka who had to carry the storyline without the ********.

As far as wrestlers, I can't actually think of anyone offhand that I'd do my nut over being inducted but I will say that, as a wrestling fan, I don't have much time for guys who gave the impression of wrestling only being a stop gap thing like Brock (leaving for Pro Football) or even Rocky (who, until recently, was trying to distance himself from the squared circle for some time). Dwayne might redeem himself though - time will tell.
I agree that people who have not stepped foot in a WWE ring should not go into their HOF, aren't there two wrestlers that wrestled for every other promotion but WWE and they made it in? How is that logical??
I personally think the WWE HOF is more of a joke than anything. People might argue about Sting but look at some of the people in the HOF and some of them never stepped near a WWE ring, first person that comes to mind is Abdullah the Butcher. I personally think regardless if Sting never enters a WWE ring, which at this point why even bother, he should one day in a couple years get the nod.

As for people who should never see the HOF, the Great Kahli. I don't really care he was a world champ for however long, he is an utter joke. He is just the Indian version of Giant Gonzalez and at least Giant Gonzalez had the cool skin tight thing going on. Neither of which could remotely wrestle and I'll always remember both as simply being feuds for the Undertaker.

It's hard to say who else should never be in the HOF because looking back with retired wrestlers, quite honestly if they haven't been talked about at this point then they probably will never get in. A couple that come to mind who had somewhat decent careers but probably won't get the nod would be Big Boss Man (RIP) and Greg "The Hammer" Valentine. Both of these guys had memorable careers but weren't THAT over. Greg Valentine is even a couple time IC champ who had a couple good matches with Tito Santana for the title, had a pretty good run with Brutus Beefcake as tag champs and one heck of a match at Mania 2.
For the celebrity wing, i would have to agree about snooki. Her match at wrestlemania lasted about 4 minutes, and i think she even screwed up one of her moves too

For wrestlers, for me it would be JBL. I hate this guy, he was bad on the mic, bad in the ring, and was just bland having no interest at all.
Snooki, Bob Barker, and Pee-wee Herman all have a better chance of getting in than Marty Jannetty. He's a good worker, and it's a shame he never got his act together.

As of right now, however, the celebrity I never want go in is Snooki.

There are many wrestlers, many I can't even think of, that should never be inducted. I guess I'll go with one that probably will be inducted one day, and I can even understand why he would be: The Great Khali. I've never liked him and probably never will. Can you imagine his speech?

Sting - Controversial, but unless he wrestles in WWE, then no... that's his choice, and his penalty... To be a WWE Hall of Famer, you have to at least do business with WWE once!

Verne Gagne, Abdullah the Butcher, Eddie Graham, Gordon Solie, the Von Erichs...all deserving of a spot in the WWE Hall of Fame, yet they never wrestled or commentated for them. Honestly, if Sting never gets inducted, I don't think he would consider it a "penalty." If he does get inducted, that will be him doing business with WWE once!

As always, get over yourselves and enjoy some wrestling.
One wrestler that I would love to see in the WWE HOF but will probably never make it is Muhammad Hassan. Mainly for the fact that the WWE had distance themselves completely of his character due to the post 911 events in the MidEast.
But for the question at hand for this post, one wrestler I would not want to see inducted would be "Razor Ramon" Scott Hall. Sure he had his moments (Best Ladder Match with Shawn Michaels and founding member of the NWO), but he didn't provide alot of relevance to his character throughout his career. Plus, he is a wreck of a man according to several reports of him being a substance abuser and disrespectful to the industry that has made him a recognizable person. I'm probably gonna get a lot of slack, but if they do induct him, then there is no reason for the WWE not to induct someone like Chris Benoit. But that is separate discussion all together.
As far as the "Celebrity Wing" (which IMO is a complete joke), I would hate to see David Arquette in there. Yeah sure he was a "World Heavyweight Champion", but that was complete nonsense to place in that role.
If we are gonna get technical about having done work in the WWE, then Snooki is right up there.
There are a fair few who should never go in...

Brutus Beefcake - Hogan's "chum", he did nothing else his whole career worthy of note and would have had no career without Hogan...

I am not big on him but as a member of The Dream Team together Beefcake and Valentine were a great team Beefcake went downhill when he turned face.

Who should never go in the Hall of Fame Big Daddy V, The Bushwackers, Duke Droese and Skinner
Goldberg, It's pretty easy to figure out why he SHOULDN'T be in the Hall Of Fame, And also Chris Benoit shouldn't be in it, he was one hell of a wrestler, sadly we all know what happened, Also a murder shouldn't be in the hall of fame. Also I think it's a disgrace that Abdullah the Butcher is in the hall of fame.. what a joke.
For a celebrity id have to say Kevin Federline, although i dont know if you can really consider him a celeb anymore.

