Who Should Challenge Randy Orton for The World Heavyweight Title

I cant see Christian leaving Capitol Punishment WHC at all. Orton is the only thing going for smackdown right now, if they take the title from him smackdown is screwed.
Cody Rhodes is the going to be #1 contender some time this year.Here is what I think the rest of Cody Rhodes year will look like.
-Right now kinda reforming a team with Ted Dibiase.That will lead to him and Dibiase continusiouly teaming on smackdown until maybe a couple weeks til MITB, then Rhodes will turn on Dibiase(leaving Rhodes as a heel and turning Dibiase into a face).
-Then they will fued going into MITB(both in the money in the bank match)have Rhodes cost Dibiase the win or have Dibiase cost Rhodes the win it doesnt really matter.
-They will continue to fued after MITB,until a few smackdowns where the main events will be Orton/Dibiase vs. Rhodes/Sheamus,Christian,Henry.Have Orton pin Rhodes partner and after the matches have Rhodes attack Orton(ending Rhodes fued with Dibiase and starting a new one with Orton)
-Have Rhodes in one on one matches with Orton in seperate weeks around Hell in a Cell time with Rhodes winning by DQ or Countout due to Orton's current main fued(probally with Sheamus,Barrett, or most likely Christian).Have Orton go into Hell in a Cell WHC and leave WHC.
-Then on the following smackdown have a #1 contender battle royal/fatal 4 way between solid mid-carders(at the time-Ted Dibiase, Sin Cara)and maybe a main eventer Wade Barrett.Have Rhodes win by cheating and pinning Sin Cara,Have Rhodes and Orton go back and forth at eachother in the next few weeks and have Rhodes get the upperhand going into the match at Night of Champions.
-Night of Champions-Look up to the bolded words.That is really important because Sin Cara will cost Rhodes the match at NOC.Starting a hugefued between Rhodes and Sin Cara, which eventually leads to a #1 contenders match which Rhodes will win alittle after WM28.

AHH should I work for WWE or what??
Smackdown really needs more Main Event talent. Really.

Considering what choices there are I'd have to say (after the Christian fued) Wade Barrett - even if he still has the IC Title. I'm not saying he should beat Orton, because he shouldn't nor is he even close to being ready to actually go over Orton, but he should at least challenge him and hopefully get a good "rub" by feuding with him. To me, there's nothing like a good ol' champion vs. champion feud, or a lower ranked champion challenging a higher ranked champion. And it CAN be done AND without sacrificing title defenses for both champions. Lex Luger (United States Heavyweight Champion) challenged Ric Flair (World Heavyweight Champion) on NUMEROUS occasions in the NWA (JCP), and Luger STILL defended his own title against other challengers while he was chasing Flair. So, yes, it can be done. Hopefully by time Orton would have finally successfully turned back the challenge of Barrett Smackdown would have some new people ready to step up to the plate.

Its all about making new stars. The WWE has some how forgot the formula since Orton and Cena arrived on the scene. To keep them the focal points of their prospective brands we've seen them go over almost every other superstar in the company at some point in time over the past few years.

Barrett and Sheamus were the two that could have been major breakout stars last year with one simple clean win over Orton or Cena. Yes their both over as heels, but they could have been even bigger if they could of got a win over Cena and Orton....

Sheamus beat Cena, but they blamed it on Cena slipping and falling into a table which made Shreamus into a fluke champion. Then Sheamus was put into a program with Orton and again wasn't allowed to beat Orton cleaning. He lost to Triple H at WM, then put Triple H on the shelf for almost a year, but when we see HHH return he beats Sheamus like a red headed step child. He won King of the Ring over everyone's favorite jobber John Morrison only to be given a losing gimmick. He dropped that and switched to the US Champion gimmick (which was great) but dropped that after losing the title and being drafted to Smackdown. How is it that he's gone through 3 different gimmicks in just over a year and hasn't gained any ground?

Barrett made the largest impact I've ever seen in wrestling when him and the Nexus destroyed the ring, Cena, and everyone at ring side last year. Barrett came out the gate smoking hot, had the mic skills to back it up, and was decent in the ring, but the WWE dropped the ball on his character and booked him to loose, over and over again to Cena.

Barrett and Sheamus should be in the top heel contingency on Smackdown, with Rhodes and Christian, but they keep getting slowed down but the powers that be who want to keep Orton and Cena as strong as possible for as long as possible
Cody Rhodes should be the next challenger, and he should challenge Randy for the belt ASAP. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it, but we could very well see Cody Rhodes in a World Heavyweight Championship match at SummerSlam.

