Who should Dean Ambrose debut against?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Enough people on the main roster are being held back as it is and I'm afraid this guy will never debut. Honestly, I think it'll be at RR or after WM. If the ratings continue to hurt though, WWE may use him in some way, but I think Ambrose is being saved for after WM as The Rock, Lesnar, HHH, and Taker are all written in to the story until then. Also, unless he debuts as an ally to CM Punk, I think he and Punk are so similar and they may wait on him as to not jack any of Punk's heat.

Anyway, who do you think would be best suited for him to debut against?

At first thought, I like the idea of him vs Mick Foley. The young guys don't seem to be getting the push they need by versing each other or the vets like Jericho, Big Show, Mysterio, or Kane. Foley is the type of guy who could come in and he could have a memorable feud with Ambrose, but I don't think this angle will happen now.

Aside from Cena - Sheamus, Orton, and Kofi are probably the next biggest baby faces. Btw, if Orton turns heel you can probably kiss Ambrose debut goodbye till 2014 lol.

Ambrose vs Kofi is an interesting match up.

Orton vs Ambrose is also interesting and Ambrose could probably get Orton back over as face, but I'd hope they'd be able to push Ambrose in the process.

I'd like to see Ambrose come in and demolish somebody, which he could do to Kofi, but wouldn't be allowed to do to Orton. Then again, he doesn't have to demolish the guy either and doesn't seem to be booked that way in FCW, though maybe that would be a bad way of booking him.

If he debuts by the time D Bryan returns to being face, that'd definitely be interesting, but I think he needs to debut against a solid, innocent babyface who the kids/women are really behind (D Bry might be a Kurt Angle type face where the crowd still chanted You Suck.)

I'm not that interested in the Ambrose/Sheamus feud to start him off.

I'd say Ambrose would most likely debut against Orton or Kofi, or should I say
"first feud" with one or the other.


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