As for Superstars id have to say:

Mark Henry- I understand he has had an extremely long tenure here but he never entertained me in the slightest until this past fall. 6 months doesnt make up for 16 years

The Great Khali- no need to explain

Goldust- I think hes funny an entertaining but just doesnt belong in a hall of fame of anything

JBL- I HATED him, but because he was such a good heel. I have to give him credit he created a great heel persona, but in the ring he would put me to sleep very, very quickly
Celebrities that shouldnt be in it:

Snooki: Was just a train-wreck, incredibly annoying and her bold proclamation; 'I've been looking forward to this alll week', shows how much the apperance emant to her.

Mickey Rourke: As a previous poster mentioned his lack of enthusiasm/ interest in his role at mania 25 was a disgrace.

Wrestlers that should never be inducted:

Chris Benoit: Great in the ring and a terrific servant to pro-wrestling, yet his last actions were inexcusable and sadly outweigh all the positives.

Bill Goldberg: Absolutely overrated, a lash in the pan, useless in the ring and on the mic. His selfishness and bad attitude ruined himself and helped ruin WCW, was given everything necessary to prosper and threw it back in pro-wrestlings face.

Brock Lesnar: Unless he returns he should not be inducted, like Goldberg was given a great gimmick, the best possible manager and mouthpiece in Heyman and the chance to go over everybody. In my eyes he has always bene overrated a monster of a man and great athlete sure but dangerous in the ring and poor on the mic, didn't give enough back to WWE for what they gave him.

Great Khali: He's a massive Indian dude, that's all he has absolutely zero in-ring ability or skill on the mic should never have been allowed near a world title.
I agree that people who have not stepped foot in a WWE ring should not go into their HOF, aren't there two wrestlers that wrestled for every other promotion but WWE and they made it in? How is that logical??

What the #$#@ is that ??? WWE basically owns the entire heritage of pro wrestling at this point now that it controls the libraries of World Class, AWA, UWF, WCW, ECW etc - what they have done is attempt to honor the ENTIRE INDUSTRY, all the stars who made the industry successful, the groundbreakers who made wrestling the massive success it is today.

Do you realize that the NFL has enshrined footbal players from the AFL league in it's HOF for years, and in fact has honored their accomplishments with listings in the NFL record books ? They realized the contribution that the AFL made to the success of pro football in America and rather than marginalize it they've honored it through the years. Joe Namath was an AFL star, not an NFL star, etc. In fact, without the AFL there never would have been a Super Bowl. What made the Super Bowl special was it pitted the two champions of the completely separate and unrelated pro football leagues against each other in final game to determine a true pro football champion. The allure of the Super Bowl, especially after AFL teams like NY Jets and Kansas City started winning against older, more established NFL franchises, made that game itself way more popular than NFL or AFL championship games.

Personally I think it's terrific that McMahon has given honors to great wrestlers from the past such Nick Bockwinkle, Dusty Rhodes, The Von Erichs, etc. If he didnt it would just show him as petty and inconsiderate to a huge base of fans world wide who grew up and/or were interested in business because of those guys. Heck, an awful lot of McMahon's success came from the wrestlers who came out of those companies, who were established stars in the industry before the ever worked for him. Hogan was main eventing vs Bockwinkle in the AWA, Piper, Greg Valentine, and Rickly Steamboat were all doing Starrcade before they ever appeared at WrestleMaina, Randy Savage and Ted DiBiase were stars in the Mid South (to a bigger extend so was Jerry Lawler), Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannety were tag team champions in the AWA, as was Scott Hall, Curt Henning was AWA World Champion and wrestled some terrific matches vs Bockwinkle for that belt, Steve Austin and Brian Pillman were top level talent in WCW, as was Vader, the list goes on.

An awful lot of people never would have watched wrestling or became fans without those other promotions and their stars, more than a few of which helped Vince make a lot of money over the years. It is ABSOLUTELY THE RIGHT THING TO DO to honor those legends with HOF induction, anything else would be so small minded it wouldnt be worth the paper it was written on.
most celebs should not go in. Pete Rose and Tyson are the exceptions - Rose has a mini storyline with Kane(getting tombstoned and then trying to get revenge) and Tyson's role is well know but outside of that, I can't think of one celeb who should go in. if you want a couple specific names - Jay Leno and Dennis Rodman. and i would not worry about Snooki going in - unless it happens in the next few years, no one will remember Jersey Shore 10 years from now. for wrestlers, i am going to leave it a little vague and say no one who didn't wrestle for wwf/wwe or didn't wrestle for a significant length of time. i understand wwe has bought out a bunch of territories but this is the wwe hall of fame, not the pro wrestling hall of fame. for example, take a look at Flair's wwe career - not exactly stellar especially compared to his nwa/wcw career. based strictly off of his wwe career, he would not be hall of fame material. keeping with that, someone like Sting, or Goldberg should never go into the hall of fame.
There are a fair few who should never go in...