Cody Rhodes is, for all intents and purposes, as good as in the main event. He and Rey have put on a series of tremendous matches, his mic work has been nothing short of incredible, and he's one of the most over heels on Smackdown. All that needs to happen to solidify him as a main eventer is for the WWE to write him in there with a storyline. Whether that storyline means he wins his feud with Daniel Bryan or he snaps on Ted DiBiase and brutalizes him, the WWE just needs a catalyst to officially put him in the main event.

The reason it should be Cody Rhodes instead of Sheamus or Henry or Barrett is because he's just flat out better than any of those guys, he's a lot fresher than any of those guys, and the prospect of a feud between he and Randy Orton is incredibly appetizing. Both he and Randy have shown signs of brilliance in the ring over the past few months, and with their history of working together they are sure to be able to work a very good match.

Unfortunately, the timing is less than ideal. While Cody Rhodes will certainly put on a good feud with Orton, he's not a bankable name yet like Christian. With the Money in the Bank PPV separating Capitol Punishment from SummerSlam, this gives Orton and Cody little time to build up to an epic match worthy of the classic August PPV, and it's forcing the Orton/Christian feud to go on a little too long. That said, I have faith that either feud would have enough time to heat up/wouldn't cool off between now and SummerSlam, and if worst comes to worst they can always make it a Triple Threat.
After this whole Christian thing is over with I think it should be Sheamus! I think he deserves more reigns with the title. Don't know why the let him go down the in the picture for the title in the first place.
The Smackdown roster was raped this year after the draft, which we already know:

*The core of SD midcard (Kofi, Swagger, Ziggler and McIntyre) are gone
*Splitting up ShowKane, which basically gave Kane nothing to do except get involved w/ Show's feud with Del Rio on Raw
*Giving up Del Rio. Raw was already crowded with heels, and SD was lacking in them, so why?
*Taking all of the jobbers in the Supplemental Draft

To be honest, at first I thought this was a good idea, and in some ways it still is, because it forces WWE to push some of the underused superstars in order to try and make SD not look like a show full of jobbers (they've already started to push Dibiase and the Uso's) and some superstars from NXT and developmental get to be brought up (Jinder Mahaal, Johnny Curtis).

But now, I'm realizing how screwed SD will be after Orton/Christian closes up. Who will challenge for the title then?

Sheamus? We've seen Orton/Sheamus already, and while I'd prefer not to see it again for a while longer, it's probably the most likely to happen

Daniel Bryan? I'd rather see this happen to give him a push, but I doubt it will

Henry? To be honest, I wouldn't mind seeing this if Orton beats Christian. It would be something new, but it would be hard for my mind to transition Henry from a jobber to the stars into a Main Eventer

Christian again? The only lengthy feud that I liked Orton in was Orton vs. Taker. If Orton is still champ After Capitol Punishment, I would allow them 1 more PPV match before I'd get bored.

Cody? While I would usually be the first to welcome a Cody Rhodes title shot, they would need to drop Ted off of him first. Ever since Ted latched on, Cody seems to have lost some steam.

Zeke? I'd rather them let him run with the IC title for a while.

So who would you rather see as the next World title Contender?
I agree with what you're saying. I think Orton vs. Undertaker is inevitable (if Taker can come back for a few matches and if they're going to turn Orton heel again).

I also think they're setting the stage for Jericho to return on Smackdown and feud with whoever is champion.
Smackdown is still a better and more intriguing show lately to me than RAW. They may lack main eventers and name recognition but that can also be an advantage. It's easier for a lot of them to make a name for themselves.

Currently the angle between Christian and Randy Orton is still the best thing going on in the WWE, to me, and they don't seem to be finishing it just yet from what was shown on RAW. They've had great matches and the Randy Orton vs. Sheamus match was 10x what any match they had during their feud on RAW was in '10.

I Christian wins the World Heavyweight Championship, it opens the door to another match with Orton, if not that then the possibility of Orton vs. Christian vs. Sheamus. If Christian were to retain, next in line genuinely seems to be someone like Bryan Danielson or even Sin Cara for a short bit.

WWE can also use Smackdown to bring up a lot of the development guys. Guys like Black, Steamboat, Dalton, Batemen and them could be used quite well on Smackdown. I also like the way that WWE are very incapable of releasing much talent from the brand, it gives more guys more oppurtunities.

I'm not all that worried about Smackdown. The show is still good, and as I said, development guys could come up and instantly rise to a high card slot.
I`d give this oppurtunity to Cody. The storyline is there what with Cody and Ted`s history with Randy. Cody can make fun of Orton`s beard and what not, maybe even offer him a paper bag.