Goldberg - No... he was a flash in the pan, not a legend... and the fact Jericho could beat him proves he was no tough guy either...

Brutus Beefcake - Hogan's "chum", he did nothing else his whole career worthy of note and would have had no career without Hogan...

The Great Khali - An abomination in more ways than one - Add Giant Gonzales and Giant Silva to that list...

Billy Gunn - Wrestling's equivalent of a hack... offered very little himself, rode on others coattails and caused massive ructions everywhere he went...

The Ultimate Warrior - The guy was a failure ultimately... he had one moment of semi-greatness, and a career of foolishness... it's not worth the risk of him showing up...

Sting - Controversial, but unless he wrestles in WWE, then no... that's his choice, and his penalty... To be a WWE Hall of Famer, you have to at least do business with WWE once!

Why do you have to do business with WWE to be a HOF - Sting was one of the most popular and best drawing stars of the 90s and has continued to do excellent work throughout this decade. There an awful lot of WWE guys who dont have half the accomplishments Sting has. Heck, Edge is going into the HOF this year and his career pales in comparsion to Sting. Sting isnt getting in until he's done with TNA, but when he is he deserves HOF induction maore than any major name awaiting induction other than Sammartino & Savage.
I don't have a problem with anyone in the celeb wing...it's meant to be a look at people outside the business that have done work with WWE. It's a novelty/promotional thing, I don't see why people get upset with anyone going in there.

I also don't see how Sting coming in to have one match would appease anyone as far as his hall of fame credentials...he made great contributions to companies the WWE bought, and is therefore a part of their collective history. Having one match at 54 years old doesn't escalate that.

Back to the question...Chris Benoit is the only one that really sticks out, pretty obvious, I suppose, and it will never even come up. Aside from that, there is no criteria for inclusion, and WWE will want to induct a batch of people every year, so there will be people who fans will think are undeserving, but if they made a contribution to the business and dedicated themselves to it, I have no real problem with anyone.
I was wondering when people would end up bringing Benoit into this discussion....

Normally I would not go to bat for someone who had committed murder, HOWEVER seeing as it was proven that he had sustained brain damage from wrestling which I can promise you had a lot to do with his actions at the end, If there was anyone EVER who deserved to be in ANY hall of fame it would be him. He gave up his life for a business that used him up and now has left him totally out to dry.

Before he "snapped" people were not taking concussions serious enough, people were not taking brain damage seriously (most people still don't) and I'll admit I'm bias I have brain damage and have lived with it for the past 6 years...

And honestly while yeah what he did was BEYOND horrible to someones mind that was bent and twisted the way it SEEMS his was (can't turn back the clock to know any kind of frame of mind he might have had) I'll never be able to put the full blame on him for what he did.

and honestly I view the hall of fame as a thank you for your time and contributions so if you can at least match contributions with someone already in the hall of fame I see no reason that one day EVENTUALLY you should not be honored (no jobbers please)
Who should never go in the Hall of Fame Big Daddy V, The Bushwackers, Duke Droese and Skinner

Hey, believe it or not Luke Williams and Butch Miller were the tag team equivilent to Abdullah the Butcher in their Sheepherder days of the 1980's. Brutal, workmanlike, old school taggers. Skinner was Steve Kiern who was also a very underrated wrestler in the fans eyes, but if well respected by his peers. Big Daddy V and The Dumpster sucked though.
The only way Sting should be in the HOF is if WWE ever does a WCW themed HOF

A celebrity...Hell, any of them! Tyson is the only one I can understand (Considering Drew Carey got in)
I don't think there is anyone that shouldn't be in the WWE HOF, it's entertainment it's not a real competition like in sports, I enjoy seeing wrestlers and celebs from the past be inducted and get credit for their part in helping to build this industry, which is an entertainment industry. Anyone who says that Sting shouldn't be in, while some of the worst wrestlers ever are in, is a complete idiot who doesn't understand what the WWE HOF is all about - making $$$, and adding sizzle to Wrestlemania.
Personally as sad as it is, I think Sting should not make the Hall of Fame...Unless he wrestles in WWE for 1 year. I would even take Goldberg in the Hall of Fame before Sting just because he wrestled in WWE already.