Cody needs something like this to elevate him to ME status. He has potential. If not Cody, then DB because, well, he`s DB.
Well, whoever it is, it will probably be the winner of the MITB match next month. I am counting on Orton and Christian still wrestling for the title there, with some sort of stipulation or perhaps another man added. So, the MITB match is probably Rhodes, Bryan, Sin Cara, Ted DiBiase, Ezekiel Jackson, and Wade Barrett. The other two would be up in the air, but probably nobody that'll win the thing anyway. So it'd be a fair bet that the challenger comes from those six guys. I think the only reasonable place to go with it is Rhodes, really, if they plan on keeping the title on Orton. That could be a solid SUmmerSlam program if they go with a quick Rhodes cash in. Bryan challenging Orton wouldn't make any sense barring a heel turn out of left field. He might have a good program with Christian, assuming the WWE would dare put two internet darlings in a world title feud, but I'm not sure Bryan is fit for a world title match at SummerSlam just yet. DiBiase over Rhodes would be the height of madness, so that's out. Sin Cara simply is not ready at all. They might do Barrett again, and the feud would probably be way different without the Nexus or Corre involved. I'd say he's a #2 option to bank on. Jackson will probably be the IC Champ, so it's unlikely.

It's also theoretically possible that they go with Orton vs Sheamus over the summer, but that's not the vibe that I'm getting. They've already wrestled twice on TV so far in the last few weeks, and have had an extensive feud before that really wouldn't change at all if they did it on SmackDown (contrast with Barrett, which would be a completely different feud with the removal of Cena and Nexus). So at the end of the day I think Rhodes vs Orton is the safe bet for the next world title feud, by way of MITB cash in.
maybe the wwe will pull something out of their ass, maybe smackdown will become the show that new guys chill out on to get some air time, maybe they will have to push other wrestlers like bring back some other guys and let new guys that are hardly ever seen wrestle. let raw have its heels and big stars, lets let the new guys have some air time, then once they are big move some big names to the SD crowd and walla, more big names in the wwe, but im thinking outside the box, which is something that VKM doesnt allow.
Why wasn't Wade Barrett included in that first post? He will be the next to feud with Orton. He is gonna drop the IC Title to Jackson at Capital Punishment and the main event is the only place for him to go.
Why wasn't Wade Barrett included in that first post? He will be the next to feud with Orton. He is gonna drop the IC Title to Jackson at Capital Punishment and the main event is the only place for him to go.

I hope so, Barrett's the best option for this and hopefully gets to move up inot the main event. He is awesome on the mic and is a good WWE style wrestler.

Sheamus with his win over Orton thanks to Christian's belt shot, could be in the picture also.
I think it should, and will be Barrett. It's 98% certain Barrett drops the title to Zeke this Sunday, becuase his reign has been a total shambles. It would be great to see Orton vs. Barrett in a one on one feud, no Nexus and John Cena this time. That is to say, if Christian doesnt take the belt and continue his feud with Orton which is possible (but would most likely involve him dropping it back at the following PPV)

Other than that, Rhodes could step up as it seems they were grooming him for the match before his alliance with Dibiase, which as someone said has kind of taken him off track a bit.
Why wasn't Wade Barrett included in that first post? He will be the next to feud with Orton. He is gonna drop the IC Title to Jackson at Capital Punishment and the main event is the only place for him to go.

Good call, I actually forgot about Barrett. I think he'd be the next best choice, but I still stand by the idea of a Ted Dibiase-less Cody Rhodes getting the shot first.
I personally think that the Smackdown roster is in a great state at the moment. The roster is such that there is more than enough time to get almost everyone on their roster on TV. They have just the right amount of main eventers, midcarders and enhancement talent unlike Raw which is heavily crowded both in the midcard and in the main event department. After all can you envision a guy like Trent Barretta get TV time on RAW?

Even after the Orton vs Christian feud gets over there are plenty of guys for Randy Orton to feud with. Cody Rhodes has been the most promising superstar on Smackdown since January and he looks to be well on his way to capturing the MITB briefcase. There has been little indication that his alliance with Dibiase is permanent and he can be easily dropped off once Cody hits the main event. Conversely you could have a short feud between Cody and Ted before Cody hits the main event and that could help elevate Dibiase as a face.

There is also Wade Barrett. Both him and the Corre can be solidified as a faction by feuding with Orton. That could indeed be Orton's next feud after he is done with Christian. I feel that with the history and the characters that they have Cody vs Orton could be a WrestleMania worthy feud. There is no need to rush it before its time and that can be done by having Wade feud with Randy. After that Wade and the Corre can move on to feuding with The Undertaker for a short while. Wade, after all, had buried Undertaker alive a while ago a fact that wasn't focused much on till now but with Wade on Smackdown this could be the opportune moment to have them feud.

Even for someon like Christian there are lots of options available. He can easily feud with the likes of Bryan and even Jackson after he gets done with Randy. Heading into WrestleMania he could turn face and start feuding with an up and coming Jinder Mahal and make him look good in the process. I hear that the WWE is pretty high on Mahal and there is no better guy than Christian at making a guy look good.
what happens if Mr Orton isn't heeled up from his concussion by Sunday in time for the PPV?

Will we see a Triple Threat match for the WHC Championship involving Christian, Sheamus and Mark Henry? wait that match is missing a face... who's the number 2 face on Smackdown? Bryant? Sin Cara? Jackson ...Eh??? I see a major problem for the blue brand in the near future if they do not have a credible second string face on Smackdown
if Christian can not be the World Heavyweight Champion Again personally i do not have a problem with him geting the Intercontinental Championship

I'm sure a wrestler like Christian can regain the important of the the belt
The WWE really put themselves in a tough position but it was necessary to get the big faces moved around due to Edge's sudden retirement. I still think Vince Mcmahon overreacted as Smackdown wouldn't have sunk to 0.5's just because the top face was Christian for a few weeks. John Cena should have stayed on SD! but Kofi and Dolph Ziggler needed to be there the most.
After the most recent smackdown, it sounds like Del Rio is going to move back to smackdown. I think putting him in a feud against orton makes perfect sense, there's nothing for Del rio on raw right now and a new feud for Orton would be a good idea.
In typical Smackdown fashion, After Orton and Christian, Teddy Long will hold a battle royal to determine a new Number one Contender. Christian and Orton will probably wrestle in a steel cage on smackdown to end the fued. if i was a writer i would like to see orton and barrett at summerslam. even though its already happened, barrett is on his own now so it could be a fresh feud
After the most recent smackdown, it sounds like Del Rio is going to move back to smackdown. I think putting him in a feud against orton makes perfect sense, there's nothing for Del rio on raw right now and a new feud for Orton would be a good idea.

I didn't see that. I saw Smackdown needing a segment filled with a decently important feud, which would also indicate Raw doesn't have enough time for everyone (even with a three hour episode).

If Del Rio stays on Raw, and I think he will, I'm guessing he's John Cena's next enemy. I have no clue how long this R-Truf/Cena thing will last, but if it doesn't make it to Summerslam, look for Cena vs. Del Rio.

In typical Smackdown fashion, After Orton and Christian, Teddy Long will hold a battle royal to determine a new Number one Contender. Christian and Orton will probably wrestle in a steel cage on smackdown to end the fued. if i was a writer i would like to see orton and barrett at summerslam. even though its already happened, barrett is on his own now so it could be a fresh feud

This has become a common formula, and my God, is it lame. Zero creativity put into this sort of thing. Unfortunately, it will probably continue.

However, I think the main event at Summerslam (Smackdown) is going to be Orton vs. Christian. If they can't have another one-on-one match this Sunday, it could easily be fresh enough to headline Summerslam.
I think although smackdown lacks star power at the moment there is a lot of potential there to work with.

With all the big names such as Del rio, Mysterio and Swagger going to raw smackdown will have to push new stars such as Daniel Bryan and Cody Rhodes which i am all in favour of.
I think it was a mistake to put Dolph Ziggler and Drew mcintyre on raw though as raw is overcrowded with heels at the moment and either of them could have been working a solid feud with Orton after capitol punishment has they stayed on the blue brand.

All in all i think although smackdown is weak at the moment come september when the like of ted, cody, bryan and barret get pushed we will see a much stronger card.

I could never understand them turning christian face though as now the only faces left on smackdown are Orton, Sin Cara and Bryan and lets face it Orton could be out with injury for a while and Sin Cara doesnt speak english so they are in need of faces like Christian.
I guess we will never understand how Vince's mind works :shrug:
I didn't see that. I saw Smackdown needing a segment filled with a decently important feud, which would also indicate Raw doesn't have enough time for everyone (even with a three hour episode).

If Del Rio stays on Raw, and I think he will, I'm guessing he's John Cena's next enemy. I have no clue how long this R-Truf/Cena thing will last, but if it doesn't make it to Summerslam, look for Cena vs. Del Rio.

During the last smackdown, there was a segment that included del rio. At the beginning of that segment he said that he was there because he had been "campaigning" to be moved back to smackdown.

I think we're supposed to think he's trying to get away from Big Show, but it really does make sense to run with it and let him come back. He's needed a lot more on smackdown than on raw.
Next in line for Randy Orton's World Heavy Championship. I don't think they're done with Christian-Orton yet. So it's probably those two for 1 more PPV.

After that, I think Sheamus will come next in line. Unless some like Wade Barrett or Cody Rhodes gets credible enough to make it up to the Main Event scene.

Personally, I'd want Cody Rhodes to be next in line. Now that we see Dibiase teaming with Rhodes a lot. This could be good. Former Legacy members come together to provide some great matches. It'll just be like Miz/Riley vs. Cena. Then when it's all over, we can have Ted turn on Rhodes and let him do his own thing.

So guys, who's next in line?

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