As sad as it is, I think Chris Benoit should never make the hall of fame for wwe. Jim Ross hit the nail right on the head "His unfortunate ending overshadows everything he accomplished".

Next I would say Matt Hardy. He has a bad habit of opening up his mouth about everything and anything. Maybe if Matt learned how to play politics he would still be with the WWE and maybe, just maybe be better than his brother...although both are screwed up now so who knows. You know why Matt was never more over than his brother in WWE, because flat out Matt didn't play politics. Clearly Jeff was the better superstar, but Matt was somewhat normal during his last WWE run. If only Matt would've shut his mouth from time to time, kiss up to Paulie, Stephanie and Johnny, maybe he would've been a World Champion...But we all know thats not going to happen. Plus he bashes WWE way too much...more than Warrior and Bruno...Sorry but as far as I'm concerned, Matt is out!

Lastly I would say Brock Lesnar should never be in the WWE Hall of Fame. To me, he did the biggest no-no...and thats basically spit in the fans faces and leave the company on the biggest stage of them all "Wrestlemania". Hell I think thats worse than Warrior holding up Vince back in 1991. He basically took his ball and ran home. He didn't care about the fans or the company when he left. He only cared about himself. He would be nothing without the WWE, plain and simple!

So those are my 4- Sting, Chris Benoit, Matt Hardy, and Brock Lesnar
Snooki, Bob Barker, and Pee-wee Herman all have a better chance of getting in than Marty Jannetty. He's a good worker, and it's a shame he never got his act together.

Verne Gagne, Abdullah the Butcher, Eddie Graham, Gordon Solie, the Von Erichs...all deserving of a spot in the WWE Hall of Fame, yet they never wrestled or commentated for them. Honestly, if Sting never gets inducted, I don't think he would consider it a "penalty." If he does get inducted, that will be him doing business with WWE once!

Apparently you don't remember Kerry Von Erich, as the Texas Tornado, holding the Intercontinental Title, winning it during an epic feud with Mr. Perfect. Kevin Von Erich also wrestled for the company, albeit very briefly
David Arquette you can say snooki all you want at least she was relevant when she was at WrestleMania he was in a C class film when he "tried" wrestling.

in terms of actual wrestlers as always will be The Great Khali whoever though that he was a main eventer was a knobjocky.
Personally as sad as it is, I think Sting should not make the Hall of Fame...Unless he wrestles in WWE for 1 year. I would even take Goldberg in the Hall of Fame before Sting just because he wrestled in WWE already.

As sad as it is, I think Chris Benoit should never make the hall of fame for wwe. Jim Ross hit the nail right on the head "His unfortunate ending overshadows everything he accomplished".

Lastly I would say Brock Lesnar should never be in the WWE Hall of Fame. To me, he did the biggest no-no...and thats basically spit in the fans faces and leave the company on the biggest stage of them all "Wrestlemania". Hell I think thats worse than Warrior holding up Vince back in 1991. He basically took his ball and ran home. He didn't care about the fans or the company when he left. He only cared about himself. He would be nothing without the WWE, plain and simple!

Where to even go with this:

Firstly getting sick of people saying non-WWE wrestlers shouldn't be in the Hall of Fame. Sting has done a lot for the WWE without even working for them. It was the likes of him which raised the game of other wrestlers who would later feature on WWE programming. WWE should and will recognise this one day. The WWE Hall of Fame isn't WWE, its WWE/Vince showing some respect back to those who have contributed to the wrestling business, of course they'll put their own guys in first but it hasn't stop them recognises others on merit.

As for the Warrior comment, Austin did the same thing (and was ultimately forced to apologise before being allowed back into the company). Warrior had problems with Vince not the fans and as for Lesnar, you mention one event and yet during his short time really was the next big thing. He rose to the top when the old guard started to wither away and that should be recognise. The fact he would quit the WWE shouldn't mean anything, there are guys in the Hall of Fame who quit the WWE to go and feature in far worse than UFC (WCW). The WWE agreed to let him go, they could have said no and pulled him off Wrestlemania.

As for who shouldn't be put it in, its quite simple anyone who hasn't contributed to the business. People complain about the celebrity wing, but thats what it is its a celebrity wing and doesn't take away from the actually Hall. Whilst some just did one off work, others offered a hell of a lot more and it should be recognised.

So as for the names, the majority from WCW who were there just for the paycheck and couldn't care for the wrestling business. The likes of Todd Grisham shouldnt go in. Adamle maybe just the acceptance speech alone... and those forgotten about during the New Generation Era as they were terrible, offered nothing and well the fact I can't remember them is enough,

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